Green Sky 3105cc20ef Squashed 'external/toxcore/c-toxcore/' changes from d9b8fa6098d..81b1e4f6348
81b1e4f6348 chore: Release v0.2.21-rc.1
9303e2e49a1 chore: Update the pkgsrc versions in the update-versions tool
71ec4b3b1e9 chore: Update the version-sync script to work in a post-tox.api.h world
66da842f753 chore: Add version update script compatible with ci-tools.
199878f7660 chore: Use new bazel script for circle ci.
8278e9cda46 chore: Add release issue template and workflow.
a9bb3a1c4d1 chore: Fix alpine-s390x build.
6e0a641272e chore: Add a source tarball deploy workflow.
4adebe4d8b1 chore: Don't upload ios/macos variants in deploy workflows.
18f1d858ccb chore: Move one of the 3 freebsd builds to post-submit.
432ab60c002 feat: Add a Makefile for the single file deploy build.
a86c0011fd5 chore: Add deploy job for single C file library.
2e7495e8f2a docs: Update changelog format to use the new clog-compatible way.
a682da99e84 chore: Export wasmExports from the wasm binary.
12f34cdff27 chore: Add wasm to the nightly binary deploys.
1451029613f chore: Add strict-abi support for macOS/iOS.
c53c30e09d9 chore: Add time option to manual fuzz trigger.
2ccecdc2a1a chore: Add remaining fuzz tests to cflite.
4626c2e230e test: Add a Net_Crypto fuzz test.
b4a0e617c48 refactor: Use IP string length from ip_ntoa instead of strlen.
b85b91f22f6 cleanup: rename getnodes/sendnodes to nodes request/response This change alignes the naming to be closer to the spec and make it less ambiguous. This change also changes the naming of some private/experimental marked APIs. - tox_callback_dht_nodes_response() - tox_dht_nodes_request() - Tox_Event_Dht_Get_Nodes_Response
f1991aaa029 perf: Use stack allocation for strerror rendering.
3984211ccbf cleanup: remove kicked peers from saved peers list
26a991ed2be fix: ip to string function not accepting tcp families
712861f2e6d cleanup: Make websockify output qtox-compatible logging.
01932ea2f73 chore: Add opus and vpx to the toxcore wasm build.
d29c42ef631 refactor: don't fully discard received DHT nodes. This is mostly forward thinking, where we might introduce other ip families, in addition to ipv4, ipv6, tcp_ipv4 etc.
21e2325934f chore: Fix xcframework tarball creation.
b10c8b766ba chore: Fix xcframework checksum creation.
93787a9322e chore: Add ios/macos framework build.
9f723f891d3 fix: run do_gca also in bootstrap nodes
496cc703556 chore: Support arm64 iphone simulator.
aa0e2a8e928 chore: Add support for more iOS architectures.
13ad8e81cbf chore: Add binary deploy workflows.
c8344726378 refactor: Move tox_log_level out into its own file.
8799bea76c3 cleanup: Mark events/dispatch headers as experimental.
d4164edb548 refactor: Remove tox_types.h; use `struct` tags instead.
d408c982090 refactor: Move `Tox_Options` to `tox_options.h`.
5ab42d41209 chore: Move most cirrus jobs to circleci.
463eeae1144 cleanup: Avoid clashing with global define `DEBUG`.
92cc1e91747 refactor: Make Tox_Options own the passed proxy host and savedata.
f276b397226 test: Add some more asserts for I/O and alloc to succeed.
edb4dfc4869 fix: Don't crash on malloc failures in bin_unpack.
be457d5d0b2 cleanup: Use tox memory for bin_unpack and net_strerror.

git-subtree-dir: external/toxcore/c-toxcore
git-subtree-split: 81b1e4f6348124784088591c4fe9ab41e273031d
2025-03-12 19:16:50 +01:00

948 lines
39 KiB

#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../testing/misc_tools.h"
#include "../toxcore/TCP_client.h"
#include "../toxcore/TCP_common.h"
#include "../toxcore/TCP_server.h"
#include "../toxcore/crypto_core.h"
#include "../toxcore/mono_time.h"
#include "../toxcore/network.h"
#include "auto_test_support.h"
#define NUM_PORTS 3
#ifndef USE_IPV6
#define USE_IPV6 1
#if !USE_IPV6
#define net_family_ipv6 net_family_ipv4
static IP get_loopback(void)
IP ip;
#if USE_IPV6 = net_family_ipv6();
ip.ip.v6 = get_ip6_loopback();
#else = net_family_ipv4();
ip.ip.v4 = get_ip4_loopback();
return ip;
static void do_tcp_server_delay(TCP_Server *tcp_s, Mono_Time *mono_time, int delay)
do_tcp_server(tcp_s, mono_time);
static uint16_t ports[NUM_PORTS] = {13215, 33445, 25643};
static void test_basic(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
logger_callback_log(logger, print_debug_logger, nullptr, nullptr);
// Attempt to create a new TCP_Server instance.
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_s != nullptr, "Failed to create a TCP relay server.");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_server_listen_count(tcp_s) == NUM_PORTS,
"Failed to bind a TCP relay server to all %d attempted ports.", NUM_PORTS);
Socket sock = {0};
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = 0;
// Check all opened ports for connectivity.
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_PORTS; i++) {
sock = net_socket(ns, net_family_ipv6(), TOX_SOCK_STREAM, TOX_PROTO_TCP);
localhost.port = net_htons(ports[i]);
Net_Err_Connect err;
bool ret = net_connect(ns, mem, logger, sock, &localhost, &err);
ck_assert_msg(ret, "Failed to connect to created TCP relay server on port %d (%d, %s).", ports[i], errno, net_err_connect_to_string(err));
// Leave open one connection for the next test.
if (i + 1 < NUM_PORTS) {
kill_sock(ns, sock);
// Key creation.
uint8_t f_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_nonce[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f_public_key, f_secret_key);
random_nonce(rng, f_nonce);
// Generation of the initial handshake.
uint8_t t_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t *handshake_plain = (uint8_t *)malloc(TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE);
ck_assert(handshake_plain != nullptr);
crypto_new_keypair(rng, handshake_plain, t_secret_key);
memcpy(handshake_plain + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, f_nonce, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
uint8_t *handshake = (uint8_t *)malloc(TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE);
ck_assert(handshake != nullptr);
memcpy(handshake, f_public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
random_nonce(rng, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
// Encrypting handshake
int ret = encrypt_data(mem, self_public_key, f_secret_key, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, handshake_plain,
"encrypt_data() call failed.");
// Sending the handshake
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake, TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
&localhost, nullptr) == TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
"An attempt to send the initial handshake minus last byte failed.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake + (TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1), 1, &localhost, nullptr) == 1,
"The attempt to send the last byte of handshake failed.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
// Receiving server response and decrypting it
uint8_t response[TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
uint8_t response_plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE];
ck_assert_msg(net_recv(ns, logger, sock, response, TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE, &localhost) == TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE,
"Could/did not receive a server response to the initial handshake.");
ret = decrypt_data(mem, self_public_key, f_secret_key, response, response + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE,
ck_assert_msg(ret == TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE, "Failed to decrypt handshake response.");
uint8_t f_nonce_r[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
uint8_t f_shared_key[CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE];
encrypt_precompute(response_plain, t_secret_key, f_shared_key);
memcpy(f_nonce_r, response_plain + CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
// Building a request
uint8_t r_req_p[1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
memcpy(r_req_p + 1, f_public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
uint8_t r_req[2 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE];
size = net_htons(size);
encrypt_data_symmetric(mem, f_shared_key, f_nonce, r_req_p, 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, r_req + 2);
memcpy(r_req, &size, 2);
// Sending the request at random intervals in random pieces.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(r_req);) {
uint8_t msg_length = rand() % 5 + 1; // msg_length = 1 to 5
if (i + msg_length >= sizeof(r_req)) {
msg_length = sizeof(r_req) - i;
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, r_req + i, msg_length, &localhost, nullptr) == msg_length,
