/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2025 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2013-2015 Tox project. */ #include "toxav.h" #include #include #include #include #include "msi.h" #include "rtp.h" #include "toxav_hacks.h" #include "../toxcore/Messenger.h" #include "../toxcore/ccompat.h" #include "../toxcore/logger.h" #include "../toxcore/mono_time.h" #include "../toxcore/net_crypto.h" #include "../toxcore/network.h" #include "../toxcore/tox.h" #include "../toxcore/tox_private.h" #include "../toxcore/tox_struct.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "../toxcore/util.h" // TODO(zoff99): don't hardcode this, let the application choose it // VPX Info: Time to spend encoding, in microseconds (it's a *soft* deadline) #define WANTED_MAX_ENCODER_FPS 40 #define MAX_ENCODE_TIME_US (1000000 / WANTED_MAX_ENCODER_FPS) // to allow x fps #define VIDEO_SEND_X_KEYFRAMES_FIRST 7 // force the first n frames to be keyframes! /* * VPX_DL_REALTIME (1) deadline parameter analogous to VPx REALTIME mode. * VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY (1000000) deadline parameter analogous to VPx GOOD QUALITY mode. * VPX_DL_BEST_QUALITY (0) deadline parameter analogous to VPx BEST QUALITY mode. */ // iteration interval that is used when no call is active #define IDLE_ITERATION_INTERVAL_MS 200 #ifndef TOXAV_CALL_DEFINED #define TOXAV_CALL_DEFINED typedef struct ToxAVCall ToxAVCall; #endif /* TOXAV_CALL_DEFINED */ struct ToxAVCall { ToxAV *av; pthread_mutex_t mutex_audio[1]; RTPSession *audio_rtp; ACSession *audio; pthread_mutex_t mutex_video[1]; RTPSession *video_rtp; VCSession *video; BWController *bwc; bool active; MSICall *msi_call; uint32_t friend_number; uint32_t audio_bit_rate; /* Sending audio bit rate */ uint32_t video_bit_rate; /* Sending video bit rate */ /** Required for monitoring changes in states */ uint8_t previous_self_capabilities; pthread_mutex_t toxav_call_mutex[1]; struct ToxAVCall *prev; struct ToxAVCall *next; }; /** Decode time statistics */ typedef struct DecodeTimeStats { /** Measure count */ int32_t count; /** Last cycle total */ int32_t total; /** Average decoding time in ms */ int32_t average; /** Calculated iteration interval */ uint32_t interval; } DecodeTimeStats; struct ToxAV { const Memory *mem; Logger *log; Tox *tox; MSISession *msi; /* Two-way storage: first is array of calls and second is list of calls with head and tail */ ToxAVCall **calls; uint32_t calls_tail; uint32_t calls_head; pthread_mutex_t mutex[1]; /* Call callback */ toxav_call_cb *ccb; void *ccb_user_data; /* Call state callback */ toxav_call_state_cb *scb; void *scb_user_data; /* Audio frame receive callback */ toxav_audio_receive_frame_cb *acb; void *acb_user_data; /* Video frame receive callback */ toxav_video_receive_frame_cb *vcb; void *vcb_user_data; /* Bit rate control callback */ toxav_audio_bit_rate_cb *abcb; void *abcb_user_data; /* Bit rate control callback */ toxav_video_bit_rate_cb *vbcb; void *vbcb_user_data; /* keep track of decode times for audio and video */ DecodeTimeStats audio_stats; DecodeTimeStats video_stats; Mono_Time *toxav_mono_time; // ToxAV's own mono_time instance }; static void callback_bwc(BWController *bwc, uint32_t friend_number, float loss, void *user_data); static int callback_invite(void *object, MSICall *call); static int callback_start(void *object, MSICall *call); static int callback_end(void *object, MSICall *call); static int callback_error(void *object, MSICall *call); static int callback_capabilites(void *object, MSICall *call); static bool audio_bit_rate_invalid(uint32_t bit_rate); static bool video_bit_rate_invalid(uint32_t bit_rate); static bool invoke_call_state_callback(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t state); static ToxAVCall *call_new(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, Toxav_Err_Call *error); static ToxAVCall *call_remove(ToxAVCall *call); static bool call_prepare_transmission(ToxAVCall *call); static void call_kill_transmission(ToxAVCall *call); MSISession *tox_av_msi_get(const ToxAV *av) { if (av == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return av->msi; } ToxAVCall *call_get(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number) { if (av == nullptr) { return nullptr; } /* Assumes mutex locked */ if (av->calls == nullptr || av->calls_tail < friend_number) { return nullptr; } return av->calls[friend_number]; } RTPSession *rtp_session_get(ToxAVCall *call, int payload_type) { if (call == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if (payload_type == RTP_TYPE_VIDEO) { return call->video_rtp; } else { return call->audio_rtp; } } BWController *bwc_controller_get(const ToxAVCall *call) { if (call == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return call->bwc; } /** * @brief initialize d with default values * @param d struct to be initialized, must not be nullptr */ static void init_decode_time_stats(DecodeTimeStats *d) { assert(d != nullptr); d->count = 0; d->total = 0; d->average = 0; d->interval = IDLE_ITERATION_INTERVAL_MS; } ToxAV *toxav_new(Tox *tox, Toxav_Err_New *error) { Toxav_Err_New rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_OK; ToxAV *av = nullptr; if (tox == nullptr) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_NULL; goto RETURN; } av = (ToxAV *)calloc(1, sizeof(ToxAV)); if (av == nullptr) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_MALLOC; goto RETURN; } if (create_recursive_mutex(av->mutex) != 0) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_MALLOC; goto