#include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //struct ToxPubKey { //std::array data; //bool operator==(const ToxPubKey& other) const { //return data == other.data; //} //bool operator<(const ToxPubKey& other) const { //return data < other.data; //} //}; using ToxPubKey = std::array; template<> struct std::hash { std::size_t operator()(ToxPubKey const& s) const noexcept { static_assert(sizeof(size_t) == 8); // TODO: maybe shuffle the indices a bit return (static_cast(s[0]) << 8*0) | (static_cast(s[1]) << 8*1) | (static_cast(s[2]) << 8*2) | (static_cast(s[3]) << 8*3) | (static_cast(s[4]) << 8*4) | (static_cast(s[5]) << 8*5) | (static_cast(s[6]) << 8*6) | (static_cast(s[7]) << 8*7) ; } }; // single letter agent, for testing only //using Agent = char; //using Agent = uint16_t; // tmp local port using Agent = ToxPubKey; using Doc = GreenCRDT::V0::TextDocument; using ListType = Doc::ListType; struct Command { Agent agent; uint64_t seq {0}; // independed of the ops inside, theoretically //... std::vector ops; }; namespace std { template static void to_json(nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, const std::optional& nlohmann_json_t) { if (nlohmann_json_t.has_value()) { nlohmann_json_j = nlohmann_json_t.value(); } else { nlohmann_json_j = nullptr; } } template static void from_json(const nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, std::optional& nlohmann_json_t) { if (!nlohmann_json_j.is_null()) { nlohmann_json_t = static_cast(nlohmann_json_j); } else { nlohmann_json_t = std::nullopt; } } } // namespace std namespace GreenCRDT::V0 { NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(ListType::ListID, id, seq ) NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(ListType::OpAdd, id, parent_left, parent_right, value ) NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(ListType::OpDel, id ) } // namespace GreenCRDT::V0 // bc variant <.< namespace std { static void to_json(nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, const Doc::Op& nlohmann_json_t) { if (std::holds_alternative(nlohmann_json_t)) { nlohmann_json_j["t"] = "add"; nlohmann_json_j["d"] = std::get(nlohmann_json_t); } else if (std::holds_alternative(nlohmann_json_t)) { nlohmann_json_j["t"] = "del"; nlohmann_json_j["d"] = std::get(nlohmann_json_t); } else { assert(false && "missing op type"); } } static void from_json(const nlohmann::json& nlohmann_json_j, Doc::Op& nlohmann_json_t) { if (nlohmann_json_j.is_null()) { std::cerr << "got null j\n"; return; } if (nlohmann_json_j.at("t") == "add") { nlohmann_json_t = static_cast(nlohmann_json_j.at("d")); } else if (nlohmann_json_j.at("t") == "del") { nlohmann_json_t = static_cast(nlohmann_json_j.at("d")); } else { assert(false && "missing op type"); } } } // namespace std NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(Command, agent, seq, ops ) namespace vim { static bool sendResponse(zed_net_socket_t* remote_socket, const int64_t id, const nlohmann::json& j) { auto j_msg = nlohmann::json::array(); j_msg.push_back(id); j_msg.push_back(j); std::string str = j_msg.dump(); str += '\n'; auto ret = zed_net_tcp_socket_send(remote_socket, str.data(), str.size()); return ret == 0; } static bool sendCommand(zed_net_socket_t* remote_socket, const std::string_view mode, const std::string_view command) { auto j = nlohmann::json::array(); j.push_back(mode); j.push_back(command); std::string str = j.dump(); str += '\n'; auto ret = zed_net_tcp_socket_send(remote_socket, str.data(), str.size()); return ret == 0; } static bool sendSetup(zed_net_socket_t* remote_socket) { return sendCommand(remote_socket, "ex", // vars R"( let b:green_crdt_timer_can_send = v:true let b:green_crdt_timer_can_fetch = v:true let b:green_crdt_dirty = v:true )" // send R"( function! GreenCRDTSendTimerCallback(timer) abort let b:green_crdt_timer_can_send = v:true call GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndSend() endfunction )" // TODO: make send sync? (ch_evalexpr()) R"( function! GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndSend() abort if