628 lines
20 KiB
628 lines
20 KiB
#include "./filesystem_storage.hpp"
#include "../meta_components.hpp"
#include "../serializer_json.hpp"
#include <solanaceae/util/utils.hpp>
#include <entt/container/dense_set.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/file/file2_std.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/file/file2_mem.hpp>
#include "../file2_stack.hpp"
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
static const char* metaFileTypeSuffix(MetaFileType mft) {
switch (mft) {
case MetaFileType::TEXT_JSON: return ".json";
//case MetaFileType::BINARY_ARB: return ".bin";
case MetaFileType::BINARY_MSGPACK: return ".msgpack";
return ""; // .unk?
// TODO: move to ... somewhere. (span? file2i?)
static ByteSpan spanFromRead(const std::variant<ByteSpan, std::vector<uint8_t>>& data_var) {
if (std::holds_alternative<std::vector<uint8_t>>(data_var)) {
auto& vec = std::get<std::vector<uint8_t>>(data_var);
return {vec.data(), vec.size()};
} else if (std::holds_alternative<ByteSpan>(data_var)) {
return std::get<ByteSpan>(data_var);
} else {
return {};
namespace backend {
ObjectStore2& os,
std::string_view storage_path,
MetaFileType mft_new
) : StorageBackendI::StorageBackendI(os), _storage_path(storage_path), _mft_new(mft_new) {
FilesystemStorage::~FilesystemStorage(void) {
ObjectHandle FilesystemStorage::newObject(ByteSpan id) {
{ // first check if id is already used (TODO: solve the multi obj/backend problem)
auto exising_oh = _os.getOneObjectByID(id);
if (static_cast<bool>(exising_oh)) {
return {};
if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(_storage_path)) {
std::cerr << "FS error: failed to create storage path dir '" << _storage_path << "'\n";
return {};
const auto id_hex = bin2hex(id);
std::filesystem::path object_file_path;
// TODO: refactor this magic somehow
if (id_hex.size() < 6) {
object_file_path = std::filesystem::path{_storage_path}/id_hex;
} else {
// use the first 2hex (1byte) as a subfolder
std::filesystem::create_directories(std::string{_storage_path} + id_hex.substr(0, 2));
object_file_path = std::filesystem::path{std::string{_storage_path} + id_hex.substr(0, 2)} / id_hex.substr(2);
if (std::filesystem::exists(object_file_path)) {
std::cerr << "FS error: object already exists in path '" << id_hex << "'\n";
return {};
ObjectHandle oh{_os.registry(), _os.registry().create()};
// meta needs to be synced to file
std::function<write_to_storage_fetch_data_cb> empty_data_cb = [](auto*, auto) -> uint64_t { return 0; };
if (!write(oh, empty_data_cb)) {
std::cerr << "FS error: write failed while creating new object file\n";
return {};
// while new metadata might be created here, making sure the file could be created is more important
return oh;
bool FilesystemStorage::write(Object o, std::function<write_to_storage_fetch_data_cb>& data_cb) {
auto& reg = _os.registry();
if (!reg.valid(o)) {
return false;
ObjectHandle oh {reg, o};
if (!oh.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>()) {
// not a file fragment?
return false;
// split object storage (meta and data are 2 files)
MetaFileType meta_type = MetaFileType::TEXT_JSON; // TODO: better defaults?
if (reg.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MetaFileType>(o)) {
meta_type = oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MetaFileType>().type;
Encryption meta_enc = Encryption::NONE; // TODO: better defaults?
Compression meta_comp = Compression::NONE; // TODO: better defaults?
