/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2016-2025 The TokTok team. * Copyright © 2013 Tox project. */ /** * Datatypes, functions and includes for the core networking. */ #ifndef C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_NETWORK_H #define C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_NETWORK_H #include // bool #include // size_t #include // uint*_t #include "attributes.h" #include "bin_pack.h" #include "logger.h" #include "mem.h" #include "net_profile.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief Wrapper for sockaddr_storage and size. */ typedef struct Network_Addr Network_Addr; typedef bitwise int Socket_Value; typedef struct Socket { Socket_Value value; } Socket; int net_socket_to_native(Socket sock); Socket net_socket_from_native(int sock); typedef int net_close_cb(void *obj, Socket sock); typedef Socket net_accept_cb(void *obj, Socket sock); typedef int net_bind_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, const Network_Addr *addr); typedef int net_listen_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, int backlog); typedef int net_connect_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, const Network_Addr *addr); typedef int net_recvbuf_cb(void *obj, Socket sock); typedef int net_recv_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len); typedef int net_recvfrom_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, Network_Addr *addr); typedef int net_send_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len); typedef int net_sendto_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const Network_Addr *addr); typedef Socket net_socket_cb(void *obj, int domain, int type, int proto); typedef int net_socket_nonblock_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, bool nonblock); typedef int net_getsockopt_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, int level, int optname, void *optval, size_t *optlen); typedef int net_setsockopt_cb(void *obj, Socket sock, int level, int optname, const void *optval, size_t optlen); typedef int net_getaddrinfo_cb(void *obj, const Memory *mem, const char *address, int family, int protocol, Network_Addr **addrs); typedef int net_freeaddrinfo_cb(void *obj, const Memory *mem, Network_Addr *addrs); /** @brief Functions wrapping POSIX network functions. * * Refer to POSIX man pages for documentation of what these functions are * expected to do when providing alternative Network implementations. */ typedef struct Network_Funcs { net_close_cb *close; net_accept_cb *accept; net_bind_cb *bind; net_listen_cb *listen; net_connect_cb *connect; net_recvbuf_cb *recvbuf; net_recv_cb *recv; net_recvfrom_cb *recvfrom; net_send_cb *send; net_sendto_cb *sendto; net_socket_cb *socket; net_socket_nonblock_cb *socket_nonblock; net_getsockopt_cb *getsockopt; net_setsockopt_cb *setsockopt; net_getaddrinfo_cb *getaddrinfo; net_freeaddrinfo_cb *freeaddrinfo; } Network_Funcs; typedef struct Network { const Network_Funcs *funcs; void *obj; } Network; const Network *os_network(void); typedef struct Family { uint8_t value; } Family; bool net_family_is_unspec(Family family); bool net_family_is_ipv4(Family family); bool net_family_is_ipv6(Family family); bool net_family_is_tcp_server(Family family); bool net_family_is_tcp_client(Family family); bool net_family_is_tcp_ipv4(Family family); bool net_family_is_tcp_ipv6(Family family); bool net_family_is_tox_tcp_ipv4(Family family); bool net_family_is_tox_tcp_ipv6(Family family); Family net_family_unspec(void); Family net_family_ipv4(void); Family net_family_ipv6(void); Family net_family_tcp_server(void); Family net_family_tcp_client(void); Family net_family_tcp_ipv4(void); Family net_family_tcp_ipv6(void); Family net_family_tox_tcp_ipv4(void); Family net_family_tox_tcp_ipv6(void); #define MAX_UDP_PACKET_SIZE 2048 typedef enum Net_Packet_Type { NET_PACKET_PING_REQUEST = 0x00, /* Ping request packet ID. */ NET_PACKET_PING_RESPONSE = 0x01, /* Ping response packet ID. */ NET_PACKET_NODES_REQUEST = 0x02, /* Nodes request packet ID. */ NET_PACKET_NODES_RESPONSE = 