b:green_crdt_timer_can_send && b:green_crdt_dirty let b:green_crdt_timer_can_send = v:false call ch_sendexpr(b:channel, [{'cmd': 'full_buffer', 'lines': getbufline(bufnr(), 1, '$')}]) let b:green_crdt_dirty = v:false call timer_start(100, 'GreenCRDTSendTimerCallback') endif endfunction )" // fetch R"( function! GreenCRDTFetchTimerCallback(timer) abort let b:green_crdt_timer_can_fetch = v:true call GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndFetch() endfunction )" R"( function! GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndFetch() if reg_executing() isnot# '' | return | endif if b:green_crdt_timer_can_fetch let b:green_crdt_timer_can_fetch = v:false " dont update when inserting or visual (or atleast not in visual) if mode() is# 'n' let l:response = ch_evalexpr(b:channel, [{'cmd': 'fetch_changes'}]) " TODO: dont use empty as an indicator if ! empty(l:response) for [line_number, line] in l:response call setline(line_number, line) endfor let l:buffer_line_count = line('$') let l:new_line_count = len(l:response) if l:buffer_line_count > new_line_count call deletebufline(bufnr(), l:new_line_count+1, buffer_line_count) endif endif endif let b:green_crdt_fetch_timer = timer_start(203, 'GreenCRDTFetchTimerCallback') endif endfunction )" // change event R"( function! GreenCRDTChangeEvent() let b:green_crdt_dirty = v:true call GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndSend() call GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndFetch() endfunction )" // TODO: pull changes // cleanup, to be called by user // delfunction fails for stop... but well R"( function! GreenCRDTStop() augroup green_crdt au! augroup END call timer_stop(b:green_crdt_fetch_timer) call ch_close(b:channel) delfunction GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndSend delfunction GreenCRDTCheckTimeAndFetch delfunction GreenCRDTSendTimerCallback delfunction GreenCRDTFetchTimerCallback delfunction GreenCRDTChangeEvent "delfunction GreenCRDTStop let b:green_crdt_timer_can_send = v:true endfunction )" // this is a hack, bc for some EX mode IPC buggyness reason, it only works as single commands OR inside a function R"( function! GreenCRDTSetupEvents() abort augroup green_crdt au! au TextChanged call GreenCRDTChangeEvent() au TextChangedI call GreenCRDTChangeEvent() augroup END endfunction call GreenCRDTSetupEvents() delfunction GreenCRDTSetupEvents )" R"( let b:green_crdt_fetch_timer = timer_start(300, 'GreenCRDTFetchTimerCallback') echo 'setup done' )"); } } // namespace vim // visibility hack struct RequestCommand { Agent agent; uint64_t seq{0}; }; NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(RequestCommand, agent, seq ) // hash for unordered_set template<> struct std::hash> { std::size_t operator()(std::pair const& s) const noexcept { return std::hash{}(s.first) << 3 ^ std::hash{}(s.second); } }; struct SharedContext { std::atomic_bool should_quit {false}; // tox ngc id for agent ToxPubKey agent; std::promise agent_set; std::mutex command_lists_mutex; // for list and frontier!! std::unordered_map> command_lists; std::unordered_map command_frontier; // last applied seq // contains remote changes we can apply in the main thread std::mutex staging_mutex; std::unordered_map staging_frontier; // last seq we have in command_lists, via tox // (can be lower then command_frontier for local agent // TODO std::mutex unknown_agents_mutex; std::unordered_set unknown_agents; // list of agents we read about but dont have in command/saging frontier // contains remote changes with missing parent seq // could merge into comamnd_lists std::unordered_map> buffer; std::atomic_bool should_gossip_local{false}; // local changes (set by main thread, reset by tox thread) std::unordered_set should_gossip_remote; // list of ids we have new seq for (only modified by tox thread) std::unordered_map heard_gossip; // seq frontiers we have heard about // peer ids that requested the last known seq for agent std::unordered_set> requested_frontier; // peer ids that requested a command std::unordered_map requested_commands; Tox* tox {nullptr}; bool tox_dht_online {false}; bool tox_group_online {false}; uint32_t tox_group_number {-1u}; std::unordered_set tox_seen_peers; }; namespace tox { namespace pkg { enum PKGID : uint8_t { FRONTIER = 32, REQUEST_FRONTIER, REQUEST_FRONTIERS, COMMAND, REQUEST_COMMAND, }; // send the currently last known seq you have (excluding buffer) struct Frontier { Agent agent; uint64_t seq{0}; }; NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(Frontier, agent, seq ) // request the last known seq another peer has for agent struct RequestFrontier { Agent agent; }; NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(RequestFrontier, agent ) using Command = ::Command; // request every command for agent after_seq - until_seq (inclusive) //struct RequestCommands { //Agent agent; //uint64_t after_seq{0}; //uint64_t until_seq{0}; //}; using RequestCommand = ::RequestCommand; //NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(RequestCommand, //agent, //seq //) } // namespace pkg static std::vector hex2bin(const std::string& str) { std::vector bin{}; bin.resize(str.size()/2, 0); sodium_hex2bin(bin.data(), bin.size(), str.c_str(), str.length(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); return bin; } static std::string bin2hex(const std::vector& bin) { std::string str{}; str.resize(bin.size()*2, '?'); // HECK, std is 1 larger than size returns ('\0') sodium_bin2hex(str.data(), str.size()+1, bin.data(), bin.size()); return str; } // callbacks static void log_cb(Tox*, TOX_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *file, uint32_t line, const char *func, const char *message, void *); static void self_connection_status_cb(Tox*, TOX_CONNECTION connection_status, void *); //static void friend_request_cb(Tox *tox, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *message, size_t length, void *); static void group_custom_packet_cb(Tox* tox, uint32_t group_number, uint32_t peer_id, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, void* user_data); static void group_custom_private_packet_cb(Tox* tox, uint32_t group_number, uint32_t peer_id, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, void* user_data); void toxThread(SharedContext* ctx) { using namespace std::chrono_literals; std::minstd_rand rng{1337}; TOX_ERR_OPTIONS_NEW err_opt_new; Tox_Options* options = tox_options_new(&err_opt_new); assert(err_opt_new == TOX_ERR_OPTIONS_NEW::TOX_ERR_OPTIONS_NEW_OK); tox_options_set_log_callback(options, log_cb); #ifndef USE_TEST_NETWORK tox_options_set_local_discovery_enabled(options, true); #endif tox_options_set_udp_enabled(options, true); tox_options_set_hole_punching_enabled(options, true); tox_options_set_tcp_port(options, 0); TOX_ERR_NEW err_new; ctx->tox = tox_new(options, &err_new); tox_options_free(options); if (err_new != TOX_ERR_NEW_OK) { std::cerr << "tox_new failed with error code " << err_new << "\n"; ctx->should_quit.store(true); return; } std::cout << "tox instance created\n"; #define CALLBACK_REG(x) tox_callback_##x(ctx->tox, x##_cb) CALLBACK_REG(self_connection_status); CALLBACK_REG(group_custom_packet); CALLBACK_REG(group_custom_private_packet); #undef CALLBACK_REG { // dht bootstrap struct DHT_node { const char* ip; uint16_t port; const char key_hex[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE*2 + 1]; // 1 for null terminator unsigned char key_bin[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; }; DHT_node nodes[] { {"tox.plastiras.org", 33445, "8E8B63299B3D520FB377FE5100E65E3322F7AE5B20A0ACED2981769FC5B43725", {}}, // 14 {"tox2.plastiras.org", 33445, "B6626D386BE7E3ACA107B46F48A5C4D522D29281750D44A0CBA6A2721E79C951", {}}, // 14 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(DHT_node); i ++) { sodium_hex2bin( nodes[i].key_bin, sizeof(nodes[i].key_bin), nodes[i].key_hex, sizeof(nodes[i].key_hex)-1, NULL, NULL, NULL ); tox_bootstrap(ctx->tox, nodes[i].ip, nodes[i].port, nodes[i].key_bin, NULL); // TODO: use extra tcp option to avoid error msgs tox_add_tcp_relay(ctx->tox, nodes[i].ip, nodes[i].port, nodes[i].key_bin, NULL); } } // "thread