if (meta_type != MetaFileType::TEXT_JSON) {
if (oh.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MetaEncryptionType>()) {
meta_enc = oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MetaEncryptionType>().enc;
if (oh.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MetaCompressionType>()) {
meta_comp = oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MetaCompressionType>().comp;
} else {
// we cant have encryption or compression
// so we force NONE for TEXT JSON
std::filesystem::path meta_tmp_path = oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>().path + ".meta" + metaFileTypeSuffix(meta_type) + ".tmp";
meta_tmp_path.replace_filename("." + meta_tmp_path.filename().generic_u8string());
// TODO: make meta comp work with mem compressor
//auto meta_file_stack = buildFileStackWrite(std::string_view{meta_tmp_path.generic_u8string()}, meta_enc, meta_comp);
std::stack<std::unique_ptr<File2I>> meta_file_stack;
if (meta_file_stack.empty()) {
std::cerr << "FS error: failed to create temporary meta file stack\n";
std::filesystem::remove(meta_tmp_path); // might have created an empty file
return false;
Encryption data_enc = Encryption::NONE; // TODO: better defaults
Compression data_comp = Compression::NONE; // TODO: better defaults
if (oh.all_of<ObjComp::DataEncryptionType>()) {
data_enc = oh.get<ObjComp::DataEncryptionType>().enc;
if (oh.all_of<ObjComp::DataCompressionType>()) {
data_comp = oh.get<ObjComp::DataCompressionType>().comp;
std::filesystem::path data_tmp_path = oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>().path + ".tmp";
data_tmp_path.replace_filename("." + data_tmp_path.filename().generic_u8string());
auto data_file_stack = buildFileStackWrite(std::string_view{data_tmp_path.generic_u8string()}, data_enc, data_comp);
if (data_file_stack.empty()) {
while (!meta_file_stack.empty()) { meta_file_stack.pop(); }
std::cerr << "FS error: failed to create temporary data file stack\n";
return false;
try { // TODO: properly sanitize strings, so this cant throw
// sharing code between binary msgpack and text json for now
nlohmann::json meta_data_j = nlohmann::json::object(); // metadata needs to be an object, null not allowed
// metadata file
auto& sjc = _os.registry().ctx().get<SerializerJsonCallbacks<Object>>();
// TODO: refactor extract to OS
for (const auto& [type_id, storage] : reg.storage()) {
if (!storage.contains(o)) {
//std::cout << "storage type: type_id:" << type_id << " name:" << storage.type().name() << "\n";
// use type_id to find serializer
auto s_cb_it = sjc._serl.find(type_id);
if (s_cb_it == sjc._serl.end()) {
// could not find serializer, not saving
// noooo, why cant numbers be keys
//if (meta_type == MetaFileType::BINARY_MSGPACK) { // msgpack uses the hash id instead
//s_cb_it->second(storage.value(fid), meta_data[storage.type().hash()]);
//} else if (meta_type == MetaFileType::TEXT_JSON) {
s_cb_it->second(oh, meta_data_j[storage.type().name()]);
if (meta_type == MetaFileType::BINARY_MSGPACK) { // binary metadata file
std::vector<uint8_t> binary_meta_data;
std::stack<std::unique_ptr<File2I>> binary_writer_stack;
if (!buildStackWrite(binary_writer_stack, meta_enc, meta_comp)) {
while (!meta_file_stack.empty()) { meta_file_stack.pop(); }
while (!data_file_stack.empty()) { data_file_stack.pop(); }
std::cerr << "FS error: binary writer creation failed '" << oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>().path << "'\n";
return false;
const std::vector<uint8_t> meta_data = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(meta_data_j);
if (!binary_writer_stack.top()->write(ByteSpan{meta_data})) {
// i feel like exceptions or refactoring would be nice here
while (!meta_file_stack.empty()) { meta_file_stack.pop(); }
while (!data_file_stack.empty()) { data_file_stack.pop(); }
std::cerr << "FS error: binary writer failed '" << oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>().path << "'\n";
return false;
//// the meta file is itself msgpack data
nlohmann::json meta_header_j = nlohmann::json::array();
meta_header_j.emplace_back() = "SOLMET";
// with a custom msgpack impl like cmp, we can be smarter here and dont need an extra buffer
const auto meta_header_data = nlohmann::json::to_msgpack(meta_header_j);
meta_file_stack.top()->write({meta_header_data.data(), meta_header_data.size()});
} else if (meta_type == MetaFileType::TEXT_JSON) {
// cant be compressed or encrypted
const auto meta_file_json_str = meta_data_j.dump(2, ' ', true);
meta_file_stack.top()->write({reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(meta_file_json_str.data()), meta_file_json_str.size()});
} catch (...) {
while (!meta_file_stack.empty()) { meta_file_stack.pop(); } // destroy stack // TODO: maybe work with scope?
while (!data_file_stack.empty()) { data_file_stack.pop(); } // destroy stack // TODO: maybe work with scope?
std::cerr << "FS error: failed to serialize json data\n";
return false;
// now data
// for zstd compression, chunk size is frame size. (no cross frame referencing)
// TODO: add buffering steam layer
static constexpr int64_t chunk_size{1024*1024}; // 1MiB should be enough
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(chunk_size);
uint64_t buffer_actual_size {0};
do {
buffer_actual_size = data_cb(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
if (buffer_actual_size == 0) {
if (buffer_actual_size > buffer.size()) {
// wtf
data_file_stack.top()->write({buffer.data(), buffer_actual_size});
} while (buffer_actual_size == buffer.size());
// flush // TODO: use scope
while (!meta_file_stack.empty()) { meta_file_stack.pop(); } // destroy stack // TODO: maybe work with scope?