0x04, /* Nodes response packet ID. */ NET_PACKET_COOKIE_REQUEST = 0x18, /* Cookie request packet */ NET_PACKET_COOKIE_RESPONSE = 0x19, /* Cookie response packet */ NET_PACKET_CRYPTO_HS = 0x1a, /* Crypto handshake packet */ NET_PACKET_CRYPTO_DATA = 0x1b, /* Crypto data packet */ NET_PACKET_CRYPTO = 0x20, /* Encrypted data packet ID. */ NET_PACKET_LAN_DISCOVERY = 0x21, /* LAN discovery packet ID. */ NET_PACKET_GC_HANDSHAKE = 0x5a, /* Group chat handshake packet ID */ NET_PACKET_GC_LOSSLESS = 0x5b, /* Group chat lossless packet ID */ NET_PACKET_GC_LOSSY = 0x5c, /* Group chat lossy packet ID */ /* See: `docs/Prevent_Tracking.txt` and `onion.{c,h}` */ NET_PACKET_ONION_SEND_INITIAL = 0x80, NET_PACKET_ONION_SEND_1 = 0x81, NET_PACKET_ONION_SEND_2 = 0x82, NET_PACKET_ANNOUNCE_REQUEST_OLD = 0x83, /* TODO: DEPRECATE */ NET_PACKET_ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE_OLD = 0x84, /* TODO: DEPRECATE */ NET_PACKET_ONION_DATA_REQUEST = 0x85, NET_PACKET_ONION_DATA_RESPONSE = 0x86, NET_PACKET_ANNOUNCE_REQUEST = 0x87, NET_PACKET_ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE = 0x88, NET_PACKET_ONION_RECV_3 = 0x8c, NET_PACKET_ONION_RECV_2 = 0x8d, NET_PACKET_ONION_RECV_1 = 0x8e, NET_PACKET_FORWARD_REQUEST = 0x90, NET_PACKET_FORWARDING = 0x91, NET_PACKET_FORWARD_REPLY = 0x92, NET_PACKET_DATA_SEARCH_REQUEST = 0x93, NET_PACKET_DATA_SEARCH_RESPONSE = 0x94, NET_PACKET_DATA_RETRIEVE_REQUEST = 0x95, NET_PACKET_DATA_RETRIEVE_RESPONSE = 0x96, NET_PACKET_STORE_ANNOUNCE_REQUEST = 0x97, NET_PACKET_STORE_ANNOUNCE_RESPONSE = 0x98, BOOTSTRAP_INFO_PACKET_ID = 0xf0, /* Only used for bootstrap nodes */ NET_PACKET_MAX = 0xff, /* This type must remain within a single uint8. */ } Net_Packet_Type; #define TOX_PORTRANGE_FROM 33445 #define TOX_PORTRANGE_TO 33545 #define TOX_PORT_DEFAULT TOX_PORTRANGE_FROM /** Redefinitions of variables for safe transfer over wire. */ #define TOX_AF_UNSPEC 0 #define TOX_AF_INET 2 #define TOX_AF_INET6 10 #define TOX_TCP_INET 130 #define TOX_TCP_INET6 138 #define TOX_SOCK_STREAM 1 #define TOX_SOCK_DGRAM 2 #define TOX_PROTO_TCP 1 #define TOX_PROTO_UDP 2 /** TCP related */ #define TCP_CLIENT_FAMILY (TOX_AF_INET6 + 1) #define TCP_INET (TOX_AF_INET6 + 2) #define TCP_INET6 (TOX_AF_INET6 + 3) #define TCP_SERVER_FAMILY (TOX_AF_INET6 + 4) #define SIZE_IP4 4 #define SIZE_IP6 16 #define SIZE_IP (1 + SIZE_IP6) #define SIZE_PORT 2 #define SIZE_IPPORT (SIZE_IP + SIZE_PORT) typedef union IP4 { uint32_t uint32; uint16_t uint16[2]; uint8_t uint8[4]; } IP4; IP4 get_ip4_loopback(void); IP4 get_ip4_broadcast(void); typedef union IP6 { uint8_t uint8[16]; uint16_t uint16[8]; uint32_t uint32[4]; uint64_t uint64[2]; } IP6; IP6 get_ip6_loopback(void); IP6 get_ip6_broadcast(void); typedef union IP_Union { IP4 v4; IP6 v6; } IP_Union; typedef struct IP { Family family; IP_Union ip; } IP; typedef struct IP_Port { IP ip; uint16_t port; } IP_Port; non_null() Socket net_socket(const Network *ns, Family domain, int type, int protocol); /** * Check if socket is valid. * * @return true if valid, false otherwise. */ bool sock_valid(Socket sock); Socket net_invalid_socket(void); /** * Calls send(sockfd, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL). * * @param ns System network object. * @param log Logger object. * @param sock Socket to send data with. * @param buf Data to send. * @param len Length of data. * @param ip_port IP and port to send data to. * @param net_profile Network profile to record the packet. */ non_null(1, 2, 4, 6) nullable(7) int net_send(const Network *ns, const Logger *log, Socket sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const IP_Port *ip_port, Net_Profile *net_profile); /** * Calls recv(sockfd, buf, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL). * * @param ns System network object. * @param log Logger object. * @param sock Socket to receive data with. * @param buf Buffer to store received data. * @param len Length of buffer. * @param ip_port IP and port of the sender. */ non_null() int net_recv(const Network *ns, const Logger *log, Socket sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const