"Failed to send request after completing the handshake.");
i += msg_length;
do_tcp_server(tcp_s, mono_time);
// Receiving the second response and verifying its validity
const size_t max_packet_size = 4096;
uint8_t *packet_resp = (uint8_t *)malloc(max_packet_size);
ck_assert(packet_resp != nullptr);
int recv_data_len = net_recv(ns, logger, sock, packet_resp, 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE, &localhost);
ck_assert_msg(recv_data_len == 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE,
"Failed to receive server response to request. %d", recv_data_len);
memcpy(&size, packet_resp, 2);
ck_assert_msg(net_ntohs(size) == 2 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE,
"Wrong packet size for request response.");
uint8_t *packet_resp_plain = (uint8_t *)malloc(max_packet_size);
ck_assert(packet_resp_plain != nullptr);
ret = decrypt_data_symmetric(mem, f_shared_key, f_nonce_r, packet_resp + 2, recv_data_len - 2, packet_resp_plain);
ck_assert_msg(ret != -1, "Failed to decrypt the TCP server's response.");
ck_assert_msg(packet_resp_plain[0] == TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_RESPONSE, "Server sent the wrong packet id: %u",
ck_assert_msg(packet_resp_plain[1] == 0, "Server did not refuse the connection.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(packet_resp_plain + 2, f_public_key), "Server sent the wrong public key.");
// Closing connections.
kill_sock(ns, sock);
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
struct sec_TCP_con {
Socket sock;
const Network *ns;
const Memory *mem;
uint8_t public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t recv_nonce[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
uint8_t sent_nonce[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
uint8_t shared_key[CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE];
static struct sec_TCP_con *new_tcp_con(const Logger *logger, const Memory *mem, const Random *rng, const Network *ns, TCP_Server *tcp_s, Mono_Time *mono_time)
struct sec_TCP_con *sec_c = (struct sec_TCP_con *)malloc(sizeof(struct sec_TCP_con));
ck_assert(sec_c != nullptr);
sec_c->ns = ns;
sec_c->mem = mem;
Socket sock = net_socket(ns, net_family_ipv6(), TOX_SOCK_STREAM, TOX_PROTO_TCP);
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
Net_Err_Connect err;
bool ok = net_connect(ns, mem, logger, sock, &localhost, &err);
ck_assert_msg(ok, "Failed to connect to the test TCP relay server: %s.", net_err_connect_to_string(err));
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, sec_c->public_key, f_secret_key);
random_nonce(rng, sec_c->sent_nonce);
uint8_t t_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t handshake_plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, handshake_plain, t_secret_key);
memcpy(handshake_plain + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, sec_c->sent_nonce, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
uint8_t handshake[TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
memcpy(handshake, sec_c->public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
random_nonce(rng, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
int ret = encrypt_data(mem, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), f_secret_key, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, handshake_plain,
"Failed to encrypt the outgoing handshake.");
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake, TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
&localhost, nullptr) == TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
"Failed to send the first portion of the handshake to the TCP relay server.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake + (TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1), 1, &localhost, nullptr) == 1,
"Failed to send last byte of handshake.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
uint8_t response[TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
uint8_t response_plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE];
ck_assert_msg(net_recv(sec_c->ns, logger, sock, response, TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE, &localhost) == TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE,
"Failed to receive server handshake response.");
ret = decrypt_data(mem, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), f_secret_key, response, response + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE,
ck_assert_msg(ret == TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE, "Failed to decrypt server handshake response.");
encrypt_precompute(response_plain, t_secret_key, sec_c->shared_key);
memcpy(sec_c->recv_nonce, response_plain + CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
sec_c->sock = sock;
return sec_c;
static void kill_tcp_con(struct sec_TCP_con *con)
kill_sock(con->ns, con->sock);
static int write_packet_tcp_test_connection(const Logger *logger, const Memory *mem, struct sec_TCP_con *con, const uint8_t *data,
uint16_t length)
const uint16_t packet_size = sizeof(uint16_t) + length + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE;
VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size);
uint16_t c_length = net_htons(length + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
memcpy(packet, &c_length, sizeof(uint16_t));
int len = encrypt_data_symmetric(con->mem, con->shared_key, con->sent_nonce, data, length, packet + sizeof(uint16_t));
