/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2025 The TokTok team. */ /** * Common groupchat data structures. */ #ifndef C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_GROUP_COMMON_H #define C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_GROUP_COMMON_H #include #include #include "DHT.h" #include "TCP_connection.h" #include "attributes.h" #include "crypto_core.h" #include "group_moderation.h" #include "logger.h" #include "mem.h" #include "mono_time.h" #include "net_profile.h" #include "network.h" #define MAX_GC_PART_MESSAGE_SIZE 128 #define MAX_GC_NICK_SIZE 128 #define MAX_GC_TOPIC_SIZE 512 #define MAX_GC_GROUP_NAME_SIZE 48 #define GC_MESSAGE_PSEUDO_ID_SIZE 4 #define GROUP_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH 1372 /* Max size of a packet chunk. Packets larger than this must be split up. * * For an explanation on why this value was chosen, see the following link: https://archive.ph/vsCOG */ #define MAX_GC_PACKET_CHUNK_SIZE 500 /* Max size of an incoming packet chunk that is allowed */ #define MAX_GC_PACKET_INCOMING_CHUNK_SIZE 1372 #define MAX_GC_MESSAGE_SIZE GROUP_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH #define MAX_GC_MESSAGE_RAW_SIZE (MAX_GC_MESSAGE_SIZE + GC_MESSAGE_PSEUDO_ID_SIZE) #define MAX_GC_CUSTOM_LOSSLESS_PACKET_SIZE 1373 #define MAX_GC_CUSTOM_LOSSY_PACKET_SIZE 1373 #define MAX_GC_PASSWORD_SIZE 32 #define MAX_GC_SAVED_INVITES 10 #define MAX_GC_PEERS_DEFAULT 100 #define MAX_GC_SAVED_TIMEOUTS 12 #define GC_MAX_SAVED_PEERS 100 #define GC_SAVED_PEER_SIZE (ENC_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + sizeof(Node_format) + sizeof(IP_Port)) /* Max size of a complete encrypted packet including headers. */ #define MAX_GC_PACKET_SIZE (MAX_GC_PACKET_CHUNK_SIZE * 100) /* Max number of messages to store in the send/recv arrays */ #define GCC_BUFFER_SIZE 2048 /** Self UDP status. Must correspond to return values from `ipport_self_copy()`. */ typedef enum Self_UDP_Status { SELF_UDP_STATUS_NONE = 0x00, SELF_UDP_STATUS_WAN = 0x01, SELF_UDP_STATUS_LAN = 0x02, } Self_UDP_Status; /** Group exit types. */ typedef enum Group_Exit_Type { GC_EXIT_TYPE_QUIT = 0x00, // Peer left the group GC_EXIT_TYPE_TIMEOUT = 0x01, // Peer connection timed out GC_EXIT_TYPE_DISCONNECTED = 0x02, // Peer diconnected from group GC_EXIT_TYPE_SELF_DISCONNECTED = 0x03, // Self disconnected from group GC_EXIT_TYPE_KICKED = 0x04, // Peer was kicked from the group GC_EXIT_TYPE_SYNC_ERR = 0x05, // Peer failed to sync with the group GC_EXIT_TYPE_NO_CALLBACK = 0x06, // The peer exit callback should not be triggered } Group_Exit_Type; typedef struct GC_Exit_Info { uint8_t part_message[MAX_GC_PART_MESSAGE_SIZE]; uint16_t length; Group_Exit_Type exit_type; } GC_Exit_Info; typedef struct GC_PeerAddress { Extended_Public_Key public_key; IP_Port ip_port; } GC_PeerAddress; typedef struct GC_Message_Array_Entry { uint8_t *data; uint16_t data_length; uint8_t packet_type; uint64_t message_id; uint64_t time_added; uint64_t last_send_try; } GC_Message_Array_Entry; typedef struct GC_Connection { uint64_t send_message_id; /* message_id of the next message we send to peer */ uint16_t send_array_start; /* send_array index of oldest item */ GC_Message_Array_Entry *send_array; uint64_t received_message_id; /* message_id of peer's last message to us */ GC_Message_Array_Entry *recv_array; uint64_t last_chunk_id; /* The message ID of the last packet fragment we received */ GC_PeerAddress addr; /* holds peer's extended real public key and ip_port */ uint32_t public_key_hash; /* Jenkins one at a time hash of peer's real encryption public key */ uint8_t session_public_key[ENC_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; /* self session public key for this peer */ uint8_t session_secret_key[ENC_SECRET_KEY_SIZE]; /* self session secret key for this peer */ uint8_t session_shared_key[CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE]; /* made with our session sk and peer's session pk */ int tcp_connection_num; uint64_t last_sent_tcp_relays_time; /* the last time we attempted to send