#include "./start_screen.hpp" #include "./main_screen.hpp" #include "./json_to_config.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include StartScreen::StartScreen(const std::vector& args, SDL_Renderer* renderer, Theme& theme) : _renderer(renderer), _theme(theme) { for (size_t ai = 1; ai < args.size(); ai++) { if (args.at(ai) == "--config" || args.at(ai) == "-c") { if (args.size() == ai+1) { std::cerr << "TOMATO error: argument '" << args.at(ai) << "' missing parameter!\n"; break; } ai++; const auto& config_path = args.at(ai); auto config_file = std::ifstream(static_cast(config_path)); if (!config_file.is_open()) { std::cerr << "TOMATO error: failed to open config file '" << config_path << "'\n"; break; } auto config_json = nlohmann::ordered_json::parse(config_file); if (!load_json_into_config(config_json, _conf)) { std::cerr << "TOMATO error in config json, exiting...\n"; break; } } else if (args.at(ai) == "--plugin" || args.at(ai) == "-p") { if (args.size() == ai+1) { std::cerr << "TOMATO error: argument '" << args.at(ai) << "' missing parameter!\n"; break; } ai++; const auto& plugin_path = args.at(ai); // TODO: check for dups queued_plugin_paths.push_back(static_cast(plugin_path)); } else { std::cerr << "TOMATO error: unknown cli arg: '" << args.at(ai) << "'\n"; } } } Screen* StartScreen::render(float, bool&) { // TODO: imgui tox profile selector? // +---------------------------- // | |*tox profile*| plugins | // | +------+ +-------- // | | ICON | | fileselector/dropdown? // | | | | password input // | +------+ +-------- // +---------------------------- if (ImGui::BeginTabBar("view")) { if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("load profile")) { _new_save = false; ImGui::TextUnformatted("profile :"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("select")) { _fss.requestFile( [](const auto& path) -> bool { return std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path); }, [this](const auto& path) { _tox_profile_path = path.string(); }, [](){} ); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted(_tox_profile_path.c_str()); ImGui::TextUnformatted("password:"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (_show_password) { ImGui::InputText("##password", &_password); } else { ImGui::InputText("##password", &_password, ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox("show password", &_show_password); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("create profile")) { _new_save = true; ImGui::TextUnformatted("username:"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::InputText("##user_name", &_user_name)) { std::string tmp_copy = _user_name; for (auto& c : tmp_copy) { if (!std::isalnum(static_cast(c)) && c != '-' && c != '.') { c = '_'; } } if (tmp_copy.empty()) { tmp_copy = "unnamed-tomato"; } _tox_profile_path = tmp_copy + ".tox"; } ImGui::TextUnformatted("password:"); ImGui::SameLine(); if (_show_password) { ImGui::InputText("##password", &_password); } else { ImGui::InputText("##password", &_password, ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::Checkbox("show password", &_show_password); ImGui::TextUnformatted("TODO: profile path (current path for now)"); ImGui::EndTabItem(); } if (ImGui::BeginTabItem("plugins")) { // list of selected plugins (in order) for (auto it = queued_plugin_paths.begin(); it != queued_plugin_paths.end();) { ImGui::PushID(it->c_str()); if (ImGui::SmallButton("-")) { it = queued_plugin_paths.erase(it); ImGui::PopID(); continue; } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::TextUnformatted(it->c_str()); ImGui::PopID(); it++; } if (ImGui::Button("+")) { _fss.requestFile( [](const auto& path) -> bool { return std::filesystem::is_regular_file(path); }, [this](const auto& path) { queued_plugin_paths.push_back(path.string()); }, [](){} ); } ImGui::EndTabItem(); } ImGui::EndTabBar(); } ImGui::Separator(); if (!_new_save && !std::filesystem::is_regular_file(_tox_profile_path)) { // load but file missing ImGui::BeginDisabled(); ImGui::Button("load", {60, 25}); ImGui::EndDisabled(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenDisabled)) { ImGui::SetTooltip("file does not exist"); } } else if (_new_save && std::filesystem::exists(_tox_profile_path)) { // new but file exists ImGui::BeginDisabled(); ImGui::Button("load", {60, 25}); ImGui::EndDisabled(); if (ImGui::IsItemHovered(ImGuiHoveredFlags_ForTooltip | ImGuiHoveredFlags_AllowWhenDisabled)) { ImGui::SetTooltip("file already exists"); } } else { if (ImGui::Button("load", {60, 25})) { auto new_screen = std::make_unique(std::move(_conf), _renderer, _theme, _tox_profile_path, _password, _user_name, queued_plugin_paths); return new_screen.release(); } } _fss.render(); return nullptr; } Screen* StartScreen::tick(float, bool&) { return nullptr; }