IP_Port *ip_port); /** * Calls listen(sockfd, backlog). */ non_null() int net_listen(const Network *ns, Socket sock, int backlog); /** * Calls accept(sockfd, nullptr, nullptr). */ non_null() Socket net_accept(const Network *ns, Socket sock); /** * return the size of data in the tcp recv buffer. * return 0 on failure. */ non_null() uint16_t net_socket_data_recv_buffer(const Network *ns, Socket sock); /** Convert values between host and network byte order. */ uint32_t net_htonl(uint32_t hostlong); uint16_t net_htons(uint16_t hostshort); uint32_t net_ntohl(uint32_t hostlong); uint16_t net_ntohs(uint16_t hostshort); non_null() size_t net_pack_bool(uint8_t *bytes, bool v); non_null() size_t net_pack_u16(uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t v); non_null() size_t net_pack_u32(uint8_t *bytes, uint32_t v); non_null() size_t net_pack_u64(uint8_t *bytes, uint64_t v); non_null() size_t net_unpack_bool(const uint8_t *bytes, bool *v); non_null() size_t net_unpack_u16(const uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t *v); non_null() size_t net_unpack_u32(const uint8_t *bytes, uint32_t *v); non_null() size_t net_unpack_u64(const uint8_t *bytes, uint64_t *v); /** Does the IP6 struct a contain an IPv4 address in an IPv6 one? */ non_null() bool ipv6_ipv4_in_v6(const IP6 *a); #define TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT true #define TOX_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN 66 #define TOX_INET_ADDRSTRLEN 22 /** this would be TOX_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN, but it might be too short for the error message */ #define IP_NTOA_LEN 96 // TODO(irungentoo): magic number. Why not INET6_ADDRSTRLEN ? /** Contains a null terminated string of an IP address. */ typedef struct Ip_Ntoa { char buf[IP_NTOA_LEN]; // a string formatted IP address or an error message. uint16_t length; // the length of the string (not including the null byte). bool ip_is_valid; // if this is false `buf` will contain an error message. } Ip_Ntoa; /** @brief Converts IP into a null terminated string. * * Writes error message into the buffer on error. * * @param ip_str contains a buffer of the required size. * * @return Pointer to the buffer inside `ip_str` containing the IP string. */ non_null() const char *net_ip_ntoa(const IP *ip, Ip_Ntoa *ip_str); /** * Parses IP structure into an address string. * * @param ip IP of TOX_AF_INET or TOX_AF_INET6 families. * @param length length of the address buffer. * Must be at least TOX_INET_ADDRSTRLEN for TOX_AF_INET * and TOX_INET6_ADDRSTRLEN for TOX_AF_INET6 * * @param address dotted notation (IPv4: quad, IPv6: 16) or colon notation (IPv6). * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool ip_parse_addr(const IP *ip, char *address, size_t length); /** * Directly parses the input into an IP structure. * * Tries IPv4 first, then IPv6. * * @param address dotted notation (IPv4: quad, IPv6: 16) or colon notation (IPv6). * @param to family and the value is set on success. * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool addr_parse_ip(const char *address, IP *to); /** * Compares two IP structures. * * Unset means unequal. * * @return false when not equal or when uninitialized. */ nullable(1, 2) bool ip_equal(const IP *a, const IP *b); /** * Compares two IP_Port structures. * * Unset means unequal. * * @return false when not equal or when uninitialized. */ nullable(1, 2) bool ipport_equal(const IP_Port *a, const IP_Port *b); /** * @brief IP_Port comparison function with `memcmp` signature. * * Casts the void pointers to `IP_Port *` for comparison. * * @retval -1 if `a < b` * @retval 0 if `a == b` * @retval 1 if `a > b` */ non_null() int ipport_cmp_handler(const void *a, const void *b, size_t size); /** nulls out ip */ non_null() void ip_reset(IP *ip); /** nulls out ip_port */ non_null() void ipport_reset(IP_Port *ipport); /** nulls out ip, sets family according to flag */ non_null() void ip_init(IP *ip, bool ipv6enabled); /** checks if ip is valid */ non_null() bool ip_isset(const IP *ip); /** checks