{ description = "tomato flake"; # bc flakes and git submodules dont really like each other, you need to # append '.?submodules=1' to the nix commands. inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/release-24.05"; flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; nlohmann-json = { url = "github:nlohmann/json/v3.11.3"; # TODO: read version from file flake = false; }; sdl3 = { url = "github:libsdl-org/SDL/2654d5d48b8f764148a7c246fea85b32b1133578"; # keep in sync this cmake flake = false; }; sdl3_image = { url = "github:libsdl-org/SDL_image/6f4584340b9b78542d11bf0232a1a0862de1f0a9"; flake = false; }; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, nlohmann-json, sdl3, sdl3_image }: flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; stdenv = (pkgs.stdenvAdapters.keepDebugInfo pkgs.stdenv); #stdenv = (pkgs.stdenvAdapters.withCFlags [ "-march=x86-64-v3" ] (pkgs.stdenvAdapters.keepDebugInfo pkgs.stdenv)); in { #packages.default = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { packages.default = stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "tomato"; version = "0.0.0"; src = ./.; submodules = 1; # does nothing nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ cmake ninja pkg-config patchelf ]; # for some reason, buildInputs performs some magic an converts them to build dependencies, not runtime dependencies # also, non static dependencies (?? how to ensure ??) dlopenBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ dbus xorg.libX11 xorg.libXext xorg.xorgproto libxkbcommon xorg.libICE xorg.libXi xorg.libXScrnSaver xorg.libXcursor xorg.libXinerama xorg.libXrandr xorg.libXxf86vm libGL pipewire # sdl3_image: libpng libjpeg libjxl libavif #libwebp # still using our own loader ]; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ #(libsodium.override { stdenv = pkgs.pkgsStatic.stdenv; }) #pkgsStatic.libsodium libsodium libopus libvpx ] ++ self.packages.${system}.default.dlopenBuildInputs; cmakeFlags = [ "-DTOMATO_TOX_AV=ON" "-DTOMATO_ASAN=OFF" "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" #"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug" #"-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING=-Og" #"-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=-Og" "-DFETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_JSON=${nlohmann-json}" # we care about the version # TODO: use package instead "-DFETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_ZSTD=${pkgs.zstd.src}" # we dont care about the version (we use 1.4.x features) "-DFETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_LIBWEBP=${pkgs.libwebp.src}" "-DFETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_SDL3=${sdl3}" "-DFETCHCONTENT_SOURCE_DIR_SDL3_IMAGE=${sdl3_image}" "-DSDLIMAGE_JXL=ON" ]; # TODO: replace with install command installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/bin mv bin/tomato $out/bin ''; dontStrip = true; # does nothing # copied from nixpkgs's SDL2 default.nix # SDL is weird in that instead of just dynamically linking with # libraries when you `--enable-*` (or when `configure` finds) them # it `dlopen`s them at runtime. In principle, this means it can # ignore any missing optional dependencies like alsa, pulseaudio, # some x11 libs, wayland, etc if they are missing on the system # and/or work with wide array of versions of said libraries. In # nixpkgs, however, we don't need any of that. Moreover, since we # don't have a global ld-cache we have to stuff all the propagated # libraries into rpath by hand or else some applications that use # SDL API that requires said libraries will fail to start. # # You can grep SDL sources with `grep -rE 'SDL_(NAME|.*_SYM)'` to # list the symbols used in this way. # TODO: only patch if building FOR nix (like not for when static building) postFixup = let #rpath = lib.makeLibraryPath (dlopenPropagatedBuildInputs ++ dlopenBuildInputs); rpath = nixpkgs.lib.makeLibraryPath (self.packages.${system}.default.dlopenBuildInputs); in nixpkgs.lib.optionalString (pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary == ".so") '' patchelf --set-rpath "$(patchelf --print-rpath $out/bin/tomato):${rpath}" "$out/bin/tomato" ''; }; #packages.debug = pkgs.enableDebugging self.packages.${system}.default; devShells.${system}.default = pkgs.mkShell { #inputsFrom = with pkgs; [ SDL2 ]; buildInputs = [ self.packages.${system}.default ]; # this makes a prebuild tomato available in the shell, do we want this? packages = with pkgs; [ cmake pkg-config ]; shellHook = '' echo hello to tomato dev shell! export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/run/opengl-driver/lib ''; }; apps.default = { type = "app"; program = "${self.packages.${system}.default}/bin/tomato"; }; } ); }