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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* Copyright © 2016-2018 The TokTok team.
* Copyright © 2013-2015 Tox project.
#include "rtp.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bwcontroller.h"
#include "../toxcore/Messenger.h"
#include "../toxcore/ccompat.h"
#include "../toxcore/logger.h"
#include "../toxcore/mono_time.h"
#include "../toxcore/util.h"
* The number of milliseconds we want to keep a keyframe in the buffer for,
* even though there are no free slots for incoming frames.
* return -1 on failure, 0 on success
static int rtp_send_custom_lossy_packet(Tox *tox, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length)
Tox_Err_Friend_Custom_Packet error;
tox_friend_send_lossy_packet(tox, friendnumber, data, (size_t)length, &error);
return 0;
return -1;
// allocate_len is NOT including header!
static struct RTPMessage *new_message(const struct RTPHeader *header, size_t allocate_len, const uint8_t *data,
uint16_t data_length)
assert(allocate_len >= data_length);
struct RTPMessage *msg = (struct RTPMessage *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct RTPMessage) + allocate_len);
if (msg == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
msg->len = data_length; // result without header
msg->header = *header;
memcpy(msg->data, data, msg->len);
return msg;
* Instruct the caller to clear slot 0.
* Instruct the caller to drop the incoming packet.
* Find the next free slot in work_buffer for the incoming data packet.
* - If the data packet belongs to a frame that's already in the work_buffer then
* use that slot.
* - If there is no free slot return GET_SLOT_RESULT_DROP_OLDEST_SLOT.
* - If the data packet is too old return GET_SLOT_RESULT_DROP_INCOMING.
* If there is a keyframe being assembled in slot 0, keep it a bit longer and
* do not kick it out right away if all slots are full instead kick out the new
* incoming interframe.
static int8_t get_slot(const Logger *log, struct RTPWorkBufferList *wkbl, bool is_keyframe,
const struct RTPHeader *header, bool is_multipart)
if (is_multipart) {
// This RTP message is part of a multipart frame, so we try to find an
// existing slot with the previous parts of the frame in it.
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < wkbl->next_free_entry; ++i) {
const struct RTPWorkBuffer *slot = &wkbl->work_buffer[i];
if ((slot->buf->header.sequnum == header->sequnum) && (slot->buf->header.timestamp == header->timestamp)) {
// Sequence number and timestamp match, so this slot belongs to
// the same frame.
// In reality, these will almost certainly either both match or
// both not match. Only if somehow there were 65535 frames
// between, the timestamp will matter.
return i;
// The message may or may not be part of a multipart frame.
// If it is part of a multipart frame, then this is an entirely new frame
// for which we did not have a slot *or* the frame is so old that its slot
// has been evicted by now.
// |----------- time ----------->
// _________________
// slot 0 | |
// -----------------
// _________________
// slot 1 | |
// -----------------
// ____________
// slot 2 | | -> frame too old, drop
// ------------
// |----------- time ----------->
// _________________
// slot 0 | |
// -----------------
// _________________
// slot 1 | |
// -----------------
// ____________
// slot 2 | | -> ok, start filling in a new slot
// ------------
// If there is a free slot:
if (wkbl->next_free_entry < USED_RTP_WORKBUFFER_COUNT) {
// If there is at least one filled slot:
if (wkbl->next_free_entry > 0) {
// Get the most recently filled slot.
const struct RTPWorkBuffer *slot = &wkbl->work_buffer[wkbl->next_free_entry - 1];
// If the incoming packet is older than our newest slot, drop it.
// This is the first situation in the above diagram.
if (slot->buf->header.timestamp > header->timestamp) {
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "workbuffer:2:timestamp too old");
// Not all slots are filled, and the packet is newer than our most
// recent slot, so it's a new frame we want to start assembling. This is
// the second situation in the above diagram.
return wkbl->next_free_entry;
// If the incoming frame is a key frame, then stop assembling the oldest
// slot, regardless of whether there was a keyframe in that or not.
if (is_keyframe) {
// The incoming slot is not a key frame, so we look at slot 0 to see what to
// do next.
const struct RTPWorkBuffer *slot = &wkbl->work_buffer[0];
// The incoming frame is not a key frame, but the existing slot 0 is also
// not a keyframe, so we stop assembling the existing frame and make space
// for the new one.
if (!slot->is_keyframe) {
// If this key frame is fully received, we also stop assembling and clear
// slot 0. This also means sending the frame to the decoder.
if (slot->received_len == slot->buf->header.data_length_full) {
// This is a key frame, not fully received yet, but it's already much older
// than the incoming frame, so we stop assembling it and send whatever part
// we did receive to the decoder.
if (slot->buf->header.timestamp + VIDEO_KEEP_KEYFRAME_IN_BUFFER_FOR_MS <= header->timestamp) {
// This is a key frame, it's not too old yet, so we keep it in its slot for
// a little longer.
LOGGER_INFO(log, "keep KEYFRAME in workbuffer");
* Returns an assembled frame (as much data as we currently have for this frame,
* some pieces may be missing)
* If there are no frames ready, we return NULL. If this function returns
* non-NULL, it transfers ownership of the message to the caller, i.e. the
* caller is responsible for storing it elsewhere or calling `free()`.
static struct RTPMessage *process_frame(const Logger *log, struct RTPWorkBufferList *wkbl, uint8_t slot_id)
assert(wkbl->next_free_entry >= 0);
if (wkbl->next_free_entry == 0) {
// There are no frames in any slot.
return nullptr;
// Slot 0 contains a key frame, slot_id points at an interframe that is
// relative to that key frame, so we don't use it yet.
if (wkbl->work_buffer[0].is_keyframe && slot_id != 0) {
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "process_frame:KEYFRAME waiting in slot 0");
return nullptr;
// Either slot_id is 0 and slot 0 is a key frame, or there is no key frame
// in slot 0 (and slot_id is anything).
struct RTPWorkBuffer *const slot = &wkbl->work_buffer[slot_id];
// Move ownership of the frame out of the slot into m_new.
struct RTPMessage *const m_new = slot->buf;
slot->buf = nullptr;
assert(wkbl->next_free_entry >= 1 && wkbl->next_free_entry <= USED_RTP_WORKBUFFER_COUNT);
if (slot_id != wkbl->next_free_entry - 1) {
// The slot is not the last slot, so we created a gap. We move all the
// entries after it one step up.
for (uint8_t i = slot_id; i < wkbl->next_free_entry - 1; ++i) {
// Move entry (i+1) into entry (i).
wkbl->work_buffer[i] = wkbl->work_buffer[i + 1];
// We now have a free entry at the end of the array.
// Clear the newly freed entry.
const struct RTPWorkBuffer empty = {0};
wkbl->work_buffer[wkbl->next_free_entry] = empty;
// Move ownership of the frame to the caller.
return m_new;
* @param log A logger.
