#include "./chunk_picker.hpp" #include #include #include "./components.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include std::vector ChunkPicker::updateChunkRequests( Contact3Handle c, ObjectRegistry& objreg, ReceivingTransfers& rt //NGCFT1& nft ) { std::vector req_ret; // count running tf and open requests // TODO: implement const size_t num_requests = max_tf_chunk_requests; // while n < X while (false && !participating_unfinished.empty()) { // round robin content (remember last obj) if (!objreg.valid(participating_in_last)) { participating_in_last = participating_unfinished.begin()->first; //participating_in_last = *participating_unfinished.begin(); } assert(objreg.valid(participating_in_last)); auto it = participating_unfinished.find(participating_in_last); // hard limit robin rounds to array size time 100 for (size_t i = 0; req_ret.size() < num_requests && i < participating_unfinished.size()*100; i++) { if (it == participating_unfinished.end()) { it = participating_unfinished.begin(); } if (it->second.skips < it->second.should_skip) { it->second.skips++; continue; } ObjectHandle o {objreg, it->first}; // intersect self have with other have if (!o.all_of()) { // rare case where no one other has anything continue; } const auto& cc = o.get(); if (cc.have_all) { std::cerr << "ChunkPicker error: completed content still in participating_unfinished!\n"; continue; } const auto& others_have = o.get().others; auto other_it = others_have.find(c); if (other_it == others_have.end()) { // rare case where the other is participating but has nothing continue; } const auto& other_have = other_it->second; BitSet chunk_candidates = cc.have_chunk; if (!other_have.have_all) { // AND is the same as ~(~A | ~B) // that means we leave chunk_candidates as (have is inverted want) // merge is or // invert at the end chunk_candidates .merge(other_have.have.invert()) .invert(); // TODO: add intersect for more perf } else { chunk_candidates.invert(); } const auto total_chunks = o.get().chunks.size(); // TODO: trim off round up to 8, since they are now always set // now select (globaly) unrequested other have // TODO: pick strategies // TODO: how do we prioratize within a file? // - first (walk from start (or readhead?)) // - random (choose random start pos and walk) // - rarest (keep track of rarity and sort by that) // - steaming (use read head to determain time critical chunks, potentially over requesting, first (relative to stream head) otherwise // maybe look into libtorrens deadline stuff // - arbitrary priority maps/functions (and combine with above in rations) // simple, we use first for (size_t i = 0; i < total_chunks && req_ret.size() < num_requests && i < chunk_candidates.size_bits(); i++) { if (!chunk_candidates[i]) { continue; } // i is a candidate we can request form peer // first check against double requests if (std::find_if(req_ret.cbegin(), req_ret.cend(), [&](const auto& x) -> bool { return false; }) != req_ret.cend()) { // already in return array // how did we get here? should we fast exit? if simple-first strat, we would want to continue; // skip } // TODO: also check against globally running transfers!!! // if nothing else blocks this, add to ret req_ret.push_back(ContentChunkR{o, i}); } } } // -- no -- (just compat with old code, ignore) // if n < X // optimistically request 1 chunk other does not have // (don't mark es requested? or lower cooldown to re-request?) return req_ret; }