/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2025 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2013 Tox project. */ /** * An implementation of a simple text chat only messenger on the tox network core. */ #include "Messenger.h" #include #include #include #include #include "DHT.h" #include "TCP_client.h" #include "TCP_connection.h" #include "TCP_server.h" #include "announce.h" #include "attributes.h" #include "bin_pack.h" #include "bin_unpack.h" #include "ccompat.h" #include "crypto_core.h" #include "forwarding.h" #include "friend_connection.h" #include "friend_requests.h" #include "group_announce.h" #include "group_chats.h" #include "group_common.h" #include "group_onion_announce.h" #include "logger.h" #include "mem.h" #include "mono_time.h" #include "net_crypto.h" #include "network.h" #include "onion.h" #include "onion_announce.h" #include "onion_client.h" #include "state.h" #include "util.h" static_assert(MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES <= UINT8_MAX + 1, "uint8_t cannot represent all file transfer numbers"); static const Friend empty_friend = {{0}}; /** * Determines if the friendnumber passed is valid in the Messenger object. * * @param friendnumber The index in the friend list. */ bool friend_is_valid(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { return (uint32_t)friendnumber < m->numfriends && m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != 0; } /** @brief Set the size of the friend list to numfriends. * * @retval -1 if mem_vrealloc fails. */ non_null() static int realloc_friendlist(Messenger *m, uint32_t num) { if (num == 0) { mem_delete(m->mem, m->friendlist); m->friendlist = nullptr; return 0; } Friend *newfriendlist = (Friend *)mem_vrealloc(m->mem, m->friendlist, num, sizeof(Friend)); if (newfriendlist == nullptr) { return -1; } m->friendlist = newfriendlist; return 0; } /** @return the friend number associated to that public key. * @retval -1 if no such friend. */ int32_t getfriend_id(const Messenger *m, const uint8_t *real_pk) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { if (m->friendlist[i].status > 0 && pk_equal(real_pk, m->friendlist[i].real_pk)) { return i; } } return -1; } /** @brief Copies the public key associated to that friend id into real_pk buffer. * * Make sure that real_pk is of size CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE. * * @retval 0 if success. * @retval -1 if failure. */ int get_real_pk(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t *real_pk) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } memcpy(real_pk, m->friendlist[friendnumber].real_pk, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); return 0; } /** @return friend connection id on success. * @retval -1 if failure. */ int getfriendcon_id(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } return m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id; } /** * Format: `[real_pk (32 bytes)][nospam number (4 bytes)][checksum (2 bytes)]` * * @param[out] address FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE byte address to give to others. */ void getaddress(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *address) { pk_copy(address, nc_get_self_public_key(m->net_crypto)); uint32_t nospam = get_nospam(m->fr); memcpy(address + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, &nospam, sizeof(nospam)); uint16_t checksum = data_checksum(address, FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE - sizeof(checksum)); memcpy(address + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + sizeof(nospam), &checksum, sizeof(checksum)); } non_null() static bool send_online_packet(const Messenger *m, int friendcon_id) { const uint8_t packet[1] = {PACKET_ID_ONLINE}; return write_cryptpacket(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, friendcon_id), packet, sizeof(packet), false) != -1; } non_null() static bool send_offline_packet(const Messenger *m, int friendcon_id) { const uint8_t packet[1] = {PACKET_ID_OFFLINE}; return write_cryptpacket(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, friendcon_id), packet, sizeof(packet), false) != -1; } non_null(1) nullable(4) static int m_handle_status(void *object, int friendcon_id, bool status, void *userdata); non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet(void *object, int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata); non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_lossy_packet(void *object, int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata); non_null() static int32_t init_new_friend(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *real_pk, uint8_t status) { if (m->numfriends == UINT32_MAX) { LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "Friend list full: we have more than 4 billion friends"); /* This is technically incorrect, but close enough. */ return FAERR_NOMEM; } /* Resize the friend list if necessary. */ if (realloc_friendlist(m, m->numfriends + 1) != 0) { return FAERR_NOMEM; } m->friendlist[m->numfriends] = empty_friend; const int friendcon_id = new_friend_connection(m->fr_c, real_pk); if (friendcon_id == -1) { return FAERR_NOMEM; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= m->numfriends; ++i) { if (m->friendlist[i].status == NOFRIEND) { m->friendlist[i].status = status; m->friendlist[i].friendcon_id = friendcon_id; m->friendlist[i].friendrequest_lastsent = 0; pk_copy(m->friendlist[i].real_pk, real_pk); m->friendlist[i].statusmessage_length = 0; m->friendlist[i].userstatus = USERSTATUS_NONE; m->friendlist[i].is_typing = false; m->friendlist[i].message_id = 0; friend_connection_callbacks(m->fr_c, friendcon_id, MESSENGER_CALLBACK_INDEX, &m_handle_status, &m_handle_packet, &m_handle_lossy_packet, m, i); if (m->numfriends == i) { ++m->numfriends; } if (friend_con_connected(m->fr_c, friendcon_id) == FRIENDCONN_STATUS_CONNECTED) { send_online_packet(m, friendcon_id); } return i; } } return FAERR_NOMEM; } non_null() static int32_t m_add_friend_contact_norequest(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *real_pk) { if (getfriend_id(m, real_pk) != -1) { return FAERR_ALREADYSENT; } if (pk_equal(real_pk, nc_get_self_public_key(m->net_crypto))) { return FAERR_OWNKEY; } return init_new_friend(m, real_pk, FRIEND_CONFIRMED); } /** * Add a friend. * * Set the data that will be sent along with friend request. * * @param address is the address of the friend (returned by getaddress of the friend * you wish to add) it must be FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE bytes. * TODO(irungentoo): add checksum. * @param data is the data. * @param length is the length. * * @return the friend number if success. * @retval FA_TOOLONG if message length is too long. * @retval FAERR_NOMESSAGE if no message (message length must be >= 1 byte). * @retval FAERR_OWNKEY if user's own key. * @retval FAERR_ALREADYSENT if friend request already sent or already a friend. * @retval FAERR_BADCHECKSUM if bad checksum in address. * @retval FAERR_SETNEWNOSPAM if the friend was already there but the nospam was different. * (the nospam for that friend was set to the new one). * @retval FAERR_NOMEM if increasing the friend list size fails. */ int32_t m_addfriend(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *address, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { if (length > MAX_FRIEND_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE) { return FAERR_TOOLONG; } uint8_t real_pk[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; pk_copy(real_pk, address); if (!public_key_valid(real_pk)) { return FAERR_BADCHECKSUM; } uint16_t check; const uint16_t checksum = data_checksum(address, FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE - sizeof(checksum)); memcpy(&check, address + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t), sizeof(check)); if (check != checksum) { return FAERR_BADCHECKSUM; } if (length < 1) { return FAERR_NOMESSAGE; } if (pk_equal(real_pk, nc_get_self_public_key(m->net_crypto))) { return FAERR_OWNKEY; } const int32_t friend_id = getfriend_id(m, real_pk); if (friend_id != -1) { if (m->friendlist[friend_id].status >= FRIEND_CONFIRMED) { return FAERR_ALREADYSENT; } uint32_t nospam; memcpy(&nospam, address + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, sizeof(nospam)); if (m->friendlist[friend_id].friendrequest_nospam == nospam) { return FAERR_ALREADYSENT; } m->friendlist[friend_id].friendrequest_nospam = nospam; return FAERR_SETNEWNOSPAM; } const int32_t ret = init_new_friend(m, real_pk, FRIEND_ADDED); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } m->friendlist[ret].friendrequest_timeout = FRIENDREQUEST_TIMEOUT; memcpy(m->friendlist[ret].info, data, length); m->friendlist[ret].info_size = length; memcpy(&m->friendlist[ret].friendrequest_nospam, address + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, sizeof(uint32_t)); return ret; } int32_t m_addfriend_norequest(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *real_pk) { if (!public_key_valid(real_pk)) { return FAERR_BADCHECKSUM; } if (pk_equal(real_pk, nc_get_self_public_key(m->net_crypto))) { return FAERR_OWNKEY; } return m_add_friend_contact_norequest(m, real_pk); } non_null() static int clear_receipts(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } struct Receipts *receipts = m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_start; while (receipts != nullptr) { struct Receipts *temp_r = receipts->next; mem_delete(m->mem, receipts); receipts = temp_r; } m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_start = nullptr; m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_end = nullptr; return 0; } non_null() static int add_receipt(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint32_t packet_num, uint32_t msg_id) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } struct Receipts *new_receipts = (struct Receipts *)mem_alloc(m->mem, sizeof(struct Receipts)); if (new_receipts == nullptr) { return -1; } new_receipts->packet_num = packet_num; new_receipts->msg_id = msg_id; if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_start == nullptr) { m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_start = new_receipts; } else { m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_end->next = new_receipts; } m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_end = new_receipts; new_receipts->next = nullptr; return 0; } /** * return -1 on failure. * return 0 if packet was received. */ non_null() static int friend_received_packet(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint32_t number) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } return cryptpacket_received(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id), number); } bool m_create_group_connection(Messenger *m, GC_Chat *chat) { random_bytes(m->rng, chat->m_group_public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); const int friendcon_id = new_friend_connection(m->fr_c, chat->m_group_public_key); if (friendcon_id == -1) { return false; } const Friend_Conn *connection = get_conn(m->fr_c, friendcon_id); if (connection == nullptr) { return false; } chat->friend_connection_id = friendcon_id; if (friend_con_connected(m->fr_c, friendcon_id) == FRIENDCONN_STATUS_CONNECTED) { send_online_packet(m, friendcon_id); } const int onion_friend_number = friend_conn_get_onion_friendnum(connection); Onion_Friend *onion_friend = onion_get_friend(m->onion_c, (uint16_t)onion_friend_number); onion_friend_set_gc_public_key(onion_friend, get_chat_id(&chat->chat_public_key)); onion_friend_set_gc_data(onion_friend, nullptr, 0); return true; } /** * Kills the friend connection for a groupchat. */ void m_kill_group_connection(Messenger *m, const GC_Chat *chat) { remove_request_received(m->fr, chat->m_group_public_key); friend_connection_callbacks(m->fr_c, chat->friend_connection_id, MESSENGER_CALLBACK_INDEX, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0); if (friend_con_connected(m->fr_c, chat->friend_connection_id) == FRIENDCONN_STATUS_CONNECTED) { send_offline_packet(m, chat->friend_connection_id); } kill_friend_connection(m->fr_c, chat->friend_connection_id); } non_null(1) nullable(3) static int do_receipts(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, void *userdata) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } struct Receipts *receipts = m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_start; while (receipts != nullptr) { if (friend_received_packet(m, friendnumber, receipts->packet_num) == -1) { break; } if (m->read_receipt != nullptr) { m->read_receipt(m, friendnumber, receipts->msg_id, userdata); } struct Receipts *r_next = receipts->next; mem_delete(m->mem, receipts); m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_start = r_next; receipts = r_next; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_start == nullptr) { m->friendlist[friendnumber].receipts_end = nullptr; } return 0; } /** @brief Remove a friend. * * @retval 0 if success. * @retval -1 if failure. */ int m_delfriend(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } clear_receipts(m, friendnumber); remove_request_received(m->fr, m->friendlist[friendnumber].real_pk); friend_connection_callbacks(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id, MESSENGER_CALLBACK_INDEX, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0); if (friend_con_connected(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id) == FRIENDCONN_STATUS_CONNECTED) { send_offline_packet(m, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id); } kill_friend_connection(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id); m->friendlist[friendnumber] = empty_friend; uint32_t i; for (i = m->numfriends; i != 0; --i) { if (m->friendlist[i - 1].status != NOFRIEND) { break; } } m->numfriends = i; if (realloc_friendlist(m, m->numfriends) != 0) { return FAERR_NOMEM; } return 0; } int m_get_friend_connectionstatus(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return CONNECTION_NONE; } bool direct_connected = false; uint32_t num_online_relays = 0; const int crypt_conn_id = friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id); if (!crypto_connection_status(m->net_crypto, crypt_conn_id, &direct_connected, &num_online_relays)) { return CONNECTION_NONE; } if (direct_connected) { return CONNECTION_UDP; } if (num_online_relays != 0) { return CONNECTION_TCP; } /* if we have a valid friend connection but do not have an established connection * we leave the connection status unchanged until the friend connection is either * established or dropped. */ return m->friendlist[friendnumber].last_connection_udp_tcp; } /** * Checks if there exists a friend with given friendnumber. * * @param friendnumber The index in the friend list. * * @retval true if friend exists. * @retval false if friend doesn't exist. */ bool m_friend_exists(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { return (unsigned int)friendnumber < m->numfriends && m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != 0; } /** @brief Send a message of type to an online friend. * * @retval -1 if friend not valid. * @retval -2 if too large. * @retval -3 if friend not online. * @retval -4 if send failed (because queue is full). * @retval -5 if bad type. * @retval 0 if success. * * The value in message_id will be passed to your read_receipt callback when the other receives the message. */ int m_send_message_generic(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t type, const uint8_t *message, uint32_t length, uint32_t *message_id) { if (type > MESSAGE_ACTION) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "message type %d is invalid", type); return -5; } if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "friend number %d is invalid", friendnumber); return -1; } if (length >= MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "message length %u is too large", length); return -2; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "friend %d is not online", friendnumber); return -3; } VLA(uint8_t, packet, length + 1); packet[0] = PACKET_ID_MESSAGE + type; assert(message != nullptr); memcpy(packet + 1, message, length); const int64_t packet_num = write_cryptpacket(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id), packet, length + 1, false); if (packet_num == -1) { return -4; } const uint32_t msg_id = ++m->friendlist[friendnumber].message_id; add_receipt(m, friendnumber, packet_num, msg_id); if (message_id != nullptr) { *message_id = msg_id; } return 0; } non_null() static bool write_cryptpacket_id(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t packet_id, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, bool congestion_control) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return false; } if (length >= MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE || m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return false; } VLA(uint8_t, packet, length + 1); packet[0] = packet_id; assert(data != nullptr); memcpy(packet + 1, data, length); return write_cryptpacket(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id), packet, length + 1, congestion_control) != -1; } /** @brief Send a name packet to friendnumber. * length is the length with the NULL terminator. */ non_null() static bool m_sendname(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *name, uint16_t length) { if (length > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { return false; } return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_NICKNAME, name, length, false); } /** @brief Set the name and name_length of a friend. * * name must be a string of maximum MAX_NAME_LENGTH length. * length must be at least 1 byte. * length is the length of name with the NULL terminator. * * @retval 0 if success. * @retval -1 if failure. */ int setfriendname(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *name, uint16_t length) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (length > MAX_NAME_LENGTH || length == 0) { return -1; } m->friendlist[friendnumber].name_length = length; memcpy(m->friendlist[friendnumber].name, name, length); return 0; } /** @brief Set our nickname. * * name must be a string of maximum MAX_NAME_LENGTH length. * length must be at least 1 byte. * length is the length of name with the NULL terminator. * * @retval 0 if success. * @retval -1 if failure. */ int setname(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *name, uint16_t length) { if (length > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { return -1; } if (m->name_length == length && (length == 0 || memcmp(name, m->name, length) == 0)) { return 0; } if (length > 0) { memcpy(m->name, name, length); } m->name_length = length; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { m->friendlist[i].name_sent = false; } return 0; } /** * @brief Get your nickname. * * m - The messenger context to use. * name needs to be a valid memory location with a size of at least MAX_NAME_LENGTH bytes. * * @return length of the name. * @retval 0 on error. */ uint16_t getself_name(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *name) { if (name == nullptr) { return 0; } memcpy(name, m->name, m->name_length); return m->name_length; } /** @brief Get name of friendnumber and put it in name. * * name needs to be a valid memory location with a size of at least MAX_NAME_LENGTH (128) bytes. * * @return length of name if success. * @retval -1 if failure. */ int getname(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t *name) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } memcpy(name, m->friendlist[friendnumber].name, m->friendlist[friendnumber].name_length); return m->friendlist[friendnumber].name_length; } int m_get_name_size(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } return m->friendlist[friendnumber].name_length; } int m_get_self_name_size(const Messenger *m) { return m->name_length; } int m_set_statusmessage(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *status, uint16_t length) { if (length > MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH) { return -1; } if (m->statusmessage_length == length && (length == 0 || memcmp(m->statusmessage, status, length) == 0)) { return 0; } if (length > 0) { memcpy(m->statusmessage, status, length); } m->statusmessage_length = length; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { m->friendlist[i].statusmessage_sent = false; } return 0; } non_null() static bool userstatus_from_int(uint8_t status, Userstatus *out_enum) { switch (status) { case USERSTATUS_NONE: { *out_enum = USERSTATUS_NONE; return true; } case USERSTATUS_AWAY: { *out_enum = USERSTATUS_AWAY; return true; } case USERSTATUS_BUSY: { *out_enum = USERSTATUS_BUSY; return true; } case USERSTATUS_INVALID: { *out_enum = USERSTATUS_INVALID; return true; } default: { *out_enum = USERSTATUS_INVALID; return false; } } } int m_set_userstatus(Messenger *m, uint8_t status) { if (status >= USERSTATUS_INVALID) { return -1; } if (m->userstatus == status) { return 0; } userstatus_from_int(status, &m->userstatus); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { m->friendlist[i].userstatus_sent = false; } return 0; } /** * Guaranteed to be at most MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH. * * @return the length of friendnumber's status message, including null on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ int m_get_statusmessage_size(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } return m->friendlist[friendnumber].statusmessage_length; } /** @brief Copy friendnumber's status message into buf, truncating if size is over maxlen. * * Get the size you need to allocate from m_get_statusmessage_size. * The self variant will copy our own status message. * * @return the length of the copied data on success * @retval -1 on failure. */ int m_copy_statusmessage(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t maxlen) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } // TODO(iphydf): This should be uint16_t and min_u16. If maxlen exceeds // uint16_t's range, it won't affect the result. const uint32_t msglen = min_u32(maxlen, m->friendlist[friendnumber].statusmessage_length); memcpy(buf, m->friendlist[friendnumber].statusmessage, msglen); memzero(buf + msglen, maxlen - msglen); return msglen; } /** @return the size of friendnumber's user status. * Guaranteed to be at most MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH. */ int m_get_self_statusmessage_size(const Messenger *m) { return m->statusmessage_length; } int m_copy_self_statusmessage(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *buf) { memcpy(buf, m->statusmessage, m->statusmessage_length); return m->statusmessage_length; } uint8_t m_get_userstatus(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return USERSTATUS_INVALID; } uint8_t status = m->friendlist[friendnumber].userstatus; if (status >= USERSTATUS_INVALID) { status = USERSTATUS_NONE; } return status; } uint8_t m_get_self_userstatus(const Messenger *m) { return m->userstatus; } uint64_t m_get_last_online(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return UINT64_MAX; } return m->friendlist[friendnumber].last_seen_time; } int m_set_usertyping(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, bool is_typing) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].user_istyping == is_typing) { return 0; } m->friendlist[friendnumber].user_istyping = is_typing; m->friendlist[friendnumber].user_istyping_sent = false; return 0; } int m_get_istyping(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } return m->friendlist[friendnumber].is_typing ? 1 : 0; } non_null() static bool send_statusmessage(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *status, uint16_t length) { return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_STATUSMESSAGE, status, length, false); } non_null() static bool send_userstatus(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t status) { return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_USERSTATUS, &status, sizeof(status), false); } non_null() static bool send_user_istyping(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, bool is_typing) { const uint8_t typing = is_typing ? 