/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2025 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2014 Tox project. */ /** * Slightly better groupchats implementation. */ #ifndef C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_GROUP_H #define C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_GROUP_H #include #include #include "Messenger.h" #include "attributes.h" #include "crypto_core.h" #include "mem.h" #include "mono_time.h" #include "state.h" typedef enum Groupchat_Type { GROUPCHAT_TYPE_TEXT, GROUPCHAT_TYPE_AV, } Groupchat_Type; typedef void peer_on_join_cb(void *object, uint32_t conference_number, uint32_t peer_number); typedef void peer_on_leave_cb(void *object, uint32_t conference_number, void *peer_object); typedef void group_on_delete_cb(void *object, uint32_t conference_number); /** @brief Callback for group invites. * * data of length is what needs to be passed to `join_groupchat()`. */ typedef void g_conference_invite_cb(Messenger *m, uint32_t friend_number, int type, const uint8_t *cookie, size_t length, void *user_data); /** Callback for group connection. */ typedef void g_conference_connected_cb(Messenger *m, uint32_t conference_number, void *user_data); /** Callback for group messages. */ typedef void g_conference_message_cb(Messenger *m, uint32_t conference_number, uint32_t peer_number, int type, const uint8_t *message, size_t length, void *user_data); /** Callback for peer nickname changes. */ typedef void peer_name_cb(Messenger *m, uint32_t conference_number, uint32_t peer_number, const uint8_t *name, size_t length, void *user_data); /** Set callback function for peer list changes. */ typedef void peer_list_changed_cb(Messenger *m, uint32_t conference_number, void *user_data); /** @brief Callback for title changes. * * If peer_number == -1, then author is unknown (e.g. initial joining the group). */ typedef void title_cb(Messenger *m, uint32_t conference_number, uint32_t peer_number, const uint8_t *title, size_t length, void *user_data); /** @brief Callback for lossy packets. * * NOTE: Handler must return 0 if packet is to be relayed, -1 if the packet should not be relayed. */ typedef int lossy_packet_cb(void *object, uint32_t conference_number, uint32_t peer_number, void *peer_object, const uint8_t *packet, uint16_t length); typedef struct Group_Chats Group_Chats; non_null() const Mono_Time *g_mono_time(const Group_Chats *g_c); /** Set the callback for group invites. */ non_null() void g_callback_group_invite(Group_Chats *g_c, g_conference_invite_cb *function); /** Set the callback for group connection. */ non_null() void g_callback_group_connected(Group_Chats *g_c, g_conference_connected_cb *function); /** Set the callback for group messages. */ non_null() void g_callback_group_message(Group_Chats *g_c, g_conference_message_cb *function); /** Set callback function for title changes. */ non_null() void g_callback_group_title(Group_Chats *g_c, title_cb *function); /** @brief Set callback function for peer nickname changes. * * It gets called every time a peer changes their nickname. */ non_null() void g_callback_peer_name(Group_Chats *g_c, peer_name_cb *function); /** @brief Set callback function for peer list changes. * * It gets called every time the name list changes(new peer, deleted peer) */ non_null() void g_callback_peer_list_changed(Group_Chats *g_c, peer_list_changed_cb *function); /** @brief Creates a new groupchat and puts it in the chats array. * * @param rng Random number generator used for generating the group ID. * @param type is one of `GROUPCHAT_TYPE_*` * * @return group number on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null() int add_groupchat(Group_Chats *g_c, const Random *rng, uint8_t type); /** @brief Delete a groupchat from the chats array, informing the group first as * appropriate. * * @retval true on success. * @retval false if groupnumber is invalid. */ non_null() bool del_groupchat(Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, bool leave_permanently); /** * @brief Copy the public key of (frozen, if frozen is true) peernumber who is in * groupnumber to pk. * * @param pk must be CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE long. * * @retval 0 on success * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if peernumber is invalid. */ non_null() int group_peer_pubkey(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, uint8_t *pk, bool frozen); /** * @brief Return the size of (frozen, if frozen is true) peernumber's name. * * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if peernumber is invalid. */ non_null() int group_peername_size(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, bool frozen); /** * @brief Copy the name of (frozen, if frozen is true) peernumber who is in * groupnumber to name. * * @param name must be at least MAX_NAME_LENGTH long. * * @return length of name if success * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if peernumber is invalid. */ non_null() int group_peername(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, uint8_t *name, bool frozen); /** * @brief Copy last active timestamp of frozen peernumber who is in groupnumber to * last_active. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if peernumber is invalid. */ non_null() int group_frozen_last_active( const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, uint64_t *last_active); /** @brief Set maximum number of frozen peers. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. */ non_null() int group_set_max_frozen(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t maxfrozen); /** @brief invite friendnumber to groupnumber. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if invite packet failed to send. * @retval -3 if we are not connected to the group chat. */ non_null() int invite_friend(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t friendnumber, uint32_t groupnumber); /** @brief Join a group (we need to have been invited first). * * @param expected_type is the groupchat type we expect the chat we are joining * to have. * * @return group number on success. * @retval -1 if data length is invalid. * @retval -2 if group is not the expected type. * @retval -3 if friendnumber is invalid. * @retval -4 if client is already in this group. * @retval -5 if group instance failed to initialize. * @retval -6 if join packet fails to send. */ non_null() int join_groupchat( Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t friendnumber, uint8_t expected_type, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); /** @brief send a group message * @retval 0 on success * @see send_message_group for error codes. */ non_null() int group_message_send(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, const uint8_t *message, uint16_t length); /** @brief send a group action * @retval 0 on success * @see send_message_group for error codes. */ non_null() int group_action_send(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, const uint8_t *action, uint16_t length); /** @brief set the group's title, limited to MAX_NAME_LENGTH. * @retval 0 on success * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if title is too long or empty. * @retval -3 if packet fails to send. */ non_null() int group_title_send(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, const uint8_t *title, uint8_t title_len); /** @brief return the group's title size. * @retval -1 of groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if title is too long or empty. */ non_null() int group_title_get_size(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber); /** @brief Get group title from groupnumber and put it in title. * * Title needs to be a valid memory location with a size of at least MAX_NAME_LENGTH (128) bytes. * * @return length of copied title if success. * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if title is too long or empty. */ non_null() int group_title_get(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint8_t *title); /** * @return the number of (frozen, if frozen is true) peers in the group chat on success. * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. */ non_null() int group_number_peers(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, bool frozen); /** * @retval 1 if the peernumber corresponds to ours. * @retval 0 if the peernumber is not ours. * @retval -1 if groupnumber is invalid. * @retval -2 if peernumber is invalid. * @retval -3 if we are not connected to the group chat. */ non_null() int group_peernumber_is_ours(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber); /** Set handlers for custom lossy packets. */ non_null() void group_lossy_packet_registerhandler(Group_Chats *g_c, uint8_t byte, lossy_packet_cb *function); /** @brief High level function to send custom lossy packets. * * @retval -1 on failure. * @retval 0 on success. */ non_null() int send_group_lossy_packet(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); /** * @brief Return the number of chats in the instance m. * * You should use this to determine how much memory to allocate * for copy_chatlist. */ non_null() uint32_t count_chatlist(const Group_Chats *g_c); /** @brief Copy a list of valid chat IDs into the array out_list. * * If out_list is NULL, returns 0. * Otherwise, returns the number of elements copied. * If the array was too small, the contents * of out_list will be truncated to list_size. */ non_null() uint32_t copy_chatlist(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t *out_list, uint32_t list_size); /** @brief return the type of groupchat (GROUPCHAT_TYPE_) that groupnumber is. * * @retval -1 on failure. * @return type on success. */ non_null() int group_get_type(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber); /** @brief Copies the unique id of `group_chat[groupnumber]` into `id`. * * @retval false on failure. * @retval true on success. */ non_null() bool conference_get_id(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint8_t *id); non_null() int32_t conference_by_id(const Group_Chats *g_c, const uint8_t *id); /** Send current name (set in messenger) to all online groups. */ non_null() void send_name_all_groups(const Group_Chats *g_c); /** @brief Set the object that is tied to the group chat. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 on failure */ non_null(1) nullable(3) int group_set_object(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, void *object); /** @brief Set the object that is tied to the group peer. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 on failure */ non_null(1) nullable(4) int group_peer_set_object(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber, void *object); /** @brief Return the object tied to the group chat previously set by group_set_object. * * @retval NULL on failure. * @return object on success. */ non_null() void *group_get_object(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber); /** @brief Return the object tied to the group chat peer previously set by group_peer_set_object. * * @retval NULL on failure. * @return object on success. */ non_null() void *group_peer_get_object(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, uint32_t peernumber); /** @brief Set a function to be called when a new peer joins a group chat. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null(1) nullable(3) int callback_groupchat_peer_new(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, peer_on_join_cb *function); /** @brief Set a function to be called when a peer leaves a group chat. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null(1) nullable(3) int callback_groupchat_peer_delete(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, peer_on_leave_cb *function); /** @brief Set a function to be called when the group chat is deleted. * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null(1) nullable(3) int callback_groupchat_delete(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint32_t groupnumber, group_on_delete_cb *function); /** Return size of the conferences data (for saving). */ non_null() uint32_t conferences_size(const Group_Chats *g_c); /** Save the conferences in data (must be allocated memory of size at least `conferences_size()`). */ non_null() uint8_t *conferences_save(const Group_Chats *g_c, uint8_t *data); /** * Load a state section. * * @param data Data to load * @param length Length of data * @param type Type of section (`STATE_TYPE_*`) * @param status Result of loading section is stored here if the section is handled. * @return true iff section handled. */ non_null() bool conferences_load_state_section( Group_Chats *g_c, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint16_t type, State_Load_Status *status); /** Create new groupchat instance. */ non_null() Group_Chats *new_groupchats(const Mono_Time *mono_time, const Memory *mem, Messenger *m); /** main groupchats loop. */ non_null(1) nullable(2) void do_groupchats(Group_Chats *g_c, void *userdata); /** Free everything related with group chats. */ nullable(1) void kill_groupchats(Group_Chats *g_c); #endif /* C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_GROUP_H */