local" Agent agent_local; while (!ctx->should_quit) { // tox iterate tox_iterate(ctx->tox, ctx); if (!ctx->tox_dht_online) { // first wait for dht if (tox_self_get_connection_status(ctx->tox) != TOX_CONNECTION::TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { ctx->tox_dht_online = true; std::cout << "tox connected to dht\n"; // public // 87F3EBA4C0D27926F9ED77E2FF9D8F26F9869D71311D0DB4CA857C1E25A40B18 - green_crdt_test1 const auto chat_id = hex2bin("87F3EBA4C0D27926F9ED77E2FF9D8F26F9869D71311D0DB4CA857C1E25A40B18"); const std::string_view name {"green_crdt_vim2"}; ctx->tox_group_number = tox_group_join(ctx->tox, chat_id.data(), reinterpret_cast(name.data()), name.size(), nullptr, 0, nullptr); if (!tox_group_self_get_public_key(ctx->tox, ctx->tox_group_number, ctx->agent.data(), nullptr)) { std::cerr << "failed to get own pub key\n"; ctx->should_quit = true; ctx->agent_set.set_value(); return; // fuck everything } agent_local = ctx->agent; ctx->agent_set.set_value(); } } else if (!ctx->tox_group_online) { // then wait for group to connect if (tox_group_get_number_groups(ctx->tox) != 0) { ctx->tox_group_online = true; std::cout << "tox connected to group\n"; } } else { // do the thing std::vector> missing_in_buffer; { // pump from buffer to staging const size_t max_commands = 2; size_t number_of_commands_done = 0; std::vector empty_buffers; { std::lock_guard lg_staging{ctx->staging_mutex}; for (auto& [agent, buffer] : ctx->buffer) { if (buffer.empty()) { empty_buffers.push_back(agent); continue; } if (agent == agent_local) { // skip ? self continue; } if (number_of_commands_done >= max_commands) { break; } // determain the seq we are looking for in buffer uint64_t seq {0}; if (ctx->staging_frontier.count(agent)) { seq = ctx->staging_frontier.at(agent) + 1; } if (!buffer.count(seq)) { // not in buffer, skip // check if old in buffer for (const auto& it : buffer) { if (it.first < seq) { assert(false && "buffer not clean !!"); } } //std::cout << "!!! buffer not empty but not next seq\n"; missing_in_buffer.push_back(std::make_pair(agent, seq)); continue; } std::vector seq_to_remove; { // this can lead to dead locks, if other code does this wrong std::lock_guard lg{ctx->command_lists_mutex}; for (; buffer.count(seq); seq++) { ctx->command_lists[agent][seq] = buffer.at(seq); ctx->staging_frontier[agent] = seq; seq_to_remove.push_back(seq); number_of_commands_done++; if (number_of_commands_done >= max_commands) { break; } } //ctx->staging_frontier[agent] = seq; } ctx->should_gossip_remote.emplace(agent); for (const auto key : seq_to_remove) { buffer.erase(key); } if (buffer.empty()) { empty_buffers.push_back(agent); } } } // scope for staging lock for (const auto& agent : empty_buffers) { ctx->buffer.erase(agent); } } { // request missing in buffer // (every tick lol) for (const auto& [agent, seq] : missing_in_buffer) { // ask random peer_id we have seen before const uint32_t peer_id = *ctx->tox_seen_peers.cbegin() + (rng() % ctx->tox_seen_peers.size()); const auto status = tox_group_peer_get_connection_status(ctx->tox, ctx->tox_group_number, peer_id, nullptr); if (status == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { // bad luck, skip // TODO: do seen peers cleanup continue; } // send request for command pkg::RequestCommand rc_pkg{ agent, seq }; std::vector data = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(rc_pkg); // prepend pkgid data.emplace(data.begin(), static_cast(pkg::PKGID::REQUEST_COMMAND)); Tox_Err_Group_Send_Custom_Private_Packet send_err{TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PRIVATE_PACKET_OK}; if (!tox_group_send_custom_private_packet(ctx->tox, ctx->tox_group_number, peer_id, true, data.data(), data.size(), &send_err)) { std::cerr << "failed to send command request packet for " << std::dec << seq << " from " << std::hex << (int)agent[0] << " " << std::dec << (int)send_err << "\n"; assert(send_err != TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PRIVATE_PACKET_TOO_LONG); } else { std::cout << "sent command request packet for " << std::dec << seq << " from " << std::hex << (int)agent[0] << " to " << std::dec << peer_id << "\n"; } } } // request frontier (implicit list of agents) // only every couple of second, can get large // OR get back random agent and do it often { // handle requests // TODO: this lock is trash if (!ctx->requested_commands.empty()) { std::lock_guard lg{ctx->command_lists_mutex}; for (const auto& [peer_id, request] : ctx->requested_commands) { if (ctx->command_lists.count(request.agent) && ctx->command_lists.at(request.agent).count(request.seq)) { const auto& command = ctx->command_lists.at(request.agent).at(request.seq); // send command std::vector data = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(command); // prepend pkgid data.emplace(data.begin(), static_cast(pkg::PKGID::COMMAND)); Tox_Err_Group_Send_Custom_Private_Packet send_err{TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PRIVATE_PACKET_OK}; if (!tox_group_send_custom_private_packet(ctx->tox, ctx->tox_group_number, peer_id, true, data.data(), data.size(), &send_err)) { std::cerr << "failed to send command packet " << send_err << "\n"; assert(send_err != TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PRIVATE_PACKET_TOO_LONG); } else { std::cout << "sent requested command to " << peer_id << "\n"; } } // else, we dont care. maybe check staging too } // HACK: clear each tick ctx->requested_commands.clear(); std::cout << "cleared requested commands\n"; } } { // gossip frontier // for mutex locking simplicity this is an either-or if (ctx->should_gossip_local.exchange(false)) { pkg::Frontier f_pkg{ agent_local, 0u }; pkg::Command c_pkg{ agent_local, 0u, {} }; { // lock std::lock_guard lg{ctx->command_lists_mutex}; assert(ctx->command_frontier.count(agent_local)); f_pkg.seq = ctx->command_frontier.at(agent_local); c_pkg = ctx->command_lists[agent_local][f_pkg.seq]; assert(!c_pkg.ops.empty()); } { // gossip std::vector data = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(f_pkg); // prepend pkgid data.emplace(data.begin(), static_cast(pkg::PKGID::FRONTIER)); Tox_Err_Group_Send_Custom_Packet send_err{TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_OK}; if (!tox_group_send_custom_packet(ctx->tox, 0, true, data.data(), data.size(), &send_err)) { std::cerr << "failed to send gossip packet of local agent" << send_err << "\n"; assert(send_err != TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_TOO_LONG); // TODO: set should_gossip_local back to true? } else { std::cout << "sent gossip of local agent\n"; } } { // command std::vector data = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(c_pkg); // prepend pkgid data.emplace(data.begin(), static_cast(pkg::PKGID::COMMAND)); Tox_Err_Group_Send_Custom_Packet send_err{TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_OK}; if (!tox_group_send_custom_packet(ctx->tox, 0, true, data.data(), data.size(), &send_err)) { std::cerr << "failed to send command packet of local agent\n"; assert(send_err != TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_TOO_LONG); } else { std::cout << "sent command of local agent\n"; } } } else if (!ctx->should_gossip_remote.empty()) { // we got new remote staged, lets amp the traffic // only do first auto it = ctx->should_gossip_remote.cbegin(); pkg::Frontier f_pkg{ *it, 0u }; { // lock std::lock_guard lg{ctx->staging_mutex}; assert(ctx->staging_frontier.count(*it)); f_pkg.seq = ctx->staging_frontier.at(*it); } std::vector data = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(f_pkg); // prepend pkgid data.emplace(data.begin(), static_cast(pkg::PKGID::FRONTIER)); Tox_Err_Group_Send_Custom_Packet send_err{TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_OK}; if (!tox_group_send_custom_packet(ctx->tox, 0, true, data.data(), data.size(), &send_err)) { std::cerr << "failed to send gossip packet " << send_err << "\n"; assert(send_err != TOX_ERR_GROUP_SEND_CUSTOM_PACKET_TOO_LONG); } else { std::cout << "sent gossip of remote agent\n"; } ctx->should_gossip_remote.erase(it); } } } std::this_thread::sleep_for(20ms); } tox_kill(ctx->tox); } } // namespace