RETURN; } av->mem = tox->sys.mem; av->log = tox->m->log; av->tox = tox; av->msi = msi_new(av->log, av->tox); rtp_allow_receiving(av->tox); bwc_allow_receiving(av->tox); av->toxav_mono_time = mono_time_new(tox->sys.mem, nullptr, nullptr); if (av->msi == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_destroy(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_NEW_MALLOC; goto RETURN; } init_decode_time_stats(&av->audio_stats); init_decode_time_stats(&av->video_stats); av->msi->av = av; // save ToxAV object into toxcore tox_set_av_object(av->tox, av); msi_callback_invite(av->msi, callback_invite); msi_callback_start(av->msi, callback_start); msi_callback_end(av->msi, callback_end); msi_callback_error(av->msi, callback_error); msi_callback_peertimeout(av->msi, callback_error); msi_callback_capabilities(av->msi, callback_capabilites); RETURN: if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } if (rc != TOXAV_ERR_NEW_OK) { if (av != nullptr) { free(av); av = nullptr; } } return av; } void toxav_kill(ToxAV *av) { if (av == nullptr) { return; } pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); // unregister callbacks for (uint8_t i = PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSY_AV_START; i <= PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSY_AV_END; ++i) { tox_callback_friend_lossy_packet_per_pktid(av->tox, nullptr, i); } rtp_stop_receiving(av->tox); bwc_stop_receiving(av->tox); /* To avoid possible deadlocks */ while (av->msi != nullptr && msi_kill(av->log, av->tox, av->msi) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); } /* Msi kill will hang up all calls so just clean these calls */ if (av->calls != nullptr) { ToxAVCall *it = call_get(av, av->calls_head); while (it != nullptr) { call_kill_transmission(it); it->msi_call = nullptr; /* msi_kill() frees the call's msi_call handle; which causes #278 */ it = call_remove(it); /* This will eventually free av->calls */ } } mono_time_free(av->tox->sys.mem, av->toxav_mono_time); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(av->mutex); // set ToxAV object to NULL in toxcore, to signal ToxAV has been shutdown tox_set_av_object(av->tox, nullptr); free(av); } Tox *toxav_get_tox(const ToxAV *av) { return av->tox; } const Logger *toxav_get_logger(const ToxAV *av) { return av->log; } uint32_t toxav_audio_iteration_interval(const ToxAV *av) { return av->calls != nullptr ? av->audio_stats.interval : IDLE_ITERATION_INTERVAL_MS; } uint32_t toxav_video_iteration_interval(const ToxAV *av) { return av->calls != nullptr ? av->video_stats.interval : IDLE_ITERATION_INTERVAL_MS; } uint32_t toxav_iteration_interval(const ToxAV *av) { return min_u32(toxav_audio_iteration_interval(av), toxav_video_iteration_interval(av)); } /** * @brief calc_interval Calculates the needed iteration interval based on previous decode times * @param av ToxAV struct to work on * @param stats Statistics to update * @param frame_time the duration of the current frame in ms * @param start_time the timestamp when decoding of this frame started */ static void calc_interval(const ToxAV *av, DecodeTimeStats *stats, int32_t frame_time, uint64_t start_time) { stats->interval = frame_time < stats->average ? 0 : (frame_time - stats->average); stats->total += current_time_monotonic(av->toxav_mono_time) - start_time; if (++stats->count == 3) { /* NOTE: Magic Offset for precision */ stats->average = stats->total / 3 + 5; stats->count = 0; stats->total = 0; } } /** * @brief common iterator function for audio and video calls * @param av pointer to ToxAV structure of current instance * @param audio if true, iterate audio, video else */ static void iterate_common(ToxAV *av, bool audio) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); if (av->calls == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); return; } const uint64_t start = current_time_monotonic(av->toxav_mono_time); int32_t frame_time = IDLE_ITERATION_INTERVAL_MS; for (ToxAVCall *i = av->calls[av->calls_head]; i != nullptr; i = i->next) { if (!i->active) { continue; } pthread_mutex_lock(i->toxav_call_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); const uint32_t fid = i->friend_number; const bool is_offline = check_peer_offline_status(av->log, av->tox, i->msi_call->session, fid); if (is_offline) { pthread_mutex_unlock(i->toxav_call_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); break; } if (audio) { ac_iterate(i->audio); if ((i->msi_call->self_capabilities & MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO) != 0 && (i->msi_call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO) != 0) { frame_time = min_s32(i->audio->lp_frame_duration, frame_time); } } else { vc_iterate(i->video); if ((i->msi_call->self_capabilities & MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO) != 0 && (i->msi_call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO) != 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(i->video->queue_mutex); frame_time = min_s32(i->video->lcfd, frame_time); pthread_mutex_unlock(i->video->queue_mutex); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(i->toxav_call_mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); /* In case this call is popped from container stop iteration */ if (call_get(av, fid) != i) { break; } } DecodeTimeStats *stats = audio ? &av->audio_stats : &av->video_stats; calc_interval(av, stats, frame_time, start); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); } void toxav_audio_iterate(ToxAV *av) { iterate_common(av, true); } void toxav_video_iterate(ToxAV *av) { iterate_common(av, false); } void toxav_iterate(ToxAV *av) { toxav_audio_iterate(av); toxav_video_iterate(av); } bool toxav_call(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate, uint32_t video_bit_rate, Toxav_Err_Call *error) { Toxav_Err_Call rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_OK; ToxAVCall *call; pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); if ((audio_bit_rate != 0 && audio_bit_rate_invalid(audio_bit_rate)) || (video_bit_rate != 0 && video_bit_rate_invalid(video_bit_rate))) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_INVALID_BIT_RATE; goto RETURN; } call = call_new(av, friend_number, &rc); if (call == nullptr) { goto RETURN; } call->audio_bit_rate = audio_bit_rate; call->video_bit_rate = video_bit_rate; call->previous_self_capabilities = MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO | MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO; call->previous_self_capabilities |= audio_bit_rate > 0 ? MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO : 0; call->previous_self_capabilities |= video_bit_rate > 0 ? MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO : 0; if (msi_invite(av->log, av->msi, &call->msi_call, friend_number, call->previous_self_capabilities) != 0) { call_remove(call); rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_SYNC; goto RETURN; } call->msi_call->av_call = call; RETURN: pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return rc == TOXAV_ERR_CALL_OK; } void toxav_callback_call(ToxAV *av, toxav_call_cb *callback, void *user_data) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); av->ccb = callback; av->ccb_user_data = user_data; pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); } bool toxav_answer(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t audio_bit_rate, uint32_t video_bit_rate, Toxav_Err_Answer *error) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); Toxav_Err_Answer rc = TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_OK; ToxAVCall *call; if (!tox_friend_exists(av->tox, friend_number)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND; goto RETURN; } if ((audio_bit_rate != 0 && audio_bit_rate_invalid(audio_bit_rate)) || (video_bit_rate != 0 && video_bit_rate_invalid(video_bit_rate)) ) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_INVALID_BIT_RATE; goto RETURN; } call = call_get(av, friend_number); if (call == nullptr) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_FRIEND_NOT_CALLING; goto RETURN; } if (!call_prepare_transmission(call)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_CODEC_INITIALIZATION; goto RETURN; } call->audio_bit_rate = audio_bit_rate; call->video_bit_rate = video_bit_rate; call->previous_self_capabilities = MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO | MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO; call->previous_self_capabilities |= audio_bit_rate > 0 ? MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO : 0; call->previous_self_capabilities |= video_bit_rate > 0 ? MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO : 0; if (msi_answer(av->log, call->msi_call, call->previous_self_capabilities) != 0) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_SYNC; } RETURN: pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return rc == TOXAV_ERR_ANSWER_OK; } void toxav_callback_call_state(ToxAV *av, toxav_call_state_cb *callback, void *user_data) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); av->scb = callback; av->scb_user_data = user_data; pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle_resume(const ToxAVCall *call) { /* Only act if paused and had media transfer active before */ if (call->msi_call->self_capabilities != 0 || call->previous_self_capabilities == 0) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_INVALID_TRANSITION; } if (msi_change_capabilities(call->av->log, call->msi_call, call->previous_self_capabilities) == -1) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_SYNC; } rtp_allow_receiving_mark(call->audio_rtp); rtp_allow_receiving_mark(call->video_rtp); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle_pause(ToxAVCall *call) { /* Only act if not already paused */ if (call->msi_call->self_capabilities == 0) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_INVALID_TRANSITION; } call->previous_self_capabilities = call->msi_call->self_capabilities; if (msi_change_capabilities(call->av->log, call->msi_call, 0) == -1) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_SYNC; } rtp_stop_receiving_mark(call->audio_rtp); rtp_stop_receiving_mark(call->video_rtp); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle_cancel(ToxAVCall *call) { /* Hang up */ pthread_mutex_lock(call->toxav_call_mutex); if (msi_hangup(call->av->log, call->msi_call) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->toxav_call_mutex); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_SYNC; } call->msi_call = nullptr; pthread_mutex_unlock(call->toxav_call_mutex); /* No matter the case, terminate the call */ call_kill_transmission(call); call_remove(call); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle_mute_audio(const ToxAVCall *call) { if ((call->msi_call->self_capabilities & MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO) == 0) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_INVALID_TRANSITION; } if (msi_change_capabilities(call->av->log, call->msi_call, call-> msi_call->self_capabilities ^ MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO) == -1) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_SYNC; } rtp_stop_receiving_mark(call->audio_rtp); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle_unmute_audio(const ToxAVCall *call) { if ((call->msi_call->self_capabilities ^ MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO) == 0) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_INVALID_TRANSITION; } if (msi_change_capabilities(call->av->log, call->msi_call, call-> msi_call->self_capabilities | MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO) == -1) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_SYNC; } rtp_allow_receiving_mark(call->audio_rtp); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle_hide_video(const ToxAVCall *call) { if ((call->msi_call->self_capabilities & MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO) == 0) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_INVALID_TRANSITION; } if (msi_change_capabilities(call->av->log, call->msi_call, call-> msi_call->self_capabilities ^ MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO) == -1) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_SYNC; } rtp_stop_receiving_mark(call->video_rtp); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle_show_video(const ToxAVCall *call) { if ((call->msi_call->self_capabilities ^ MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO) == 0) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_INVALID_TRANSITION; } if (msi_change_capabilities(call->av->log, call->msi_call, call-> msi_call->self_capabilities | MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO) == -1) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_SYNC; } rtp_allow_receiving_mark(call->video_rtp); return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control_handle(ToxAVCall *call, Toxav_Call_Control control) { switch (control) { case TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_RESUME: return call_control_handle_resume(call); case TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_PAUSE: return call_control_handle_pause(call); case TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_CANCEL: return call_control_handle_cancel(call); case TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_MUTE_AUDIO: return call_control_handle_mute_audio(call); case TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_UNMUTE_AUDIO: return call_control_handle_unmute_audio(call); case TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_HIDE_VIDEO: return call_control_handle_hide_video(call); case TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_SHOW_VIDEO: return call_control_handle_show_video(call); } return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_INVALID_TRANSITION; } static Toxav_Err_Call_Control call_control(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, Toxav_Call_Control control) { if (!tox_friend_exists(av->tox, friend_number)) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND; } ToxAVCall *call = call_get(av, friend_number); if (call == nullptr || (!call->active && control != TOXAV_CALL_CONTROL_CANCEL)) { return TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_FRIEND_NOT_IN_CALL; } return call_control_handle(call, control); } bool toxav_call_control(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, Toxav_Call_Control control, Toxav_Err_Call_Control *error) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); const Toxav_Err_Call_Control rc = call_control(av, friend_number, control); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return rc == TOXAV_ERR_CALL_CONTROL_OK; } bool toxav_audio_set_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t bit_rate, Toxav_Err_Bit_Rate_Set *error) { Toxav_Err_Bit_Rate_Set rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_OK; ToxAVCall *call; if (!tox_friend_exists(av->tox, friend_number)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND; goto RETURN; } if (bit_rate > 0 && audio_bit_rate_invalid(bit_rate)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_INVALID_BIT_RATE; goto RETURN; } pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); call = call_get(av, friend_number); if (call == nullptr || !call->active || call->msi_call->state != MSI_CALL_ACTIVE) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_FRIEND_NOT_IN_CALL; goto RETURN; } LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Setting new audio bitrate to: %d", bit_rate); if (call->audio_bit_rate == bit_rate) { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Audio bitrate already set to: %d", bit_rate); } else if (bit_rate == 0) { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Turned off audio sending"); if (msi_change_capabilities(av->log, call->msi_call, call->msi_call-> self_capabilities ^ MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_SYNC; goto RETURN; } /* Audio sending is turned off; notify peer */ call->audio_bit_rate = 0; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(call->toxav_call_mutex); if (call->audio_bit_rate == 0) { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Turned on audio sending"); /* The audio has been turned off before this */ if (msi_change_capabilities(av->log, call->msi_call, call-> msi_call->self_capabilities | MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->toxav_call_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_SYNC; goto RETURN; } } else { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Set new audio bit rate %d", bit_rate); } call->audio_bit_rate = bit_rate; pthread_mutex_unlock(call->toxav_call_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); RETURN: if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return rc == TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_OK; } bool toxav_video_set_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t bit_rate, Toxav_Err_Bit_Rate_Set *error) { Toxav_Err_Bit_Rate_Set rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_OK; ToxAVCall *call; if (!tox_friend_exists(av->tox, friend_number)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND; goto RETURN; } if (bit_rate > 0 && video_bit_rate_invalid(bit_rate)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_INVALID_BIT_RATE; goto RETURN; } pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); call = call_get(av, friend_number); if (call == nullptr || !call->active || call->msi_call->state != MSI_CALL_ACTIVE) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_FRIEND_NOT_IN_CALL; goto RETURN; } LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Setting new video bitrate to: %d", bit_rate); if (call->video_bit_rate == bit_rate) { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Video bitrate already set to: %d", bit_rate); } else if (bit_rate == 0) { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Turned off video sending"); /* Video sending is turned off; notify peer */ if (msi_change_capabilities(av->log, call->msi_call, call->msi_call-> self_capabilities ^ MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_SYNC; goto RETURN; } call->video_bit_rate = 0; } else { pthread_mutex_lock(call->toxav_call_mutex); if (call->video_bit_rate == 0) { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Turned on video sending"); /* The video has been turned off before this */ if (msi_change_capabilities(av->log, call->msi_call, call-> msi_call->self_capabilities | MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->toxav_call_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_SYNC; goto RETURN; } } else { LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "Set new video bit rate %d", bit_rate); } call->video_bit_rate = bit_rate; pthread_mutex_unlock(call->toxav_call_mutex); } pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); RETURN: if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return rc == TOXAV_ERR_BIT_RATE_SET_OK; } void toxav_callback_audio_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, toxav_audio_bit_rate_cb *callback, void *user_data) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); av->abcb = callback; av->abcb_user_data = user_data; pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); } void toxav_callback_video_bit_rate(ToxAV *av, toxav_video_bit_rate_cb *callback, void *user_data) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); av->vbcb = callback; av->vbcb_user_data = user_data; pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); } bool toxav_audio_send_frame(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, const int16_t *pcm, size_t sample_count, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sampling_rate, Toxav_Err_Send_Frame *error) { Toxav_Err_Send_Frame rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_OK; ToxAVCall *call; if (!tox_friend_exists(av->tox, friend_number)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND; goto RETURN; } if (pthread_mutex_trylock(av->mutex) != 0) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_SYNC; goto RETURN; } call = call_get(av, friend_number); if (call == nullptr || !call->active || call->msi_call->state != MSI_CALL_ACTIVE) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_FRIEND_NOT_IN_CALL; goto RETURN; } if (call->audio_bit_rate == 0 || (call->msi_call->self_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO) == 0 || (call->msi_call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_R_AUDIO) == 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_PAYLOAD_TYPE_DISABLED; goto RETURN; } pthread_mutex_lock(call->mutex_audio); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); if (pcm == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_audio); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_NULL; goto RETURN; } if (channels > 2) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_audio); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_INVALID; goto RETURN; } { /* Encode and send */ if (ac_reconfigure_encoder(call->audio, call->audio_bit_rate * 1000, sampling_rate, channels) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_audio); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_INVALID; goto RETURN; } /* This is more than enough always */ const uint16_t dest_size = sample_count + sizeof(sampling_rate); VLA(uint8_t, dest, dest_size); sampling_rate = net_htonl(sampling_rate); memcpy(dest, &sampling_rate, sizeof(sampling_rate)); const int vrc = opus_encode(call->audio->encoder, pcm, sample_count, dest + sizeof(sampling_rate), dest_size - sizeof(sampling_rate)); if (vrc < 0) { LOGGER_WARNING(av->log, "Failed to encode frame %s", opus_strerror(vrc)); pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_audio); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_INVALID; goto RETURN; } if (rtp_send_data(av->log, call->audio_rtp, dest, vrc + sizeof(sampling_rate), false) != 0) { LOGGER_WARNING(av->log, "Failed to send audio packet"); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_RTP_FAILED; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_audio); RETURN: if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return rc == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_OK; } static