* @param wkbl The list of in-progress frames, i.e. all the slots.
* @param slot_id The slot we want to fill the data into.
* @param is_keyframe Whether the data is part of a key frame.
* @param header The RTP header from the incoming packet.
* @param incoming_data The pure payload without header.
* @param incoming_data_length The length in bytes of the incoming data payload.
static bool fill_data_into_slot(const Logger *log, struct RTPWorkBufferList *wkbl, const uint8_t slot_id,
bool is_keyframe, const struct RTPHeader *header,
const uint8_t *incoming_data, uint16_t incoming_data_length)
// We're either filling the data into an existing slot, or in a new one that
// is the next free entry.
assert(slot_id <= wkbl->next_free_entry);
struct RTPWorkBuffer *const slot = &wkbl->work_buffer[slot_id];
assert(header != nullptr);
assert(is_keyframe == (bool)((header->flags & RTP_KEY_FRAME) != 0));
if (slot->received_len == 0) {
assert(slot->buf == nullptr);
// No data for this slot has been received, yet, so we create a new
// message for it with enough memory for the entire frame.
struct RTPMessage *msg = (struct RTPMessage *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct RTPMessage) + header->data_length_full);
if (msg == nullptr) {
LOGGER_ERROR(log, "Out of memory while trying to allocate for frame of size %u",
// Out of memory: throw away the incoming data.
return false;
// Unused in the new video receiving code, as it's 16 bit and can't hold
// the full length of large frames. Instead, we use slot->received_len.
msg->len = 0;
msg->header = *header;
slot->buf = msg;
slot->is_keyframe = is_keyframe;
slot->received_len = 0;
assert(wkbl->next_free_entry < USED_RTP_WORKBUFFER_COUNT);
// We already checked this when we received the packet, but we rely on it
// here, so assert again.
assert(header->offset_full < header->data_length_full);
// Copy the incoming chunk of data into the correct position in the full
// frame data array.
slot->buf->data + header->offset_full,
// Update the total received length of this slot.
slot->received_len += incoming_data_length;
// Update received length also in the header of the message, for later use.
slot->buf->header.received_length_full = slot->received_len;
return slot->received_len == header->data_length_full;
static void update_bwc_values(const Logger *log, RTPSession *session, const struct RTPMessage *msg)
if (session->first_packets_counter < DISMISS_FIRST_LOST_VIDEO_PACKET_COUNT) {
} else {
const uint32_t data_length_full = msg->header.data_length_full; // without header
const uint32_t received_length_full = msg->header.received_length_full; // without header
bwc_add_recv(session->bwc, data_length_full);
if (received_length_full < data_length_full) {
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "BWC: full length=%u received length=%d", data_length_full, received_length_full);
bwc_add_lost(session->bwc, data_length_full - received_length_full);
* Handle a single RTP video packet.
* The packet may or may not be part of a multipart frame. This function will
* find out and handle it appropriately.
* @param session The current RTP session with:
* <code>
* session->mcb == vc_queue_message() // this function is called from here
* session->mp == struct RTPMessage *
* session->cs == call->video.second // == VCSession created by vc_new() call
* </code>
* @param header The RTP header deserialised from the packet.
* @param incoming_data The packet data *not* header, i.e. this is the actual
* payload.
* @param incoming_data_length The packet length *not* including header, i.e.
* this is the actual payload length.
* @param log A logger.
* @retval -1 on error.
* @retval 0 on success.
static int handle_video_packet(RTPSession *session, const struct RTPHeader *header,
const uint8_t *incoming_data, uint16_t incoming_data_length, const Logger *log)
// Full frame length in bytes. The frame may be split into multiple packets,
// but this value is the complete assembled frame size.
const uint32_t full_frame_length = header->data_length_full;
// Current offset in the frame. If this is the first packet of a multipart
// frame or it's not a multipart frame, then this value is 0.
const uint32_t offset = header->offset_full; // without header
// The sender tells us whether this is a key frame.
const bool is_keyframe = (header->flags & RTP_KEY_FRAME) != 0;
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "-- handle_video_packet -- full lens=%u len=%u offset=%u is_keyframe=%s",
(unsigned)incoming_data_length, (unsigned)full_frame_length, (unsigned)offset, is_keyframe ? "K" : ".");
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "wkbl->next_free_entry:003=%d", session->work_buffer_list->next_free_entry);
const bool is_multipart = full_frame_length != incoming_data_length;
/* The message was sent in single part */
int8_t slot_id = get_slot(log, session->work_buffer_list, is_keyframe, header, is_multipart);
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "slot num=%d", slot_id);
// get_slot told us to drop the packet, so we ignore it.
return -1;
// get_slot said there is no free slot.
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "there was no free slot, so we process the oldest frame");
// We now own the frame.
struct RTPMessage *m_new = process_frame(log, session->work_buffer_list, 0);
// The process_frame function returns NULL if there is no slot 0, i.e.
// the work buffer list is completely empty. It can't be empty, because
// get_slot just told us it's full, so process_frame must return non-null.
assert(m_new != nullptr);
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "-- handle_video_packet -- CALLBACK-001a b0=%d b1=%d", (int)m_new->data[0], (int)m_new->data[1]);
update_bwc_values(log, session, m_new);
// Pass ownership of m_new to the callback.
session->mcb(session->m->mono_time, session->cs, m_new);
// Now we no longer own m_new.
m_new = nullptr;
// Now we must have a free slot, so we either get that slot, i.e. >= 0,
// or get told to drop the incoming packet if it's too old.
slot_id = get_slot(log, session->work_buffer_list, is_keyframe, header, /* is_multipart */false);
// The incoming frame is too old, so we drop it.
return -1;
// We must have a valid slot here.
assert(slot_id >= 0);
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "fill_data_into_slot.1");
// fill in this part into the slot buffer at the correct offset
if (!fill_data_into_slot(
incoming_data_length)) {
// Memory allocation failed. Return error.
return -1;
struct RTPMessage *m_new = process_frame(log, session->work_buffer_list, slot_id);
if (m_new != nullptr) {
LOGGER_DEBUG(log, "-- handle_video_packet -- CALLBACK-003a b0=%d b1=%d", (int)m_new->data[0], (int)m_new->data[1]);
update_bwc_values(log, session, m_new);
session->mcb(session->m->mono_time, session->cs, m_new);
m_new = nullptr;
return 0;
* @retval -1 on error.
* @retval 0 on success.