tox std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ToxPubKey& id) { out << std::hex << static_cast(id.front()); return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::optional& id) { if (id.has_value()) { out << id.value().id << "-" << id.value().seq; } else { out << "null"; } return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ListType::OpAdd& op) { out << "Add{ id:" << op.id.id << "-" << op.id.seq << ", v:" << op.value << ", l:" << op.parent_left << ", r:" << op.parent_right << " }" ; return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ListType::OpDel& op) { out << "Del{ id:" << op.id.id << "-" << op.id.seq << " }" ; return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Doc::Op& op) { if (std::holds_alternative(op)) { out << std::get(op); } else if (std::holds_alternative(op)) { out << std::get(op); } return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::optional& id) { if (id.has_value()) { out << id.value(); } else { out << "null"; } return out; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ListType::Entry& e) { out << "{ id:" << e.id.id << "-" << e.id.seq << ", v:" << e.value << ", l:" << e.parent_left << ", r:" << e.parent_right << " }" ; return out; } int main(void) { SharedContext ctx; std::cout << "starting tox thread\n"; auto tox_thread = std::thread(tox::toxThread, &ctx); std::cout << "waiting for agent id\n"; ctx.agent_set.get_future().wait(); if (ctx.should_quit) { tox_thread.join(); // wait for thread return -1; } std::cout << "starting vim ipc server\n"; if (zed_net_init() != 0) { ctx.should_quit.store(true); std::cerr << "zed_net_init failed: " << zed_net_get_error() << "\n"; tox_thread.join(); // wait for thread return -1; } std::cout << "initialized zed_net\n"; const uint16_t port_start {1337}; const uint16_t port_end {1437}; uint16_t port = port_start; zed_net_socket_t listen_socket; bool found_free_port {false}; for (; port <= port_end; port++) { if (zed_net_tcp_socket_open( &listen_socket, port, // port 0, // non blocking 1 // listen ) == 0) { found_free_port = true; break; } } if (!found_free_port) { ctx.should_quit.store(true); std::cerr << "zed_net_tcp_socket_open failed: " << zed_net_get_error() << "\n"; zed_net_shutdown(); tox_thread.join(); // wait for thread return -1; } std::cout << "listening on " << port << "\n"; std::cout << "paste these commands into your vim for the current buffer:\n"; std::cout << " :let b:channel = ch_open('localhost:" << port << "')\n"; std::cout << "paste this command to disconnect:\n :call GreenCRDTStop()\n"; zed_net_socket_t remote_socket; zed_net_address_t remote_address; if (zed_net_tcp_accept(&listen_socket, &remote_socket, &remote_address) != 0) { ctx.should_quit.store(true); std::cerr << "zed_net_tcp_accept failed: " << zed_net_get_error() << "\n"; zed_net_socket_close(&listen_socket); zed_net_shutdown(); tox_thread.join(); // wait for thread return -1; } std::cout << "got connection from " << zed_net_host_to_str(remote_address.host) << ":" << remote_address.port << "\n"; std::cout << "sending setup\n"; vim::sendSetup(&remote_socket); // send doauto text changed for inital buffer Doc doc; doc.local_agent = ctx.agent; while (true) { // 100MiB auto buffer = std::make_unique>(); int64_t bytes_received {0}; bytes_received = zed_net_tcp_socket_receive(&remote_socket, buffer->data(), buffer->size()); if (bytes_received < 0) { ctx.should_quit.store(true); std::cerr << "zed_net_tcp_socket_receive failed: " << zed_net_get_error() << "\n"; zed_net_socket_close(&remote_socket); zed_net_socket_close(&listen_socket); zed_net_shutdown(); tox_thread.join(); // wait for thread return -1; } else if (bytes_received == 0) { std::cout << "got 0 bytes?\n"; break; // connection closed } std::cout << "got " << bytes_received << " bytes\n"; // expect json array(s separated by newlines) // TODO: new lines auto view = std::string_view{reinterpret_cast(buffer->data()), static_cast(bytes_received)}; std::cout << " raw: " << view; auto j = nlohmann::json::parse(view, nullptr, false); if (j.is_discarded()) { std::cerr << "invalid json\n"; //break; continue; // whatever } //std::cout << " j: " << j.dump() << "\n"; if (!j.is_array()) { std::cerr << "json not array!