/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2019-2022 The TokTok team. */ #ifndef C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_FORWARDING_H #define C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_FORWARDING_H #include "DHT.h" #include "network.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define SENDBACK_IPPORT 0 #define SENDBACK_FORWARD 1 #define SENDBACK_TCP 2 #define MAX_SENDBACK_SIZE (0xff - 1) #define MAX_FORWARD_DATA_SIZE (MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE - (1 + 1 + MAX_SENDBACK_SIZE)) #define MAX_FORWARD_CHAIN_LENGTH 4 #define MAX_PACKED_IPPORT_SIZE (1 + SIZE_IP6 + sizeof(uint16_t)) typedef struct Forwarding Forwarding; non_null() DHT *forwarding_get_dht(const Forwarding *forwarding); /** * @brief Send data to forwarder for forwarding via chain of dht nodes. * Destination is last key in the chain. * * @param data Must be of length at most MAX_FORWARD_DATA_SIZE. * @param chain_length Number of intermediate nodes in chain. * Must be at least 1 and at most MAX_FORWARD_CHAIN_LENGTH. * @param chain_keys Public keys of chain nodes. Must be of length * `chain_length * CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE`. * * @return true on success, false otherwise. */ non_null() bool send_forward_request(const Networking_Core *net, const IP_Port *forwarder, const uint8_t *chain_keys, uint16_t chain_length, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_length); /** Returns size of packet written by create_forward_chain_packet. */ uint16_t forward_chain_packet_size(uint16_t chain_length, uint16_t data_length); /** * @brief Create forward request packet for forwarding data via chain of dht nodes. * Destination is last key in the chain. * * @param data Must be of length at most MAX_FORWARD_DATA_SIZE. * @param chain_length Number of intermediate nodes in chain. * Must be at least 1 and at most MAX_FORWARD_CHAIN_LENGTH. * @param chain_keys Public keys of chain nodes. Must be of length * `chain_length * CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE`. * @param packet Must be of size at least * `forward_chain_packet_size(chain_length, data_length)` bytes. * * @return true on success, false otherwise. */ non_null() bool create_forward_chain_packet(const uint8_t *chain_keys, uint16_t chain_length, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_length, uint8_t *packet); /** * @brief Send reply to forwarded packet via forwarder. * @param sendback Must be of size at most MAX_SENDBACK_SIZE. * @param data Must be of size at most MAX_FORWARD_DATA_SIZE. * * @return true on success, false otherwise. */ non_null() bool forward_reply(const Networking_Core *net, const IP_Port *forwarder, const uint8_t *sendback, uint16_t sendback_length, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); /** * @brief Set callback to handle a forwarded request. * To reply to the packet, callback should use `forward_reply()` to send a reply * forwarded via forwarder, passing the provided sendback. */ typedef void forwarded_request_cb(void *object, const IP_Port *forwarder, const uint8_t *sendback, uint16_t sendback_length, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata); non_null(1) nullable(2, 3) void set_callback_forwarded_request(Forwarding *forwarding, forwarded_request_cb *function, void *object); /** @brief Set callback to handle a forwarded response. */ typedef void forwarded_response_cb(void *object, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata); non_null(1) nullable(2, 3) void set_callback_forwarded_response(Forwarding *forwarding, forwarded_response_cb *function, void *object); /** @brief Send forwarding packet to dest with given sendback data and data. */ non_null(1, 2, 5) nullable(3) bool send_forwarding(const Forwarding *forwarding, const IP_Port *dest, const uint8_t *sendback_data, uint16_t sendback_data_len, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); typedef bool forward_reply_cb(void *object, const uint8_t *sendback_data, uint16_t sendback_data_len, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); /** * @brief Set callback to handle a forward reply with an otherwise unhandled * sendback. */ non_null(1) nullable(2, 3) void set_callback_forward_reply(Forwarding *forwarding, forward_reply_cb *function, void *object); non_null() Forwarding *new_forwarding(const Logger *log, const Random *rng, const Mono_Time *mono_time, DHT *dht); nullable(1) void kill_forwarding(Forwarding *forwarding); #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif