/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2025 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2014 Tox project. */ /** * Implementation of the TCP relay server part of Tox. */ #include "TCP_server.h" #include #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WIN32__) && !defined (WIN32) #include #endif /* !WIN32 */ #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL #include #include #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ #include "TCP_common.h" #include "attributes.h" #include "ccompat.h" #include "crypto_core.h" #include "forwarding.h" #include "list.h" #include "logger.h" #include "mem.h" #include "mono_time.h" #include "net_profile.h" #include "network.h" #include "onion.h" #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL #define TCP_SOCKET_LISTENING 0 #define TCP_SOCKET_INCOMING 1 #define TCP_SOCKET_UNCONFIRMED 2 #define TCP_SOCKET_CONFIRMED 3 #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ typedef struct TCP_Secure_Conn { uint8_t public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; uint32_t index; // TODO(iphydf): Add an enum for this (same as in TCP_client.c, probably). uint8_t status; /* 0 if not used, 1 if other is offline, 2 if other is online. */ uint8_t other_id; } TCP_Secure_Conn; typedef struct TCP_Secure_Connection { TCP_Connection con; uint8_t public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; uint8_t recv_nonce[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE]; /* Nonce of received packets. */ uint16_t next_packet_length; TCP_Secure_Conn connections[NUM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS]; uint8_t status; uint64_t identifier; uint64_t last_pinged; uint64_t ping_id; } TCP_Secure_Connection; static const TCP_Secure_Connection empty_tcp_secure_connection = {{nullptr}}; struct TCP_Server { const Logger *logger; const Memory *mem; const Random *rng; const Network *ns; Onion *onion; Forwarding *forwarding; #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL int efd; uint64_t last_run_pinged; #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ Socket *socks_listening; unsigned int num_listening_socks; uint8_t public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; uint8_t secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE]; TCP_Secure_Connection incoming_connection_queue[MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS]; uint16_t incoming_connection_queue_index; TCP_Secure_Connection unconfirmed_connection_queue[MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS]; uint16_t unconfirmed_connection_queue_index; TCP_Secure_Connection *accepted_connection_array; uint32_t size_accepted_connections; uint32_t num_accepted_connections; uint64_t counter; BS_List accepted_key_list; /* Network profile for all TCP server packets. */ Net_Profile *net_profile; }; static_assert(sizeof(TCP_Server) < 7 * 1024 * 1024, "TCP_Server struct should not grow more; it's already 6MB"); const uint8_t *tcp_server_public_key(const TCP_Server *tcp_server) { return tcp_server->public_key; } size_t tcp_server_listen_count(const TCP_Server *tcp_server) { return tcp_server->num_listening_socks; } /** This is needed to compile on Android below API 21 */ #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL #ifndef EPOLLRDHUP #define EPOLLRDHUP 0x2000 #endif /* EPOLLRDHUP */ #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ /** @brief Increase the size of the connection list * * @retval -1 on failure * @retval 0 on success. */ non_null() static int alloc_new_connections(TCP_Server *tcp_server, uint32_t num) { const uint32_t new_size = tcp_server->size_accepted_connections + num; if (new_size < tcp_server->size_accepted_connections) { return -1; } TCP_Secure_Connection *new_connections = (TCP_Secure_Connection *)mem_vrealloc( tcp_server->mem, tcp_server->accepted_connection_array, new_size, sizeof(TCP_Secure_Connection)); if (new_connections == nullptr) { return -1; } const uint32_t old_size = tcp_server->size_accepted_connections; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { new_connections[old_size + i] = empty_tcp_secure_connection; } tcp_server->accepted_connection_array = new_connections; tcp_server->size_accepted_connections = new_size; return 0; } non_null() static void wipe_secure_connection(TCP_Secure_Connection *con) { if (con->status != 0) { wipe_priority_list(con->con.mem, con->con.priority_queue_start); crypto_memzero(con, sizeof(TCP_Secure_Connection)); } } non_null() static void move_secure_connection(TCP_Secure_Connection *con_new, TCP_Secure_Connection *con_old) { *con_new = *con_old; crypto_memzero(con_old, sizeof(TCP_Secure_Connection)); } non_null() static void free_accepted_connection_array(TCP_Server *tcp_server) { if (tcp_server->accepted_connection_array == nullptr) { return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tcp_server->size_accepted_connections; ++i) { wipe_secure_connection(&tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[i]); } mem_delete(tcp_server->mem, tcp_server->accepted_connection_array); tcp_server->accepted_connection_array = nullptr; tcp_server->size_accepted_connections = 0; } /** * @return index corresponding to connection with peer on success * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null() static int