1 : 0; return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_TYPING, &typing, sizeof(typing), false); } non_null() static int set_friend_statusmessage(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *status, uint16_t length) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (length > MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH) { return -1; } if (length > 0) { memcpy(m->friendlist[friendnumber].statusmessage, status, length); } m->friendlist[friendnumber].statusmessage_length = length; return 0; } non_null() static void set_friend_userstatus(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t status) { userstatus_from_int(status, &m->friendlist[friendnumber].userstatus); } non_null() static void set_friend_typing(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, bool is_typing) { m->friendlist[friendnumber].is_typing = is_typing; } /** Set the function that will be executed when a friend request is received. */ void m_callback_friendrequest(Messenger *m, m_friend_request_cb *function) { m->friend_request = function; } /** Set the function that will be executed when a message from a friend is received. */ void m_callback_friendmessage(Messenger *m, m_friend_message_cb *function) { m->friend_message = function; } void m_callback_namechange(Messenger *m, m_friend_name_cb *function) { m->friend_namechange = function; } void m_callback_statusmessage(Messenger *m, m_friend_status_message_cb *function) { m->friend_statusmessagechange = function; } void m_callback_userstatus(Messenger *m, m_friend_status_cb *function) { m->friend_userstatuschange = function; } void m_callback_typingchange(Messenger *m, m_friend_typing_cb *function) { m->friend_typingchange = function; } void m_callback_read_receipt(Messenger *m, m_friend_read_receipt_cb *function) { m->read_receipt = function; } void m_callback_connectionstatus(Messenger *m, m_friend_connection_status_cb *function) { m->friend_connectionstatuschange = function; } void m_callback_core_connection(Messenger *m, m_self_connection_status_cb *function) { m->core_connection_change = function; } non_null(1) nullable(3) static void check_friend_tcp_udp(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, void *userdata) { const int last_connection_udp_tcp = m->friendlist[friendnumber].last_connection_udp_tcp; const int ret = m_get_friend_connectionstatus(m, friendnumber); if (ret == -1) { return; } if (last_connection_udp_tcp != ret) { if (m->friend_connectionstatuschange != nullptr) { m->friend_connectionstatuschange(m, friendnumber, ret, userdata); } } m->friendlist[friendnumber].last_connection_udp_tcp = (Connection_Status)ret; } non_null() static void break_files(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber); non_null(1) nullable(4) static void check_friend_connectionstatus(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t status, void *userdata) { if (status == NOFRIEND) { return; } const bool was_online = m->friendlist[friendnumber].status == FRIEND_ONLINE; const bool is_online = status == FRIEND_ONLINE; if (is_online != was_online) { if (was_online) { break_files(m, friendnumber); clear_receipts(m, friendnumber); } else { m->friendlist[friendnumber].name_sent = false; m->friendlist[friendnumber].userstatus_sent = false; m->friendlist[friendnumber].statusmessage_sent = false; m->friendlist[friendnumber].user_istyping_sent = false; } m->friendlist[friendnumber].status = status; check_friend_tcp_udp(m, friendnumber, userdata); } } non_null(1) nullable(4) static void set_friend_status(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t status, void *userdata) { check_friend_connectionstatus(m, friendnumber, status, userdata); m->friendlist[friendnumber].status = status; } /*** CONFERENCES */ /** @brief Set the callback for conference invites. */ void m_callback_conference_invite(Messenger *m, m_conference_invite_cb *function) { m->conference_invite = function; } /** @brief the callback for group invites. */ void m_callback_group_invite(Messenger *m, m_group_invite_cb *function) { m->group_invite = function; } /** @brief Send a conference invite packet. * * return true on success * return false on failure */ bool send_conference_invite_packet(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_INVITE_CONFERENCE, data, length, false); } /** @brief Send a group invite packet. * * @retval true if success */ bool send_group_invite_packet(const Messenger *m, uint32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *packet, uint16_t length) { return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_INVITE_GROUPCHAT, packet, length, false); } /*** FILE SENDING */ /** @brief Set the callback for file send requests. */ void callback_file_sendrequest(Messenger *m, m_file_recv_cb *function) { m->file_sendrequest = function; } /** @brief Set the callback for file control requests. */ void callback_file_control(Messenger *m, m_file_recv_control_cb *function) { m->file_filecontrol = function; } /** @brief Set the callback for file data. */ void callback_file_data(Messenger *m, m_file_recv_chunk_cb *function) { m->file_filedata = function; } /** @brief Set the callback for file request chunk. */ void callback_file_reqchunk(Messenger *m, m_file_chunk_request_cb *function) { m->file_reqchunk = function; } #define MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH 255 /** @brief Copy the file transfer file id to file_id * * @retval 0 on success. * @retval -1 if friend not valid. * @retval -2 if filenumber not valid */ int file_get_id(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint32_t filenumber, uint8_t *file_id) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return -2; } uint32_t temp_filenum; bool inbound; uint8_t file_number; if (filenumber >= (1 << 16)) { inbound = true; temp_filenum = (filenumber >> 16) - 1; } else { inbound = false; temp_filenum = filenumber; } if (temp_filenum >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return -2; } file_number = temp_filenum; const struct File_Transfers *const ft = inbound ? &m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_receiving[file_number] : &m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_sending[file_number]; if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_NONE) { return -2; } memcpy(file_id, ft->id, FILE_ID_LENGTH); return 0; } /** @brief Send a file send request. * Maximum filename length is 255 bytes. * @retval 1 on success * @retval 0 on failure */ non_null() static bool file_sendrequest(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t filenumber, uint32_t file_type, uint64_t filesize, const uint8_t *file_id, const uint8_t *filename, uint16_t filename_length) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return false; } if (filename_length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) { return false; } const uint16_t packet_size = 1 + sizeof(file_type) + sizeof(filesize) + FILE_ID_LENGTH + filename_length; VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size); packet[0] = filenumber; file_type = net_htonl(file_type); memcpy(packet + 1, &file_type, sizeof(file_type)); net_pack_u64(packet + 1 + sizeof(file_type), filesize); memcpy(packet + 1 + sizeof(file_type) + sizeof(filesize), file_id, FILE_ID_LENGTH); if (filename_length > 0) { memcpy(packet + 1 + sizeof(file_type) + sizeof(filesize) + FILE_ID_LENGTH, filename, filename_length); } return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_FILE_SENDREQUEST, packet, packet_size, false); } /** @brief Send a file send request. * * Maximum filename length is 255 bytes. * * @return file number on success * @retval -1 if friend not found. * @retval -2 if filename length invalid. * @retval -3 if no more file sending slots left. * @retval -4 if could not send packet (friend offline). */ long int new_filesender(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint32_t file_type, uint64_t filesize, const uint8_t *file_id, const uint8_t *filename, uint16_t filename_length) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (filename_length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) { return -2; } uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES; ++i) { if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_sending[i].status == FILESTATUS_NONE) { break; } } if (i == MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return -3; } if (!file_sendrequest(m, friendnumber, i, file_type, filesize, file_id, filename, filename_length)) { return -4; } struct File_Transfers *ft = &m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_sending[i]; ft->status = FILESTATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; ft->size = filesize; ft->transferred = 0; ft->requested = 0; ft->paused = FILE_PAUSE_NOT; memcpy(ft->id, file_id, FILE_ID_LENGTH); return i; } non_null(1) nullable(6) static bool send_file_control_packet(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, bool inbound, uint8_t filenumber, uint8_t control_type, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t data_length) { assert(data_length == 0 || data != nullptr); if ((unsigned int)(1 + 3 + data_length) > MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE) { return false; } const uint16_t packet_size = 3 + data_length; VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size); packet[0] = inbound ? 1 : 0; packet[1] = filenumber; packet[2] = control_type; if (data_length > 0) { memcpy(packet + 3, data, data_length); } return write_cryptpacket_id(m, friendnumber, PACKET_ID_FILE_CONTROL, packet, packet_size, false); } /** @brief Send a file control request. * * @retval 0 on success * @retval -1 if friend not valid. * @retval -2 if friend not online. * @retval -3 if file number invalid. * @retval -4 if file control is bad. * @retval -5 if file already paused. * @retval -6 if resume file failed because it was only paused by the other. * @retval -7 if resume file failed because it wasn't paused. * @retval -8 if packet failed to send. */ int file_control(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint32_t filenumber, unsigned int control) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return -2; } uint32_t temp_filenum; bool inbound; uint8_t file_number; if (filenumber >= (1 << 16)) { inbound = true; temp_filenum = (filenumber >> 16) - 1; } else { inbound = false; temp_filenum = filenumber; } if (temp_filenum >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return -3; } file_number = temp_filenum; struct File_Transfers *ft; if (inbound) { ft = &m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_receiving[file_number]; } else { ft = &m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_sending[file_number]; } if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_NONE) { return -3; } if (control > FILECONTROL_KILL) { return -4; } if (control == FILECONTROL_PAUSE && ((ft->paused & FILE_PAUSE_US) != 0 || ft->status != FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING)) { return -5; } if (control == FILECONTROL_ACCEPT) { if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING) { if ((ft->paused & FILE_PAUSE_US) == 0) { if ((ft->paused & FILE_PAUSE_OTHER) != 0) { return -6; } return -7; } } else { if (ft->status != FILESTATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED) { return -7; } if (!inbound) { return -6; } } } if (send_file_control_packet(m, friendnumber, inbound, file_number, control, nullptr, 0)) { switch (control) { case FILECONTROL_KILL: { if (!inbound && (ft->status == FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING || ft->status == FILESTATUS_FINISHED)) { // We are actively sending that file, remove from list --m->friendlist[friendnumber].num_sending_files; } ft->status = FILESTATUS_NONE; break; } case FILECONTROL_PAUSE: { ft->paused |= FILE_PAUSE_US; break; } case FILECONTROL_ACCEPT: { ft->status = FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING; if ((ft->paused & FILE_PAUSE_US) != 0) { ft->paused ^= FILE_PAUSE_US; } break; } } } else { return -8; } return 0; } /** @brief Send a seek file control request. * * @retval 0 on success * @retval -1 if friend not valid. * @retval -2 if friend not online. * @retval -3 if file number invalid. * @retval -4 if not receiving file. * @retval -5 if file status wrong. * @retval -6 if position bad. * @retval -8 if packet failed to send. */ int file_seek(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint32_t filenumber, uint64_t position) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return -2; } if (filenumber < (1 << 16)) { // Not receiving. return -4; } const uint32_t temp_filenum = (filenumber >> 16) - 1; if (temp_filenum >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return -3; } assert(temp_filenum <= UINT8_MAX); const uint8_t file_number = temp_filenum; // We're always receiving at this point. struct File_Transfers *ft = &m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_receiving[file_number]; if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_NONE) { return -3; } if (ft->status != FILESTATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED) { return -5; } if (position >= ft->size) { return -6; } uint8_t sending_pos[sizeof(uint64_t)]; net_pack_u64(sending_pos, position); if (send_file_control_packet(m, friendnumber, true, file_number, FILECONTROL_SEEK, sending_pos, sizeof(sending_pos))) { ft->transferred = position; } else { return -8; } return 0; } /** @return packet number on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null(1) nullable(4) static int64_t send_file_data_packet(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint8_t filenumber, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { assert(length == 0 || data != nullptr); if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } const uint16_t packet_size = 2 + length; VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size); packet[0] = PACKET_ID_FILE_DATA; packet[1] = filenumber; if (length > 0) { memcpy(packet + 2, data, length); } return write_cryptpacket(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id), packet, packet_size, true); } #define MAX_FILE_DATA_SIZE (MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE - 2) #define MIN_SLOTS_FREE (CRYPTO_MIN_QUEUE_LENGTH / 4) /** @brief Send file data. * * @retval 0 on success * @retval -1 if friend not valid. * @retval -2 if friend not online. * @retval -3 if filenumber invalid. * @retval -4 if file transfer not transferring. * @retval -5 if bad data size. * @retval -6 if packet queue full. * @retval -7 if wrong position. */ int send_file_data(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, uint32_t filenumber, uint64_t position, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length) { assert(length == 0 || data != nullptr); if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return -2; } if (filenumber >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return -3; } struct File_Transfers *ft = &m->friendlist[friendnumber].file_sending[filenumber]; if (ft->status != FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING) { return -4; } if (length > MAX_FILE_DATA_SIZE) { return -5; } if (ft->size - ft->transferred < length) { return -5; } if (ft->size != UINT64_MAX && length != MAX_FILE_DATA_SIZE && (ft->transferred + length) != ft->size) { return -5; } if (position != ft->transferred || (ft->requested <= position && ft->size != 0)) { return -7; } /* Prevent file sending from filling up the entire buffer preventing messages from being sent. * TODO(irungentoo): remove */ if (crypto_num_free_sendqueue_slots(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id)) < MIN_SLOTS_FREE) { return -6; } const int64_t ret = send_file_data_packet(m, friendnumber, filenumber, data, length); if (ret != -1) { // TODO(irungentoo): record packet ids to check if other received complete file. ft->transferred += length; if (length != MAX_FILE_DATA_SIZE || ft->size == ft->transferred) { ft->status = FILESTATUS_FINISHED; ft->last_packet_number = ret; } return 0; } return -6; } /** * Iterate over all file transfers and request chunks (from the client) for each * of them. * * The free_slots parameter is updated by this function. * * @param m Our messenger object. * @param friendnumber The friend we're sending files to. * @param userdata The client userdata to pass along to chunk request callbacks. * @param free_slots A pointer to the number of free send queue slots in the * crypto connection. * @return true if there's still work to do, false otherwise. * */ non_null() static bool do_all_filetransfers(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, void *userdata, uint32_t *free_slots) { Friend *const friendcon = &m->friendlist[friendnumber]; // Iterate over file transfers as long as we're sending files for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES; ++i) { if (friendcon->num_sending_files == 0) { // no active file transfers anymore return false; } if (*free_slots == 0) { // send buffer full enough return false; } struct File_Transfers *const ft = &friendcon->file_sending[i]; if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_NONE || ft->status == FILESTATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED) { // Filetransfers not actively sending, nothing to do continue; } if (max_speed_reached(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id( m->fr_c, friendcon->friendcon_id))) { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "maximum connection speed reached"); // connection doesn't support any more data return false; } // If the file transfer is complete, we request a chunk of size 0. if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_FINISHED && friend_received_packet(m, friendnumber, ft->last_packet_number) == 0) { if (m->file_reqchunk != nullptr) { m->file_reqchunk(m, friendnumber, i, ft->transferred, 0, userdata); } // Now it's inactive, we're no longer sending this. ft->status = FILESTATUS_NONE; --friendcon->num_sending_files; } else if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING && ft->paused == FILE_PAUSE_NOT) { if (ft->size == 0) { /* Send 0 data to friend if file is 0 length. */ send_file_data(m, friendnumber, i, 0, nullptr, 0); continue; } if (ft->size == ft->requested) { // This file transfer is done. continue; } const uint16_t length = min_u64(ft->size - ft->requested, MAX_FILE_DATA_SIZE); const uint64_t position = ft->requested; ft->requested += length; if (m->file_reqchunk != nullptr) { m->file_reqchunk(m, friendnumber, i, position, length, userdata); } // The allocated slot is no longer free. --*free_slots; } } return true; } non_null(1) nullable(3) static void do_reqchunk_filecb(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, void *userdata) { // We're not currently doing any file transfers. if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].num_sending_files == 0) { return; } // The number of packet slots left in the sendbuffer. // This is a per friend count (CRYPTO_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE). uint32_t free_slots = crypto_num_free_sendqueue_slots( m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id( m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id)); // We keep MIN_SLOTS_FREE slots free for other packets, otherwise file // transfers might block other traffic for a long time. free_slots = max_s32(0, (int32_t)free_slots - MIN_SLOTS_FREE); // Maximum number of outer loops below. If the client doesn't send file // chunks from within the chunk request callback handler, we never realise // that the file transfer has finished and may end up in an infinite loop. // // Request up to that number of chunks per file from the client // // TODO(Jfreegman): set this cap dynamically const uint32_t max_ft_loops = 128; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < max_ft_loops; ++i) { if (!do_all_filetransfers(m, friendnumber, userdata, &free_slots)) { break; } if (free_slots == 0) { // stop when the buffer is full enough break; } } } /** @brief Run this when the friend disconnects. * Kill all current file transfers. */ static void break_files(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber) { Friend *const f = &m->friendlist[friendnumber]; // TODO(irungentoo): Inform the client which file transfers get killed with a callback? for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES; ++i) { f->file_sending[i].status = FILESTATUS_NONE; f->file_receiving[i].status = FILESTATUS_NONE; } } non_null() static struct File_Transfers *get_file_transfer(bool outbound, uint8_t filenumber, uint32_t *real_filenumber, Friend *sender) { struct File_Transfers *ft; if (outbound) { *real_filenumber = filenumber; ft = &sender->file_sending[filenumber]; } else { *real_filenumber = (filenumber + 1) << 16; ft = &sender->file_receiving[filenumber]; } if (ft->status == FILESTATUS_NONE) { return nullptr; } return ft; } /** @retval -1 on failure * @retval 0 on success. */ non_null(1, 6) nullable(8) static int handle_filecontrol(Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, bool outbound, uint8_t filenumber, uint8_t control_type, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata) { uint32_t real_filenumber; struct File_Transfers *ft = get_file_transfer(outbound, filenumber, &real_filenumber, &m->friendlist[friendnumber]); if (ft == nullptr) { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "file control (friend %d, file %d): file transfer does not exist; telling the other to kill it", friendnumber, filenumber); send_file_control_packet(m, friendnumber, !outbound, filenumber, FILECONTROL_KILL, nullptr, 0); return -1; } switch (control_type) { case FILECONTROL_ACCEPT: { if (outbound && ft->status == FILESTATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED) { ft->status = FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING; ++m->friendlist[friendnumber].num_sending_files; } else { if ((ft->paused & FILE_PAUSE_OTHER) != 0) { ft->paused ^= FILE_PAUSE_OTHER; } else { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "file control (friend %d, file %d): friend told us to resume file transfer that wasn't paused", friendnumber, filenumber); return -1; } } if (m->file_filecontrol != nullptr) { m->file_filecontrol(m, friendnumber, real_filenumber, control_type, userdata); } return 0; } case FILECONTROL_PAUSE: { if ((ft->paused & FILE_PAUSE_OTHER) != 0 || ft->status != FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING) { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "file control (friend %d, file %d): friend told us to pause file transfer that is already paused", friendnumber, filenumber); return -1; } ft->paused |= FILE_PAUSE_OTHER; if (m->file_filecontrol != nullptr) { m->file_filecontrol(m, friendnumber, real_filenumber, control_type, userdata); } return 0; } case FILECONTROL_KILL: { if (m->file_filecontrol != nullptr) { m->file_filecontrol(m, friendnumber, real_filenumber, control_type, userdata); } if (outbound && (ft->status == FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING || ft->status == FILESTATUS_FINISHED)) { --m->friendlist[friendnumber].num_sending_files; } ft->status = FILESTATUS_NONE; return 0; } case FILECONTROL_SEEK: { uint64_t position; if (length != sizeof(position)) { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "file control (friend %d, file %d): expected payload of length %d, but got %d", friendnumber, filenumber, (uint32_t)sizeof(position), length); return -1; } /* seek can only be sent by the receiver to seek before resuming broken transfers. */ if (ft->status != FILESTATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED || !outbound) { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "file control (friend %d, file %d): seek was either sent by a sender or by the receiver after accepting", friendnumber, filenumber); return -1; } net_unpack_u64(data, &position); if (position >= ft->size) { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "file control (friend %d, file %d): seek position %ld exceeds file size %ld", friendnumber, filenumber, (unsigned long)position, (unsigned long)ft->size); return -1; } ft->requested = position; ft->transferred = position; return 0; } default: { LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "file control (friend %d, file %d): invalid file control: %d", friendnumber, filenumber, control_type); return -1; } } } static int m_handle_lossy_packet(void *object, int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata) { Messenger *m = (Messenger *)object; if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendcon_id)) { return 1; } if (m->lossy_packethandler != nullptr) { m->lossy_packethandler(m, friendcon_id, data[0], data, length, userdata); } return 1; } void custom_lossy_packet_registerhandler(Messenger *m, m_friend_lossy_packet_cb *lossy_packethandler) { m->lossy_packethandler = lossy_packethandler; } int m_send_custom_lossy_packet(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (length == 0 || length > MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE) { return -2; } if (data[0] < PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSY_START || data[0] > PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSY_END) { return -3; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return -4; } if (send_lossy_cryptpacket(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id), data, length) == -1) { return -5; } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int handle_custom_lossless_packet(void *object, int friend_num, const uint8_t *packet, uint16_t length, void *userdata) { Messenger *m = (Messenger *)object; if (!m_friend_exists(m, friend_num)) { return -1; } if (packet[0] < PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSLESS_CUSTOM_START || packet[0] > PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSLESS_CUSTOM_END) { // allow PACKET_ID_MSI packets to be handled by custom packet handler if (packet[0] != PACKET_ID_MSI) { return -1; } } if (m->lossless_packethandler != nullptr) { m->lossless_packethandler(m, friend_num, packet[0], packet, length, userdata); } return 1; } void custom_lossless_packet_registerhandler(Messenger *m, m_friend_lossless_packet_cb *lossless_packethandler) { m->lossless_packethandler = lossless_packethandler; } int send_custom_lossless_packet(const Messenger *m, int32_t friendnumber, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (!m_friend_exists(m, friendnumber)) { return -1; } if (length == 0 || length > MAX_CRYPTO_DATA_SIZE) { return -2; } if ((data[0] < PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSLESS_CUSTOM_START || data[0] > PACKET_ID_RANGE_LOSSLESS_CUSTOM_END) && data[0] != PACKET_ID_MSI) { return -3; } if (m->friendlist[friendnumber].