if ((unsigned int)len != (packet_size - sizeof(uint16_t))) {
return -1;
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = 0;
ck_assert_msg(net_send(con->ns, logger, con->sock, packet, packet_size, &localhost, nullptr) == packet_size,
"Failed to send a packet.");
return 0;
static int read_packet_sec_tcp(const Logger *logger, struct sec_TCP_con *con, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = 0;
int rlen = net_recv(con->ns, logger, con->sock, data, length, &localhost);
ck_assert_msg(rlen == length, "Did not receive packet of correct length. Wanted %i, instead got %i", length, rlen);
rlen = decrypt_data_symmetric(con->mem, con->shared_key, con->recv_nonce, data + 2, length - 2, data);
ck_assert_msg(rlen != -1, "Failed to decrypt a received packet from the Relay server.");
return rlen;
static void test_some(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_s != nullptr, "Failed to create TCP relay server");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_server_listen_count(tcp_s) == NUM_PORTS, "Failed to bind to all ports.");
struct sec_TCP_con *con1 = new_tcp_con(logger, mem, rng, ns, tcp_s, mono_time);
struct sec_TCP_con *con2 = new_tcp_con(logger, mem, rng, ns, tcp_s, mono_time);
struct sec_TCP_con *con3 = new_tcp_con(logger, mem, rng, ns, tcp_s, mono_time);
uint8_t requ_p[1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
// Sending wrong public keys to test server response.
memcpy(requ_p + 1, con3->public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con1, requ_p, sizeof(requ_p));
memcpy(requ_p + 1, con1->public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con3, requ_p, sizeof(requ_p));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
// Testing response from connection 1
const size_t max_packet_size = 4096;
uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)malloc(max_packet_size);
int len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, "Wrong response packet length of %d.", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_RESPONSE, "Wrong response packet id of %d.", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "Server didn't refuse connection using wrong public key.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(data + 2, con3->public_key), "Key in response packet wrong.");
// Connection 3
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, "Wrong response packet length of %d.", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_RESPONSE, "Wrong response packet id of %d.", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "Server didn't refuse connection using wrong public key.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(data + 2, con1->public_key), "Key in response packet wrong.");
const uint8_t test_packet[512] = {16, 17, 16, 86, 99, 127, 255, 189, 78}; // What is this packet????
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con3, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con3, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con3, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 2, "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION, "wrong packet id %u", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "wrong peer id %u", data[1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 2, "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION, "wrong packet id %u", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "wrong peer id %u", data[1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con1, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con1, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con1, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
const uint8_t ping_packet[1 + sizeof(uint64_t)] = {TCP_PACKET_PING, 8, 6, 9, 67};
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, mem, con1, ping_packet, sizeof(ping_packet));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(ping_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(ping_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_PONG, "wrong packet id %u", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(ping_packet + 1, data + 1, sizeof(uint64_t)) == 0, "wrong packet data");
// Kill off the connections
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
static int response_callback_good;
static uint8_t response_callback_connection_id;
static uint8_t response_callback_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
static int response_callback(void *object, uint8_t connection_id, const uint8_t *public_key)
if (set_tcp_connection_number((TCP_Client_Connection *)(void *)((char *)object - 2), connection_id, 7) != 0) {
return 1;
response_callback_connection_id = connection_id;
memcpy(response_callback_public_key, public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
return 0;
static int status_callback_good;
static uint8_t status_callback_connection_id;
static uint8_t status_callback_status;
static int status_callback(void *object, uint32_t number, uint8_t connection_id, uint8_t status)
if (object != (void *)2) {
return 1;
if (number != 7) {
return 1;
status_callback_connection_id = connection_id;
status_callback_status = status;
return 0;
static int data_callback_good;
static int data_callback(void *object, uint32_t number, uint8_t connection_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length,
void *userdata)
if (object != (void *)3) {
return 1;
if (number != 7) {
return 1;
if (length != 5) {