get_tcp_connection_index(const TCP_Server *tcp_server, const uint8_t *public_key) { return bs_list_find(&tcp_server->accepted_key_list, public_key); } non_null() static int kill_accepted(TCP_Server *tcp_server, int index); /** @brief Add accepted TCP connection to the list. * * @return index on success * @retval -1 on failure */ non_null() static int add_accepted(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time, TCP_Secure_Connection *con) { int index = get_tcp_connection_index(tcp_server, con->public_key); if (index != -1) { /* If an old connection to the same public key exists, kill it. */ kill_accepted(tcp_server, index); index = -1; } if (tcp_server->size_accepted_connections == tcp_server->num_accepted_connections) { if (alloc_new_connections(tcp_server, 4) == -1) { return -1; } index = tcp_server->num_accepted_connections; } else { for (uint32_t i = tcp_server->size_accepted_connections; i != 0; --i) { if (tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[i - 1].status == TCP_STATUS_NO_STATUS) { index = i - 1; break; } } } if (index == -1) { LOGGER_ERROR(tcp_server->logger, "FAIL index is -1"); return -1; } if (!bs_list_add(&tcp_server->accepted_key_list, con->public_key, index)) { return -1; } move_secure_connection(&tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index], con); tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].status = TCP_STATUS_CONFIRMED; ++tcp_server->num_accepted_connections; tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].identifier = ++tcp_server->counter; tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].last_pinged = mono_time_get(mono_time); tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].ping_id = 0; tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].con.net_profile = tcp_server->net_profile; return index; } /** @brief Delete accepted connection from list. * * @retval 0 on success * @retval -1 on failure */ non_null() static int del_accepted(TCP_Server *tcp_server, int index) { if ((uint32_t)index >= tcp_server->size_accepted_connections) { return -1; } if (tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].status == TCP_STATUS_NO_STATUS) { return -1; } if (!bs_list_remove(&tcp_server->accepted_key_list, tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].public_key, index)) { return -1; } wipe_secure_connection(&tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index]); --tcp_server->num_accepted_connections; if (tcp_server->num_accepted_connections == 0) { free_accepted_connection_array(tcp_server); } return 0; } /** Kill a TCP_Secure_Connection */ non_null() static void kill_tcp_secure_connection(TCP_Secure_Connection *con) { kill_sock(con->con.ns, con->con.sock); wipe_secure_connection(con); } non_null() static int rm_connection_index(TCP_Server *tcp_server, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, uint8_t con_number); /** @brief Kill an accepted TCP_Secure_Connection * * return -1 on failure. * return 0 on success. */ static int kill_accepted(TCP_Server *tcp_server, int index) { if ((uint32_t)index >= tcp_server->size_accepted_connections) { return -1; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; ++i) { rm_connection_index(tcp_server, &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index], i); } const Socket sock = tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].con.sock; if (del_accepted(tcp_server, index) != 0) { return -1; } kill_sock(tcp_server->ns, sock); return 0; } /** * @retval 1 if everything went well. * @retval -1 if the connection must be killed. */ non_null() static int handle_tcp_handshake(const Logger *logger, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, const uint8_t *self_secret_key) { if (length != TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "invalid handshake length: %d != %d", length, TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE); return -1; } if (con->status != TCP_STATUS_CONNECTED) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "TCP connection %u not connected", (unsigned int)con->identifier); return -1; } uint8_t shared_key[CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE]; encrypt_precompute(data, self_secret_key, shared_key); uint8_t plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE]; int len = decrypt_data_symmetric(con->con.mem, shared_key, data + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, data + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE, TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE, plain); if (len != TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "invalid TCP handshake decrypted length: %d != %d", len, TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE); crypto_memzero(shared_key, sizeof(shared_key)); return -1; } memcpy(con->public_key, data, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); uint8_t temp_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE]; uint8_t resp_plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE]; crypto_new_keypair(con->con.rng, resp_plain, temp_secret_key); random_nonce(con->con.rng, con->con.sent_nonce); memcpy(resp_plain + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, con->con.sent_nonce, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE); memcpy(con->recv_nonce, plain + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE); uint8_t response[TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE]; random_nonce(con->con.rng, response); len = encrypt_data_symmetric(con->con.mem, shared_key, response, resp_plain, TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE, response + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE); if (len != TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE) { crypto_memzero(shared_key, sizeof(shared_key)); return -1; } const IP_Port ipp = {{{0}}}; if (TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE != net_send(con->con.ns, logger, con->con.sock, response, TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE, &ipp, con->con.net_profile)) { crypto_memzero(shared_key, sizeof(shared_key)); return -1; } encrypt_precompute(plain, temp_secret_key, con->con.shared_key); con->status = TCP_STATUS_UNCONFIRMED; crypto_memzero(shared_key, sizeof(shared_key)); return 1; } /** * @retval 1 if connection handshake was handled correctly. * @retval 0 if we didn't get it yet. * @retval -1 if the connection must be killed. */ non_null() static int read_connection_handshake(const Logger *logger, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, const uint8_t *self_secret_key) { uint8_t data[TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE]; const int len = read_tcp_packet(logger, con->con.mem, con->con.ns, con->con.sock, data, TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE, &con->con.ip_port); if (len == -1) { LOGGER_TRACE(logger, "connection handshake is not ready yet"); return 0; } return handle_tcp_handshake(logger, con, data, len, self_secret_key); } /** * @retval 1 on success. * @retval 0 if could not send packet. * @retval -1 on failure (connection must be killed). */ non_null() static int send_routing_response(const Logger *logger, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, uint8_t rpid, const uint8_t *public_key) { uint8_t data[2 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; data[0] = TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_RESPONSE; data[1] = rpid; memcpy(data + 2, public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); return write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(logger, &con->con, data, sizeof(data), true); } /** * @retval 1 on success. * @retval 0 if could not send packet. * @retval -1 on failure (connection must be killed). */ non_null() static int send_connect_notification(const Logger *logger, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, uint8_t id) { uint8_t data[2] = {TCP_PACKET_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION, (uint8_t)(id + NUM_RESERVED_PORTS)}; return write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(logger, &con->con, data, sizeof(data), true); } /** * @retval 1 on success. * @retval 0 if could not send packet. * @retval -1 on failure (connection must be killed). */ non_null() static int send_disconnect_notification(const Logger *logger, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, uint8_t id) { uint8_t data[2] = {TCP_PACKET_DISCONNECT_NOTIFICATION, (uint8_t)(id + NUM_RESERVED_PORTS)}; return write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(logger, &con->con, data, sizeof(data), true); } /** * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 on failure (connection must be killed). */ non_null() static int handle_tcp_routing_req(TCP_Server *tcp_server, uint32_t con_id, const uint8_t *public_key) { uint32_t index = -1; TCP_Secure_Connection *con = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[con_id]; /* If person tries to cennect to himself we deny the request*/ if (pk_equal(con->public_key, public_key)) { if (send_routing_response(tcp_server->logger, con, 0, public_key) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; ++i) { if (con->connections[i].status != 0) { if (pk_equal(public_key, con->connections[i].public_key)) { if (send_routing_response(tcp_server->logger, con, i + NUM_RESERVED_PORTS, public_key) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } } else if (index == (uint32_t) -1) { index = i; } } if (index == (uint32_t) -1) { if (send_routing_response(tcp_server->logger, con, 0, public_key) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } const int ret = send_routing_response(tcp_server->logger, con, index + NUM_RESERVED_PORTS, public_key); if (ret == 0) { return 0; } if (ret == -1) { return -1; } con->connections[index].status = 1; memcpy(con->connections[index].public_key, public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); const int other_index = get_tcp_connection_index(tcp_server, public_key); if (other_index != -1) { uint32_t other_id = -1; TCP_Secure_Connection *other_conn = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[other_index]; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS; ++i) { if (other_conn->connections[i].status == 1 && pk_equal(other_conn->connections[i].public_key, con->public_key)) { other_id = i; break; } } if (other_id != (uint32_t) -1) { con->connections[index].status = 2; con->connections[index].index = other_index; con->connections[index].other_id = other_id; other_conn->connections[other_id].status = 2; other_conn->connections[other_id].index = con_id; other_conn->connections[other_id].other_id = index; // TODO(irungentoo): return values? send_connect_notification(tcp_server->logger, con, index); send_connect_notification(tcp_server->logger, other_conn, other_id); } } return 0; } /** * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 on failure (connection must be killed). */ non_null() static int handle_tcp_oob_send(TCP_Server *tcp_server, uint32_t con_id, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { if (length == 0 || length > TCP_MAX_OOB_DATA_LENGTH) { return -1; } const TCP_Secure_Connection *con = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[con_id]; const int other_index = get_tcp_connection_index(tcp_server, public_key); if (other_index != -1) { const uint16_t resp_packet_size = 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + length; VLA(uint8_t, resp_packet, resp_packet_size); resp_packet[0] = TCP_PACKET_OOB_RECV; memcpy(resp_packet + 1, con->public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); memcpy(resp_packet + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, data, length); write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[other_index].con, resp_packet, resp_packet_size, false); } return 0; } /** @brief Remove connection with con_number from the connections array of con. * * return -1 on failure. * return 0 on success. */ static int rm_connection_index(TCP_Server *tcp_server, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, uint8_t con_number) { if (con_number >= NUM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS) { return -1; } if (con->connections[con_number].status != 0) { if (con->connections[con_number].status == 2) { const uint32_t index = con->connections[con_number].index; const uint8_t other_id = con->connections[con_number].other_id; if (index >= tcp_server->size_accepted_connections) { return -1; } tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].connections[other_id].other_id = 0; tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].connections[other_id].index = 0; tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].connections[other_id].status = 1; // TODO(irungentoo): return values? send_disconnect_notification(tcp_server->logger, &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index], other_id); } con->connections[con_number].index = 0; con->connections[con_number].other_id = 0; con->connections[con_number].status = 0; return 0; } return -1; } /** @brief Encode con_id and identifier as a custom IP_Port. * * @return ip_port. */ static IP_Port con_id_to_ip_port(uint32_t con_id, uint64_t identifier) { IP_Port ip_port = {{{0}}}; ip_port.ip.family = net_family_tcp_client(); ip_port.ip.ip.v6.uint32[0] = con_id; ip_port.ip.ip.v6.uint64[1] = identifier; return ip_port; } /** @brief Decode ip_port created by con_id_to_ip_port to con_id. * * @retval true on success. * @retval false if ip_port is invalid. */ non_null() static bool ip_port_to_con_id(const TCP_Server *tcp_server, const IP_Port *ip_port, uint32_t *con_id) { *con_id = ip_port->ip.ip.v6.uint32[0]; return net_family_is_tcp_client(ip_port->ip.family) && *con_id < tcp_server->size_accepted_connections && tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[*con_id].identifier == ip_port->ip.ip.v6.uint64[1]; } non_null() static int handle_onion_recv_1(void *object, const IP_Port *dest, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { TCP_Server *tcp_server = (TCP_Server *)object; uint32_t index; if (!ip_port_to_con_id(tcp_server, dest, &index)) { return 1; } TCP_Secure_Connection *con = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index]; const uint16_t packet_size = 1 + length; VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size); memcpy(packet + 1, data, length); packet[0] = TCP_PACKET_ONION_RESPONSE; if (write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, &con->con, packet, packet_size, false) != 1) { return 1; } return 0; } non_null() static bool handle_forward_reply_tcp(void *object, const uint8_t *sendback_data, uint16_t sendback_data_len, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { TCP_Server *tcp_server = (TCP_Server *)object; if (sendback_data_len != 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t)) { return false; } if (*sendback_data != SENDBACK_TCP) { return false; } uint32_t con_id; uint64_t identifier; net_unpack_u32(sendback_data + 1, &con_id); net_unpack_u64(sendback_data + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t), &identifier); if (con_id >= tcp_server->size_accepted_connections) { return false; } TCP_Secure_Connection *con = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[con_id]; if (con->identifier != identifier) { return false; } const uint16_t packet_size = 1 + length; VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size); memcpy(packet + 1, data, length); packet[0] = TCP_PACKET_FORWARDING; return write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, &con->con, packet, packet_size, false) == 1; } /** * @retval 0 on success * @retval -1 on failure */ non_null() static int handle_tcp_packet(TCP_Server *tcp_server, uint32_t con_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { if (length == 0) { return -1; } TCP_Secure_Connection *const con = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[con_id]; netprof_record_packet(con->con.net_profile, data[0], length, PACKET_DIRECTION_RECV); switch (data[0]) { case TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_REQUEST: { if (length != 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling routing request for %d", con_id); return handle_tcp_routing_req(tcp_server, con_id, data + 1); } case TCP_PACKET_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION: { if (length != 2) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling connection notification for %d", con_id); break; } case TCP_PACKET_DISCONNECT_NOTIFICATION: { if (length != 2) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling disconnect notification for %d", con_id); return rm_connection_index(tcp_server, con, data[1] - NUM_RESERVED_PORTS); } case TCP_PACKET_PING: { if (length != 1 + sizeof(uint64_t)) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling ping for %d", con_id); uint8_t response[1 + sizeof(uint64_t)]; response[0] = TCP_PACKET_PONG; memcpy(response + 1, data + 1, sizeof(uint64_t)); write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, &con->con, response, sizeof(response), true); return 0; } case TCP_PACKET_PONG: { if (length != 1 + sizeof(uint64_t)) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling pong for %d", con_id); uint64_t ping_id; memcpy(&ping_id, data + 1, sizeof(uint64_t)); if (ping_id != 0) { if (ping_id == con->ping_id) { con->ping_id = 0; } return 0; } return -1; } case TCP_PACKET_OOB_SEND: { if (length <= 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling oob send for %d", con_id); return handle_tcp_oob_send(tcp_server, con_id, data + 1, data + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, length - (1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)); } case TCP_PACKET_ONION_REQUEST: { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling onion request for %d", con_id); if (tcp_server->onion != nullptr) { if (length <= 1 + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE + ONION_SEND_BASE * 2) { return -1; } const IP_Port source = con_id_to_ip_port(con_id, con->identifier); onion_send_1(tcp_server->onion, data + 1 + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE, length - (1 + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE), &source, data + 1); } return 0; } case TCP_PACKET_ONION_RESPONSE: { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling onion response for %d", con_id); return -1; } case TCP_PACKET_FORWARD_REQUEST: { if (tcp_server->forwarding == nullptr) { return -1; } const uint16_t sendback_data_len = 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t); uint8_t sendback_data[1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t)]; sendback_data[0] = SENDBACK_TCP; net_pack_u32(sendback_data + 1, con_id); net_pack_u64(sendback_data + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t), con->identifier); IP_Port dest; const int ipport_length = unpack_ip_port(&dest, data + 1, length - 1, false); if (ipport_length == -1) { return -1; } const uint8_t *const forward_data = data + (1 + ipport_length); const uint16_t forward_data_len = length - (1 + ipport_length); if (forward_data_len > MAX_FORWARD_DATA_SIZE) { return -1; } send_forwarding(tcp_server->forwarding, &dest, sendback_data, sendback_data_len, forward_data, forward_data_len); return 0; } case TCP_PACKET_FORWARDING: { return -1; } default: { if (data[0] < NUM_RESERVED_PORTS) { return -1; } const uint8_t c_id = data[0] - NUM_RESERVED_PORTS; LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling packet id %d for %d", c_id, con_id); if (c_id >= NUM_CLIENT_CONNECTIONS) { return -1; } if (con->connections[c_id].status == 0) { return -1; } if (con->connections[c_id].status != 2) { return 0; } const uint32_t index = con->connections[c_id].index; const uint8_t other_c_id = con->connections[c_id].other_id + NUM_RESERVED_PORTS; VLA(uint8_t, new_data, length); memcpy(new_data, data, length); new_data[0] = other_c_id; const int ret = write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[index].con, new_data, length, false); if (ret == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } } return 0; } non_null() static int confirm_tcp_connection(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time, TCP_Secure_Connection *con, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { const int index = add_accepted(tcp_server, mono_time, con); if (index == -1) { LOGGER_DEBUG(tcp_server->logger, "dropping connection %u: not accepted", (unsigned int)con->identifier); kill_tcp_secure_connection(con); return -1; } wipe_secure_connection(con); if (handle_tcp_packet(tcp_server, index, data, length) == -1) { LOGGER_DEBUG(tcp_server->logger, "dropping connection %u: data packet (len=%d) not handled", (unsigned int)con->identifier, length); kill_accepted(tcp_server, index); return -1; } return index; } /** * @return index on success * @retval -1 on failure */ non_null() static int accept_connection(TCP_Server *tcp_server, Socket sock) { if (!sock_valid(sock)) { return -1; } if (!set_socket_nonblock(tcp_server->ns, sock)) { kill_sock(tcp_server->ns, sock); return -1; } if (!set_socket_nosigpipe(tcp_server->ns, sock)) { kill_sock(tcp_server->ns, sock); return -1; } const uint16_t index = tcp_server->incoming_connection_queue_index % MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; TCP_Secure_Connection *conn = &tcp_server->incoming_connection_queue[index]; if (conn->status != TCP_STATUS_NO_STATUS) { LOGGER_DEBUG(tcp_server->logger, "connection %d dropped before accepting", index); kill_tcp_secure_connection(conn); } conn->status = TCP_STATUS_CONNECTED; conn->con.ns = tcp_server->ns; conn->con.mem = tcp_server->mem; conn->con.rng = tcp_server->rng; conn->con.sock = sock; conn->next_packet_length = 0; ++tcp_server->incoming_connection_queue_index; return index; } non_null() static Socket new_listening_tcp_socket(const Logger *logger, const Memory *mem, const Network *ns, Family family, uint16_t port) { const Socket sock = net_socket(ns, family, TOX_SOCK_STREAM, TOX_PROTO_TCP); if (!sock_valid(sock)) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "TCP socket creation failed (family = %d)", family.value); return net_invalid_socket(); } bool ok = set_socket_nonblock(ns, sock); if (ok && net_family_is_ipv6(family)) { ok = set_socket_dualstack(ns, sock); } if (ok) { ok = set_socket_reuseaddr(ns, sock); } ok = ok && bind_to_port(ns, sock, family, port) && (net_listen(ns, sock, TCP_MAX_BACKLOG) == 0); if (!ok) { Net_Strerror error_str; LOGGER_WARNING(logger, "could not bind to TCP port %d (family = %d): %s", port, family.value, net_strerror(net_error(), &error_str)); kill_sock(ns, sock); return net_invalid_socket(); } LOGGER_DEBUG(logger, "successfully bound to TCP port %d", port); return sock; } TCP_Server *new_tcp_server(const Logger *logger, const Memory *mem, const Random *rng, const Network *ns, bool ipv6_enabled, uint16_t num_sockets, const uint16_t *ports, const uint8_t *secret_key, Onion *onion, Forwarding *forwarding) { if (num_sockets == 0 || ports == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "no sockets"); return nullptr; } if (ns == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "NULL network"); return nullptr; } TCP_Server *temp = (TCP_Server *)mem_alloc(mem, sizeof(TCP_Server)); if (temp == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "TCP server allocation failed"); return nullptr; } Net_Profile *np = netprof_new(logger, mem); if (np == nullptr) { mem_delete(mem, temp); return nullptr; } temp->net_profile = np; temp->logger = logger; temp->mem = mem; temp->ns = ns; temp->rng = rng; Socket *socks_listening = (Socket *)mem_valloc(mem, num_sockets, sizeof(Socket)); if (socks_listening == nullptr) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "socket allocation failed"); netprof_kill(mem, temp->net_profile); mem_delete(mem, temp); return nullptr; } temp->socks_listening = socks_listening; #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL temp->efd = epoll_create(8); if (temp->efd == -1) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "epoll initialisation failed"); netprof_kill(mem, temp->net_profile); mem_delete(mem, socks_listening); mem_delete(mem, temp); return nullptr; } #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ const Family family = ipv6_enabled ? net_family_ipv6() : net_family_ipv4(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_sockets; ++i) { const Socket sock = new_listening_tcp_socket(logger, mem, ns, family, ports[i]); if (!sock_valid(sock)) { continue; } #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL struct epoll_event ev; ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; ev.data.u64 = net_socket_to_native(sock) | ((uint64_t)TCP_SOCKET_LISTENING << 32); if (epoll_ctl(temp->efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, net_socket_to_native(sock), &ev) == -1) { continue; } #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ temp->socks_listening[temp->num_listening_socks] = sock; ++temp->num_listening_socks; } if (temp->num_listening_socks == 0) { netprof_kill(mem, temp->net_profile); mem_delete(mem, temp->socks_listening); mem_delete(mem, temp); return nullptr; } if (onion != nullptr) { temp->onion = onion; set_callback_handle_recv_1(onion, &handle_onion_recv_1, temp); } if (forwarding != nullptr) { temp->forwarding = forwarding; set_callback_forward_reply(forwarding, &handle_forward_reply_tcp, temp); } memcpy(temp->secret_key, secret_key, CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE); crypto_derive_public_key(temp->public_key, temp->secret_key); bs_list_init(&temp->accepted_key_list, mem, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, 8, memcmp); return temp; } #ifndef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL non_null() static void do_tcp_accept_new(TCP_Server *tcp_server) { for (uint32_t sock_idx = 0; sock_idx < tcp_server->num_listening_socks; ++sock_idx) { for (uint32_t connection_idx = 0; connection_idx < MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; ++connection_idx) { const Socket sock = net_accept(tcp_server->ns, tcp_server->socks_listening[sock_idx]); if (accept_connection(tcp_server, sock) == -1) { break; } } } } #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ non_null() static int do_incoming(TCP_Server *tcp_server, uint32_t i) { TCP_Secure_Connection *const conn = &tcp_server->incoming_connection_queue[i]; if (conn->status != TCP_STATUS_CONNECTED) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling incoming TCP connection %d", i); const int ret = read_connection_handshake(tcp_server->logger, conn, tcp_server->secret_key); if (ret == -1) { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "incoming connection %d dropped due to failed handshake", i); kill_tcp_secure_connection(conn); return -1; } if (ret != 1) { return -1; } const int index_new = tcp_server->unconfirmed_connection_queue_index % MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; TCP_Secure_Connection *conn_old = conn; TCP_Secure_Connection *conn_new = &tcp_server->unconfirmed_connection_queue[index_new]; if (conn_new->status != TCP_STATUS_NO_STATUS) { LOGGER_ERROR(tcp_server->logger, "incoming connection %d would overwrite existing", i); kill_tcp_secure_connection(conn_new); } move_secure_connection(conn_new, conn_old); ++tcp_server->unconfirmed_connection_queue_index; return index_new; } non_null() static int do_unconfirmed(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time, uint32_t i) { TCP_Secure_Connection *const conn = &tcp_server->unconfirmed_connection_queue[i]; if (conn->status != TCP_STATUS_UNCONFIRMED) { return -1; } LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "handling unconfirmed TCP connection %d", i); uint8_t packet[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; const int len = read_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, conn->con.mem, conn->con.ns, conn->con.sock, &conn->next_packet_length, conn->con.shared_key, conn->recv_nonce, packet, sizeof(packet), &conn->con.ip_port); if (len == 0) { return -1; } if (len == -1) { kill_tcp_secure_connection(conn); return -1; } return confirm_tcp_connection(tcp_server, mono_time, conn, packet, len); } non_null() static bool tcp_process_secure_packet(TCP_Server *tcp_server, uint32_t i) { TCP_Secure_Connection *const conn = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[i]; uint8_t packet[MAX_PACKET_SIZE]; const int len = read_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, conn->con.mem, conn->con.ns, conn->con.sock, &conn->next_packet_length, conn->con.shared_key, conn->recv_nonce, packet, sizeof(packet), &conn->con.ip_port); LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "processing packet for %d: %d", i, len); if (len == 0) { return false; } if (len == -1) { kill_accepted(tcp_server, i); return false; } if (handle_tcp_packet(tcp_server, i, packet, len) == -1) { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "dropping connection %d: data packet (len=%d) not handled", i, len); kill_accepted(tcp_server, i); return false; } return true; } non_null() static void do_confirmed_recv(TCP_Server *tcp_server, uint32_t i) { while (tcp_process_secure_packet(tcp_server, i)) { /* Keep reading until an error occurs or there is no more data to read. */ } } #ifndef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL non_null() static void do_tcp_incoming(TCP_Server *tcp_server) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; ++i) { do_incoming(tcp_server, i); } } non_null() static void do_tcp_unconfirmed(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; ++i) { do_unconfirmed(tcp_server, mono_time, i); } } #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ non_null() static void do_tcp_confirmed(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time) { #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL if (tcp_server->last_run_pinged == mono_time_get(mono_time)) { return; } tcp_server->last_run_pinged = mono_time_get(mono_time); #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tcp_server->size_accepted_connections; ++i) { TCP_Secure_Connection *conn = &tcp_server->accepted_connection_array[i]; if (conn->status != TCP_STATUS_CONFIRMED) { continue; } if (mono_time_is_timeout(mono_time, conn->last_pinged, TCP_PING_FREQUENCY)) { uint8_t ping[1 + sizeof(uint64_t)]; ping[0] = TCP_PACKET_PING; uint64_t ping_id = random_u64(conn->con.rng); if (ping_id == 0) { ++ping_id; } memcpy(ping + 1, &ping_id, sizeof(uint64_t)); const int ret = write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(tcp_server->logger, &conn->con, ping, sizeof(ping), true); if (ret == 1) { conn->last_pinged = mono_time_get(mono_time); conn->ping_id = ping_id; } else { if (mono_time_is_timeout(mono_time, conn->last_pinged, TCP_PING_FREQUENCY + TCP_PING_TIMEOUT)) { kill_accepted(tcp_server, i); continue; } } } if (conn->ping_id != 0 && mono_time_is_timeout(mono_time, conn->last_pinged, TCP_PING_TIMEOUT)) { kill_accepted(tcp_server, i); continue; } send_pending_data(tcp_server->logger, &conn->con); #ifndef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL do_confirmed_recv(tcp_server, i); #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ } } #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL non_null() static bool tcp_epoll_process(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time) { #define MAX_EVENTS 16 struct epoll_event events[MAX_EVENTS]; const int nfds = epoll_wait(tcp_server->efd, events, MAX_EVENTS, 0); #undef MAX_EVENTS for (int n = 0; n < nfds; ++n) { const Socket sock = net_socket_from_native((int)(events[n].data.u64 & 0xFFFFFFFF)); const int status = (events[n].data.u64 >> 32) & 0xFF; const int index = events[n].data.u64 >> 40; if ((events[n].events & EPOLLERR) != 0 || (events[n].events & EPOLLHUP) != 0 || (events[n].events & EPOLLRDHUP) != 