load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_test") load("//tools:no_undefined.bzl", "cc_library") package(features = ["layering_check"]) exports_files( srcs = ["toxav.h"], visibility = ["//c-toxcore:__pkg__"], ) # Private library with the public API header in it because in toxav, lots of # things depend on the public API header. cc_library( name = "public_api", hdrs = ["toxav.h"], ) cc_library( name = "ring_buffer", srcs = ["ring_buffer.c"], hdrs = ["ring_buffer.h"], deps = ["//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat"], ) cc_test( name = "ring_buffer_test", size = "small", srcs = ["ring_buffer_test.cc"], deps = [ ":ring_buffer", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_library( name = "ring_buffer_srcs", hdrs = [ "ring_buffer.c", "ring_buffer.h", ], visibility = ["//c-toxcore/testing:__pkg__"], deps = ["//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat"], ) cc_library( name = "bwcontroller", srcs = ["bwcontroller.c"], hdrs = ["bwcontroller.h"], deps = [ ":ring_buffer", "//c-toxcore/toxcore", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:Messenger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:logger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:mono_time", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:util", ], ) cc_library( name = "rtp", srcs = ["rtp.c"], hdrs = ["rtp.h"], deps = [ ":bwcontroller", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:Messenger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:logger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:mono_time", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:util", ], ) cc_test( name = "rtp_test", size = "small", srcs = ["rtp_test.cc"], deps = [ ":rtp", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:crypto_core", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest", "@com_google_googletest//:gtest_main", ], ) cc_library( name = "audio", srcs = ["audio.c"], hdrs = ["audio.h"], deps = [ ":public_api", ":rtp", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:logger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:mono_time", "@opus", ], ) cc_library( name = "video", srcs = [ "msi.c", "video.c", ], hdrs = [ "msi.h", "video.h", ], deps = [ ":audio", ":public_api", ":ring_buffer", ":rtp", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:logger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:mono_time", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:network", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:util", "@libvpx", ], ) cc_library( name = "groupav", srcs = ["groupav.c"], hdrs = ["groupav.h"], deps = [ "//c-toxcore/toxcore", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:logger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:mono_time", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:tox", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:util", "@opus", ], ) cc_library( name = "toxav", srcs = [ "toxav.c", "toxav_old.c", ], hdrs = [ "toxav.h", ], visibility = ["//c-toxcore:__subpackages__"], deps = [ ":groupav", ":rtp", ":video", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:Messenger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:ccompat", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:logger", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:mono_time", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:tox", "//c-toxcore/toxcore:util", ], ) sh_library( name = "cimple_files", srcs = glob([ "*.c", "*.h", ]), visibility = ["//c-toxcore/testing:__pkg__"], )