Squashed 'external/toxcore/c-toxcore/' changes from e2c01e457b..b03b571272 b03b571272 fix: flaky tcp test This only fixes the symptoms, not the real problem. Sometimes or consistently on some platforms a socket might need a moment before it can be written to. 32e67ab4c2 cleanup: use typedef for private message ID's in callback 7b1db6adc1 feat: add message IDs to private group messages 99e0bcc27d refactor: Observers/ignored peers can now send and receive custom packets b3c3c49d26 fix: Disable IPv6 in Windows cross-compilation tests e742deddff feat: Check hashes of Windows dependencies when cross-compiling dfb9a0b02b fix: Test the current Windows Dockerfile, not an old Dockerhub image 14de93ccec chore: Use WineHQ's Wine as Debian Bookworm's crashes ed37616249 docs: Update the Windows cross-compilation section 9bb79c174f cleanup: Remove a couple of unnecessary misc_tools dependencies 19475adb70 chore: Statically link OpenMP into the cracker fun util on Windows 1be311e51f feat: Build the fun utils when cross-compiling to Windows 88133f8446 chore: Strip Windows binaries 3cc0ae7535 refactor: Copy over all of the required static dependencies c4fa8f7fb1 feat: Generate .def, .exp and .lib files when building for Windows 74bbac5363 feat: Let CMake create the dll instead of doing so ourselves 246642e9ae feat: Harden Windows cross-compilation 8d431c0d11 chore: Bump Windows build dependency versions e519f7998b fix: Remove unnecessary wsock32 dependency on Windows ed2b60c217 chore: Use a specific non-broken slimcc version. d7f21010a1 chore: Update github actions. e71a68b7f2 docs: Update the list of CMake options 77e08876ff chore: Remove mod and founder from group API naming scheme 12bc042767 docs: add the experimental api build option to e1fa5cae96 refactor: Rename Queries to Query to align with other enums. be82a3ea30 fix: Correct type for conference offline peer numbers. 0627c36716 test: Add pkgsrc build. 92578afe4b test: Add FreeBSD VM action on GitHub. 52ece0f57b test: Build toxcore on NetBSD (VM). 3fe8ee2c11 chore: Only install tox_private.h on request. 9a8dfa06ab fix: save_compatibility_test failing on big-endian systems 86f5e55578 fix: Don't serve files from websockify. 710eb674a5 fix: Correctly pass extended public keys to group moderation code. 021db7031c refactor: Use `struct`s for extended public/secret keys. a1e999fd80 chore: Compile libsodium reference implementation with compcert. fbe3c19cf5 cleanup: correct a few nullable annotations 623e3ee5c3 cleanup: Don't use `memcpy` to cast arbitrary `struct`s to `uint8_t[]`. c71567dc18 fix: Pass array, not array pointer, to `memcmp`. 9b46a08144 cleanup: Never pass `void*` directly to `memcpy`. 5d7b7a7bbc refactor: Use tox rng to seed the keypair generation. 961891d568 cleanup: Small improvements found by PVS Studio. 8201019f0d chore: Disable NGC saving by default, enable through Tox_Options. 5dd9ee3f65 cleanup: Replace pointer arithmetic with explicit `&arr[i]`. ca4606d49d refactor: Use strong typedef for NGC peer id. 442213b722 cleanup: Simplify custom packet length check in NGC. 08d3393def fix: Correct a few potential null derefs in bootstrap daemon. b9877b32b0 fix: Add missing memunlock of local variable when it goes out of scope. dab5fe44b9 fix: Zero out stack-allocated secret key before return. f058103299 refactor: Make prune_gc_sanctions_list more obviously correct. 3ba7a0dec9 docs: Add static analysis tool list to README. 8d0811a0f3 docs: Run prettier-markdown on markdown files. 969e3a2bfc refactor: Fix network test not using the strong typedef 93c83fbc7c refactor: Use strong typedef instead of struct for `Socket`. 9fe18b176f fix: Fix some false positive from PVS Studio. 7c44379ccb cleanup: Check that WINXP macro exists before comparing it. 5c93231bef refactor: Make tox mutex non-recursive. aacff73939 docs: Fix up doxyfile. d55fc85ff5 docs: Add more documentation to crypto_core. 5bdaaaedb6 refactor: Remove `Tox *` from `tox_dispatch`. e202341e76 refactor: Don't rely on tox_dispatch passing tox in tests. 34df938f52 chore: Use C++ mode for clang-tidy. 8b05296a78 chore: Check that both gtest and gmock exist for tests. 42010660e1 test: Add slimcc compiler compatibility test. b473630321 chore: Add some comments to the astyle config. b7404f24f6 cleanup: Remove implicit bool conversions. 4e2dba4d9f chore: Reformat sources with astyle. 4359e3a6bc chore: Rename C++ headers to .hh suffixes. 0c05566e58 cleanup: Further `#include` cleanups. 8d29935b7a chore: Only check the bootstrap daemon checksum on release. f70e588bc6 cleanup: Add more `const` where possible. 511bfe39c8 cleanup: Use Bazel modules to enforce proper `#include` hygiene. 1710a0d091 refactor: Move pack/unpack `IP_Port` from DHT into network module. a975943564 chore: Really fix coverage docker image build. c08409390f chore: Fix post-submit coverage image. 39aadf8922 fix: Don't use `memcmp` to compare `IP_Port`s. d94246a906 fix: partially fix a bug that prevented group part messages from sending. eeaa039222 chore: Fix rpm build; add a CI check for it. 8328449c1a chore: Speed up docker builds a bit by reducing layer count. d6d67d56f3 cleanup: Add `const` where possible in auto tests. 6aa9e6850d cleanup: Minor cleanup of event unpack code. bdf460a3a9 refactor: Rename `system_{memory,...}` to `os_{memory,...}`. 203e1af81e fix: a few off by one errors in group autotests 5c093c4888 cleanup: Remove all uses of `SIZEOF_VLA`. 662c2140f3 test: Add goblint static analyser. 8f07755834 cleanup: Use `memzero(x, s)` instead of `memset(x, 0, s)`. a7258e40cf cleanup: Use explicit 0 instead of `PACKET_ID_PADDING`. 6370d0f15d cleanup: Expand the `Tox_Options` accessor macros. 14a1a0b9bd cleanup: Remove plan9 support. a05dccad13 test: Add a simple new/delete test for Tox. 1cdcf938b9 cleanup: Add comment after every `#endif`. ba99d4dc4b test: Fix comment I broke in the events test PR. e07248debb refactor: Migrate auto_tests to new events API. bdd42b5452 refactor: Add common msgpack array packer with callback. 3c659f5288 cleanup: Rename group to conference in groupav documentation. 89957be230 cleanup: Ensure handler params are named after callback params. c650d9d345 refactor: Pass `this` pointer as first param to s11n callbacks. e7fb91ddb8 refactor: Allow NULL pointers for byte arrays in events. 5e2c8cabc1 cleanup: make some improvements to group moderation test 259de4867e cleanup: Remove `bin_pack_{new,free}`. 21a8ff5895 cleanup: skip a do_gc iteration before removing peers marked for deletion 16809dc36e feat: Add dht_get_nodes_response event to the events system. git-subtree-dir: external/toxcore/c-toxcore git-subtree-split: b03b5712720de9a9901ea12fd741f177327a7021
2024-03-07 23:12:55 +01:00
static int handle_rtp_packet(Messenger *m, uint32_t friend_number, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *object)
RTPSession *session = (RTPSession *)object;
if (session == nullptr || length < RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1) {
LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "No session or invalid length of received buffer!");
return -1;
// Get the packet type.