\n"; break; } int64_t command_seq = j.at(0); auto j_command_data = j.at(1); if (!j_command_data.is_array()) { std::cerr << "j_command_data not array!\n"; break; } for (const auto& j_command : j_command_data) { if (!j_command.is_object()) { std::cerr << "j_command not obj!\n"; break; } if (!j_command.count("cmd")) { std::cerr << "j_command does not have a 'cmd' field!\n"; break; } if (!j_command.at("cmd").is_string()) { std::cerr << "command not a string!\n"; break; } std::string command = j_command.at("cmd"); if (command.empty()) { std::cerr << "command string empty!\n"; break; } else if (command == "setup") { // setup callbacks etc, basically the plugin std::cout << "sending setup\n"; vim::sendSetup(&remote_socket); } else if (command == "fetch_changes") { // setup callbacks etc, basically the plugin // apply changes (some) and gen vim inserts std::cout << "got fetch changes\n"; bool changes {false}; { // apply changes // TODO: make less locky, we dont need to hold both at the same time etc //std::lock_guard lg {ctx.staging_mutex}; std::scoped_lock sl {ctx.staging_mutex, ctx.command_lists_mutex}; // TODO: limit number of ops for responsiveness for (const auto& [agent, staging_seq] : ctx.staging_frontier) { // check if remote newer if (!ctx.command_frontier.count(agent) || ctx.command_frontier.at(agent) < staging_seq) { uint64_t seq {0}; if (ctx.command_frontier.count(agent)) { seq = ctx.command_frontier[agent] + 1; } for (; seq <= staging_seq; seq++) { assert(ctx.command_lists.count(agent)); assert(ctx.command_lists.at(agent).count(seq)); // !! this can get expensive, while we are holding locks :/ bool r = doc.apply(ctx.command_lists.at(agent).at(seq).ops); // TODO: actually this can fail with missing parents of an agent we never heard about before if (!r) { std::cout << "faild to apply:\n"; for (const auto& op : ctx.command_lists.at(agent).at(seq).ops) { std::cout << " " << op << "\n"; } } assert(r && "this should not happen"); } ctx.command_frontier[agent] = staging_seq; changes = true; } } } auto j_res_line_list = nlohmann::json::array(); if (changes) { // external changes const auto crdt_text = doc.getText(); std::string_view text_view {crdt_text}; for (int64_t i = 1; ; i++) { const auto nl_pos = text_view.find_first_of("\n"); if (nl_pos == std::string_view::npos) { // no more lines j_res_line_list.push_back(nlohmann::json::array({i, text_view})); break; } else { const auto line = text_view.substr(0, nl_pos); j_res_line_list.push_back(nlohmann::json::array({i, line})); assert(text_view.size() >= nl_pos+1); text_view = text_view.substr(nl_pos+1); } } } vim::sendResponse(&remote_socket, command_seq, j_res_line_list); } else if (command == "full_buffer") { // vim is sending the full buffer // array of lines if (!j_command.count("lines")) { std::cerr << "lines list empty!\n"; continue; } const auto& j_lines = j_command.at("lines"); if (!j_lines.is_array()) { std::cerr << "lines list not an array!\n"; continue; } std::string new_text; for (size_t i = 0; i < j_lines.size(); i++) { if (!j_lines.at(i).empty()) { new_text += static_cast(j_lines.at(i)); } if (i+1 < j_lines.size()) { new_text += "\n"; } } //std::cout << "new_text:\n" << new_text << "\n"; //std::cout << "old_text:\n" << doc.getText() << "\n"; std::cout << "doc state: "; for (const auto& e : doc.state.list) { std::cout << e << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; const auto ops = doc.merge(new_text); if (!ops.empty()) { std::cout << "ops.size: " << ops.size() << "\n"; std::cout << "ops: "; for (const auto& op : ops) { std::cout << op << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; } assert(doc.getText() == new_text); if (!ops.empty()) { // TODO: make something less locky // TODO: make method { std::lock_guard mg{ctx.command_lists_mutex}; //assert(ctx.command_lists.size() == ctx.command_frontier.size()); auto& local_command_list = ctx.command_lists[ctx.agent]; uint64_t