Toxav_Err_Send_Frame send_frames(const ToxAV *av, ToxAVCall *call) { vpx_codec_iter_t iter = nullptr; for (const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(call->video->encoder, &iter); pkt != nullptr; pkt = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(call->video->encoder, &iter)) { if (pkt->kind != VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT) { continue; } const bool is_keyframe = (pkt->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY) != 0; // https://www.webmproject.org/docs/webm-sdk/structvpx__codec__cx__pkt.html // pkt->data.frame.sz -> size_t const uint32_t frame_length_in_bytes = pkt->data.frame.sz; const int res = rtp_send_data( av->log, call->video_rtp, (const uint8_t *)pkt->data.frame.buf, frame_length_in_bytes, is_keyframe); if (res < 0) { Net_Strerror error_str; LOGGER_WARNING(av->log, "Could not send video frame: %s", net_strerror(net_error(), &error_str)); return TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_RTP_FAILED; } } return TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_OK; } bool toxav_video_send_frame(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint16_t width, uint16_t height, const uint8_t *y, const uint8_t *u, const uint8_t *v, Toxav_Err_Send_Frame *error) { Toxav_Err_Send_Frame rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_OK; ToxAVCall *call; int vpx_encode_flags = 0; if (!tox_friend_exists(av->tox, friend_number)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND; goto RETURN; } if (pthread_mutex_trylock(av->mutex) != 0) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_SYNC; goto RETURN; } call = call_get(av, friend_number); if (call == nullptr || !call->active || call->msi_call->state != MSI_CALL_ACTIVE) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_FRIEND_NOT_IN_CALL; goto RETURN; } if (call->video_bit_rate == 0 || (call->msi_call->self_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO) == 0 || (call->msi_call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_R_VIDEO) == 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_PAYLOAD_TYPE_DISABLED; goto RETURN; } pthread_mutex_lock(call->mutex_video); pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); if (y == nullptr || u == nullptr || v == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_video); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_NULL; goto RETURN; } if (vc_reconfigure_encoder(call->video, call->video_bit_rate, width, height, -1) != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_video); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_INVALID; goto RETURN; } if (call->video_rtp->ssrc < VIDEO_SEND_X_KEYFRAMES_FIRST) { // Key frame flag for first frames vpx_encode_flags = VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF; LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "I_FRAME_FLAG:%d only-i-frame mode", call->video_rtp->ssrc); ++call->video_rtp->ssrc; } else if (call->video_rtp->ssrc == VIDEO_SEND_X_KEYFRAMES_FIRST) { // normal keyframe placement vpx_encode_flags = 0; LOGGER_DEBUG(av->log, "I_FRAME_FLAG:%d normal mode", call->video_rtp->ssrc); ++call->video_rtp->ssrc; } // we start with I-frames (full frames) and then switch to normal mode later { /* Encode */ vpx_image_t img; img.w = 0; img.h = 0; img.d_w = 0; img.d_h = 0; vpx_img_alloc(&img, VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, width, height, 0); /* I420 "It comprises an NxM Y plane followed by (N/2)x(M/2) V and U planes." * http://fourcc.org/yuv.php#IYUV */ memcpy(img.planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], y, width * height); memcpy(img.planes[VPX_PLANE_U], u, (width / 2) * (height / 2)); memcpy(img.planes[VPX_PLANE_V], v, (width / 2) * (height / 2)); const vpx_codec_err_t vrc = vpx_codec_encode(call->video->encoder, &img, call->video->frame_counter, 1, vpx_encode_flags, MAX_ENCODE_TIME_US); vpx_img_free(&img); if (vrc != VPX_CODEC_OK) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_video); LOGGER_ERROR(av->log, "Could not encode video frame: %s", vpx_codec_err_to_string(vrc)); rc = TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_INVALID; goto RETURN; } } ++call->video->frame_counter; rc = send_frames(av, call); pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_video); RETURN: if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return rc == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_OK; } void toxav_callback_audio_receive_frame(ToxAV *av, toxav_audio_receive_frame_cb *callback, void *user_data) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); av->acb = callback; av->acb_user_data = user_data; pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); } void toxav_callback_video_receive_frame(ToxAV *av, toxav_video_receive_frame_cb *callback, void *user_data) { pthread_mutex_lock(av->mutex); av->vcb = callback; av->vcb_user_data = user_data; pthread_mutex_unlock(av->mutex); } /******************************************************************************* * * :: Internal * ******************************************************************************/ static void callback_bwc(BWController *bwc, uint32_t friend_number, float loss, void *user_data) { /* Callback which is called when the internal measure mechanism reported packet loss. * We report suggested lowered bitrate to an app. If app is sending both audio and video, * we will report lowered bitrate for video only because in that case video probably * takes more than 90% bandwidth. Otherwise, we report lowered bitrate on audio. * The application