this peer our tcp relays */ uint16_t tcp_relay_share_index; uint64_t last_received_direct_time; /* the last time we received a direct UDP packet from this connection */ uint64_t last_sent_ip_time; /* the last time we sent our ip info to this peer in a ping packet */ Node_format connected_tcp_relays[MAX_FRIEND_TCP_CONNECTIONS]; uint16_t tcp_relays_count; uint64_t last_received_packet_time; /* The last time we successfully processed any packet from this peer */ uint64_t last_requested_packet_time; /* The last time we requested a missing packet from this peer */ uint64_t last_sent_ping_time; uint64_t last_sync_response; /* the last time we sent this peer a sync response */ uint8_t oob_relay_pk[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; bool self_is_closer; /* true if we're "closer" to the chat_id than this peer (uses real pk's) */ bool confirmed; /* true if this peer has given us their info */ bool handshaked; /* true if we've successfully handshaked with this peer */ uint16_t handshake_attempts; uint64_t last_handshake_request; uint64_t last_handshake_response; uint8_t pending_handshake_type; bool is_pending_handshake_response; bool is_oob_handshake; uint64_t last_key_rotation; /* the last time we rotated session keys for this peer */ bool pending_key_rotation_request; bool pending_delete; /* true if this peer has been marked for deletion */ bool delete_this_iteration; /* true if this peer should be deleted this do_gc() iteration*/ GC_Exit_Info exit_info; } GC_Connection; /*** * Group roles. Roles are hierarchical in that each role has a set of privileges plus * all the privileges of the roles below it. */ typedef enum Group_Role { /** Group creator. All-powerful. Cannot be demoted or kicked. */ GR_FOUNDER = 0x00, /** * May promote or demote peers below them to any role below them. * May also kick peers below them and set the topic. */ GR_MODERATOR = 0x01, /** may interact normally with the group. */ GR_USER = 0x02, /** May not interact with the group but may observe. */ GR_OBSERVER = 0x03, } Group_Role; typedef enum Group_Peer_Status { GS_NONE = 0x00, GS_AWAY = 0x01, GS_BUSY = 0x02, } Group_Peer_Status; /** * Group voice states. The state determines which Group Roles have permission to speak. */ typedef enum Group_Voice_State { /** Every group role except Observers may speak. */ GV_ALL = 0x00, /** Only Moderators and the Founder may speak. */ GV_MODS = 0x01, /** Only the Founder may speak. */ GV_FOUNDER = 0x02, } Group_Voice_State; /** Group connection states. */ typedef enum GC_Conn_State { CS_NONE = 0x00, // Indicates a group is not initialized CS_DISCONNECTED = 0x01, // Not receiving or sending any packets CS_CONNECTING = 0x02, // Attempting to establish a connection with peers in the group CS_CONNECTED = 0x03, // Has successfully received a sync response from a peer in the group } GC_Conn_State; /** Group privacy states. */ typedef enum Group_Privacy_State { GI_PUBLIC = 0x00, // Anyone with the chat ID may join the group GI_PRIVATE = 0x01, // Peers may only join the group via a friend invite } Group_Privacy_State; /** Handshake join types. */ typedef enum Group_Handshake_Join_Type { HJ_PUBLIC = 0x00, // Indicates the group was joined via the DHT HJ_PRIVATE = 0x01, // Indicates the group was joined via private friend invite } Group_Handshake_Join_Type; typedef struct GC_SavedPeerInfo { uint8_t public_key[ENC_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; Node_format tcp_relay; IP_Port ip_port; } GC_SavedPeerInfo; /** Holds info about peers who recently timed out */ typedef struct GC_TimedOutPeer { GC_SavedPeerInfo addr; uint64_t last_seen; // the time the peer disconnected uint64_t last_reconn_try; // the last time we tried to establish a new connection } GC_TimedOutPeer; typedef bitwise uint32_t GC_Peer_Id_Value; typedef struct GC_Peer_Id { GC_Peer_Id_Value value; } GC_Peer_Id; GC_Peer_Id gc_peer_id_from_int(uint32_t value); uint32_t gc_peer_id_to_int(GC_Peer_Id peer_id); typedef struct GC_Peer { /* Below state is sent to other peers in peer info exchange */ uint8_t