seq {0}; if (ctx.command_frontier.count(ctx.agent)) { // get last own seq seq = ctx.command_frontier[ctx.agent] + 1; } // 5 can be too much // 3 seems save, but is slow const size_t max_ops {4}; // limit ops per command so we can fit them into packets size_t check_op_count {0}; for (size_t i = 0; i < ops.size(); seq++) { // TODO: check //size_t chunk_size = std::min(max_ops, ops.size()-i); //std::vector tmp_ops {ops.cbegin()+i, ops.cbegin()+i+chunk_size}; std::vector tmp_ops; for (auto it = ops.cbegin()+i; it != ops.cend() && tmp_ops.size() <= max_ops; it++) { tmp_ops.push_back(*it); } assert(!tmp_ops.empty()); local_command_list.emplace(seq, Command{ ctx.agent, seq, tmp_ops }); ctx.command_frontier[ctx.agent] = seq; i += tmp_ops.size(); check_op_count += tmp_ops.size(); } assert(check_op_count == ops.size()); } ctx.should_gossip_local.store(true); } } else { std::cout << "unknown command '" << command << "'\n"; } } } std::cout << "shutting down\n"; ctx.should_quit.store(true); tox_thread.join(); // wait for thread zed_net_socket_close(&remote_socket); zed_net_socket_close(&listen_socket); zed_net_shutdown(); return 0; } namespace tox { static void log_cb(Tox*, TOX_LOG_LEVEL level, const char *file, uint32_t line, const char *func, const char *message, void *) { std::cerr << "TOX " << level << " " << file << ":" << line << "(" << func << ") " << message << "\n"; } static void self_connection_status_cb(Tox*, TOX_CONNECTION connection_status, void *) { std::cout << "self_connection_status_cb " << connection_status << "\n"; } static void handle_pkg(SharedContext& ctx, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, uint32_t peer_id) { if (length < 2) { std::cerr << "got too short pkg " << length << "\n"; return; } pkg::PKGID pkg_id = static_cast(data[0]); const auto p_j = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(data+1, data+1 + (length-1), true, false); if (p_j.is_discarded()) { std::cerr << "got invalid msgpack for " << pkg_id << "\n"; return; } // TODO: keep track of time/connected disconnected ctx.tox_seen_peers.emplace(peer_id); std::cout << "pkg " << pkg_id << " j:" << p_j.dump() << "\n"; switch (pkg_id) { case pkg::PKGID::FRONTIER: { pkg::Frontier pkg = p_j; if (!ctx.heard_gossip.count(pkg.agent) || ctx.heard_gossip[pkg.agent] < pkg.seq) { ctx.heard_gossip[pkg.agent] = pkg.seq; std::cout << "new seq " << pkg.seq << " from " << pkg.agent << "\n"; } break; } case pkg::PKGID::REQUEST_FRONTIER: { pkg::RequestFrontier pkg = p_j; ctx.requested_frontier.emplace(peer_id, pkg.agent); break; } case pkg::PKGID::COMMAND: { pkg::Command pkg = p_j; // push to buffer, if not in buffer if (!ctx.buffer[pkg.agent].count(pkg.seq)) { { // also check staging frontier, if its not a dup std::lock_guard lg {ctx.staging_mutex}; if (ctx.staging_frontier.count(pkg.agent) && pkg.seq <= ctx.staging_frontier.at(pkg.agent)) { break; // allready in staging or master } } ctx.buffer[pkg.agent].emplace(pkg.seq, pkg); std::cout << "pushed to buffer " << pkg.seq << " from " << pkg.agent << "\n"; } // TODO: notify something? break; } case pkg::PKGID::REQUEST_COMMAND: { pkg::RequestCommand pkg = p_j; // TODO: this can lead to double requests // TODO: maybe settle for single seq requests for now?, since they are indivitual packets anyway ctx.requested_commands[peer_id] = pkg; break; } default: std::cerr << "unknown pkg id " << pkg_id << "\n"; break; } } static void group_custom_packet_cb(Tox*, uint32_t group_number, uint32_t peer_id, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, void* user_data) { std::cout << "group_custom_packet_cb\n"; SharedContext& ctx = *static_cast(user_data); assert(ctx.tox_group_number == group_number); handle_pkg(ctx, data, length, peer_id); } static void group_custom_private_packet_cb(Tox*, uint32_t group_number, uint32_t peer_id, const uint8_t* data, size_t length, void* user_data) { std::cout << "group_custom_private_packet_cb\n"; SharedContext& ctx = *static_cast(user_data); assert(ctx.tox_group_number == group_number); handle_pkg(ctx, data, length, peer_id); } }