if ip is valid */ non_null() bool ipport_isset(const IP_Port *ipport); /** copies an ip structure (careful about direction) */ non_null() void ip_copy(IP *target, const IP *source); /** copies an ip_port structure (careful about direction) */ non_null() void ipport_copy(IP_Port *target, const IP_Port *source); /** * @brief Resolves string into an IP address. * * @param[in,out] ns Network object. * @param[in] address a hostname (or something parseable to an IP address). * @param[in,out] to to.family MUST be initialized, either set to a specific IP version * (TOX_AF_INET/TOX_AF_INET6) or to the unspecified TOX_AF_UNSPEC (0), if both * IP versions are acceptable. * @param[out] extra can be NULL and is only set in special circumstances, see returns. * @param[in] dns_enabled if false, DNS resolution is skipped. * * Returns in `*to` a matching address (IPv6 or IPv4). * Returns in `*extra`, if not NULL, an IPv4 address, if `to->family` was `TOX_AF_UNSPEC`. * * @return true on success, false on failure */ non_null(1, 2, 3, 4) nullable(5) bool addr_resolve_or_parse_ip(const Network *ns, const Memory *mem, const char *address, IP *to, IP *extra, bool dns_enabled); /** @brief Function to receive data, ip and port of sender is put into ip_port. * Packet data is put into data. * Packet length is put into length. */ typedef int packet_handler_cb(void *object, const IP_Port *source, const uint8_t *packet, uint16_t length, void *userdata); typedef struct Networking_Core Networking_Core; non_null() Family net_family(const Networking_Core *net); non_null() uint16_t net_port(const Networking_Core *net); /** Close the socket. */ non_null() void kill_sock(const Network *ns, Socket sock); /** * Set socket as nonblocking * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool set_socket_nonblock(const Network *ns, Socket sock); /** * Set socket to not emit SIGPIPE * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool set_socket_nosigpipe(const Network *ns, Socket sock); /** * Enable SO_REUSEADDR on socket. * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool set_socket_reuseaddr(const Network *ns, Socket sock); /** * Set socket to dual (IPv4 + IPv6 socket) * * @return true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool set_socket_dualstack(const Network *ns, Socket sock); /* Basic network functions: */ /** * An outgoing network packet. * * Use `send_packet` to send it to an IP/port endpoint. */ typedef struct Packet { const uint8_t *data; uint16_t length; } Packet; /** * Function to send a network packet to a given IP/port. */ non_null() int send_packet(const Networking_Core *net, const IP_Port *ip_port, Packet packet); /** * Function to send packet(data) of length length to ip_port. * * @deprecated Use send_packet instead. */ non_null() int sendpacket(const Networking_Core *net, const IP_Port *ip_port, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length); /** Function to call when packet beginning with byte is received. */ non_null(1) nullable(3, 4) void networking_registerhandler(Networking_Core *net, uint8_t byte, packet_handler_cb *cb, void *object); /** Call this several times a second. */ non_null(1) nullable(2) void networking_poll(const Networking_Core *net, void *userdata); typedef enum Net_Err_Connect { NET_ERR_CONNECT_OK, NET_ERR_CONNECT_INVALID_FAMILY, NET_ERR_CONNECT_FAILED, } Net_Err_Connect; const char *net_err_connect_to_string(Net_Err_Connect err); /** @brief Connect a socket to the address specified by the ip_port. * * @param[out] err Set to NET_ERR_CONNECT_OK on success, otherwise an error code. * * @retval true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool net_connect(const Network *ns, const Memory *mem, const Logger *log, Socket sock, const IP_Port *ip_port, Net_Err_Connect *err); /** @brief High-level getaddrinfo implementation. * * Given node, which identifies an Internet host, `net_getipport()` fills an array * with one or more IP_Port structures, each of which contains an Internet * address that can be specified by calling `net_connect()`, the port is ignored. * * Skip