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { return -4; } if (write_cryptpacket(m->net_crypto, friend_connection_crypt_connection_id(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[friendnumber].friendcon_id), data, length, true) == -1) { return -5; } return 0; } /** Function to filter out some friend requests*/ non_null() static int friend_already_added(void *object, const uint8_t *public_key) { const Messenger *m = (const Messenger *)object; if (getfriend_id(m, public_key) == -1) { return 0; } return -1; } /** @brief Check for and handle a timed-out friend request. * * If the request has timed-out then the friend status is set back to FRIEND_ADDED. * @param friendcon_id friendlist index of the timed-out friend * @param t time */ non_null(1) nullable(4) static void check_friend_request_timed_out(Messenger *m, uint32_t friendcon_id, uint64_t t, void *userdata) { Friend *f = &m->friendlist[friendcon_id]; if (f->friendrequest_lastsent + f->friendrequest_timeout < t) { set_friend_status(m, friendcon_id, FRIEND_ADDED, userdata); /* Double the default timeout every time if friendrequest is assumed * to have been sent unsuccessfully. */ f->friendrequest_timeout *= 2; } } non_null(1) nullable(4) static int m_handle_status(void *object, int friendcon_id, bool status, void *userdata) { Messenger *m = (Messenger *)object; if (status) { /* Went online. */ send_online_packet(m, m->friendlist[friendcon_id].friendcon_id); } else { /* Went offline. */ if (m->friendlist[friendcon_id].status == FRIEND_ONLINE) { set_friend_status(m, friendcon_id, FRIEND_CONFIRMED, userdata); } } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_offline(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length == 0) { set_friend_status(m, friendcon_id, FRIEND_CONFIRMED, userdata); } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_nickname(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { return 0; } /* Make sure the NULL terminator is present. */ VLA(uint8_t, data_terminated, data_length + 1); memcpy(data_terminated, data, data_length); data_terminated[data_length] = 0; /* inform of namechange before we overwrite the old name */ if (m->friend_namechange != nullptr) { m->friend_namechange(m, friendcon_id, data_terminated, data_length, userdata); } memcpy(m->friendlist[friendcon_id].name, data_terminated, data_length); m->friendlist[friendcon_id].name_length = data_length; return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_statusmessage(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length > MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH) { return 0; } /* Make sure the NULL terminator is present. */ VLA(uint8_t, data_terminated, data_length + 1); memcpy(data_terminated, data, data_length); data_terminated[data_length] = 0; if (m->friend_statusmessagechange != nullptr) { m->friend_statusmessagechange(m, friendcon_id, data_terminated, data_length, userdata); } set_friend_statusmessage(m, friendcon_id, data_terminated, data_length); return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_userstatus(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length != 1) { return 0; } Userstatus status; if (!userstatus_from_int(data[0], &status)) { return 0; } if (m->friend_userstatuschange != nullptr) { m->friend_userstatuschange(m, friendcon_id, status, userdata); } set_friend_userstatus(m, friendcon_id, status); return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_typing(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length != 1) { return 0; } const bool typing = data[0] != 0; set_friend_typing(m, friendcon_id, typing); if (m->friend_typingchange != nullptr) { m->friend_typingchange(m, friendcon_id, typing, userdata); } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(6) static int m_handle_packet_message(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, const Message_Type message_type, void *userdata) { if (data_length == 0) { return 0; } const uint8_t *message = data; const uint16_t message_length = data_length; /* Make sure the NULL terminator is present. */ VLA(uint8_t, message_terminated, message_length + 1); memcpy(message_terminated, message, message_length); message_terminated[message_length] = 0; if (m->friend_message != nullptr) { m->friend_message(m, friendcon_id, message_type, message_terminated, message_length, userdata); } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_invite_conference(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length == 0) { return 0; } if (m->conference_invite != nullptr) { m->conference_invite(m, friendcon_id, data, data_length, userdata); } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_file_sendrequest(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { const unsigned int head_length = 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t) + FILE_ID_LENGTH; if (data_length < head_length) { return 0; } const uint8_t filenumber = data[0]; #if UINT8_MAX >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES if (filenumber >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return 0; } #endif /* UINT8_MAX >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES */ uint64_t filesize; uint32_t file_type; const uint16_t filename_length = data_length - head_length; if (filename_length > MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) { return 0; } memcpy(&file_type, data + 1, sizeof(file_type)); file_type = net_ntohl(file_type); net_unpack_u64(data + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t), &filesize); struct File_Transfers *ft = &m->friendlist[friendcon_id].file_receiving[filenumber]; if (ft->status != FILESTATUS_NONE) { return 0; } ft->status = FILESTATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; ft->size = filesize; ft->transferred = 0; ft->paused = FILE_PAUSE_NOT; memcpy(ft->id, data + 1 + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint64_t), FILE_ID_LENGTH); VLA(uint8_t, filename_terminated, filename_length + 1); const uint8_t *filename = nullptr; if (filename_length > 0) { /* Force NULL terminate file name. */ memcpy(filename_terminated, data + head_length, filename_length); filename_terminated[filename_length] = 0; filename = filename_terminated; } uint32_t real_filenumber = filenumber; real_filenumber += 1; real_filenumber <<= 16; if (m->file_sendrequest != nullptr) { m->file_sendrequest(m, friendcon_id, real_filenumber, file_type, filesize, filename, filename_length, userdata); } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_file_control(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length < 3) { return 0; } // On the other side, "outbound" is "inbound", i.e. if they send 1, // that means "inbound" on their side, but we call it "outbound" // here. const bool outbound = data[0] == 1; const uint8_t filenumber = data[1]; const uint8_t control_type = data[2]; #if UINT8_MAX >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES if (filenumber >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return 0; } #endif /* UINT8_MAX >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES */ if (handle_filecontrol(m, friendcon_id, outbound, filenumber, control_type, data + 3, data_length - 3, userdata) == -1) { // TODO(iphydf): Do something different here? Right now, this // check is pointless. return 0; } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_file_data(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { if (data_length < 1) { return 0; } const uint8_t filenumber = data[0]; #if UINT8_MAX >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES if (filenumber >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES) { return 0; } #endif /* UINT8_MAX >= MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES */ struct File_Transfers *ft = &m->friendlist[friendcon_id].file_receiving[filenumber]; if (ft->status != FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING) { return 0; } uint64_t position = ft->transferred; uint32_t real_filenumber = filenumber; real_filenumber += 1; real_filenumber <<= 16; uint16_t file_data_length = data_length - 1; const uint8_t *file_data; if (file_data_length == 0) { file_data = nullptr; } else { file_data = data + 1; } /* Prevent more data than the filesize from being passed to clients. */ if ((ft->transferred + file_data_length) > ft->size) { file_data_length = ft->size - ft->transferred; } if (m->file_filedata != nullptr) { m->file_filedata(m, friendcon_id, real_filenumber, position, file_data, file_data_length, userdata); } ft->transferred += file_data_length; if (file_data_length > 0 && (ft->transferred >= ft->size || file_data_length != MAX_FILE_DATA_SIZE)) { file_data_length = 0; file_data = nullptr; position = ft->transferred; /* Full file received. */ if (m->file_filedata != nullptr) { m->file_filedata(m, friendcon_id, real_filenumber, position, file_data, file_data_length, userdata); } } /* Data is zero, filetransfer is over. */ if (file_data_length == 0) { ft->status = FILESTATUS_NONE; } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet_invite_groupchat(Messenger *m, const int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, const uint16_t data_length, void *userdata) { // first two bytes are messenger packet type and group invite type if (data_length < 2 + GC_JOIN_DATA_LENGTH) { return 0; } const uint8_t invite_type = data[1]; const uint8_t *join_data = data + 2; const uint32_t join_data_len = data_length - 2; if (m->group_invite != nullptr && data[1] == GROUP_INVITE && data_length != 2 + GC_JOIN_DATA_LENGTH) { if (group_not_added(m->group_handler, join_data, join_data_len)) { m->group_invite(m, friendcon_id, join_data, GC_JOIN_DATA_LENGTH, join_data + GC_JOIN_DATA_LENGTH, join_data_len - GC_JOIN_DATA_LENGTH, userdata); } } else if (invite_type == GROUP_INVITE_ACCEPTED) { handle_gc_invite_accepted_packet(m->group_handler, friendcon_id, join_data, join_data_len); } else if (invite_type == GROUP_INVITE_CONFIRMATION) { handle_gc_invite_confirmed_packet(m->group_handler, friendcon_id, join_data, join_data_len); } return 0; } non_null(1, 3) nullable(5) static int m_handle_packet(void *object, int friendcon_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata) { Messenger *m = (Messenger *)object; if (length == 0) { return -1; } const uint8_t packet_id = data[0]; const uint8_t *payload = data + 1; const uint16_t payload_length = length - 1; if (m->friendlist[friendcon_id].status != FRIEND_ONLINE) { if (packet_id == PACKET_ID_ONLINE && length == 1) { set_friend_status(m, friendcon_id, FRIEND_ONLINE, userdata); send_online_packet(m, m->friendlist[friendcon_id].friendcon_id); } else { return -1; } } switch (packet_id) { // TODO(Green-Sky): now all return 0 on error AND success, make errors errors? case PACKET_ID_OFFLINE: return m_handle_packet_offline(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_NICKNAME: return m_handle_packet_nickname(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_STATUSMESSAGE: return m_handle_packet_statusmessage(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_USERSTATUS: return m_handle_packet_userstatus(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_TYPING: return m_handle_packet_typing(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_MESSAGE: return m_handle_packet_message(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, MESSAGE_NORMAL, userdata); case PACKET_ID_ACTION: return m_handle_packet_message(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, MESSAGE_ACTION, userdata); case PACKET_ID_INVITE_CONFERENCE: return m_handle_packet_invite_conference(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_FILE_SENDREQUEST: return m_handle_packet_file_sendrequest(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_FILE_CONTROL: return m_handle_packet_file_control(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_FILE_DATA: return m_handle_packet_file_data(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_MSI: return handle_custom_lossless_packet(object, friendcon_id, data, length, userdata); case PACKET_ID_INVITE_GROUPCHAT: return m_handle_packet_invite_groupchat(m, friendcon_id, payload, payload_length, userdata); } return handle_custom_lossless_packet(object, friendcon_id, data, length, userdata); } non_null(1) nullable(2) static void do_friends(Messenger *m, void *userdata) { const uint64_t temp_time = mono_time_get(m->mono_time); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { if (m->friendlist[i].status == FRIEND_ADDED) { const int fr = send_friend_request_packet(m->fr_c, m->friendlist[i].friendcon_id, m->friendlist[i].friendrequest_nospam, m->friendlist[i].info, m->friendlist[i].info_size); if (fr >= 0) { set_friend_status(m, i, FRIEND_REQUESTED, userdata); m->friendlist[i].friendrequest_lastsent = temp_time; } } if (m->friendlist[i].status == FRIEND_REQUESTED) { /* If we didn't connect to friend after successfully sending him a friend * request the request is deemed unsuccessful so we set the status back to * FRIEND_ADDED and try again. */ check_friend_request_timed_out(m, i, temp_time, userdata); } if (m->friendlist[i].status == FRIEND_ONLINE) { /* friend is online. */ if (!m->friendlist[i].name_sent) { if (m_sendname(m, i, m->name, m->name_length)) { m->friendlist[i].name_sent = true; } } if (!m->friendlist[i].statusmessage_sent) { if (send_statusmessage(m, i, m->statusmessage, m->statusmessage_length)) { m->friendlist[i].statusmessage_sent = true; } } if (!m->friendlist[i].userstatus_sent) { if (send_userstatus(m, i, m->userstatus)) { m->friendlist[i].userstatus_sent = true; } } if (!m->friendlist[i].user_istyping_sent) { if (send_user_istyping(m, i, m->friendlist[i].user_istyping)) { m->friendlist[i].user_istyping_sent = true; } } check_friend_tcp_udp(m, i, userdata); do_receipts(m, i, userdata); do_reqchunk_filecb(m, i, userdata); m->friendlist[i].last_seen_time = (uint64_t) time(nullptr); } } } non_null(1) nullable(2) static void m_connection_status_callback(Messenger *m, void *userdata) { const Onion_Connection_Status conn_status = onion_connection_status(m->onion_c); if (conn_status != m->last_connection_status) { if (m->core_connection_change != nullptr) { m->core_connection_change(m, conn_status, userdata); } m->last_connection_status = conn_status; } } #define DUMPING_CLIENTS_FRIENDS_EVERY_N_SECONDS 60UL #define IDSTRING_LEN (CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE * 2 + 1) /** id_str should be of length at least IDSTRING_LEN */ non_null() static char *id_to_string(const uint8_t *pk, char *id_str, size_t length) { if (length < IDSTRING_LEN) { snprintf(id_str, length, "Bad buf length"); return id_str; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE; ++i) { snprintf(&id_str[i * 2], length - i * 2, "%02X", pk[i]); } id_str[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE * 2] = '\0'; return id_str; } /** @brief Minimum messenger run interval in ms * TODO(mannol): A/V */ #define MIN_RUN_INTERVAL 50 /** * @brief Return the time in milliseconds before `do_messenger()` should be called again * for optimal performance. * * @return time (in ms) before the next `do_messenger()` needs to be run on success. */ uint32_t messenger_run_interval(const Messenger *m) { const uint32_t crypto_interval = crypto_run_interval(m->net_crypto); if (crypto_interval > MIN_RUN_INTERVAL) { return MIN_RUN_INTERVAL; } return crypto_interval; } /** @brief Attempts to create a DHT announcement for a group chat with our connection info. An * announcement can only be created if we either have a UDP or TCP connection to the network. * * @retval true if success. */ non_null() static bool self_announce_group(const Messenger *m, GC_Chat *chat, Onion_Friend *onion_friend) { GC_Public_Announce announce = {{{{{0}}}}}; const bool ip_port_is_set = chat->self_udp_status != SELF_UDP_STATUS_NONE; const int tcp_num = tcp_copy_connected_relays(chat->tcp_conn, announce.base_announce.tcp_relays, GCA_MAX_ANNOUNCED_TCP_RELAYS); if (tcp_num == 0 && !ip_port_is_set) { onion_friend_set_gc_data(onion_friend, nullptr, 0); return false; } announce.base_announce.tcp_relays_count = (uint8_t)tcp_num; announce.base_announce.ip_port_is_set = ip_port_is_set; if (ip_port_is_set) { memcpy(&announce.base_announce.ip_port, &chat->self_ip_port, sizeof(IP_Port)); } memcpy(announce.base_announce.peer_public_key, chat->self_public_key.enc, ENC_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); memcpy(announce.chat_public_key, get_chat_id(&chat->chat_public_key), ENC_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); uint8_t gc_data[GCA_MAX_DATA_LENGTH]; const int length = gca_pack_public_announce(m->log, gc_data, GCA_MAX_DATA_LENGTH, &announce); if (length <= 0) { onion_friend_set_gc_data(onion_friend, nullptr, 0); return false; } if (gca_add_announce(m->mem, m->mono_time, m->group_announce, &announce) == nullptr) { onion_friend_set_gc_data(onion_friend, nullptr, 0); return false; } onion_friend_set_gc_data(onion_friend, gc_data, (uint16_t)length); chat->update_self_announces = false; chat->last_time_self_announce = mono_time_get(chat->mono_time); if (tcp_num > 0) { pk_copy(chat->announced_tcp_relay_pk, announce.base_announce.tcp_relays[0].public_key); } else { memzero(chat->announced_tcp_relay_pk, sizeof(chat->announced_tcp_relay_pk)); } LOGGER_DEBUG(chat->log, "Published group announce. TCP relays: %d, UDP status: %d", tcp_num, chat->self_udp_status); return true; } non_null() static void do_gc_onion_friends(const Messenger *m) { const uint16_t num_friends = onion_get_friend_count(m->onion_c); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_friends; ++i) { Onion_Friend *onion_friend = onion_get_friend(m->onion_c, i); if (!onion_friend_is_groupchat(onion_friend)) { continue; } GC_Chat *chat = gc_get_group_by_public_key(m->group_handler, onion_friend_get_gc_public_key(onion_friend)); if (chat == nullptr) { continue; } if (chat->update_self_announces) { self_announce_group(m, chat, onion_friend); } } } /** @brief The main loop that needs to be run at least 20 times per second. */ void do_messenger(Messenger *m, void *userdata) { // Add the TCP relays, but only if this is the first time calling do_messenger if (!m->has_added_relays) { m->has_added_relays = true; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < m->num_loaded_relays; ++i) { add_tcp_relay(m->net_crypto, &m->loaded_relays[i].ip_port, m->loaded_relays[i].public_key); } m->num_loaded_relays = 0; if (m->tcp_server != nullptr) { /* Add self tcp server. */ IP_Port local_ip_port; local_ip_port.port = net_htons(m->options.tcp_server_port); local_ip_port.ip.family = net_family_ipv4(); local_ip_port.ip.ip.v4 = get_ip4_loopback(); add_tcp_relay(m->net_crypto, &local_ip_port, tcp_server_public_key(m->tcp_server)); } } if (!m->options.udp_disabled) { networking_poll(m->net, userdata); do_dht(m->dht); } if (m->tcp_server != nullptr) { do_tcp_server(m->tcp_server, m->mono_time); } do_net_crypto(m->net_crypto, userdata); do_onion_client(m->onion_c); do_friend_connections(m->fr_c, userdata); do_friends(m, userdata); do_gc(m->group_handler, userdata); do_gca(m->mono_time, m->group_announce); do_gc_onion_friends(m); m_connection_status_callback(m, userdata); if (mono_time_get(m->mono_time) > m->lastdump + DUMPING_CLIENTS_FRIENDS_EVERY_N_SECONDS) { m->lastdump = mono_time_get(m->mono_time); uint32_t last_pinged; for (uint32_t client = 0; client < LCLIENT_LIST; ++client) { const Client_data *cptr = dht_get_close_client(m->dht, client); const IPPTsPng *const assocs[] = { &cptr->assoc4, &cptr->assoc6, nullptr }; for (const IPPTsPng * const *it = assocs; *it != nullptr; ++it) { const IPPTsPng *const assoc = *it; if (ip_isset(&assoc->ip_port.ip)) { last_pinged = m->lastdump - assoc->last_pinged; if (last_pinged > 999) { last_pinged = 999; } Ip_Ntoa ip_str; char id_str[IDSTRING_LEN]; LOGGER_TRACE(m->log, "C[%2u] %s:%u [%3u] %s", client, net_ip_ntoa(&assoc->ip_port.ip, &ip_str), net_ntohs(assoc->ip_port.port), last_pinged, id_to_string(cptr->public_key, id_str, sizeof(id_str))); } } } /* dht contains additional "friends" (requests) */ const uint32_t num_dhtfriends = dht_get_num_friends(m->dht); VLA(int32_t, m2dht, num_dhtfriends); VLA(int32_t, dht2m, num_dhtfriends); for (uint32_t friend_idx = 0; friend_idx < num_dhtfriends; ++friend_idx) { m2dht[friend_idx] = -1; dht2m[friend_idx] = -1; if (friend_idx >= m->numfriends) { continue; } for (uint32_t dhtfriend = 0; dhtfriend < dht_get_num_friends(m->dht); ++dhtfriend) { if (pk_equal(m->friendlist[friend_idx].real_pk, dht_get_friend_public_key(m->dht, dhtfriend))) { assert(dhtfriend < INT32_MAX); m2dht[friend_idx] = (int32_t)dhtfriend; break; } } } for (uint32_t friend_idx = 0; friend_idx < num_dhtfriends; ++friend_idx) { if (m2dht[friend_idx] >= 0) { assert(friend_idx < INT32_MAX); dht2m[m2dht[friend_idx]] = (int32_t)friend_idx; } } if (m->numfriends != dht_get_num_friends(m->dht)) { LOGGER_TRACE(m->log, "Friend num in DHT %u != friend num in msger %u", dht_get_num_friends(m->dht), m->numfriends); } for (uint32_t friend_idx = 0; friend_idx < num_dhtfriends; ++friend_idx) { const Friend *const msgfptr = dht2m[friend_idx] >= 0 ? &m->friendlist[dht2m[friend_idx]] : nullptr; const DHT_Friend *const dhtfptr = dht_get_friend(m->dht, friend_idx); if (msgfptr != nullptr) { char id_str[IDSTRING_LEN]; LOGGER_TRACE(m->log, "F[%2u:%2u] <%s> %s", dht2m[friend_idx], friend_idx, msgfptr->name, id_to_string(msgfptr->real_pk, id_str, sizeof(id_str))); } else { char id_str[IDSTRING_LEN]; LOGGER_TRACE(m->log, "F[--:%2u] %s", friend_idx, id_to_string(dht_friend_public_key(dhtfptr), id_str, sizeof(id_str))); } for (uint32_t client = 0; client < MAX_FRIEND_CLIENTS; ++client) { const Client_data *cptr = dht_friend_client(dhtfptr, client); const IPPTsPng *const assocs[] = {&cptr->assoc4, &cptr->assoc6}; for (size_t a = 0; a < sizeof(assocs) / sizeof(assocs[0]); ++a) { const IPPTsPng *const assoc = assocs[a]; if (ip_isset(&assoc->ip_port.ip)) { last_pinged = m->lastdump - assoc->last_pinged; if (last_pinged > 999) { last_pinged = 999; } Ip_Ntoa ip_str; char id_str[IDSTRING_LEN]; LOGGER_TRACE(m->log, "F[%2u] => C[%2u] %s:%u [%3u] %s", friend_idx, client, net_ip_ntoa(&assoc->ip_port.ip, &ip_str), net_ntohs(assoc->ip_port.port), last_pinged, id_to_string(cptr->public_key, id_str, sizeof(id_str))); } } } } } } /** new messenger format for load/save, more robust and forward compatible */ #define SAVED_FRIEND_REQUEST_SIZE 1024 #define NUM_SAVED_PATH_NODES 8 struct Saved_Friend { uint8_t status; uint8_t real_pk[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; uint8_t info[SAVED_FRIEND_REQUEST_SIZE]; // the data that is sent during the friend requests we do. uint16_t info_size; // Length of the info. uint8_t name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; uint16_t name_length; uint8_t statusmessage[MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH]; uint16_t statusmessage_length; uint8_t userstatus; uint32_t friendrequest_nospam; uint8_t last_seen_time[sizeof(uint64_t)]; }; static uint32_t friend_size(void) { uint32_t data = 0; const struct Saved_Friend *const temp = nullptr; #define VALUE_MEMBER(data, name) \ do { \ data += sizeof(name); \ } while (0) #define ARRAY_MEMBER(data, name) \ do { \ data += sizeof(name); \ } while (0) // Exactly the same in friend_load, friend_save, and friend_size VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->status); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->real_pk); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->info); ++data; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->info_size); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->name); VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->name_length); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->statusmessage); ++data; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->statusmessage_length); VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->userstatus); data += 3; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->friendrequest_nospam); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->last_seen_time); #undef VALUE_MEMBER #undef ARRAY_MEMBER return data; } non_null() static uint8_t *friend_save(const struct Saved_Friend *temp, uint8_t *data) { #define VALUE_MEMBER(data, name) \ do { \ memcpy(data, &name, sizeof(name)); \ data += sizeof(name); \ } while (0) #define ARRAY_MEMBER(data, name) \ do { \ memcpy(data, name, sizeof(name)); \ data += sizeof(name); \ } while (0) // Exactly the same in friend_load, friend_save, and friend_size VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->status); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->real_pk); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->info); ++data; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->info_size); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->name); VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->name_length); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->statusmessage); ++data; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->statusmessage_length); VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->userstatus); data += 3; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->friendrequest_nospam); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->last_seen_time); #undef VALUE_MEMBER #undef ARRAY_MEMBER return data; } non_null() static const uint8_t *friend_load(struct Saved_Friend *temp, const uint8_t *data) { #define VALUE_MEMBER(data, name) \ do { \ memcpy(&name, data, sizeof(name)); \ data += sizeof(name); \ } while (0) #define ARRAY_MEMBER(data, name) \ do { \ memcpy(name, data, sizeof(name)); \ data += sizeof(name); \ } while (0) // Exactly the same in friend_load, friend_save, and friend_size VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->status); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->real_pk); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->info); ++data; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->info_size); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->name); VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->name_length); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->statusmessage); ++data; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->statusmessage_length); VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->userstatus); data += 3; // padding VALUE_MEMBER(data, temp->friendrequest_nospam); ARRAY_MEMBER(data, temp->last_seen_time); #undef VALUE_MEMBER #undef ARRAY_MEMBER return data; } non_null() static uint32_t m_state_plugins_size(const Messenger *m) { const uint32_t size32 = sizeof(uint32_t); const uint32_t sizesubhead = size32 * 2; uint32_t size = 0; for (const Messenger_State_Plugin *plugin = m->options.state_plugins; plugin != m->options.state_plugins + m->options.state_plugins_length; ++plugin) { size += sizesubhead + plugin->size(m); } return size; } /** @brief Registers a state plugin for saving, loading, and getting the size of a section of the save. * * @retval true on success * @retval false on error */ bool m_register_state_plugin(Messenger *m, State_Type type, m_state_size_cb *size_callback, m_state_load_cb *load_callback, m_state_save_cb *save_callback) { const uint32_t new_length = m->options.state_plugins_length + 1; Messenger_State_Plugin *temp = (Messenger_State_Plugin *)mem_vrealloc( m->mem, m->options.state_plugins, new_length, sizeof(Messenger_State_Plugin)); if (temp == nullptr) { return false; } m->options.state_plugins = temp; m->options.state_plugins_length = new_length; const uint8_t index = m->options.state_plugins_length - 1; m->options.state_plugins[index].type = type; m->options.state_plugins[index].size = size_callback; m->options.state_plugins[index].load = load_callback; m->options.state_plugins[index].save = save_callback; return true; } non_null() static uint32_t m_plugin_size(const Messenger *m, State_Type type) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < m->options.state_plugins_length; ++i) { const Messenger_State_Plugin plugin = m->options.state_plugins[i]; if (plugin.type == type) { return plugin.size(m); } } LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "Unknown type encountered: %u", type); return UINT32_MAX; } /** return size of the messenger data (for saving). */ uint32_t messenger_size(const Messenger *m) { return m_state_plugins_size(m); } /** Save the messenger in data (must be allocated memory of size at least `Messenger_size()`) */ uint8_t *messenger_save(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < m->options.state_plugins_length; ++i) { const Messenger_State_Plugin plugin = m->options.state_plugins[i]; data = plugin.save(m, data); } return data; } // nospam state plugin non_null() static uint32_t nospam_keys_size(const Messenger *m) { return sizeof(uint32_t) + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE; } non_null() static State_Load_Status load_nospam_keys(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (length != m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_NOSPAMKEYS)) { return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } uint32_t nospam; lendian_bytes_to_host32(&nospam, data); set_nospam(m->fr, nospam); load_secret_key(m->net_crypto, data + sizeof(uint32_t) + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); if (!pk_equal(data + sizeof(uint32_t), nc_get_self_public_key(m->net_crypto))) { LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "public key stored in savedata does not match its secret key"); return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } non_null() static uint8_t *save_nospam_keys(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { const uint32_t len = m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_NOSPAMKEYS); static_assert(sizeof(get_nospam(m->fr)) == sizeof(uint32_t), "nospam doesn't fit in a 32 bit int"); data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_NOSPAMKEYS); const uint32_t nospam = get_nospam(m->fr); host_to_lendian_bytes32(data, nospam); save_keys(m->net_crypto, data + sizeof(uint32_t)); data += len; return data; } // DHT state plugin non_null() static uint32_t m_dht_size(const Messenger *m) { return dht_size(m->dht); } non_null() static uint8_t *save_dht(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { const uint32_t len = m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_DHT); data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_DHT); dht_save(m->dht, data); data += len; return data; } non_null() static State_Load_Status m_dht_load(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { dht_load(m->dht, data, length); // TODO(endoffile78): Should we throw an error if dht_load fails? return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } // friendlist state plugin non_null() static uint32_t saved_friendslist_size(const Messenger *m) { return count_friendlist(m) * friend_size(); } non_null() static uint8_t *friends_list_save(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { const uint32_t len = m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_FRIENDS); data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_FRIENDS); uint32_t num = 0; uint8_t *cur_data = data; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { if (m->friendlist[i].status > 0) { struct Saved_Friend temp = { 0 }; temp.status = m->friendlist[i].status; memcpy(temp.real_pk, m->friendlist[i].real_pk, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); if (temp.status < 3) { // TODO(iphydf): Use uint16_t and min_u16 here. const size_t friendrequest_length = min_u32(m->friendlist[i].info_size, min_u32(SAVED_FRIEND_REQUEST_SIZE, MAX_FRIEND_REQUEST_DATA_SIZE)); memcpy(temp.info, m->friendlist[i].info, friendrequest_length); temp.info_size = net_htons(m->friendlist[i].info_size); temp.friendrequest_nospam = m->friendlist[i].friendrequest_nospam; } else { temp.status = 3; memcpy(temp.name, m->friendlist[i].name, m->friendlist[i].name_length); temp.name_length = net_htons(m->friendlist[i].name_length); memcpy(temp.statusmessage, m->friendlist[i].statusmessage, m->friendlist[i].statusmessage_length); temp.statusmessage_length = net_htons(m->friendlist[i].statusmessage_length); temp.userstatus = m->friendlist[i].userstatus; net_pack_u64(temp.last_seen_time, m->friendlist[i].last_seen_time); } uint8_t *next_data = friend_save(&temp, cur_data); assert(next_data - cur_data == friend_size()); #ifdef __LP64__ assert(memcmp(cur_data, &temp, friend_size()) == 0); #endif /* __LP64__ */ cur_data = next_data; ++num; } } assert(cur_data - data == num * friend_size()); data += len; return data; } non_null() static State_Load_Status friends_list_load(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { const uint32_t l_friend_size = friend_size(); if (length % l_friend_size != 0) { return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_ERROR; // TODO(endoffile78): error or continue? } const uint32_t num = length / l_friend_size; const uint8_t *cur_data = data; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) { struct Saved_Friend temp = { 0 }; const uint8_t *next_data = friend_load(&temp, cur_data); assert(next_data - cur_data == l_friend_size); cur_data = next_data; if (temp.status >= 3) { const int fnum = m_addfriend_norequest(m, temp.real_pk); if (fnum < 0) { continue; } setfriendname(m, fnum, temp.name, net_ntohs(temp.name_length)); set_friend_statusmessage(m, fnum, temp.statusmessage, net_ntohs(temp.statusmessage_length)); set_friend_userstatus(m, fnum, temp.userstatus); net_unpack_u64(temp.last_seen_time, &m->friendlist[fnum].last_seen_time); } else if (temp.status != 0) { /* TODO(irungentoo): This is not a good way to do this. */ uint8_t address[FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; pk_copy(address, temp.real_pk); memcpy(address + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, &temp.friendrequest_nospam, sizeof(uint32_t)); uint16_t checksum = data_checksum(address, FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE - sizeof(checksum)); memcpy(address + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + sizeof(uint32_t), &checksum, sizeof(checksum)); m_addfriend(m, address, temp.info, net_ntohs(temp.info_size)); } } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } non_null() static void pack_groupchats(const GC_Session *c, Bin_Pack *bp) { assert(bp != nullptr && c != nullptr); bin_pack_array(bp, gc_count_groups(c)); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < c->chats_index; ++i) { // this loop must match the one in gc_count_groups() const GC_Chat *chat = &c->chats[i]; if (!gc_group_is_valid(chat)) { continue; } gc_group_save(chat, bp); } } non_null() static bool pack_groupchats_handler(const void *obj, const Logger *logger, Bin_Pack *bp) { const GC_Session *session = (const GC_Session *)obj; pack_groupchats(session, bp); return true; // TODO(iphydf): Return bool from pack functions. } non_null() static uint32_t saved_groups_size(const Messenger *m) { const GC_Session *session = m->group_handler; return bin_pack_obj_size(pack_groupchats_handler, session, m->log); } non_null() static uint8_t *groups_save(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { const GC_Session *c = m->group_handler; const uint32_t num_groups = gc_count_groups(c); if (num_groups == 0) { return data; } const uint32_t len = m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_GROUPS); if (len == 0) { return data; } data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_GROUPS); if (!bin_pack_obj(pack_groupchats_handler, c, m->log, data, len)) { LOGGER_FATAL(m->log, "failed to pack group chats into buffer of length %u", len); return data; } data += len; LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "Saved %u groups (length %u)", num_groups, len); return data; } non_null() static bool handle_groups_load(void *obj, Bin_Unpack *bu) { Messenger *m = (Messenger *)obj; uint32_t num_groups; if (!bin_unpack_array(bu, &num_groups)) { LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "msgpack failed to unpack groupchats array: expected array"); return false; } LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "Loading %u groups", num_groups); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_groups; ++i) { const int group_number = gc_group_load(m->group_handler, bu); if (group_number < 0) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "Failed to load group %u", i); // Can't recover trivially. We may need to skip over some data here. break; } } LOGGER_DEBUG(m->log, "Successfully loaded %u groups", gc_count_groups(m->group_handler)); return true; } non_null() static State_Load_Status groups_load(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (!bin_unpack_obj(m->mem, handle_groups_load, m, data, length)) { LOGGER_ERROR(m->log, "msgpack failed to unpack groupchats array"); return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_ERROR; } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } // name state plugin non_null() static uint32_t name_size(const Messenger *m) { return m->name_length; } non_null() static uint8_t *save_name(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { const uint32_t len = m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_NAME); data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_NAME); memcpy(data, m->name, len); data += len; return data; } non_null() static State_Load_Status load_name(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (length > 0 && length <= MAX_NAME_LENGTH) { setname(m, data, length); } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } // status message state plugin non_null() static uint32_t status_message_size(const Messenger *m) { return m->statusmessage_length; } non_null() static uint8_t *save_status_message(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { const uint32_t len = m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_STATUSMESSAGE); data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_STATUSMESSAGE); memcpy(data, m->statusmessage, len); data += len; return data; } non_null() static State_Load_Status load_status_message(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (length > 0 && length <= MAX_STATUSMESSAGE_LENGTH) { m_set_statusmessage(m, data, length); } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } // status state plugin non_null() static uint32_t status_size(const Messenger *m) { return 1; } non_null() static uint8_t *save_status(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { const uint32_t len = m_plugin_size(m, STATE_TYPE_STATUS); data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_STATUS); *data = m->userstatus; data += len; return data; } non_null() static State_Load_Status load_status(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (length == 1) { m_set_userstatus(m, *data); } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } // TCP