const uint8_t packet_type = data[0];
// Unpack the header.
struct RTPHeader header;
rtp_header_unpack(data, &header);
if ( != packet_type % 128) {
LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "RTPHeader packet type and Tox protocol packet type did not agree: %d != %d",, packet_type % 128);
return -1;
if ( != session->payload_type % 128) {
LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "RTPHeader packet type does not match this session's payload type: %d != %d",, session->payload_type % 128);
return -1;
if ((header.flags & RTP_LARGE_FRAME) != 0 && header.offset_full >= header.data_length_full) {
LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "Invalid video packet: frame offset (%u) >= full frame length (%u)",
(unsigned)header.offset_full, (unsigned)header.data_length_full);
return -1;
if (header.offset_lower >= header.data_length_lower) {
LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "Invalid old protocol video packet: frame offset (%u) >= full frame length (%u)",
(unsigned)header.offset_lower, (unsigned)header.data_length_lower);
return -1;
LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, " %d, video %d", (uint8_t), RTP_TYPE_VIDEO % 128);
// The sender uses the new large-frame capable protocol and is sending a
// video packet.
if ((header.flags & RTP_LARGE_FRAME) != 0 && == (RTP_TYPE_VIDEO % 128)) {
return handle_video_packet(session, &header, data + RTP_HEADER_SIZE, length - RTP_HEADER_SIZE, m->log);
// everything below here is for the old 16 bit protocol ------------------
if (header.data_length_lower == length - RTP_HEADER_SIZE) {
/* The message is sent in single part */
/* Message is not late; pick up the latest parameters */
session->rsequnum = header.sequnum;
session->rtimestamp = header.timestamp;
bwc_add_recv(session->bwc, length);
/* Invoke processing of active multiparted message */
if (session->mp != nullptr) {
session->mcb(session->m->mono_time, session->cs, session->mp);
session->mp = nullptr;
/* The message came in the allowed time;
return session->mcb(session->m->mono_time, session->cs, new_message(&header, length - RTP_HEADER_SIZE,
/* The message is sent in multiple parts */
if (session->mp != nullptr) {
/* There are 2 possible situations in this case:
* 1) being that we got the part of already processing message.
* 2) being that we got the part of a new/old message.
* We handle them differently as we only allow a single multiparted
* processing message
if (session->mp->header.sequnum == header.sequnum &&
session->mp->header.timestamp == header.timestamp) {
/* First case */
/* Make sure we have enough allocated memory */
if (session->mp->header.data_length_lower - session->mp->len < length - RTP_HEADER_SIZE ||
session->mp->header.data_length_lower <= header.offset_lower) {
/* There happened to be some corruption on the stream;
* continue wihtout this part
return 0;
memcpy(session->mp->data + header.offset_lower, data + RTP_HEADER_SIZE,
length - RTP_HEADER_SIZE);
session->mp->len += length - RTP_HEADER_SIZE;
bwc_add_recv(session->bwc, length);
if (session->mp->len == session->mp->header.data_length_lower) {
/* Received a full message; now push it for the further
* processing.
session->mcb(session->m->mono_time, session->cs, session->mp);
session->mp = nullptr;
} else {
/* Second case */
if (session->mp->header.timestamp > header.timestamp) {
/* The received message part is from the old message;
* discard it.
return 0;
/* Push the previous message for processing */
session->mcb(session->m->mono_time, session->cs, session->mp);
session->mp = nullptr;
} else {
/* In this case threat the message as if it was received in order
/* This is also a point for new multiparted messages */
/* Message is not late; pick up the latest parameters */
session->rsequnum = header.sequnum;
session->rtimestamp = header.timestamp;
bwc_add_recv(session->bwc, length);
/* Store message.
session->mp = new_message(&header, header.data_length_lower, data + RTP_HEADER_SIZE, length - RTP_HEADER_SIZE);
if (session->mp != nullptr) {
memmove(session->mp->data + header.offset_lower, session->mp->data, session->mp->len);
} else {
LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "new_message() returned a null pointer");
return -1;
return 0;
size_t rtp_header_pack(uint8_t *const rdata, const struct RTPHeader *header)
uint8_t *p = rdata;
*p = (header->ve & 3) << 6
| (header->pe & 1) << 5
| (header->xe & 1) << 4
| (header->cc & 0xf);
*p = (header->ma & 1) << 7
| (header->pt & 0x7f);
p += net_pack_u16(p, header->sequnum);
p += net_pack_u32(p, header->timestamp);
p += net_pack_u32(p, header->ssrc);
p += net_pack_u64(p, header->flags);
p += net_pack_u32(p, header->offset_full);
p += net_pack_u32(p, header->data_length_full);
p += net_pack_u32(p, header->received_length_full);
for (size_t i = 0; i < RTP_PADDING_FIELDS; ++i) {
p += net_pack_u32(p, 0);
p += net_pack_u16(p, header->offset_lower);
p += net_pack_u16(p, header->data_length_lower);
assert(p == rdata + RTP_HEADER_SIZE);
return p - rdata;
size_t rtp_header_unpack(const uint8_t *data, struct RTPHeader *header)
const uint8_t *p = data;
header->ve = (*p >> 6) & 3;
header->pe = (*p >> 5) & 1;
header->xe = (*p >> 4) & 1;
header->cc = *p & 0xf;
header->ma = (*p >> 7) & 1;
header->pt = *p & 0x7f;
p += net_unpack_u16(p, &header->sequnum);
p += net_unpack_u32(p, &header->timestamp);
p += net_unpack_u32(p, &header->ssrc);
p += net_unpack_u64(p, &header->flags);
p += net_unpack_u32(p, &header->offset_full);
p += net_unpack_u32(p, &header->data_length_full);
p += net_unpack_u32(p, &header->received_length_full);
p += sizeof(uint32_t) * RTP_PADDING_FIELDS;
p += net_unpack_u16(p, &header->offset_lower);
p += net_unpack_u16(p, &header->data_length_lower);
assert(p == data + RTP_HEADER_SIZE);
return p - data;
RTPSession *rtp_new(int payload_type, Messenger *m, Tox *tox, uint32_t friendnumber,
BWController *bwc, void *cs, rtp_m_cb *mcb)
assert(mcb != nullptr);
assert(cs != nullptr);
assert(m != nullptr);
RTPSession *session = (RTPSession *)calloc(1, sizeof(RTPSession));
if (session == nullptr) {
LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "Alloc failed! Program might misbehave!");
return nullptr;
session->work_buffer_list = (struct RTPWorkBufferList *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct RTPWorkBufferList));
if (session->work_buffer_list == nullptr) {
LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "out of memory while allocating work buffer list");
return nullptr;
// First entry is free.
