/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2025 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2014 Tox project. */ #include "TCP_common.h" #include <string.h> #include "attributes.h" #include "ccompat.h" #include "crypto_core.h" #include "logger.h" #include "mem.h" #include "network.h" void wipe_priority_list(const Memory *mem, TCP_Priority_List *p) { while (p != nullptr) { TCP_Priority_List *pp = p; p = p->next; mem_delete(mem, pp->data); mem_delete(mem, pp); } } /** * @retval 0 if pending data was sent completely * @retval -1 if it wasn't */ int send_pending_data_nonpriority(const Logger *logger, TCP_Connection *con) { if (con->last_packet_length == 0) { return 0; } const uint16_t left = con->last_packet_length - con->last_packet_sent; const int len = net_send(con->ns, logger, con->sock, con->last_packet + con->last_packet_sent, left, &con->ip_port, con->net_profile); if (len <= 0) { return -1; } if (len == left) { con->last_packet_length = 0; con->last_packet_sent = 0; return 0; } con->last_packet_sent += len; return -1; } /** * @retval 0 if pending data was sent completely * @retval -1 if it wasn't */ int send_pending_data(const Logger *logger, TCP_Connection *con) { /* finish sending current non-priority packet */ if (send_pending_data_nonpriority(logger, con) == -1) { return -1; } TCP_Priority_List *p = con->priority_queue_start; while (p != nullptr) { const uint16_t left = p->size - p->sent; const int len = net_send(con->ns, logger, con->sock, p->data + p->sent, left, &con->ip_port, con->net_profile); if (len != left) { if (len > 0) { p->sent += len; } break; } TCP_Priority_List *pp = p; p = p->next; mem_delete(con->mem, pp->data); mem_delete(con->mem, pp); } con->priority_queue_start = p; if (p == nullptr) { con->priority_queue_end = nullptr; return 0; } return -1; } /** * @retval false on failure (only if mem_alloc fails) * @retval true on success */ non_null() static bool add_priority(TCP_Connection *con, const uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size, uint16_t sent) { TCP_Priority_List *p = con->priority_queue_end; TCP_Priority_List *new_list = (TCP_Priority_List *)mem_alloc(con->mem, sizeof(TCP_Priority_List)); if (new_list == nullptr) { return false; } uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)mem_balloc(con->mem, size); if (data == nullptr) { mem_delete(con->mem, new_list); return false; } memcpy(data, packet, size); new_list->data = data; new_list->size = size; new_list->next = nullptr; new_list->sent = sent; if (p != nullptr) { p->next = new_list; } else { con->priority_queue_start = new_list; } con->priority_queue_end = new_list; return true; } /** * @retval 1 on success. * @retval 0 if could not send packet. * @retval -1 on failure (connection must be killed). */ int write_packet_tcp_secure_connection(const Logger *logger, TCP_Connection *con, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, bool priority) { if (length + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { return -1; } bool sendpriority = true; if (send_pending_data(logger, con) == -1) { if (priority) { sendpriority = false; } else { return 0; } } const uint16_t packet_size = sizeof(uint16_t) + length + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE; VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size); uint16_t c_length = net_htons(length + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE); memcpy(packet, &c_length, sizeof(uint16_t)); int len = encrypt_data_symmetric(con->mem, con->shared_key, con->sent_nonce, data, length, packet + sizeof(uint16_t)); if ((unsigned int)len != (packet_size - sizeof(uint16_t))) { return -1; } if (priority) { len = sendpriority ? net_send(con->ns, logger, con->sock, packet, packet_size, &con->ip_port, con->net_profile) : 0; if (len <= 0) { len = 0; } increment_nonce(con->sent_nonce); if ((unsigned int)len == packet_size) { return 1; } return add_priority(con, packet, packet_size, len) ? 1 : 0; } len = net_send(con->ns, logger, con->sock, packet, packet_size, &con->ip_port, con->net_profile); if (len <= 0) { return 0; } increment_nonce(con->sent_nonce); if ((unsigned int)len == packet_size) { return 1; } memcpy(con->last_packet, packet, packet_size); con->last_packet_length = packet_size; con->last_packet_sent = len; return 1; } /** @brief Read length bytes from socket. * * return length on success * return -1 on failure/no data in buffer. */ int read_tcp_packet( const Logger *logger, const Memory *mem, const Network *ns, Socket sock, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, const IP_Port *ip_port) { const uint16_t count = net_socket_data_recv_buffer(ns, sock); if (count < length) { if (count != 0) { // Only log when there are some bytes available, as empty buffer // is a very common case and this spams our logs. LOGGER_TRACE(logger, "recv buffer has %d bytes, but requested %d bytes", count, length); } return -1; } const int len = net_recv(ns, logger, sock, data, length, ip_port); if (len != length) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "FAIL recv packet"); return -1; } return len; } /** @brief Read the next two bytes in TCP stream then convert them to * length (host byte order). * * return length on success * return 0 if nothing has been read from socket. * return -1 on failure. */ non_null() static uint16_t read_tcp_length(const Logger *logger, const Network *ns, Socket sock, const IP_Port *ip_port) { const uint16_t count = net_socket_data_recv_buffer(ns, sock); if (count >= sizeof(uint16_t)) { uint8_t length_buf[sizeof(uint16_t)]; const int len = net_recv(ns, logger, sock, length_buf, sizeof(length_buf), ip_port); if (len != sizeof(uint16_t)) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "FAIL recv packet"); return 0; } uint16_t length; net_unpack_u16(length_buf, &length); if (length > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "TCP packet too large: %d > %d", length, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); return -1; } return length; } return 0; } /** * @return length of received packet on success. * @retval 0 if could not read any packet. * @retval -1 on failure (connection must be killed). */ int read_packet_tcp_secure_connection( const Logger *logger, const Memory *mem, const Network *ns, Socket sock, uint16_t *next_packet_length, const uint8_t *shared_key, uint8_t *recv_nonce, uint8_t *data, uint16_t max_len, const IP_Port *ip_port) { if (*next_packet_length == 0) { const uint16_t len = read_tcp_length(logger, ns, sock, ip_port); if (len == (uint16_t) -1) { return -1; } if (len == 0) { return 0; } *next_packet_length = len; } if (max_len + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE < *next_packet_length) { LOGGER_DEBUG(logger, "packet too large"); return -1; } VLA(uint8_t, data_encrypted, (int) *next_packet_length); const int len_packet = read_tcp_packet(logger, mem, ns, sock, data_encrypted, *next_packet_length, ip_port); if (len_packet == -1) { return 0; } if (len_packet != *next_packet_length) { LOGGER_WARNING(logger, "invalid packet length: %d, expected %d", len_packet, *next_packet_length); return 0; } *next_packet_length = 0; const int len = decrypt_data_symmetric(mem, shared_key, recv_nonce, data_encrypted, len_packet, data); if (len + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE != len_packet) { LOGGER_ERROR(logger, "decrypted length %d does not match expected length %d", len + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE, len_packet); return -1; } increment_nonce(recv_nonce); return len; }