/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2020-2025 The TokTok team. */ #ifndef C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_ANNOUNCE_H #define C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_ANNOUNCE_H #include #include "attributes.h" #include "crypto_core.h" #include "forwarding.h" #include "logger.h" #include "mem.h" #include "mono_time.h" #define MAX_ANNOUNCEMENT_SIZE 512 typedef void announce_on_retrieve_cb(void *object, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); uint8_t announce_response_of_request_type(uint8_t request_type); typedef struct Announcements Announcements; non_null() Announcements *new_announcements(const Logger *log, const Memory *mem, const Random *rng, const Mono_Time *mono_time, Forwarding *forwarding); /** * @brief If data is stored, run `on_retrieve_callback` on it. * * @return true if data is stored, false otherwise. */ non_null(1, 2) nullable(3, 4) bool announce_on_stored(const Announcements *announce, const uint8_t *data_public_key, announce_on_retrieve_cb *on_retrieve_callback, void *object); non_null() void announce_set_synch_offset(Announcements *announce, int32_t synch_offset); nullable(1) void kill_announcements(Announcements *announce); /* The declarations below are not public, they are exposed only for tests. */ /** @private * Return xor of first ANNOUNCE_BUCKET_PREFIX_LENGTH bits from one bit after * base and pk first differ */ non_null() uint16_t announce_get_bucketnum(const uint8_t *base, const uint8_t *pk); /** @private */ non_null(1, 2) nullable(3) bool announce_store_data(Announcements *announce, const uint8_t *data_public_key, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint32_t timeout); /** @private */ #define MAX_MAX_ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT 900 #define MIN_MAX_ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT 10 #define MAX_ANNOUNCEMENT_TIMEOUT_UPTIME_RATIO 4 /** @private * For efficient lookup and updating, entries are stored as a hash table keyed * to the first ANNOUNCE_BUCKET_PREFIX_LENGTH bits starting from one bit after * the first bit in which data public key first differs from the dht key, with * (2-adically) closest keys preferentially stored within a given bucket. A * given key appears at most once (even if timed out). */ #define ANNOUNCE_BUCKET_SIZE 8 #define ANNOUNCE_BUCKET_PREFIX_LENGTH 5 #define ANNOUNCE_BUCKETS 32 // ANNOUNCE_BUCKETS = 2 ** ANNOUNCE_BUCKET_PREFIX_LENGTH #endif /* C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_ANNOUNCE_H */