session->work_buffer_list->next_free_entry = 0;
session->ssrc = payload_type == RTP_TYPE_VIDEO ? 0 : random_u32(m->rng);
session->payload_type = payload_type;
session->m = m;
session->tox = tox;
session->friend_number = friendnumber;
// set NULL just in case
session->mp = nullptr;
session->first_packets_counter = 1;
/* Also set payload type as prefix */
session->bwc = bwc;
session->cs = cs;
session->mcb = mcb;
if (-1 == rtp_allow_receiving(session)) {
LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "Failed to start rtp receiving mode");
return nullptr;
return session;
void rtp_kill(RTPSession *session)
if (session == nullptr) {
LOGGER_DEBUG(session->m->log, "Terminated RTP session: %p", (void *)session);
LOGGER_DEBUG(session->m->log, "Terminated RTP session V3 work_buffer_list->next_free_entry: %d",
for (int8_t i = 0; i < session->work_buffer_list->next_free_entry; ++i) {
int rtp_allow_receiving(RTPSession *session)
if (session == nullptr) {
return -1;
if (m_callback_rtp_packet(session->m, session->friend_number, session->payload_type,
handle_rtp_packet, session) == -1) {
LOGGER_WARNING(session->m->log, "Failed to register rtp receive handler");
return -1;
LOGGER_DEBUG(session->m->log, "Started receiving on session: %p", (void *)session);
return 0;
int rtp_stop_receiving(RTPSession *session)
if (session == nullptr) {
return -1;
m_callback_rtp_packet(session->m, session->friend_number, session->payload_type, nullptr, nullptr);
LOGGER_DEBUG(session->m->log, "Stopped receiving on session: %p", (void *)session);
return 0;
* Send a frame of audio or video data, chunked in @ref RTPMessage instances.
* @param session The A/V session to send the data for.
* @param data A byte array of length @p length.
* @param length The number of bytes to send from @p data.
* @param is_keyframe Whether this video frame is a key frame. If it is an
* audio frame, this parameter is ignored.
int rtp_send_data(RTPSession *session, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length,
bool is_keyframe, const Logger *log)
if (session == nullptr) {
LOGGER_ERROR(log, "No session!");
return -1;
struct RTPHeader header = {0}; = 2; // this is unused in toxav = 0;
header.xe = 0; = 0; = 0; = session->payload_type % 128;
header.sequnum = session->sequnum;
header.timestamp = current_time_monotonic(session->m->mono_time);
header.ssrc = session->ssrc;
header.offset_lower = 0;
// here the highest bits gets stripped anyway, no need to do keyframe bit magic here!
header.data_length_lower = length;
if (session->payload_type == RTP_TYPE_VIDEO) {
header.flags = RTP_LARGE_FRAME;
uint16_t length_safe = (uint16_t)length;
if (length > UINT16_MAX) {
length_safe = UINT16_MAX;
header.data_length_lower = length_safe;
header.data_length_full = length; // without header
header.offset_lower = 0;
header.offset_full = 0;
if (is_keyframe) {
header.flags |= RTP_KEY_FRAME;
const uint16_t rdata_size = min_u32(length + RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1, MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE);
Squashed 'external/toxcore/c-toxcore/' changes from e2c01e457b..b03b571272 b03b571272 fix: flaky tcp test This only fixes the symptoms, not the real problem. Sometimes or consistently on some platforms a socket might need a moment before it can be written to. 32e67ab4c2 cleanup: use typedef for private message ID's in callback 7b1db6adc1 feat: add message IDs to private group messages 99e0bcc27d refactor: Observers/ignored peers can now send and receive custom packets b3c3c49d26 fix: Disable IPv6 in Windows cross-compilation tests e742deddff feat: Check hashes of Windows dependencies when cross-compiling dfb9a0b02b fix: Test the current Windows Dockerfile, not an old Dockerhub image 14de93ccec chore: Use WineHQ's Wine as Debian Bookworm's crashes ed37616249 docs: Update the Windows cross-compilation section 9bb79c174f cleanup: Remove a couple of unnecessary misc_tools dependencies 19475adb70 chore: Statically link OpenMP into the cracker fun util on Windows 1be311e51f feat: Build the fun utils when cross-compiling to Windows 88133f8446 chore: Strip Windows binaries 3cc0ae7535 refactor: Copy over all of the required static dependencies c4fa8f7fb1 feat: Generate .def, .exp and .lib files when building for Windows 74bbac5363 feat: Let CMake create the dll instead of doing so ourselves 246642e9ae feat: Harden Windows cross-compilation 8d431c0d11 chore: Bump Windows build dependency versions e519f7998b fix: Remove unnecessary wsock32 dependency on Windows ed2b60c217 chore: Use a specific non-broken slimcc version. d7f21010a1 chore: Update github actions. e71a68b7f2 docs: Update the list of CMake options 77e08876ff chore: Remove mod and founder from group API naming scheme 12bc042767 docs: add the experimental api build option to e1fa5cae96 refactor: Rename Queries to Query to align with other enums. be82a3ea30 fix: Correct type for conference offline peer numbers. 0627c36716 test: Add pkgsrc build. 92578afe4b test: Add FreeBSD VM action on GitHub. 52ece0f57b test: Build toxcore on NetBSD (VM). 3fe8ee2c11 chore: Only install tox_private.h on request. 9a8dfa06ab fix: save_compatibility_test failing on big-endian systems 86f5e55578 fix: Don't serve files from websockify. 710eb674a5 fix: Correctly pass extended public keys to group moderation code. 021db7031c refactor: Use `struct`s for extended public/secret keys. a1e999fd80 chore: Compile libsodium reference implementation with compcert. fbe3c19cf5 cleanup: correct a few nullable annotations 623e3ee5c3 cleanup: Don't use `memcpy` to cast arbitrary `struct`s to `uint8_t[]`. c71567dc18 fix: Pass array, not array pointer, to `memcmp`. 9b46a08144 cleanup: Never pass `void*` directly to `memcpy`. 5d7b7a7bbc refactor: Use tox rng to seed the keypair generation. 961891d568 cleanup: Small improvements found by PVS Studio. 8201019f0d chore: Disable NGC saving by default, enable through Tox_Options. 5dd9ee3f65 cleanup: Replace pointer arithmetic with explicit `&arr[i]`. ca4606d49d refactor: Use strong typedef for NGC peer id. 442213b722 cleanup: Simplify custom packet length check in NGC. 08d3393def fix: Correct a few potential null derefs in bootstrap daemon. b9877b32b0 fix: Add missing memunlock of local variable when it goes out of scope. dab5fe44b9 fix: Zero out stack-allocated secret key before return. f058103299 refactor: Make prune_gc_sanctions_list more obviously correct. 3ba7a0dec9 docs: Add static analysis tool list to README. 8d0811a0f3 docs: Run prettier-markdown on markdown files. 969e3a2bfc refactor: Fix network test not using the strong typedef 93c83fbc7c refactor: Use strong typedef instead of struct for `Socket`. 9fe18b176f fix: Fix some false positive from PVS Studio. 7c44379ccb cleanup: Check that WINXP macro exists before comparing it. 5c93231bef refactor: Make tox mutex non-recursive. aacff73939 docs: Fix up doxyfile. d55fc85ff5 docs: Add more documentation to crypto_core. 5bdaaaedb6 refactor: Remove `Tox *` from `tox_dispatch`. e202341e76 refactor: Don't rely on tox_dispatch passing tox in tests. 34df938f52 chore: Use C++ mode for clang-tidy. 8b05296a78 chore: Check that both gtest and gmock exist for tests. 42010660e1 test: Add slimcc compiler compatibility test. b473630321 chore: Add some comments to the astyle config. b7404f24f6 cleanup: Remove implicit bool conversions. 4e2dba4d9f chore: Reformat sources with astyle. 4359e3a6bc chore: Rename C++ headers to .hh suffixes. 0c05566e58 cleanup: Further `#include` cleanups. 8d29935b7a chore: Only check the bootstrap daemon checksum on release. f70e588bc6 cleanup: Add more `const` where possible. 511bfe39c8 cleanup: Use Bazel modules to enforce proper `#include` hygiene. 1710a0d091 refactor: Move pack/unpack `IP_Port` from DHT into network module. a975943564 chore: Really fix coverage docker image build. c08409390f chore: Fix post-submit coverage image. 39aadf8922 fix: Don't use `memcmp` to compare `IP_Port`s. d94246a906 fix: partially fix a bug that prevented group part messages from sending. eeaa039222 chore: Fix rpm build; add a CI check for it. 8328449c1a chore: Speed up docker builds a bit by reducing layer count. d6d67d56f3 cleanup: Add `const` where possible in auto tests. 6aa9e6850d cleanup: Minor cleanup of event unpack code. bdf460a3a9 refactor: Rename `system_{memory,...}` to `os_{memory,...}`. 203e1af81e fix: a few off by one errors in group autotests 5c093c4888 cleanup: Remove all uses of `SIZEOF_VLA`. 662c2140f3 test: Add goblint static analyser. 8f07755834 cleanup: Use `memzero(x, s)` instead of `memset(x, 0, s)`. a7258e40cf cleanup: Use explicit 0 instead of `PACKET_ID_PADDING`. 6370d0f15d cleanup: Expand the `Tox_Options` accessor macros. 14a1a0b9bd cleanup: Remove plan9 support. a05dccad13 test: Add a simple new/delete test for Tox. 1cdcf938b9 cleanup: Add comment after every `#endif`. ba99d4dc4b test: Fix comment I broke in the events test PR. e07248debb refactor: Migrate auto_tests to new events API. bdd42b5452 refactor: Add common msgpack array packer with callback. 3c659f5288 cleanup: Rename group to conference in groupav documentation. 89957be230 cleanup: Ensure handler params are named after callback params. c650d9d345 refactor: Pass `this` pointer as first param to s11n callbacks. e7fb91ddb8 refactor: Allow NULL pointers for byte arrays in events. 5e2c8cabc1 cleanup: make some improvements to group moderation test 259de4867e cleanup: Remove `bin_pack_{new,free}`. 21a8ff5895 cleanup: skip a do_gc iteration before removing peers marked for deletion 16809dc36e feat: Add dht_get_nodes_response event to the events system. git-subtree-dir: external/toxcore/c-toxcore git-subtree-split: b03b5712720de9a9901ea12fd741f177327a7021
2024-03-07 23:12:55 +01:00
VLA(uint8_t, rdata, rdata_size);
memset(rdata, 0, rdata_size);
rdata[0] = session->payload_type; // packet id == payload_type
if (MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE > (length + RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1)) {
* The length is lesser than the maximum allowed length (including header)
* Send the packet in single piece.
rtp_header_pack(rdata + 1, &header);
memcpy(rdata + 1 + RTP_HEADER_SIZE, data, length);
Squashed 'external/toxcore/c-toxcore/' changes from e2c01e457b..b03b571272 b03b571272 fix: flaky tcp test This only fixes the symptoms, not the real problem. Sometimes or consistently on some platforms a socket might need a moment before it can be written to. 32e67ab4c2 cleanup: use typedef for private message ID's in callback 7b1db6adc1 feat: add message IDs to private group messages 99e0bcc27d refactor: Observers/ignored peers can now send and receive custom packets b3c3c49d26 fix: Disable IPv6 in Windows cross-compilation tests e742deddff feat: Check hashes of Windows dependencies when cross-compiling dfb9a0b02b fix: Test the current Windows Dockerfile, not an old Dockerhub image 14de93ccec chore: Use WineHQ's Wine as Debian Bookworm's crashes ed37616249 docs: Update the Windows cross-compilation section 9bb79c174f cleanup: Remove a couple of unnecessary misc_tools dependencies 19475adb70 chore: Statically link OpenMP into the cracker fun util on Windows 1be311e51f feat: Build the fun utils when cross-compiling to Windows 88133f8446 chore: Strip Windows binaries 3cc0ae7535 refactor: Copy over all of the required static dependencies c4fa8f7fb1 feat: Generate .def, .exp and .lib files when building for Windows 74bbac5363 feat: Let CMake create the dll instead of doing so ourselves 246642e9ae feat: Harden Windows cross-compilation 8d431c0d11 chore: Bump Windows build dependency versions e519f7998b fix: Remove unnecessary wsock32 dependency on Windows ed2b60c217 chore: Use a specific non-broken slimcc version. d7f21010a1 chore: Update github actions. e71a68b7f2 docs: Update the list of CMake options 77e08876ff chore: Remove mod and founder from group API naming scheme 12bc042767 docs: add the experimental api build option to e1fa5cae96 refactor: Rename Queries to Query to align with other enums. be82a3ea30 fix: Correct type for conference offline peer numbers. 0627c36716 test: Add pkgsrc build. 92578afe4b test: Add FreeBSD VM action on GitHub. 52ece0f57b test: Build toxcore on NetBSD (VM). 3fe8ee2c11 chore: Only install tox_private.h on request. 9a8dfa06ab fix: save_compatibility_test failing on big-endian systems 86f5e55578 fix: Don't serve files from websockify. 710eb674a5 fix: Correctly pass extended public keys to group moderation code. 021db7031c refactor: Use `struct`s for extended public/secret keys. a1e999fd80 chore: Compile libsodium reference implementation with compcert. fbe3c19cf5 cleanup: correct a few nullable annotations 623e3ee5c3 cleanup: Don't use `memcpy` to cast arbitrary `struct`s to `uint8_t[]`. c71567dc18 fix: Pass array, not array pointer, to `memcmp`. 