return 1;
if (data[0] == 1 && data[1] == 2 && data[2] == 3 && data[3] == 4 && data[4] == 5) {
return 0;
return 1;
static int oob_data_callback_good;
static uint8_t oob_pubkey[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
static int oob_data_callback(void *object, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length,
void *userdata)
if (object != (void *)4) {
return 1;
if (length != 5) {
return 1;
if (!pk_equal(public_key, oob_pubkey)) {
return 1;
if (data[0] == 1 && data[1] == 2 && data[2] == 3 && data[3] == 4 && data[4] == 5) {
return 0;
return 1;
static void test_client(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_s != nullptr, "Failed to create a TCP relay server.");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_server_listen_count(tcp_s) == NUM_PORTS, "Failed to bind the relay server to all ports.");
uint8_t f_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f_public_key, f_secret_key);
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
TCP_Client_Connection *conn = new_tcp_connection(logger, mem, mono_time, rng, ns, &ip_port_tcp_s, self_public_key, f_public_key, f_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(conn != nullptr, "Failed to create a TCP client connection.");
// TCP sockets might need a moment before they can be written to.
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
// The connection status should be unconfirmed here because we have finished
// sending our data and are awaiting a response.
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_UNCONFIRMED, "Wrong connection status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_UNCONFIRMED, tcp_con_status(conn));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50); // Now let the server handle requests...
const uint8_t loop_size = 3;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < loop_size; i++) {
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr); // Run the connection loop.
// The status of the connection should continue to be TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED after multiple subsequent do_tcp_connection() calls.
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED, "Wrong connection status. Expected: %d, is: %d",
TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED, tcp_con_status(conn));
c_sleep(i == loop_size - 1 ? 0 : 500); // Sleep for 500ms on all except third loop.
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
// And still after the server runs again.
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d", TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED,
uint8_t f2_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f2_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f2_public_key, f2_secret_key);
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
TCP_Client_Connection *conn2 = new_tcp_connection(logger, mem, mono_time, rng, ns, &ip_port_tcp_s, self_public_key, f2_public_key,
f2_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(conn2 != nullptr, "Failed to create a second TCP client connection.");
// The client should call this function (defined earlier) during the routing process.
routing_response_handler(conn, response_callback, (char *)conn + 2);
// The client should call this function when it receives a connection notification.
routing_status_handler(conn, status_callback, (void *)2);
// The client should call this function when
routing_data_handler(conn, data_callback, (void *)3);
// The client should call this function when sending out of band packets.
oob_data_handler(conn, oob_data_callback, (void *)4);
// These integers will increment per successful callback.
oob_data_callback_good = response_callback_good = status_callback_good = data_callback_good = 0;
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
const uint8_t data[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
memcpy(oob_pubkey, f2_public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
send_oob_packet(logger, conn2, f_public_key, data, 5);
send_routing_request(logger, conn, f2_public_key);
send_routing_request(logger, conn2, f_public_key);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
// All callback methods save data should have run during the above network prodding.
ck_assert_msg(oob_data_callback_good == 1, "OOB callback not called");
ck_assert_msg(response_callback_good == 1, "Response callback not called.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(response_callback_public_key, f2_public_key), "Wrong public key.");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_good == 1, "Status callback not called.");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_status == 2, "Wrong status callback status.");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_connection_id == response_callback_connection_id,
"Status and response callback connection IDs are not equal.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
ck_assert_msg(send_data(logger, conn2, 0, data, 5) == 1, "Failed a send_data() call.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(data_callback_good == 1, "Data callback was not called.");
status_callback_good = 0;
send_disconnect_request(logger, conn2, 0);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_good == 1, "Status callback not called");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_status == 1, "Wrong status callback status.");
// Kill off all connections and servers.
