159 lines
4.6 KiB
159 lines
4.6 KiB
#pragma once
// solanaceae port of sha1 fts for NGCFT1
#include <solanaceae/object_store/object_store.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/contact/contact_model3.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/message3/registry_message_model.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/tox_contacts/tox_contact_model2.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/ngc_ft1/ngcft1.hpp>
#include "./ft1_sha1_info.hpp"
#include <entt/entity/registry.hpp>
#include <entt/entity/handle.hpp>
#include <entt/container/dense_map.hpp>
#include <variant>
#include <random>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <list>
class SHA1_NGCFT1 : public ToxEventI, public RegistryMessageModelEventI, public NGCFT1EventI, public NGCEXTEventI {
ObjectStore2& _os;
// TODO: backend abstraction
Contact3Registry& _cr;
RegistryMessageModel& _rmm;
NGCFT1& _nft;
ToxContactModel2& _tcm;
ToxEventProviderI& _tep;
NGCEXTEventProvider& _neep;
std::minstd_rand _rng {1337*11};
// limit this to each group?
entt::dense_map<SHA1Digest, ObjectHandle> _info_to_content;
// sha1 chunk index
// TODO: optimize lookup
// TODO: multiple contents. hashes might be unique, but data is not
entt::dense_map<SHA1Digest, ObjectHandle> _chunks;
// group_number, peer_number, content, chunk_hash, timer
std::deque<std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, ObjectHandle, SHA1Digest, float>> _queue_requested_chunk;
//void queueUpRequestInfo(uint32_t group_number, uint32_t peer_number, const SHA1Digest& hash);
void queueUpRequestChunk(uint32_t group_number, uint32_t peer_number, ObjectHandle content, const SHA1Digest& hash);
struct SendingTransfer {
struct Info {
// copy of info data
// too large?
std::vector<uint8_t> info_data;
struct Chunk {
ObjectHandle content;
size_t chunk_index; // <.< remove offset_into_file
//uint64_t offset_into_file;
// or data?
// if memmapped, this would be just a pointer
std::variant<Info, Chunk> v;
float time_since_activity {0.f};
// key is groupid + peerid
entt::dense_map<uint64_t, entt::dense_map<uint8_t, SendingTransfer>> _sending_transfers;
struct ReceivingTransfer {
struct Info {
ObjectHandle content;
// copy of info data
// too large?
std::vector<uint8_t> info_data;
struct Chunk {
ObjectHandle content;
std::vector<size_t> chunk_indices;
// or data?
// if memmapped, this would be just a pointer
std::variant<Info, Chunk> v;
float time_since_activity {0.f};
// key is groupid + peerid
entt::dense_map<uint64_t, entt::dense_map<uint8_t, ReceivingTransfer>> _receiving_transfers;
// makes request rotate around open content
std::deque<ObjectHandle> _queue_content_want_info;
std::deque<ObjectHandle> _queue_content_want_chunk;
std::atomic_bool _info_builder_dirty {false};
std::mutex _info_builder_queue_mutex;
//struct InfoBuilderEntry {
//// called on completion on the iterate thread
//// (owning)
//std::function<void(void)> fn;
using InfoBuilderEntry = std::function<void(void)>;
std::list<InfoBuilderEntry> _info_builder_queue;
static uint64_t combineIds(const uint32_t group_number, const uint32_t peer_number);
void updateMessages(ObjectHandle ce);
static bool addParticipation(Contact3Handle c, ObjectHandle o);
static void removeParticipation(Contact3Handle c, ObjectHandle o);
std::optional<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> selectPeerForRequest(ObjectHandle ce);
public: // TODO: config
bool _udp_only {false};
size_t _max_concurrent_in {6};
size_t _max_concurrent_out {8};
// TODO: probably also includes running transfers rn (meh)
size_t _max_pending_requests {32}; // per content
ObjectStore2& os,
Contact3Registry& cr,
RegistryMessageModel& rmm,
NGCFT1& nft,
ToxContactModel2& tcm,
ToxEventProviderI& tep,
NGCEXTEventProvider& neep
void iterate(float delta);
protected: // rmm events (actions)
bool onEvent(const Message::Events::MessageUpdated&) override;
protected: // events
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCFT1_recv_request&) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCFT1_recv_init&) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCFT1_recv_data&) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCFT1_send_data&) override; // const?
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCFT1_recv_done&) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCFT1_send_done&) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCFT1_recv_message&) override;
bool sendFilePath(const Contact3 c, std::string_view file_name, std::string_view file_path) override;
bool onToxEvent(const Tox_Event_Group_Peer_Exit* e) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCEXT_ft1_have&) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCEXT_ft1_bitset&) override;
bool onEvent(const Events::NGCEXT_pc1_announce&) override;