#include #include #include typedef struct State { bool connected; uint32_t conference; } State; #define NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX 5 #include "auto_test_support.h" static void handle_conference_invite( const Tox_Event_Conference_Invite *event, void *user_data) { const AutoTox *autotox = (AutoTox *)user_data; State *state = (State *)autotox->state; const uint32_t friend_number = tox_event_conference_invite_get_friend_number(event); const uint8_t *cookie = tox_event_conference_invite_get_cookie(event); const size_t length = tox_event_conference_invite_get_cookie_length(event); if (friend_number != -1) { Tox_Err_Conference_Join err; state->conference = tox_conference_join(autotox->tox, friend_number, cookie, length, &err); ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_JOIN_OK, "attempting to join the conference returned with an error: %d", err); fprintf(stderr, "#%u accepted invite to conference %u\n", autotox->index, state->conference); } } static void handle_conference_connected( const Tox_Event_Conference_Connected *event, void *user_data) { const AutoTox *autotox = (AutoTox *)user_data; State *state = (State *)autotox->state; fprintf(stderr, "#%u connected to conference %u\n", autotox->index, state->conference); state->connected = true; } static void wait_connected(AutoTox *autotoxes, const AutoTox *autotox, uint32_t friendnumber) { do { iterate_all_wait(autotoxes, NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX, ITERATION_INTERVAL); } while (tox_friend_get_connection_status(autotox->tox, friendnumber, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE); } static void do_invite(AutoTox *autotoxes, AutoTox *inviter, AutoTox *invitee, uint32_t friendnum) { fprintf(stderr, "#%u inviting #%u\n", inviter->index, invitee->index); Tox_Err_Conference_Invite err; tox_conference_invite(inviter->tox, friendnum, ((State *)inviter->state)->conference, &err); ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_INVITE_OK, "#%u attempting to invite #%u (friendnumber %u) returned with an error: %d", inviter->index, invitee->index, friendnum, err); do { iterate_all_wait(autotoxes, NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX, ITERATION_INTERVAL); } while (!((State *)invitee->state)->connected); } static bool group_complete(AutoTox *autotoxes) { int c = -1, size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX; i++) { if (!autotoxes[i].alive) { continue; } const int ct = tox_conference_peer_count(autotoxes[i].tox, ((State *)autotoxes[i].state)->conference, nullptr); if (c == -1) { c = ct; } else if (c != ct) { return false; } ++size; } return (c == size); } static void wait_group_complete(AutoTox *autotoxes) { do { iterate_all_wait(autotoxes, NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX, ITERATION_INTERVAL); } while (!group_complete(autotoxes)); } static void conference_invite_merge_test(AutoTox *autotoxes) { // Test that an explicit invite between peers in different connected // components will cause a split group to merge for (int i = 0; i < NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX; i++) { tox_events_callback_conference_invite(autotoxes[i].dispatch, handle_conference_invite); tox_events_callback_conference_connected(autotoxes[i].dispatch, handle_conference_connected); } State *state2 = (State *)autotoxes[2].state; { // Create new conference, tox 2 is the founder. Tox_Err_Conference_New err; state2->conference = tox_conference_new(autotoxes[2].tox, &err); state2->connected = true; ck_assert_msg(err == TOX_ERR_CONFERENCE_NEW_OK, "attempting to create a new conference returned with an error: %d", err); fprintf(stderr, "Created conference: index=%u\n", state2->conference); } save_autotox(&autotoxes[2]); do_invite(autotoxes, &autotoxes[2], &autotoxes[1], 0); do_invite(autotoxes, &autotoxes[1], &autotoxes[0], 0); save_autotox(&autotoxes[1]); kill_autotox(&autotoxes[1]); do { iterate_all_wait(autotoxes, NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX, ITERATION_INTERVAL); } while (tox_conference_peer_count(autotoxes[2].tox, state2->conference, nullptr) != 1); do_invite(autotoxes, &autotoxes[2], &autotoxes[3], 1); do_invite(autotoxes, &autotoxes[3], &autotoxes[4], 1); kill_autotox(&autotoxes[2]); reload(&autotoxes[1]); uint8_t public_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_public_key(autotoxes[1].tox, public_key); tox_friend_add_norequest(autotoxes[3].tox, public_key, nullptr); tox_self_get_public_key(autotoxes[3].tox, public_key); tox_friend_add_norequest(autotoxes[1].tox, public_key, nullptr); wait_connected(autotoxes, &autotoxes[1], 2); do_invite(autotoxes, &autotoxes[1], &autotoxes[3], 2); fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for group to merge\n"); wait_group_complete(autotoxes); fprintf(stderr, "Group merged\n"); reload(&autotoxes[2]); wait_connected(autotoxes, &autotoxes[2], 0); do_invite(autotoxes, &autotoxes[2], &autotoxes[1], 0); fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for #2 to rejoin\n"); wait_group_complete(autotoxes); kill_autotox(&autotoxes[2]); wait_group_complete(autotoxes); reload(&autotoxes[2]); wait_connected(autotoxes, &autotoxes[2], 0); wait_connected(autotoxes, &autotoxes[1], 1); do_invite(autotoxes, &autotoxes[1], &autotoxes[2], 1); fprintf(stderr, "Waiting for #2 to rejoin\n"); wait_group_complete(autotoxes); } int main(void) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); Run_Auto_Options options = default_run_auto_options(); options.graph = GRAPH_LINEAR; run_auto_test(nullptr, NUM_INVITE_MERGE_TOX, conference_invite_merge_test, sizeof(State), &options); return 0; }