
134 lines
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#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#define SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined(__GNUC__) // also clang
#define SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#error unsupported platform
// TODO: this looks like decl should be used, but it isnt
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// public plugin stuff here
struct SolanaAPI {
void* (*resolveInstance)(const char* id, const char* version);
// resolve_all_instances(const char* id)
void (*provideInstance)(const char* id, const char* version, const char* plugin_name, void* instance);
// ---------- info ----------
// TODO: change to exported struct, so we dont have to execute this code
SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT const char* solana_plugin_get_name(void);
// TODO: add author and other attributes
// get the SOLANA_PLUGIN_VERSION the plugin was compiled with
SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT uint32_t solana_plugin_get_version(void);
// ---------- plugin control ----------
// return 0 on success
SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT uint32_t solana_plugin_start(struct SolanaAPI* solana_api);
SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT void solana_plugin_stop(void);
// ---------- called periodically ----------
// rendering needs to be called in a different interval AND needs to be garantied from mainthread
// the functions return the minimum time in seconds until the update should be called next
// the interval is not garantied. in fact, clients can call them with a much longer interval
// for compute tasks
SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT float solana_plugin_tick(float delta);
// on frame rendering
SOLANA_PLUGIN_EXPORT float solana_plugin_render(float delta);
#ifdef __cplusplus
// in c++ we can provide generic helpers
#include "./version_helper.inl"
#include <string>
// templated helper, use or make sure vtable is right
// versioned means explicitly provided
// ---------- provide ----------
template<typename T>
static void plug_provideInstance(const SolanaAPI* solana_api, const char* id, const char* version, const char* plugin_name, T* instance) {
solana_api->provideInstance(id, version, plugin_name, instance);
template<typename T>
static void plug_provideInstance(const SolanaAPI* solana_api, const char* id, const char* plugin_name, T* instance) {
plug_provideInstance<T>(solana_api, id, internal::g_type_version<T>::version, plugin_name, instance);
#define PLUG_PROVIDE_INSTANCE_VERSIONED(x, ver, p, i) plug_provideInstance<x>(solana_api, #x, ver, p, i)
#define PLUG_PROVIDE_INSTANCE(x, p, i) plug_provideInstance<x>(solana_api, #x, p, i)
// ---------- resolve optional ----------
template<typename T>
static auto plug_resolveInstanceOptional(const SolanaAPI* solana_api, const char* id, const char* version) {
if constexpr (internal::is_pointer<T>::value) {
return reinterpret_cast<T>(solana_api->resolveInstance(id, version));
} else {
return static_cast<T*>(solana_api->resolveInstance(id, version));
template<typename T>
static auto plug_resolveInstanceOptional(const SolanaAPI* solana_api, const char* id) {
return plug_resolveInstanceOptional<T>(solana_api, id, internal::g_type_version<T>::version);
// ---------- resolve require ----------
// throws if id+version is not found
struct ResolveException {
std::string what;
template<typename T>
static auto plug_resolveInstance(const SolanaAPI* solana_api, const char* id, const char* version) {
auto res = plug_resolveInstanceOptional<T>(solana_api, id, version);
if (res == nullptr) {
throw ResolveException{"missing " + std::string{id} + " " + version};
return res;
template<typename T>
static auto plug_resolveInstance(const SolanaAPI* solana_api, const char* id) {
return plug_resolveInstance<T>(solana_api, id, internal::g_type_version<T>::version);
#define PLUG_RESOLVE_INSTANCE_VERSIONED(x, ver) plug_resolveInstance<x>(solana_api, #x, ver)
#define PLUG_RESOLVE_INSTANCE(x) plug_resolveInstance<x>(solana_api, #x)
// optional variants dont error
#define PLUG_RESOLVE_INSTANCE_VERSIONED_OPT(x, ver) plug_resolveInstanceOptional<x>(solana_api, #x, ver)
#define PLUG_RESOLVE_INSTANCE_OPT(x) plug_resolveInstanceOptional<x>(solana_api, #x)
#endif // SOLANA_PLUGIN__H