Relay state plugin non_null() static uint32_t tcp_relay_size(const Messenger *m) { return NUM_SAVED_TCP_RELAYS * packed_node_size(net_family_tcp_ipv6()); } non_null() static uint8_t *save_tcp_relays(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { Node_format relays[NUM_SAVED_TCP_RELAYS] = {{{0}}}; uint8_t *temp_data = data; data = state_write_section_header(temp_data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, 0, STATE_TYPE_TCP_RELAY); if (m->num_loaded_relays > 0) { memcpy(relays, m->loaded_relays, sizeof(Node_format) * m->num_loaded_relays); } uint32_t num = m->num_loaded_relays; num += copy_connected_tcp_relays(m->net_crypto, relays + num, NUM_SAVED_TCP_RELAYS - num); const int l = pack_nodes(m->log, data, NUM_SAVED_TCP_RELAYS * packed_node_size(net_family_tcp_ipv6()), relays, num); if (l > 0) { const uint32_t len = l; data = state_write_section_header(temp_data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_TCP_RELAY); data += len; } return data; } non_null() static State_Load_Status load_tcp_relays(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (length > 0) { const int num = unpack_nodes(m->loaded_relays, NUM_SAVED_TCP_RELAYS, nullptr, data, length, true); if (num == -1) { m->num_loaded_relays = 0; return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } m->num_loaded_relays = num; m->has_added_relays = false; } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } // path node state plugin non_null() static uint32_t path_node_size(const Messenger *m) { return NUM_SAVED_PATH_NODES * packed_node_size(net_family_tcp_ipv6()); } non_null() static uint8_t *save_path_nodes(const Messenger *m, uint8_t *data) { Node_format nodes[NUM_SAVED_PATH_NODES] = {{{0}}}; uint8_t *temp_data = data; data = state_write_section_header(data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, 0, STATE_TYPE_PATH_NODE); const unsigned int num = onion_backup_nodes(m->onion_c, nodes, NUM_SAVED_PATH_NODES); const int l = pack_nodes(m->log, data, NUM_SAVED_PATH_NODES * packed_node_size(net_family_tcp_ipv6()), nodes, num); if (l > 0) { const uint32_t len = l; data = state_write_section_header(temp_data, STATE_COOKIE_TYPE, len, STATE_TYPE_PATH_NODE); data += len; } return data; } non_null() static State_Load_Status load_path_nodes(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length) { if (length > 0) { Node_format nodes[NUM_SAVED_PATH_NODES]; const int num = unpack_nodes(nodes, NUM_SAVED_PATH_NODES, nullptr, data, length, false); if (num == -1) { return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { onion_add_bs_path_node(m->onion_c, &nodes[i].ip_port, nodes[i].public_key); } } return STATE_LOAD_STATUS_CONTINUE; } non_null() static void m_register_default_plugins(Messenger *m) { m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_NOSPAMKEYS, nospam_keys_size, load_nospam_keys, save_nospam_keys); m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_DHT, m_dht_size, m_dht_load, save_dht); m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_FRIENDS, saved_friendslist_size, friends_list_load, friends_list_save); m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_NAME, name_size, load_name, save_name); m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_STATUSMESSAGE, status_message_size, load_status_message, save_status_message); m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_STATUS, status_size, load_status, save_status); if (m->options.groups_persistence_enabled) { m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_GROUPS, saved_groups_size, groups_load, groups_save); } m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_TCP_RELAY, tcp_relay_size, load_tcp_relays, save_tcp_relays); m_register_state_plugin(m, STATE_TYPE_PATH_NODE, path_node_size, load_path_nodes, save_path_nodes); } bool messenger_load_state_section(Messenger *m, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint16_t type, State_Load_Status *status) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < m->options.state_plugins_length; ++i) { const Messenger_State_Plugin *const plugin = &m->options.state_plugins[i]; if (plugin->type == type) { *status = plugin->load(m, data, length); return true; } } return false; } /** @brief Return the number of friends in the instance m. * * You should use this to determine how much memory to allocate * for copy_friendlist. */ uint32_t count_friendlist(const Messenger *m) { uint32_t ret = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { if (m->friendlist[i].status > 0) { ++ret; } } return ret; } /** @brief Copy a list of valid friend IDs into the array out_list. * If out_list is NULL, returns 0. * Otherwise, returns the number of elements copied. * If the array was too small, the contents * of out_list will be truncated to list_size. */ uint32_t copy_friendlist(Messenger const *m, uint32_t *out_list, uint32_t list_size) { if (out_list == nullptr) { return 0; } if (m->numfriends == 0) { return 0; } uint32_t ret = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { if (ret >= list_size) { break; /* Abandon ship */ } if (m->friendlist[i].status > 0) { out_list[ret] = i; ++ret; } } return ret; } static fr_friend_request_cb m_handle_friend_request; non_null(1, 2, 3) nullable(5) static void m_handle_friend_request( void *object, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *message, size_t length, void *user_data) { Messenger *m = (Messenger *)object; assert(m != nullptr); m->friend_request(m, public_key, message, length, user_data); } /** @brief Run this at startup. * * @return allocated instance of Messenger on success. * @retval 0 if there are problems. * * if error is not NULL it will be set to one of the values in the enum above. */ Messenger *new_messenger(Mono_Time *mono_time, const Memory *mem, const Random *rng, const Network *ns, Messenger_Options *options, Messenger_Error *error) { if (options == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if (error != nullptr) { *error = MESSENGER_ERROR_OTHER; } Messenger *m = (Messenger *)mem_alloc(mem, sizeof(Messenger)); if (m == nullptr) { return nullptr; } m->mono_time = mono_time; m->mem = mem; m->rng = rng; m->ns = ns; m->fr = friendreq_new(mem); if (m->fr == nullptr) { mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } m->log = logger_new(mem); if (m->log == nullptr) { friendreq_kill(m->fr); mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } logger_callback_log(m->log, options->log_callback, options->log_context, options->log_user_data); unsigned int net_err = 0; if (!options->udp_disabled && options->proxy_info.proxy_type != TCP_PROXY_NONE) { // We don't currently support UDP over proxy. LOGGER_INFO(m->log, "UDP enabled and proxy set: disabling UDP"); options->udp_disabled = true; } if (options->udp_disabled) { m->net = new_networking_no_udp(m->log, m->mem, m->ns); } else { IP ip; ip_init(&ip, options->ipv6enabled); m->net = new_networking_ex(m->log, m->mem, m->ns, &ip, options->port_range[0], options->port_range[1], &net_err); } if (m->net == nullptr) { friendreq_kill(m->fr); if (error != nullptr && net_err == 1) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "network initialisation failed (no ports available)"); *error = MESSENGER_ERROR_PORT; } logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } m->dht = new_dht(m->log, m->mem, m->rng, m->ns, m->mono_time, m->net, options->hole_punching_enabled, options->local_discovery_enabled); if (m->dht == nullptr) { kill_networking(m->net); friendreq_kill(m->fr); logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } m->net_crypto = new_net_crypto(m->log, m->mem, m->rng, m->ns, m->mono_time, m->dht, &options->proxy_info); if (m->net_crypto == nullptr) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "net_crypto initialisation failed"); kill_dht(m->dht); kill_networking(m->net); friendreq_kill(m->fr); logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } m->group_announce = new_gca_list(m->mem); if (m->group_announce == nullptr) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "DHT group chats initialisation failed"); kill_net_crypto(m->net_crypto); kill_dht(m->dht); kill_networking(m->net); friendreq_kill(m->fr); logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } if (options->dht_announcements_enabled) { m->forwarding = new_forwarding(m->log, m->mem, m->rng, m->mono_time, m->dht); if (m->forwarding != nullptr) { m->announce = new_announcements(m->log, m->mem, m->rng, m->mono_time, m->forwarding); } else { m->announce = nullptr; } } else { m->forwarding = nullptr; m->announce = nullptr; } m->onion = new_onion(m->log, m->mem, m->mono_time, m->rng, m->dht); m->onion_a = new_onion_announce(m->log, m->mem, m->rng, m->mono_time, m->dht); m->onion_c = new_onion_client(m->log, m->mem, m->rng, m->mono_time, m->net_crypto); if (m->onion_c != nullptr) { m->fr_c = new_friend_connections(m->log, m->mem, m->mono_time, m->ns, m->onion_c, options->local_discovery_enabled); } if ((options->dht_announcements_enabled && (m->forwarding == nullptr || m->announce == nullptr)) || m->onion == nullptr || m->onion_a == nullptr || m->onion_c == nullptr || m->fr_c == nullptr) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "onion initialisation failed"); kill_onion(m->onion); kill_onion_announce(m->onion_a); kill_onion_client(m->onion_c); kill_gca(m->group_announce); kill_friend_connections(m->fr_c); kill_announcements(m->announce); kill_forwarding(m->forwarding); kill_net_crypto(m->net_crypto); kill_dht(m->dht); kill_networking(m->net); friendreq_kill(m->fr); logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } gca_onion_init(m->group_announce, m->onion_a); m->group_handler = new_dht_groupchats(m); if (m->group_handler == nullptr) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "conferences initialisation failed"); kill_onion(m->onion); kill_onion_announce(m->onion_a); kill_onion_client(m->onion_c); kill_gca(m->group_announce); kill_friend_connections(m->fr_c); kill_announcements(m->announce); kill_forwarding(m->forwarding); kill_net_crypto(m->net_crypto); kill_dht(m->dht); kill_networking(m->net); friendreq_kill(m->fr); logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(mem, m); return nullptr; } if (options->tcp_server_port != 0) { m->tcp_server = new_tcp_server(m->log, m->mem, m->rng, m->ns, options->ipv6enabled, 1, &options->tcp_server_port, dht_get_self_secret_key(m->dht), m->onion, m->forwarding); if (m->tcp_server == nullptr) { LOGGER_WARNING(m->log, "TCP server initialisation failed"); kill_onion(m->onion); kill_onion_announce(m->onion_a); kill_dht_groupchats(m->group_handler); kill_friend_connections(m->fr_c); kill_onion_client(m->onion_c); kill_gca(m->group_announce); kill_announcements(m->announce); kill_forwarding(m->forwarding); kill_net_crypto(m->net_crypto); kill_dht(m->dht); kill_networking(m->net); friendreq_kill(m->fr); logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(mem, m); if (error != nullptr) { *error = MESSENGER_ERROR_TCP_SERVER; } return nullptr; } } m->options = *options; friendreq_init(m->fr, m->fr_c); set_nospam(m->fr, random_u32(m->rng)); set_filter_function(m->fr, &friend_already_added, m); m->lastdump = 0; m->is_receiving_file = 0; m_register_default_plugins(m); callback_friendrequest(m->fr, m_handle_friend_request, m); if (error != nullptr) { *error = MESSENGER_ERROR_NONE; } return m; } /** @brief Run this before closing shop. * * Free all datastructures. */ void kill_messenger(Messenger *m) { if (m == nullptr) { return; } if (m->tcp_server != nullptr) { kill_tcp_server(m->tcp_server); } kill_onion(m->onion); kill_onion_announce(m->onion_a); kill_dht_groupchats(m->group_handler); kill_friend_connections(m->fr_c); kill_onion_client(m->onion_c); kill_gca(m->group_announce); kill_announcements(m->announce); kill_forwarding(m->forwarding); kill_net_crypto(m->net_crypto); kill_dht(m->dht); kill_networking(m->net); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m->numfriends; ++i) { clear_receipts(m, i); } mem_delete(m->mem, m->friendlist); friendreq_kill(m->fr); mem_delete(m->mem, m->options.state_plugins); logger_kill(m->log); mem_delete(m->mem, m); } bool m_is_receiving_file(Messenger *m) { // Only run the expensive loop below once every 64 tox_iterate calls. const uint8_t skip_count = 64; if (m->is_receiving_file != 0) { --m->is_receiving_file; return true; } // TODO(iphydf): This is a very expensive loop. Consider keeping track of // the number of live file transfers. for (size_t friend_number = 0; friend_number < m->numfriends; ++friend_number) { for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_CONCURRENT_FILE_PIPES; ++i) { if (m->friendlist[friend_number].file_receiving[i].status == FILESTATUS_TRANSFERRING) { m->is_receiving_file = skip_count; return true; } } } return false; }