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
// Test how the client handles servers that don't respond.
static void test_client_invalid(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
uint8_t f_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f_public_key, f_secret_key);
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
TCP_Client_Connection *conn = new_tcp_connection(logger, mem, mono_time, rng, ns, &ip_port_tcp_s,
self_public_key, f_public_key, f_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(conn != nullptr, "Failed to create a TCP client connection.");
// Run the client's main loop but not the server.
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
// After 50ms of no response...
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, tcp_con_status(conn));
// After 5s...
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, tcp_con_status(conn));
// 11s... (Should wait for 10 before giving up.)
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, tcp_con_status(conn));
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
#include "../toxcore/TCP_connection.h"
static bool tcp_data_callback_called;
static int tcp_data_callback(void *object, int id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata)
if (object != (void *)120397) {
return -1;
if (id != 123) {
return -1;
if (length != 6) {
return -1;
if (memcmp(data, "Gentoo", length) != 0) {
return -1;
tcp_data_callback_called = 1;
return 0;
static void test_tcp_connection(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
tcp_data_callback_called = 0;
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
TCP_Proxy_Info proxy_info;
proxy_info.proxy_type = TCP_PROXY_NONE;
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_1 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(tc_1 != nullptr, "Failed to create TCP connections");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_2 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(tc_2 != nullptr, "Failed to create TCP connections");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
int connection = new_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), 123);
ck_assert_msg(connection == 0, "Connection id wrong");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_connection(tc_1, connection, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add tcp relay to connection\n");
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
connection = new_tcp_connection_to(tc_2, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), 123);
ck_assert_msg(connection == 0, "Connection id wrong");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_connection(tc_2, connection, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add tcp relay to connection\n");
ck_assert_msg(new_tcp_connection_to(tc_2, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), 123) == -1,
"Managed to read same connection\n");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
int ret = send_packet_tcp_connection(tc_1, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 6);
ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "could not send packet.");
set_packet_tcp_connection_callback(tc_2, &tcp_data_callback, (void *) 120397);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_data_callback_called, "could not recv packet.");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_connection_to_online_tcp_relays(tc_1, 0) == 1, "Wrong number of connected relays");
ck_assert_msg(kill_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, 0) == 0, "could not kill connection to\n");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(send_packet_tcp_connection(tc_1, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 6) == -1, "could send packet.");
ck_assert_msg(kill_tcp_connection_to(tc_2, 0) == 0, "could not kill connection to\n");
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
static bool tcp_oobdata_callback_called;
static int tcp_oobdata_callback(void *object, const uint8_t *public_key, unsigned int id, const uint8_t *data,
uint16_t length, void *userdata)
const TCP_Connections *tcp_c = (const TCP_Connections *)object;
if (length != 6) {
return -1;
if (memcmp(data, "Gentoo", length) != 0) {
return -1;
if (tcp_send_oob_packet(tcp_c, id, public_key, data, length) == 0) {
tcp_oobdata_callback_called = 1;
return 0;
static void test_tcp_connection2(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
tcp_oobdata_callback_called = 0;
tcp_data_callback_called = 0;
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
TCP_Proxy_Info proxy_info;
proxy_info.proxy_type = TCP_PROXY_NONE;
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_1 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(tc_1 != nullptr, "Failed to create TCP connections");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_2 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(tc_2 != nullptr, "Failed to create TCP connections");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
int connection = new_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), 123);
ck_assert_msg(connection == 0, "Connection id wrong");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_connection(tc_1, connection, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add tcp relay to connection\n");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_global(tc_2, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add global relay");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
int ret = send_packet_tcp_connection(tc_1, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 6);
ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "could not send packet.");
set_oob_packet_tcp_connection_callback(tc_2, &tcp_oobdata_callback, tc_2);
set_packet_tcp_connection_callback(tc_1, &tcp_data_callback, (void *) 120397);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_oobdata_callback_called, "could not recv packet.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_data_callback_called, "could not recv packet.");
ck_assert_msg(kill_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, 0) == 0, "could not kill connection to\n");
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
static void tcp_suite(void)
int main(void)
setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);
return 0;