#include "./dice_tool.hpp" #include <solanaceae/contact/components.hpp> #include <imgui.h> #include <entt/container/dense_set.hpp> #include <cstdint> #include <iostream> DiceTool::DiceTool(P2PRNGI& p2prng, Contact3Registry& cr) : _p2prng(p2prng), _cr(cr) { p2prng.subscribe(this, P2PRNG_Event::init); p2prng.subscribe(this, P2PRNG_Event::hmac); p2prng.subscribe(this, P2PRNG_Event::secret); p2prng.subscribe(this, P2PRNG_Event::done); p2prng.subscribe(this, P2PRNG_Event::val_error); } DiceTool::~DiceTool(void) { } float DiceTool::render(float) { if (ImGui::Begin("DiceTool")) { // header with values for new roll ImGui::TextUnformatted("sides:"); ImGui::SameLine(); static uint16_t g_sides {6}; ImGui::InputScalar("##sides", ImGuiDataType_U16, &g_sides); static entt::dense_set<Contact3> peers; if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("peers")) { ImGui::Indent(); // list with peers participating for (auto it = peers.begin(); it != peers.end();) { ImGui::PushID(entt::to_integral(*it)); if (ImGui::SmallButton("-")) { it = peers.erase(it); ImGui::PopID(); continue; } Contact3Handle c {_cr, *it}; const char* str_ptr = "<unk>"; if (const auto* name_ptr = c.try_get<Contact::Components::Name>(); name_ptr != nullptr && !name_ptr->name.empty()) { str_ptr = name_ptr->name.c_str(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted(str_ptr); ImGui::PopID(); it++; } if (ImGui::Button("add")) { ImGui::OpenPopup("peer selector"); } if (ImGui::BeginPopup("peer selector")) { for (const auto& [cv] : _cr.view<Contact::Components::TagBig>().each()) { Contact3Handle c {_cr, cv}; if (peers.contains(c)) { continue; } const char* str_ptr = "<unk>"; if (const auto* name_ptr = c.try_get<Contact::Components::Name>(); name_ptr != nullptr && !name_ptr->name.empty()) { str_ptr = name_ptr->name.c_str(); } if (c.all_of<Contact::Components::TagGroup, Contact::Components::ParentOf>()) { if (ImGui::BeginMenu(str_ptr)) { for (const Contact3 child_cv : c.get<Contact::Components::ParentOf>().subs) { Contact3Handle child_c {_cr, child_cv}; if (peers.contains(child_c)) { continue; } const char* child_str_ptr = "<unk>"; if (const auto* name_ptr = child_c.try_get<Contact::Components::Name>(); name_ptr != nullptr && !name_ptr->name.empty()) { child_str_ptr = name_ptr->name.c_str(); } if (ImGui::MenuItem(child_str_ptr)) { peers.emplace(child_c); } } ImGui::EndMenu(); } } else { if (ImGui::MenuItem(str_ptr)) { peers.emplace(c); } } } ImGui::EndPopup(); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("clear")) { peers.clear(); } ImGui::Unindent(); } if (ImGui::Button("roll")) { //std::vector<Contact3Handle> c_vec{peers.cbegin(), peers.cend()}; std::vector<Contact3Handle> c_vec; for (const auto cv : peers) { c_vec.emplace_back(_cr, cv); } std::vector<uint8_t> is {'D', 'I', 'C', 'E'}; is.push_back(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&g_sides)[0]); is.push_back(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&g_sides)[1]); static_assert(sizeof(g_sides) == 2); auto new_id = _p2prng.newGernationPeers(c_vec, ByteSpan{is}); //if (!new_id.empty()) { //} } ImGui::SeparatorText("Rolls"); // list of past rolls and their state for (auto it = _rolls.crbegin(); it != _rolls.crend(); it++) { const auto& roll = *it; std::string text{"d"}; text += std::to_string(roll.sides); text += " ["; if (roll.state == P2PRNG::DONE) { // dice start at 1 text += std::to_string(int(roll.final_result)+1); } else { text += "?"; } text += "]"; if (roll.state == P2PRNG::INIT) { text += " INIT"; } else if (roll.state == P2PRNG::HMAC) { text += " HMAC "; text += std::to_string(roll.state_number_1); text += "/"; text += std::to_string(roll.state_number_2); } else if (roll.state == P2PRNG::SECRET) { text += " SECRET "; text += std::to_string(roll.state_number_1); text += "/"; text += std::to_string(roll.state_number_2); } ImGui::TextUnformatted(text.c_str()); } } ImGui::End(); return 10.f; } bool DiceTool::onEvent(const P2PRNG::Events::Init& e) { if (e.initial_state.size != 4+2) { return false; } if (e.initial_state[0] != 'D' || e.initial_state[1] != 'I' || e.initial_state[2] != 'C' || e.initial_state[3] != 'E') { return false; } auto& new_roll = _rolls.emplace_back(); new_roll.id = {e.id.cbegin(), e.id.cend()}; new_roll.state = P2PRNG::State::INIT; reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&new_roll.sides)[0] = e.initial_state[4]; reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&new_roll.sides)[1] = e.initial_state[5]; return true; } bool DiceTool::onEvent(const P2PRNG::Events::HMAC& e) { auto roll_it = std::find_if(_rolls.begin(), _rolls.end(), [&e](const auto& a) -> bool { return ByteSpan{a.id} == e.id; }); if (roll_it == _rolls.cend()) { return false; } roll_it->state = P2PRNG::State::HMAC; roll_it->state_number_1 = e.have; roll_it->state_number_2 = e.out_of; return true; } bool DiceTool::onEvent(const P2PRNG::Events::Secret& e) { auto roll_it = std::find_if(_rolls.begin(), _rolls.end(), [&e](const auto& a) -> bool { return ByteSpan{a.id} == e.id; }); if (roll_it == _rolls.cend()) { return false; } roll_it->state = P2PRNG::State::SECRET; roll_it->state_number_1 = e.have; roll_it->state_number_2 = e.out_of; return true; } bool DiceTool::onEvent(const P2PRNG::Events::Done& e) { auto roll_it = std::find_if(_rolls.begin(), _rolls.end(), [&e](const auto& a) -> bool { return ByteSpan{a.id} == e.id; }); if (roll_it == _rolls.cend()) { return false; } roll_it->state = P2PRNG::State::DONE; roll_it->state_number_1 = 0; roll_it->state_number_2 = 0; roll_it->final_result = (e.result[0] | (e.result[1] << 8)) % roll_it->sides; std::cout << "done die roll " << roll_it->final_result << "\n"; return true; } bool DiceTool::onEvent(const P2PRNG::Events::ValError& e) { auto roll_it = std::find_if(_rolls.cbegin(), _rolls.cend(), [&e](const auto& a) -> bool { return ByteSpan{a.id} == e.id; }); if (roll_it == _rolls.cend()) { return false; } return false; }