nick[MAX_GC_NICK_SIZE]; uint16_t nick_length; uint8_t status; /* Below state is local only */ Group_Role role; GC_Peer_Id peer_id; // permanent ID (used for the public API) bool ignore; GC_Connection gconn; } GC_Peer; typedef struct GC_SharedState { uint32_t version; Extended_Public_Key founder_public_key; uint16_t maxpeers; uint16_t group_name_len; uint8_t group_name[MAX_GC_GROUP_NAME_SIZE]; Group_Privacy_State privacy_state; // GI_PUBLIC (uses DHT) or GI_PRIVATE (invite only) uint16_t password_length; uint8_t password[MAX_GC_PASSWORD_SIZE]; uint8_t mod_list_hash[MOD_MODERATION_HASH_SIZE]; uint32_t topic_lock; // equal to GC_TOPIC_LOCK_ENABLED when lock is enabled Group_Voice_State voice_state; } GC_SharedState; typedef struct GC_TopicInfo { uint32_t version; uint16_t length; uint16_t checksum; // used for syncing problems. the checksum with the highest value gets priority. uint8_t topic[MAX_GC_TOPIC_SIZE]; uint8_t public_sig_key[SIG_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; // Public signature key of the topic setter } GC_TopicInfo; typedef struct GC_Chat { Mono_Time *mono_time; const Logger *log; const Memory *mem; const Random *rng; uint32_t connected_tcp_relays; Self_UDP_Status self_udp_status; IP_Port self_ip_port; Networking_Core *net; TCP_Connections *tcp_conn; uint64_t last_checked_tcp_relays; Group_Handshake_Join_Type join_type; GC_Peer *group; Moderation moderation; GC_Conn_State connection_state; GC_SharedState shared_state; uint8_t shared_state_sig[SIGNATURE_SIZE]; // signed by founder using the chat secret key GC_TopicInfo topic_info; uint8_t topic_sig[SIGNATURE_SIZE]; // signed by the peer who set the current topic uint16_t topic_prev_checksum; // checksum of the previous topic uint64_t topic_time_set; uint16_t peers_checksum; // sum of the public key hash of every confirmed peer in the group uint16_t roles_checksum; // sum of every confirmed peer's role plus the first byte of their public key uint32_t numpeers; int group_number; Extended_Public_Key chat_public_key; // the chat_id is the sig portion Extended_Secret_Key chat_secret_key; // only used by the founder Extended_Public_Key self_public_key; Extended_Secret_Key self_secret_key; uint64_t time_connected; uint64_t last_ping_interval; uint64_t last_sync_request; // The last time we sent a sync request to any peer uint64_t last_sync_response_peer_list; // The last time we sent the peer list to any peer uint64_t last_time_peers_loaded; /* keeps track of frequency of new inbound connections */ uint8_t connection_o_metre; uint64_t connection_cooldown_timer; bool block_handshakes; int32_t saved_invites[MAX_GC_SAVED_INVITES]; uint8_t saved_invites_index; /** A list of recently seen peers in case we disconnect from a private group. * Peers are added once they're confirmed, and only if there are vacant * spots (older connections get priority). An entry is removed only when the list * is full, its respective peer goes offline, and an online peer who isn't yet * present in the list can be added. */ GC_SavedPeerInfo saved_peers[GC_MAX_SAVED_PEERS]; GC_TimedOutPeer timeout_list[MAX_GC_SAVED_TIMEOUTS]; size_t timeout_list_index; uint64_t last_timed_out_reconn_try; // the last time we tried to reconnect to timed out peers bool update_self_announces; // true if we should try to update our announcements uint64_t last_self_announce_check; // the last time we checked if we should update our announcements uint64_t last_time_self_announce; // the last time we announced the group uint8_t announced_tcp_relay_pk[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; // The pk of the last TCP relay we announced uint8_t m_group_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; // public key for group's messenger friend connection int friend_connection_id; // identifier for group's messenger friend connection bool flag_exit; // true if the group will be deleted after the next do_gc() iteration } GC_Chat; #ifndef MESSENGER_DEFINED #define MESSENGER_DEFINED typedef struct Messenger Messenger; #endif /* MESSENGER_DEFINED */ typedef void gc_message_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, unsigned int type, const uint8_t *message, size_t length, uint32_t message_id, void *user_data); typedef void gc_private_message_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, unsigned int type, const uint8_t *message, size_t length, uint32_t message_id, void *user_data); typedef void gc_custom_packet_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *user_data); typedef void gc_custom_private_packet_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *user_data); typedef void gc_moderation_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id source_peer_number, GC_Peer_Id target_peer_number, unsigned int mod_type, void *user_data); typedef void gc_nick_change_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, const uint8_t *name, size_t length, void *user_data); typedef void gc_status_change_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, unsigned int status, void *user_data); typedef void gc_topic_change_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, const uint8_t *topic, size_t length, void *user_data); typedef void gc_topic_lock_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, unsigned int topic_lock, void *user_data); typedef void gc_voice_state_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, unsigned int voice_state, void *user_data); typedef void gc_peer_limit_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, uint32_t peer_limit, void *user_data); typedef void gc_privacy_state_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, unsigned int privacy_state, void *user_data); typedef void gc_password_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, const uint8_t *password, size_t length, void *user_data); typedef void gc_peer_join_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, void *user_data); typedef void gc_peer_exit_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, GC_Peer_Id peer_id, unsigned int exit_type, const uint8_t *name, size_t name_length, const uint8_t *part_message, size_t length, void *user_data); typedef void gc_self_join_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, void *user_data); typedef void gc_rejected_cb(const Messenger *m, uint32_t group_number, unsigned int fail_type, void *user_data); typedef struct GC_Session { Messenger *messenger; GC_Chat *chats; Net_Profile *tcp_np; struct GC_Announces_List *announces_list; uint32_t chats_index; gc_message_cb *message; gc_private_message_cb *private_message; gc_custom_packet_cb *custom_packet; gc_custom_private_packet_cb *custom_private_packet; gc_moderation_cb *moderation; gc_nick_change_cb *nick_change; gc_status_change_cb *status_change; gc_topic_change_cb *topic_change; gc_topic_lock_cb *topic_lock; gc_voice_state_cb *voice_state; gc_peer_limit_cb *peer_limit; gc_privacy_state_cb *privacy_state; gc_password_cb *password; gc_peer_join_cb *peer_join; gc_peer_exit_cb *peer_exit; gc_self_join_cb *self_join; gc_rejected_cb *rejected; } GC_Session; /** @brief Adds a new peer to group_number's peer list. * * Return peer_number on success. * Return -1 on failure. * Return -2 if a peer with public_key is already in our peerlist. */ non_null(1, 3) nullable(2) int peer_add(GC_Chat *chat, const IP_Port *ipp, const uint8_t *public_key); /** @brief Unpacks saved peers from `data` of size `length` into `chat`. * * Returns the number of unpacked peers on success. * Returns -1 on failure. */ non_null() int unpack_gc_saved_peers(GC_Chat *chat, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); /** @brief Packs all valid entries from saved peerlist into `data`. * * If `processed` is non-null it will be set to the length of the packed data * on success, and will be untouched on error. * * Return the number of packed saved peers on success. * Return -1 if buffer is too small. */ non_null(1, 2) nullable(4) int pack_gc_saved_peers(const GC_Chat *chat, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, uint16_t *processed); #endif /* C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_GROUP_COMMON_H */