/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2018 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2013-2015 Tox project. */ #ifndef C_TOXCORE_TOXAV_AUDIO_H #define C_TOXCORE_TOXAV_AUDIO_H #include #include #include "toxav.h" #include "../toxcore/logger.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #include "rtp.h" #define AUDIO_JITTERBUFFER_COUNT 3 #define AUDIO_MAX_SAMPLE_RATE 48000 #define AUDIO_MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT 2 #define AUDIO_START_SAMPLE_RATE 48000 #define AUDIO_START_BITRATE 48000 #define AUDIO_START_CHANNEL_COUNT 2 #define AUDIO_OPUS_PACKET_LOSS_PERC 10 #define AUDIO_OPUS_COMPLEXITY 10 #define AUDIO_DECODER_START_SAMPLE_RATE 48000 #define AUDIO_DECODER_START_CHANNEL_COUNT 1 #define AUDIO_MAX_FRAME_DURATION_MS 120 // ((sampling_rate_in_hz * frame_duration_in_ms) / 1000) * 2 // because PCM16 needs 2 bytes for 1 sample // These are per frame and per channel. #define AUDIO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_PCM16 ((AUDIO_MAX_SAMPLE_RATE * AUDIO_MAX_FRAME_DURATION_MS) / 1000) #define AUDIO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES (AUDIO_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_PCM16 * 2) typedef struct ACSession { Mono_Time *mono_time; const Logger *log; /* encoding */ OpusEncoder *encoder; uint32_t le_sample_rate; /* Last encoder sample rate */ uint8_t le_channel_count; /* Last encoder channel count */ uint32_t le_bit_rate; /* Last encoder bit rate */ /* decoding */ OpusDecoder *decoder; uint8_t lp_channel_count; /* Last packet channel count */ uint32_t lp_sampling_rate; /* Last packet sample rate */ uint32_t lp_frame_duration; /* Last packet frame duration */ uint32_t ld_sample_rate; /* Last decoder sample rate */ uint8_t ld_channel_count; /* Last decoder channel count */ uint64_t ldrts; /* Last decoder reconfiguration time stamp */ void *j_buf; pthread_mutex_t queue_mutex[1]; ToxAV *av; uint32_t friend_number; /* Audio frame receive callback */ toxav_audio_receive_frame_cb *acb; void *acb_user_data; } ACSession; ACSession *ac_new(Mono_Time *mono_time, const Logger *log, ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, toxav_audio_receive_frame_cb *cb, void *cb_data); void ac_kill(ACSession *ac); void ac_iterate(ACSession *ac); int ac_queue_message(Mono_Time *mono_time, void *cs, struct RTPMessage *msg); int ac_reconfigure_encoder(ACSession *ac, uint32_t bit_rate, uint32_t sampling_rate, uint8_t channels); #endif /* C_TOXCORE_TOXAV_AUDIO_H */