may choose to disable video totally if the stream is too bad. */ ToxAVCall *call = (ToxAVCall *)user_data; assert(call != nullptr); LOGGER_DEBUG(call->av->log, "Reported loss of %f%%", (double)loss * 100); /* if less than 10% data loss we do nothing! */ if (loss < 0.1F) { return; } pthread_mutex_lock(call->av->mutex); if (call->video_bit_rate != 0) { if (call->av->vbcb == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->av->mutex); LOGGER_WARNING(call->av->log, "No callback to report loss on"); return; } call->av->vbcb(call->av, friend_number, call->video_bit_rate - (call->video_bit_rate * loss), call->av->vbcb_user_data); } else if (call->audio_bit_rate != 0) { if (call->av->abcb == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_unlock(call->av->mutex); LOGGER_WARNING(call->av->log, "No callback to report loss on"); return; } call->av->abcb(call->av, friend_number, call->audio_bit_rate - (call->audio_bit_rate * loss), call->av->abcb_user_data); } pthread_mutex_unlock(call->av->mutex); } static int callback_invite(void *object, MSICall *call) { ToxAV *toxav = (ToxAV *)object; pthread_mutex_lock(toxav->mutex); ToxAVCall *av_call = call_new(toxav, call->friend_number, nullptr); if (av_call == nullptr) { LOGGER_WARNING(toxav->log, "Failed to initialize call..."); pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return -1; } call->av_call = av_call; av_call->msi_call = call; if (toxav->ccb != nullptr) { toxav->ccb(toxav, call->friend_number, call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO, call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO, toxav->ccb_user_data); } else { /* No handler to capture the call request, send failure */ pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return -1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return 0; } static int callback_start(void *object, MSICall *call) { ToxAV *toxav = (ToxAV *)object; pthread_mutex_lock(toxav->mutex); ToxAVCall *av_call = call_get(toxav, call->friend_number); if (av_call == nullptr) { /* Should this ever happen? */ pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return -1; } if (!call_prepare_transmission(av_call)) { callback_error(toxav, call); pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return -1; } if (!invoke_call_state_callback(toxav, call->friend_number, call->peer_capabilities)) { callback_error(toxav, call); pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return -1; } pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return 0; } static int callback_end(void *object, MSICall *call) { ToxAV *toxav = (ToxAV *)object; pthread_mutex_lock(toxav->mutex); invoke_call_state_callback(toxav, call->friend_number, TOXAV_FRIEND_CALL_STATE_FINISHED); if (call->av_call != nullptr) { call_kill_transmission(call->av_call); call_remove(call->av_call); } pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return 0; } static int callback_error(void *object, MSICall *call) { ToxAV *toxav = (ToxAV *)object; pthread_mutex_lock(toxav->mutex); invoke_call_state_callback(toxav, call->friend_number, TOXAV_FRIEND_CALL_STATE_ERROR); if (call->av_call != nullptr) { call_kill_transmission(call->av_call); call_remove(call->av_call); } pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return 0; } static int callback_capabilites(void *object, MSICall *call) { ToxAV *toxav = (ToxAV *)object; pthread_mutex_lock(toxav->mutex); if ((call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_AUDIO) != 0) { rtp_allow_receiving_mark(call->av_call->audio_rtp); } else { rtp_stop_receiving_mark(call->av_call->audio_rtp); } if ((call->peer_capabilities & MSI_CAP_S_VIDEO) != 0) { rtp_allow_receiving_mark(call->av_call->video_rtp); } else { rtp_stop_receiving_mark(call->av_call->video_rtp); } invoke_call_state_callback(toxav, call->friend_number, call->peer_capabilities); pthread_mutex_unlock(toxav->mutex); return 0; } static bool audio_bit_rate_invalid(uint32_t bit_rate) { /* Opus RFC 6716 section-2.1.1 dictates the following: * Opus supports all bit rates from 6 kbit/s to 510 kbit/s. */ return bit_rate < 6 || bit_rate > 510; } static bool video_bit_rate_invalid(uint32_t bit_rate) { /* https://www.webmproject.org/docs/webm-sdk/structvpx__codec__enc__cfg.html shows the following: * unsigned int rc_target_bitrate * the range of uint varies from platform to platform * though, uint32_t should be large enough to store bitrates, * we may want to prevent from passing overflowed bitrates to libvpx * more in detail, it's the case where bit_rate is larger than uint, but smaller than uint32_t */ return bit_rate > UINT32_MAX; } static bool invoke_call_state_callback(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, uint32_t state) { if (av->scb != nullptr) { av->scb(av, friend_number, state, av->scb_user_data); } else { return false; } return true; } static ToxAVCall *call_new(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, Toxav_Err_Call *error) { /* Assumes mutex locked */ Toxav_Err_Call rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_OK; ToxAVCall *call = nullptr; Tox_Err_Friend_Query f_con_query_error; Tox_Connection f_con_status = TOX_CONNECTION_NONE; if (!tox_friend_exists(av->tox, friend_number)) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_FRIEND_NOT_FOUND; goto RETURN; } f_con_status = tox_friend_get_connection_status(av->tox, friend_number, &f_con_query_error); if (f_con_status == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_FRIEND_NOT_CONNECTED; goto RETURN; } if (call_get(av, friend_number) != nullptr) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_FRIEND_ALREADY_IN_CALL; goto RETURN; } call = (ToxAVCall *)calloc(1, sizeof(ToxAVCall)); if (call == nullptr) { rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_MALLOC; goto RETURN; } call->av = av; call->friend_number = friend_number; if (create_recursive_mutex(call->toxav_call_mutex) != 0) { free(call); call = nullptr; rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_MALLOC; goto RETURN; } if (av->calls == nullptr) { /* Creating */ av->calls = (ToxAVCall **)calloc(friend_number + 1, sizeof(ToxAVCall *)); if (av->calls == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_destroy(call->toxav_call_mutex); free(call); call = nullptr; rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_MALLOC; goto RETURN; } av->calls_tail = friend_number; av->calls_head = friend_number; } else if (av->calls_tail < friend_number) { /* Appending */ ToxAVCall **tmp = (ToxAVCall **)realloc(av->calls, (friend_number + 1) * sizeof(ToxAVCall *)); if (tmp == nullptr) { pthread_mutex_destroy(call->toxav_call_mutex); free(call); call = nullptr; rc = TOXAV_ERR_CALL_MALLOC; goto RETURN; } av->calls = tmp; /* Set fields in between to null */ for (uint32_t i = av->calls_tail + 1; i < friend_number; ++i) { av->calls[i] = nullptr; } call->prev = av->calls[av->calls_tail]; av->calls[av->calls_tail]->next = call; av->calls_tail = friend_number; } else if (av->calls_head > friend_number) { /* Inserting at front */ call->next = av->calls[av->calls_head]; av->calls[av->calls_head]->prev = call; av->calls_head = friend_number; } av->calls[friend_number] = call; RETURN: if (error != nullptr) { *error = rc; } return call; } static ToxAVCall *call_remove(ToxAVCall *call) { if (call == nullptr) { return nullptr; } const uint32_t friend_number = call->friend_number; ToxAV *av = call->av; ToxAVCall *prev = call->prev; ToxAVCall *next = call->next; /* Set av call in msi to NULL in order to know if call if ToxAVCall is * removed from the msi call. */ if (call->msi_call != nullptr) { call->msi_call->av_call = nullptr; } pthread_mutex_destroy(call->toxav_call_mutex); free(call); if (prev != nullptr) { prev->next = next; } else if (next != nullptr) { av->calls_head = next->friend_number; } else { goto CLEAR; } if (next != nullptr) { next->prev = prev; } else if (prev != nullptr) { av->calls_tail = prev->friend_number; } else { goto CLEAR; } av->calls[friend_number] = nullptr; return next; CLEAR: av->calls_head = 0; av->calls_tail = 0; free(av->calls); av->calls = nullptr; return nullptr; } static bool call_prepare_transmission(ToxAVCall *call) { /* Assumes mutex locked */ if (call == nullptr) { return false; } ToxAV *av = call->av; if (av->acb == nullptr && av->vcb == nullptr) { /* It makes no sense to have CSession without callbacks */ return false; } if (call->active) { LOGGER_WARNING(av->log, "Call already active!"); return true; } if (create_recursive_mutex(call->mutex_audio) != 0) { return false; } if (create_recursive_mutex(call->mutex_video) != 0) { goto FAILURE_2; } /* Prepare bwc */ call->bwc = bwc_new(av->log, av->tox, call->friend_number, callback_bwc, call, av->toxav_mono_time); { /* Prepare audio */ call->audio = ac_new(av->toxav_mono_time, av->log, av, call->friend_number, av->acb, av->acb_user_data); if (call->audio == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(av->log, "Failed to create audio codec session"); goto FAILURE; } call->audio_rtp = rtp_new(av->log, av->mem, RTP_TYPE_AUDIO, av->tox, av, call->friend_number, call->bwc, call->audio, ac_queue_message); if (call->audio_rtp == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(av->log, "Failed to create audio rtp session"); goto FAILURE; } } { /* Prepare video */ call->video = vc_new(av->log, av->toxav_mono_time, av, call->friend_number, av->vcb, av->vcb_user_data); if (call->video == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(av->log, "Failed to create video codec session"); goto FAILURE; } call->video_rtp = rtp_new(av->log, av->mem, RTP_TYPE_VIDEO, av->tox, av, call->friend_number, call->bwc, call->video, vc_queue_message); if (call->video_rtp == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(av->log, "Failed to create video rtp session"); goto FAILURE; } } call->active = true; return true; FAILURE: bwc_kill(call->bwc); rtp_kill(av->log, call->audio_rtp); ac_kill(call->audio); call->audio_rtp = nullptr; call->audio = nullptr; rtp_kill(av->log, call->video_rtp); vc_kill(call->video); call->video_rtp = nullptr; call->video = nullptr; pthread_mutex_destroy(call->mutex_video); FAILURE_2: pthread_mutex_destroy(call->mutex_audio); return false; } static void call_kill_transmission(ToxAVCall *call) { if (call == nullptr || !call->active) { return; } call->active = false; pthread_mutex_lock(call->mutex_audio); pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_audio); pthread_mutex_lock(call->mutex_video); pthread_mutex_unlock(call->mutex_video); pthread_mutex_lock(call->toxav_call_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(call->toxav_call_mutex); bwc_kill(call->bwc); const ToxAV *av = call->av; rtp_kill(av->log, call->audio_rtp); ac_kill(call->audio); call->audio_rtp = nullptr; call->audio = nullptr; rtp_kill(av->log, call->video_rtp); vc_kill(call->video); call->video_rtp = nullptr; call->video = nullptr; pthread_mutex_destroy(call->mutex_audio); pthread_mutex_destroy(call->mutex_video); } Mono_Time *toxav_get_av_mono_time(const ToxAV *av) { if (av == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return av->toxav_mono_time; }