/** @file * @brief Generates a valid input for e2e_fuzz_test. * * This bootstraps 2 toxes tox1 and tox2, adds tox1 as tox2's friend, waits for * the friend request, then tox1 adds tox2 in response, waits for the friend to * come online, sends a 2-message exchange, and waits for the read receipt. * * All random inputs and network traffic is recorded and dumped to files at the * end. This can then be fed to e2e_fuzz_test for replay (only of tox1) and * further code path exploration using fuzzer mutations. * * We write 2 files: an init file that contains all the inputs needed to reach * the "friend online" state, and a smaller file containing things to mutate * once the tox instance is in that state. This allows for more specific * exploration of code paths starting from "friend is online". DHT and onion * packet parsing is explored more in bootstrap_fuzz_test. * * Usage: * * bazel build //c-toxcore/testing/fuzzing:protodump && \ * bazel-bin/c-toxcore/testing/fuzzing/protodump */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../toxcore/tox.h" #include "../../toxcore/tox_dispatch.h" #include "../../toxcore/tox_events.h" #include "../../toxcore/tox_private.h" #include "fuzz_support.hh" namespace { /** @brief Number of messages to exchange between tox1 and tox2. * * The higher this number, the more room we give the fuzzer to mutate the * exchange into something more interesting. If it's too high, the fuzzer will * be slow. */ constexpr uint32_t MESSAGE_COUNT = 5; struct State { Tox *tox; uint32_t done; }; void setup_callbacks(Tox_Dispatch *dispatch) { tox_events_callback_conference_connected( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Conference_Connected *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_conference_connected( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Conference_Connected *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_conference_invite( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Conference_Invite *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_conference_message( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Conference_Message *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_conference_peer_list_changed( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Conference_Peer_List_Changed *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_conference_peer_name( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Conference_Peer_Name *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_conference_title(dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Conference_Title *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_file_chunk_request( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_File_Chunk_Request *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_file_recv(dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_File_Recv *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_file_recv_chunk(dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_File_Recv_Chunk *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_file_recv_control( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_File_Recv_Control *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_friend_connection_status( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Connection_Status *event, void *user_data) { State *state = static_cast(user_data); // OK: friend came online. const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_friend_connection_status_get_friend_number(event); assert(friend_number == 0); const uint8_t message = 'A'; Tox_Err_Friend_Send_Message err; tox_friend_send_message( state->tox, friend_number, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, &message, 1, &err); assert(err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE_OK); }); tox_events_callback_friend_lossless_packet( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Lossless_Packet *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_friend_lossy_packet( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Lossy_Packet *event, void *user_data) { assert(event == nullptr); }); tox_events_callback_friend_message( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Message *event, void *user_data) { State *state = static_cast(user_data); const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_friend_message_get_friend_number(event); assert(friend_number == 0); const uint32_t message_length = tox_event_friend_message_get_message_length(event); assert(message_length == 1); const uint8_t *message = tox_event_friend_message_get_message(event); const uint8_t reply = message[0] + 1; Tox_Err_Friend_Send_Message err; tox_friend_send_message( state->tox, friend_number, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, &reply, 1, &err); assert(err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_SEND_MESSAGE_OK); }); tox_events_callback_friend_name( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Name *event, void *user_data) { const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_friend_name_get_friend_number(event); assert(friend_number == 0); }); tox_events_callback_friend_read_receipt( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Read_Receipt *event, void *user_data) { State *state = static_cast(user_data); const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_friend_read_receipt_get_friend_number(event); assert(friend_number == 0); const uint32_t message_id = tox_event_friend_read_receipt_get_message_id(event); state->done = std::max(state->done, message_id); }); tox_events_callback_friend_request( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Request *event, void *user_data) { State *state = static_cast(user_data); Tox_Err_Friend_Add err; tox_friend_add_norequest( state->tox, tox_event_friend_request_get_public_key(event), &err); assert(err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_OK || err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_OWN_KEY || err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_ALREADY_SENT || err == TOX_ERR_FRIEND_ADD_BAD_CHECKSUM); }); tox_events_callback_friend_status( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Status *event, void *user_data) { const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_friend_status_get_friend_number(event); assert(friend_number == 0); }); tox_events_callback_friend_status_message( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Status_Message *event, void *user_data) { const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_friend_status_message_get_friend_number(event); assert(friend_number == 0); }); tox_events_callback_friend_typing( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Friend_Typing *event, void *user_data) { const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_friend_typing_get_friend_number(event); assert(friend_number == 0); assert(!tox_event_friend_typing_get_typing(event)); }); tox_events_callback_self_connection_status( dispatch, [](const Tox_Event_Self_Connection_Status *event, void *user_data) { // OK: we got connected. }); } void dump(std::vector recording, const char *filename) { std::printf("%zu bytes: %s\n", recording.size(), filename); std::ofstream(filename, std::ios::binary) .write(reinterpret_cast(recording.data()), recording.size()); } void RecordBootstrap(const char *init, const char *bootstrap) { auto global = std::make_unique(); Tox_Options *opts = tox_options_new(nullptr); assert(opts != nullptr); tox_options_set_local_discovery_enabled(opts, false); tox_options_set_log_callback(opts, [](Tox *tox, Tox_Log_Level level, const char *file, uint32_t line, const char *func, const char *message, void *user_data) { // Log to stdout. std::printf("[%s] %c %s:%d(%s): %s\n", static_cast(user_data)->name_, tox_log_level_name(level), file, line, func, message); }); Tox_Err_New error_new; Tox_Err_New_Testing error_new_testing; Tox_Options_Testing tox_options_testing; auto sys1 = std::make_unique(*global, 4, "tox1"); // fair dice roll tox_options_set_log_user_data(opts, sys1.get()); tox_options_testing.operating_system = sys1->sys.get(); Tox *tox1 = tox_new_testing(opts, &error_new, &tox_options_testing, &error_new_testing); assert(tox1 != nullptr); assert(error_new == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK); assert(error_new_testing == TOX_ERR_NEW_TESTING_OK); std::array address1; tox_self_get_address(tox1, address1.data()); std::array pk1; tox_self_get_public_key(tox1, pk1.data()); std::array dht_key1; tox_self_get_dht_id(tox1, dht_key1.data()); auto sys2 = std::make_unique(*global, 5, "tox2"); // unfair dice roll tox_options_set_log_user_data(opts, sys2.get()); tox_options_testing.operating_system = sys2->sys.get(); Tox *tox2 = tox_new_testing(opts, &error_new, &tox_options_testing, &error_new_testing); assert(tox2 != nullptr); assert(error_new == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK); assert(error_new_testing == TOX_ERR_NEW_TESTING_OK); std::array address2; tox_self_get_address(tox2, address2.data()); std::array pk2; tox_self_get_public_key(tox2, pk2.data()); std::array dht_key2; tox_self_get_dht_id(tox2, dht_key2.data()); assert(address1 != address2); assert(pk1 != pk2); assert(dht_key1 != dht_key2); tox_options_free(opts); const uint16_t port = tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, nullptr); const bool udp_success = tox_bootstrap(tox2, "", port, dht_key1.data(), nullptr); assert(udp_success); tox_events_init(tox1); tox_events_init(tox2); Tox_Dispatch *dispatch = tox_dispatch_new(nullptr); assert(dispatch != nullptr); setup_callbacks(dispatch); State state1 = {tox1, 0}; State state2 = {tox2, 0}; const auto iterate = [&](uint8_t clock_increment) { Tox_Err_Events_Iterate error_iterate; Tox_Events *events; events = tox_events_iterate(tox1, true, &error_iterate); assert(tox_events_equal(sys1->sys.get(), events, events)); tox_dispatch_invoke(dispatch, events, &state1); tox_events_free(events); events = tox_events_iterate(tox2, true, &error_iterate); assert(tox_events_equal(sys2->sys.get(), events, events)); tox_dispatch_invoke(dispatch, events, &state2); tox_events_free(events); // Move the clock forward a decent amount so all the time-based checks // trigger more quickly. sys1->clock += clock_increment; sys2->clock += clock_increment; if (Fuzz_Data::FUZZ_DEBUG) { printf("tox1: rng: %d (for clock)\n", clock_increment); printf("tox2: rng: %d (for clock)\n", clock_increment); } sys1->push(clock_increment); sys2->push(clock_increment); }; while (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE || tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { if (Fuzz_Data::FUZZ_DEBUG) { std::printf("tox1: %d, tox2: %d\n", tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2)); } iterate(System::BOOTSTRAP_ITERATION_INTERVAL); } std::printf("toxes are online\n"); const uint8_t msg = 'A'; const uint32_t friend_number = tox_friend_add(tox2, address1.data(), &msg, 1, nullptr); assert(friend_number == 0); while (tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, friend_number, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE || tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox1, 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE) { if (Fuzz_Data::FUZZ_DEBUG) { std::printf("tox1: %d, tox2: %d, tox1 -> tox2: %d, tox2 -> tox1: %d\n", tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2), tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox1, 0, nullptr), tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, nullptr)); } iterate(System::BOOTSTRAP_ITERATION_INTERVAL); } std::printf("tox clients connected\n"); dump(sys1->take_recording(), init); while (state1.done < MESSAGE_COUNT && state2.done < MESSAGE_COUNT) { if (Fuzz_Data::FUZZ_DEBUG) { std::printf("tox1: %d, tox2: %d, tox1 -> tox2: %d, tox2 -> tox1: %d\n", tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1), tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2), tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox1, 0, nullptr), tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, nullptr)); } iterate(System::MESSAGE_ITERATION_INTERVAL); } std::printf("test complete\n"); tox_dispatch_free(dispatch); tox_kill(tox2); tox_kill(tox1); dump(sys1->recording(), bootstrap); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *init = "tools/toktok-fuzzer/init/e2e_fuzz_test.dat"; const char *bootstrap = "tools/toktok-fuzzer/corpus/e2e_fuzz_test/bootstrap.dat"; if (argc == 3) { init = argv[1]; bootstrap = argv[2]; } RecordBootstrap(init, bootstrap); }