9b46a08144 cleanup: Never pass `void*` directly to `memcpy`. 5d7b7a7bbc refactor: Use tox rng to seed the keypair generation. 961891d568 cleanup: Small improvements found by PVS Studio. 8201019f0d chore: Disable NGC saving by default, enable through Tox_Options. 5dd9ee3f65 cleanup: Replace pointer arithmetic with explicit `&arr[i]`. ca4606d49d refactor: Use strong typedef for NGC peer id. 442213b722 cleanup: Simplify custom packet length check in NGC. 08d3393def fix: Correct a few potential null derefs in bootstrap daemon. b9877b32b0 fix: Add missing memunlock of local variable when it goes out of scope. dab5fe44b9 fix: Zero out stack-allocated secret key before return. f058103299 refactor: Make prune_gc_sanctions_list more obviously correct. 3ba7a0dec9 docs: Add static analysis tool list to README. 8d0811a0f3 docs: Run prettier-markdown on markdown files. 969e3a2bfc refactor: Fix network test not using the strong typedef 93c83fbc7c refactor: Use strong typedef instead of struct for `Socket`. 9fe18b176f fix: Fix some false positive from PVS Studio. 7c44379ccb cleanup: Check that WINXP macro exists before comparing it. 5c93231bef refactor: Make tox mutex non-recursive. aacff73939 docs: Fix up doxyfile. d55fc85ff5 docs: Add more documentation to crypto_core. 5bdaaaedb6 refactor: Remove `Tox *` from `tox_dispatch`. e202341e76 refactor: Don't rely on tox_dispatch passing tox in tests. 34df938f52 chore: Use C++ mode for clang-tidy. 8b05296a78 chore: Check that both gtest and gmock exist for tests. 42010660e1 test: Add slimcc compiler compatibility test. b473630321 chore: Add some comments to the astyle config. b7404f24f6 cleanup: Remove implicit bool conversions. 4e2dba4d9f chore: Reformat sources with astyle. 4359e3a6bc chore: Rename C++ headers to .hh suffixes. 0c05566e58 cleanup: Further `#include` cleanups. 8d29935b7a chore: Only check the bootstrap daemon checksum on release. f70e588bc6 cleanup: Add more `const` where possible. 511bfe39c8 cleanup: Use Bazel modules to enforce proper `#include` hygiene. 1710a0d091 refactor: Move pack/unpack `IP_Port` from DHT into network module. a975943564 chore: Really fix coverage docker image build. c08409390f chore: Fix post-submit coverage image. 39aadf8922 fix: Don't use `memcmp` to compare `IP_Port`s. d94246a906 fix: partially fix a bug that prevented group part messages from sending. eeaa039222 chore: Fix rpm build; add a CI check for it. 8328449c1a chore: Speed up docker builds a bit by reducing layer count. d6d67d56f3 cleanup: Add `const` where possible in auto tests. 6aa9e6850d cleanup: Minor cleanup of event unpack code. bdf460a3a9 refactor: Rename `system_{memory,...}` to `os_{memory,...}`. 203e1af81e fix: a few off by one errors in group autotests 5c093c4888 cleanup: Remove all uses of `SIZEOF_VLA`. 662c2140f3 test: Add goblint static analyser. 8f07755834 cleanup: Use `memzero(x, s)` instead of `memset(x, 0, s)`. a7258e40cf cleanup: Use explicit 0 instead of `PACKET_ID_PADDING`. 6370d0f15d cleanup: Expand the `Tox_Options` accessor macros. 14a1a0b9bd cleanup: Remove plan9 support. a05dccad13 test: Add a simple new/delete test for Tox. 1cdcf938b9 cleanup: Add comment after every `#endif`. ba99d4dc4b test: Fix comment I broke in the events test PR. e07248debb refactor: Migrate auto_tests to new events API. bdd42b5452 refactor: Add common msgpack array packer with callback. 3c659f5288 cleanup: Rename group to conference in groupav documentation. 89957be230 cleanup: Ensure handler params are named after callback params. c650d9d345 refactor: Pass `this` pointer as first param to s11n callbacks. e7fb91ddb8 refactor: Allow NULL pointers for byte arrays in events. 5e2c8cabc1 cleanup: make some improvements to group moderation test 259de4867e cleanup: Remove `bin_pack_{new,free}`. 21a8ff5895 cleanup: skip a do_gc iteration before removing peers marked for deletion 16809dc36e feat: Add dht_get_nodes_response event to the events system. git-subtree-dir: external/toxcore/c-toxcore git-subtree-split: b03b5712720de9a9901ea12fd741f177327a7021
2024-03-07 23:12:55 +01:00
if (-1 == rtp_send_custom_lossy_packet(session->tox, session->friend_number, rdata, rdata_size)) {
char *netstrerror = net_new_strerror(net_error());
LOGGER_WARNING(session->m->log, "RTP send failed (len: %u)! net error: %s",
Squashed 'external/toxcore/c-toxcore/' changes from e2c01e457b..b03b571272 b03b571272 fix: flaky tcp test This only fixes the symptoms, not the real problem. Sometimes or consistently on some platforms a socket might need a moment before it can be written to. 32e67ab4c2 cleanup: use typedef for private message ID's in callback 7b1db6adc1 feat: add message IDs to private group messages 99e0bcc27d refactor: Observers/ignored peers can now send and receive custom packets b3c3c49d26 fix: Disable IPv6 in Windows cross-compilation tests e742deddff feat: Check hashes of Windows dependencies when cross-compiling dfb9a0b02b fix: Test the current Windows Dockerfile, not an old Dockerhub image 14de93ccec chore: Use WineHQ's Wine as Debian Bookworm's crashes ed37616249 docs: Update the Windows cross-compilation section 9bb79c174f cleanup: Remove a couple of unnecessary misc_tools dependencies 19475adb70 chore: Statically link OpenMP into the cracker fun util on Windows 1be311e51f feat: Build the fun utils when cross-compiling to Windows 88133f8446 chore: Strip Windows binaries 3cc0ae7535 refactor: Copy over all of the required static dependencies c4fa8f7fb1 feat: Generate .def, .exp and .lib files when building for Windows 74bbac5363 feat: Let CMake create the dll instead of doing so ourselves 246642e9ae feat: Harden Windows cross-compilation 8d431c0d11 chore: Bump Windows build dependency versions e519f7998b fix: Remove unnecessary wsock32 dependency on Windows ed2b60c217 chore: Use a specific non-broken slimcc version. d7f21010a1 chore: Update github actions. e71a68b7f2 docs: Update the list of CMake options 77e08876ff chore: Remove mod and founder from group API naming scheme 12bc042767 docs: add the experimental api build option to e1fa5cae96 refactor: Rename Queries to Query to align with other enums. be82a3ea30 fix: Correct type for conference offline peer numbers. 0627c36716 test: Add pkgsrc build. 92578afe4b test: Add FreeBSD VM action on GitHub. 52ece0f57b test: Build toxcore on NetBSD (VM). 3fe8ee2c11 chore: Only install tox_private.h on request. 9a8dfa06ab fix: save_compatibility_test failing on big-endian systems 86f5e55578 fix: Don't serve files from websockify. 710eb674a5 fix: Correctly pass extended public keys to group moderation code. 021db7031c refactor: Use `struct`s for extended public/secret keys. a1e999fd80 chore: Compile libsodium reference implementation with compcert. fbe3c19cf5 cleanup: correct a few nullable annotations 623e3ee5c3 cleanup: Don't use `memcpy` to cast arbitrary `struct`s to `uint8_t[]`. c71567dc18 fix: Pass array, not array pointer, to `memcmp`. 9b46a08144 cleanup: Never pass `void*` directly to `memcpy`. 5d7b7a7bbc refactor: Use tox rng to seed the keypair generation. 961891d568 cleanup: Small improvements found by PVS Studio. 8201019f0d chore: Disable NGC saving by default, enable through Tox_Options. 5dd9ee3f65 cleanup: Replace pointer arithmetic with explicit `&arr[i]`. ca4606d49d refactor: Use strong typedef for NGC peer id. 442213b722 cleanup: Simplify custom packet length check in NGC. 08d3393def fix: Correct a few potential null derefs in bootstrap daemon. b9877b32b0 fix: Add missing memunlock of local variable when it goes out of scope. dab5fe44b9 fix: Zero out stack-allocated secret key before return. f058103299 refactor: Make prune_gc_sanctions_list more obviously correct. 3ba7a0dec9 docs: Add static analysis tool list to README. 8d0811a0f3 docs: Run prettier-markdown on markdown files. 969e3a2bfc refactor: Fix network test not using the strong typedef 93c83fbc7c refactor: Use strong typedef instead of struct for `Socket`. 9fe18b176f fix: Fix some false positive from PVS Studio. 7c44379ccb cleanup: Check that WINXP macro exists before comparing it. 5c93231bef refactor: Make tox mutex non-recursive. aacff73939 docs: Fix up doxyfile. d55fc85ff5 docs: Add more documentation to crypto_core. 5bdaaaedb6 refactor: Remove `Tox *` from `tox_dispatch`. e202341e76 refactor: Don't rely on tox_dispatch passing tox in tests. 34df938f52 chore: Use C++ mode for clang-tidy. 8b05296a78 chore: Check that both gtest and gmock exist for tests. 42010660e1 test: Add slimcc compiler compatibility test. b473630321 chore: Add some comments to the astyle config. b7404f24f6 cleanup: Remove implicit bool conversions. 4e2dba4d9f chore: Reformat sources with astyle. 4359e3a6bc chore: Rename C++ headers to .hh suffixes. 0c05566e58 cleanup: Further `#include` cleanups. 8d29935b7a chore: Only check the bootstrap daemon checksum on release. f70e588bc6 cleanup: Add more `const` where possible. 511bfe39c8 cleanup: Use Bazel modules to enforce proper `#include` hygiene. 1710a0d091 refactor: Move pack/unpack `IP_Port` from DHT into network module. a975943564 chore: Really fix coverage docker image build. c08409390f chore: Fix post-submit coverage image. 39aadf8922 fix: Don't use `memcmp` to compare `IP_Port`s. d94246a906 fix: partially fix a bug that prevented group part messages from sending. eeaa039222 chore: Fix rpm build; add a CI check for it. 8328449c1a chore: Speed up docker builds a bit by reducing layer count. d6d67d56f3 cleanup: Add `const` where possible in auto tests. 6aa9e6850d cleanup: Minor cleanup of event unpack code. bdf460a3a9 refactor: Rename `system_{memory,...}` to `os_{memory,...}`. 203e1af81e fix: a few off by one errors in group autotests 5c093c4888 cleanup: Remove all uses of `SIZEOF_VLA`. 662c2140f3 test: Add goblint static analyser. 8f07755834 cleanup: Use `memzero(x, s)` instead of `memset(x, 0, s)`. a7258e40cf cleanup: Use explicit 0 instead of `PACKET_ID_PADDING`. 6370d0f15d cleanup: Expand the `Tox_Options` accessor macros. 14a1a0b9bd cleanup: Remove plan9 support. a05dccad13 test: Add a simple new/delete test for Tox. 1cdcf938b9 cleanup: Add comment after every `#endif`. ba99d4dc4b test: Fix comment I broke in the events test PR. e07248debb refactor: Migrate auto_tests to new events API. bdd42b5452 refactor: Add common msgpack array packer with callback. 3c659f5288 cleanup: Rename group to conference in groupav documentation. 89957be230 cleanup: Ensure handler params are named after callback params. c650d9d345 refactor: Pass `this` pointer as first param to s11n callbacks. e7fb91ddb8 refactor: Allow NULL pointers for byte arrays in events. 5e2c8cabc1 cleanup: make some improvements to group moderation test 259de4867e cleanup: Remove `bin_pack_{new,free}`. 21a8ff5895 cleanup: skip a do_gc iteration before removing peers marked for deletion 16809dc36e feat: Add dht_get_nodes_response event to the events system. git-subtree-dir: external/toxcore/c-toxcore git-subtree-split: b03b5712720de9a9901ea12fd741f177327a7021
2024-03-07 23:12:55 +01:00
rdata_size, netstrerror);
} else {
* The length is greater than the maximum allowed length (including header)
* Send the packet in multiple pieces.
uint32_t sent = 0;
uint16_t piece = MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE - (RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1);
while ((length - sent) + RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1 > MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE) {
rtp_header_pack(rdata + 1, &header);
memcpy(rdata + 1 + RTP_HEADER_SIZE, data + sent, piece);
if (-1 == rtp_send_custom_lossy_packet(session->tox, session->friend_number,
rdata, piece + RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1)) {
char *netstrerror = net_new_strerror(net_error());
LOGGER_WARNING(session->m->log, "RTP send failed (len: %d)! net error: %s",
piece + RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1, netstrerror);
sent += piece;
header.offset_lower = sent;
header.offset_full = sent; // raw data offset, without any header
/* Send remaining */
piece = length - sent;
if (piece != 0) {
rtp_header_pack(rdata + 1, &header);
memcpy(rdata + 1 + RTP_HEADER_SIZE, data + sent, piece);
if (-1 == rtp_send_custom_lossy_packet(session->tox, session->friend_number, rdata,
piece + RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1)) {
char *netstrerror = net_new_strerror(net_error());
LOGGER_WARNING(session->m->log, "RTP send failed (len: %d)! net error: %s",
piece + RTP_HEADER_SIZE + 1, netstrerror);
return 0;