while (!data_file_stack.empty()) { data_file_stack.pop(); } // destroy stack // TODO: maybe work with scope?
oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>().path + ".meta" + metaFileTypeSuffix(meta_type)
// TODO: check return value of renames
if (oh.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::DirtyTag>()) {
return true;
bool FilesystemStorage::read(Object o, std::function<read_from_storage_put_data_cb>& data_cb) {
auto& reg = _os.registry();
if (!reg.valid(o)) {
return false;
ObjectHandle oh {reg, o};
if (!oh.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>()) {
// not a file
return false;
const auto& obj_path = oh.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::FilePath>().path;
// TODO: check if metadata dirty?
// TODO: what if file changed on disk?
std::cout << "FS: loading fragment '" << obj_path << "'\n";
Compression data_comp = Compression::NONE;
if (oh.all_of<ObjComp::DataCompressionType>()) {
data_comp = oh.get<ObjComp::DataCompressionType>().comp;
auto data_file_stack = buildFileStackRead(std::string_view{obj_path}, Encryption::NONE, data_comp);
if (data_file_stack.empty()) {
return false;
// TODO: make it read in a single chunk instead?
static constexpr int64_t chunk_size {1024 * 1024}; // 1MiB should be good for read
do {
auto data_var = data_file_stack.top()->read(chunk_size);
ByteSpan data = spanFromRead(data_var);
if (data.empty()) {
// error or probably eof
if (data.size < chunk_size) {
// eof
} while (data_file_stack.top()->isGood());
return true;
void FilesystemStorage::scanAsync(void) {
size_t FilesystemStorage::scanPath(std::string_view path) {
// TODO: extract so async can work (or/and make iteratable generator)
if (path.empty() || !std::filesystem::is_directory(path)) {
std::cerr << "FS error: scan path not a directory '" << path << "'\n";
return 0;
// step 1: make snapshot of files, validate metafiles and save id/path+meta.ext
// can be extra thread (if non vfs)
struct ObjFileEntry {
std::string id_str;
std::filesystem::path obj_path;
std::string meta_ext;
bool operator==(const ObjFileEntry& other) const {
// only compare by id
return id_str == other.id_str;
struct ObjFileEntryHash {
size_t operator()(const ObjFileEntry& it) const {
return entt::hashed_string(it.id_str.data(), it.id_str.size());
entt::dense_set<ObjFileEntry, ObjFileEntryHash> file_obj_list;
std::filesystem::path storage_path{path};
auto handle_file = [&](const std::filesystem::path& file_path) {
if (!std::filesystem::is_regular_file(file_path)) {
// handle file
if (file_path.has_extension()) {
// skip over metadata, assuming only metafiles have extentions (might be wrong?)
// also skips temps
auto relative_path = std::filesystem::proximate(file_path, storage_path);
std::string id_str = relative_path.generic_u8string();
// delete all '/'
id_str.erase(std::remove(id_str.begin(), id_str.end(), '/'), id_str.end());
if (id_str.size() % 2 != 0) {
std::cerr << "FS error: non hex object uid detected: '" << id_str << "'\n";
if (file_obj_list.contains(ObjFileEntry{id_str, {}, ""})) {
std::cerr << "FS error: object duplicate detected: '" << id_str << "'\n";
return; // skip
const char* meta_ext = ".meta.msgpack";
{ // find meta
// TODO: this as to know all possible extentions
bool has_meta_msgpack = std::filesystem::is_regular_file(file_path.generic_u8string() + ".meta.msgpack");
bool has_meta_json = std::filesystem::is_regular_file(file_path.generic_u8string() + ".meta.json");
const size_t meta_sum =
(has_meta_msgpack?1:0) +
if (meta_sum > 1) { // has multiple
std::cerr << "FS error: object with multiple meta files detected: " << id_str << "\n";
return; // skip
if (meta_sum == 0) {
std::cerr << "FS error: object missing meta file detected: " << id_str << "\n";
return; // skip
if (has_meta_json) {
meta_ext = ".meta.json";
for (const auto& outer_path : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(storage_path)) {
if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(outer_path)) {
} else if (std::filesystem::is_directory(outer_path)) {
// subdir, part of id
for (const auto& inner_path : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(outer_path)) {
//if (std::filesystem::is_regular_file(inner_path)) {
//// handle file
//} // TODO: support deeper recursion?
std::cout << "FS: scan found:\n";
for (const auto& it : file_obj_list) {
std::cout << " " << it.id_str << "\n";
// step 2: check if files preexist in reg
// main thread
// (merge into step 3 and do more error checking?)
