
set -eu

NPROC=$(sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu)

# Workaround for bug in Homebrew where it only finds an old Ruby version.
brew update

brew install \
  libconfig \
  libsodium \
  libvpx \

. ".github/scripts/flags-clang.sh"

add_ld_flag -undefined error

# Make compilation error on a warning
add_flag -Werror

# Allow _Static_assert. Supported C11 extensions are fine, since we have several
# C99-only compilers we test against anyway. Anything that passes all the
# compilers we use is fine.
add_c_flag -Wno-c11-extensions

cmake -B_build -H. \

cd _build # pushd
make "-j$NPROC" -k install
ctest -j50 --output-on-failure --rerun-failed --repeat until-pass:6 ||
  ctest -j50 --output-on-failure --rerun-failed --repeat until-pass:6
cd - # popd