/* Tests that we can send messages to friends. */ #include #include #include #include "auto_test_support.h" static void *proxy_routine(void *arg) { const char *proxy_bin = (const char *)arg; ck_assert(proxy_bin != nullptr); printf("starting http/sock5 proxy: %s\n", proxy_bin); ck_assert(system(proxy_bin) == 0); return nullptr; } static bool try_bootstrap(Tox *tox1, Tox *tox2, Tox *tox3, Tox *tox4) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 400; ++i) { if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox3) != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox4) != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { printf("%d %d %d %d\n", tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox3), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox4)); return true; } tox_iterate(tox1, nullptr); tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr); tox_iterate(tox3, nullptr); tox_iterate(tox4, nullptr); if (i % 10 == 0) { printf("%d %d %d %d\n", tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox3), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox4)); } c_sleep(tox_iteration_interval(tox1)); } return false; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); if (argc >= 3) { char *proxy_bin = argv[2]; pthread_t proxy_thread; pthread_create(&proxy_thread, nullptr, proxy_routine, proxy_bin); c_sleep(100); } const uint16_t tcp_port = 7082; uint32_t index[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; struct Tox_Options *tox_options = tox_options_new(nullptr); ck_assert(tox_options != nullptr); // tox1 is a TCP server and has UDP enabled. tox_options_set_udp_enabled(tox_options, true); tox_options_set_tcp_port(tox_options, tcp_port); Tox *tox1 = tox_new_log(tox_options, nullptr, &index[0]); ck_assert(tox1 != nullptr); // Get tox1's DHT key and port. uint8_t dht_pk[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(tox1, dht_pk); uint16_t dht_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, nullptr); ck_assert(dht_port != 0); // tox2 is a regular DHT node bootstrapping against tox1. tox_options_set_udp_enabled(tox_options, true); tox_options_set_tcp_port(tox_options, 0); Tox *tox2 = tox_new_log(tox_options, nullptr, &index[1]); ck_assert(tox2 != nullptr); // tox2 bootstraps against tox1 with UDP. ck_assert(tox_bootstrap(tox2, "", dht_port, dht_pk, nullptr)); // tox3 has UDP disabled and connects to tox1 via an HTTP proxy tox_options_set_udp_enabled(tox_options, false); tox_options_set_proxy_host(tox_options, ""); tox_options_set_proxy_port(tox_options, 7080); tox_options_set_proxy_type(tox_options, TOX_PROXY_TYPE_HTTP); Tox *tox3 = tox_new_log(tox_options, nullptr, &index[2]); ck_assert(tox3 != nullptr); // tox4 has UDP disabled and connects to tox1 via a SOCKS5 proxy tox_options_set_udp_enabled(tox_options, false); tox_options_set_proxy_host(tox_options, ""); tox_options_set_proxy_port(tox_options, 7081); tox_options_set_proxy_type(tox_options, TOX_PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5); Tox *tox4 = tox_new_log(tox_options, nullptr, &index[3]); ck_assert(tox4 != nullptr); // tox3 and tox4 bootstrap against tox1 and add it as a TCP relay ck_assert(tox_bootstrap(tox3, "", dht_port, dht_pk, nullptr)); ck_assert(tox_add_tcp_relay(tox3, "", tcp_port, dht_pk, nullptr)); ck_assert(tox_bootstrap(tox4, "", dht_port, dht_pk, nullptr)); ck_assert(tox_add_tcp_relay(tox4, "", tcp_port, dht_pk, nullptr)); int ret = 1; if (try_bootstrap(tox1, tox2, tox3, tox4)) { ret = 0; } tox_options_free(tox_options); tox_kill(tox4); tox_kill(tox3); tox_kill(tox2); tox_kill(tox1); return ret; }