0) { switch (status) { case TCP_SOCKET_LISTENING: { // should never happen LOGGER_ERROR(tcp_server->logger, "connection %d was in listening state", index); break; } case TCP_SOCKET_INCOMING: { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "incoming connection %d dropped", index); kill_tcp_secure_connection(&tcp_server->incoming_connection_queue[index]); break; } case TCP_SOCKET_UNCONFIRMED: { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "unconfirmed connection %d dropped", index); kill_tcp_secure_connection(&tcp_server->unconfirmed_connection_queue[index]); break; } case TCP_SOCKET_CONFIRMED: { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "confirmed connection %d dropped", index); kill_accepted(tcp_server, index); break; } } continue; } if ((events[n].events & EPOLLIN) == 0) { continue; } switch (status) { case TCP_SOCKET_LISTENING: { // socket is from socks_listening, accept connection while (true) { const Socket sock_new = net_accept(tcp_server->ns, sock); if (!sock_valid(sock_new)) { break; } const int index_new = accept_connection(tcp_server, sock_new); if (index_new == -1) { continue; } struct epoll_event ev; ev.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | EPOLLRDHUP; ev.data.u64 = net_socket_to_native(sock_new) | ((uint64_t)TCP_SOCKET_INCOMING << 32) | ((uint64_t)index_new << 40); if (epoll_ctl(tcp_server->efd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, net_socket_to_native(sock_new), &ev) == -1) { LOGGER_DEBUG(tcp_server->logger, "new connection %d was dropped due to epoll error %d", index, net_error()); kill_tcp_secure_connection(&tcp_server->incoming_connection_queue[index_new]); continue; } } break; } case TCP_SOCKET_INCOMING: { const int index_new = do_incoming(tcp_server, index); if (index_new != -1) { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "incoming connection %d was accepted as %d", index, index_new); events[n].events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | EPOLLRDHUP; events[n].data.u64 = net_socket_to_native(sock) | ((uint64_t)TCP_SOCKET_UNCONFIRMED << 32) | ((uint64_t)index_new << 40); if (epoll_ctl(tcp_server->efd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, net_socket_to_native(sock), &events[n]) == -1) { LOGGER_DEBUG(tcp_server->logger, "incoming connection %d was dropped due to epoll error %d", index, net_error()); kill_tcp_secure_connection(&tcp_server->unconfirmed_connection_queue[index_new]); break; } } break; } case TCP_SOCKET_UNCONFIRMED: { const int index_new = do_unconfirmed(tcp_server, mono_time, index); if (index_new != -1) { LOGGER_TRACE(tcp_server->logger, "unconfirmed connection %d was confirmed as %d", index, index_new); events[n].events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET | EPOLLRDHUP; events[n].data.u64 = net_socket_to_native(sock) | ((uint64_t)TCP_SOCKET_CONFIRMED << 32) | ((uint64_t)index_new << 40); if (epoll_ctl(tcp_server->efd, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, net_socket_to_native(sock), &events[n]) == -1) { // remove from confirmed connections LOGGER_DEBUG(tcp_server->logger, "unconfirmed connection %d was dropped due to epoll error %d", index, net_error()); kill_accepted(tcp_server, index_new); break; } } break; } case TCP_SOCKET_CONFIRMED: { do_confirmed_recv(tcp_server, index); break; } } } return nfds > 0; } non_null() static void do_tcp_epoll(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time) { while (tcp_epoll_process(tcp_server, mono_time)) { // Keep processing packets until there are no more FDs ready for reading. continue; } } #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ void do_tcp_server(TCP_Server *tcp_server, const Mono_Time *mono_time) { #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL do_tcp_epoll(tcp_server, mono_time); #else do_tcp_accept_new(tcp_server); do_tcp_incoming(tcp_server); do_tcp_unconfirmed(tcp_server, mono_time); #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ do_tcp_confirmed(tcp_server, mono_time); } void kill_tcp_server(TCP_Server *tcp_server) { if (tcp_server == nullptr) { return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tcp_server->num_listening_socks; ++i) { kill_sock(tcp_server->ns, tcp_server->socks_listening[i]); } if (tcp_server->onion != nullptr) { set_callback_handle_recv_1(tcp_server->onion, nullptr, nullptr); } if (tcp_server->forwarding != nullptr) { set_callback_forward_reply(tcp_server->forwarding, nullptr, nullptr); } bs_list_free(&tcp_server->accepted_key_list); #ifdef TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL close(tcp_server->efd); #endif /* TCP_SERVER_USE_EPOLL */ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_INCOMING_CONNECTIONS; ++i) { wipe_secure_connection(&tcp_server->incoming_connection_queue[i]); wipe_secure_connection(&tcp_server->unconfirmed_connection_queue[i]); } free_accepted_connection_array(tcp_server); crypto_memzero(tcp_server->secret_key, sizeof(tcp_server->secret_key)); netprof_kill(tcp_server->mem, tcp_server->net_profile); mem_delete(tcp_server->mem, tcp_server->socks_listening); mem_delete(tcp_server->mem, tcp_server); } const Net_Profile *tcp_server_get_net_profile(const TCP_Server *tcp_server) { if (tcp_server == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return tcp_server->net_profile; }