// TODO: properly handle duplicates, dups form different backends might be legit
// important
for (auto it = file_obj_list.begin(); it != file_obj_list.end();) {
auto id = hex2bin(it->id_str);
auto oh = _os.getOneObjectByID(ByteSpan{id});
if (static_cast<bool>(oh)) {
// pre exising (handle differently??)
// check if store differs?
it = file_obj_list.erase(it);
} else {
auto& sjc = _os.registry().ctx().get<SerializerJsonCallbacks<Object>>();
std::vector<Object> scanned_objs;
// step 3: parse meta and insert into reg of non preexising
// main thread
// TODO: check timestamps of preexisting and reload? mark external/remote dirty?
for (const auto& it : file_obj_list) {
MetaFileType mft {MetaFileType::TEXT_JSON};
Encryption meta_enc {Encryption::NONE};
Compression meta_comp {Compression::NONE};
nlohmann::json j;
if (it.meta_ext == ".meta.msgpack") {
std::ifstream file(it.obj_path.generic_u8string() + it.meta_ext, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
std::cout << "FS error: failed opening meta " << it.obj_path << "\n";
mft = MetaFileType::BINARY_MSGPACK;
// file is a msgpack within a msgpack
std::vector<uint8_t> full_meta_data;
{ // read meta file
// figure out size
file.seekg(0, file.end);
uint64_t file_size = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, file.beg);
file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(full_meta_data.data()), full_meta_data.size());
const auto meta_header_j = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(full_meta_data, true, false);
if (!meta_header_j.is_array() || meta_header_j.size() < 4) {
std::cerr << "FS error: broken binary meta " << it.obj_path << "\n";
if (meta_header_j.at(0) != "SOLMET") {
std::cerr << "FS error: wrong magic '" << meta_header_j.at(0) << "' in meta " << it.obj_path << "\n";
meta_enc = meta_header_j.at(1);
if (meta_enc != Encryption::NONE) {
std::cerr << "FS error: unknown encryption " << it.obj_path << "\n";
meta_comp = meta_header_j.at(2);
if (meta_comp != Compression::NONE && meta_comp != Compression::ZSTD) {
std::cerr << "FS error: unknown compression " << it.obj_path << "\n";
//const auto& meta_data_ref = meta_header_j.at(3).is_binary()?meta_header_j.at(3):meta_header_j.at(3).at("data");
if (!meta_header_j.at(3).is_binary()) {
std::cerr << "FS error: meta data not binary " << it.obj_path << "\n";
const nlohmann::json::binary_t& meta_data_ref = meta_header_j.at(3);
std::stack<std::unique_ptr<File2I>> binary_reader_stack;
binary_reader_stack.push(std::make_unique<File2MemR>(ByteSpan{meta_data_ref.data(), meta_data_ref.size()}));
if (!buildStackRead(binary_reader_stack, meta_enc, meta_comp)) {
std::cerr << "FS error: binary reader creation failed " << it.obj_path << "\n";
// HACK: read fixed amout of data, but this way if we have neither enc nor comp we pass the span through
auto binary_read_value = binary_reader_stack.top()->read(10*1024*1024); // is 10MiB large enough for meta?
const auto binary_read_span = spanFromRead(binary_read_value);
assert(binary_read_span.size < 10*1024*1024);
j = nlohmann::json::from_msgpack(binary_read_span, true, false);
} else if (it.meta_ext == ".meta.json") {
std::ifstream file(it.obj_path.generic_u8string() + it.meta_ext, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "FS error: failed opening meta " << it.obj_path << "\n";
mft = MetaFileType::TEXT_JSON;
file >> j;
} else {
if (!j.is_object()) {
std::cerr << "FS error: json in meta is broken " << it.id_str << "\n";
// TODO: existing fragment file
ObjectHandle oh{_os.registry(), _os.registry().create()};
for (const auto& [k, v] : j.items()) {
// type id from string hash
const auto type_id = entt::hashed_string(k.data(), k.size());
const auto deserl_fn_it = sjc._deserl.find(type_id);
if (deserl_fn_it != sjc._deserl.cend()) {
// TODO: check return value
deserl_fn_it->second(oh, v);
} else {
std::cerr << "FS warning: missing deserializer for meta key '" << k << "'\n";
// TODO: mutex and move code to async and return this list ?
// throw new frag event here, after loading them all
for (const Object o : scanned_objs) {
return scanned_objs.size();
void FilesystemStorage::scanPathAsync(std::string path) {
// add path to queue
// HACK: if path is known/any fragment is in the path, this operation blocks (non async)
scanPath(path); // TODO: make async and post result
} // backend