all addresses with socktype != type (use type = -1 to get all addresses) * To correctly deallocate array memory use `net_freeipport()`. * * @param ns Network object. * @param mem Memory allocator. * @param node The node parameter identifies the host or service on which to connect. * @param[out] res An array of IP_Port structures will be allocated into this pointer. * @param tox_type The type of socket to use (stream or datagram), only relevant for DNS lookups. * @param dns_enabled If false, DNS resolution is skipped, when passed a hostname, this function will return an error. * * @return number of elements in res array. * @retval 0 if res array empty. * @retval -1 on error. */ non_null() int32_t net_getipport(const Network *ns, const Memory *mem, const char *node, IP_Port **res, int tox_type, bool dns_enabled); /** Deallocates memory allocated by net_getipport */ non_null(1) nullable(2) void net_freeipport(const Memory *mem, IP_Port *ip_ports); non_null() bool bin_pack_ip_port(Bin_Pack *bp, const Logger *logger, const IP_Port *ip_port); /** @brief Pack an IP_Port structure into data of max size length. * * Packed_length is the offset of data currently packed. * * @return size of packed IP_Port data on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null() int pack_ip_port(const Logger *logger, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, const IP_Port *ip_port); /** @brief Unpack IP_Port structure from data of max size length into ip_port. * * len_processed is the offset of data currently unpacked. * * @return size of unpacked ip_port on success. * @retval -1 on failure. */ non_null() int unpack_ip_port(IP_Port *ip_port, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, bool tcp_enabled); /** * @return true on success, false on failure. */ non_null() bool bind_to_port(const Network *ns, Socket sock, Family family, uint16_t port); /** @brief Get the last networking error code. * * Similar to Unix's errno, but cross-platform, as not all platforms use errno * to indicate networking errors. * * Note that different platforms may return different codes for the same error, * so you likely shouldn't be checking the value returned by this function * unless you know what you are doing, you likely just want to use it in * combination with `net_strerror()` to print the error. * * return platform-dependent network error code, if any. */ int net_error(void); #define NET_STRERROR_SIZE 256 /** @brief Contains a null terminated formatted error message. * * This struct should not contain more than at most the 2 fields. */ typedef struct Net_Strerror { char data[NET_STRERROR_SIZE]; uint16_t size; } Net_Strerror; /** @brief Get a text explanation for the error code from `net_error()`. * * @param error The error code to get a string for. * @param buf The struct to store the error message in (usually on stack). * * @return pointer to a NULL-terminated string describing the error code. */ non_null() char *net_strerror(int error, Net_Strerror *buf); /** @brief Initialize networking. * Bind to ip and port. * ip must be in network order EX: = (7F000001). * port is in host byte order (this means don't worry about it). * * @return Networking_Core object if no problems * @retval NULL if there are problems. * * If error is non NULL it is set to 0 if no issues, 1 if socket related error, 2 if other. */ non_null(1, 2, 3, 4) nullable(7) Networking_Core *new_networking_ex( const Logger *log, const Memory *mem, const Network *ns, const IP *ip, uint16_t port_from, uint16_t port_to, unsigned int *error); non_null() Networking_Core *new_networking_no_udp(const Logger *log, const Memory *mem, const Network *ns); /** Function to cleanup networking stuff (doesn't do much right now). */ nullable(1) void kill_networking(Networking_Core *net); /** @brief Returns a pointer to the network net_profile object associated with `net`. * * Returns null if `net` is null. */ non_null() const Net_Profile *net_get_net_profile(const Networking_Core *net); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* C_TOXCORE_TOXCORE_NETWORK_H */