#include "./shader.hpp" #ifdef MM_OPENGL_3_GLES #include #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #define LOG_CRIT(...) __LOG_CRIT( "OpenGL", __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_ERROR(...) __LOG_ERROR("OpenGL", __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_WARN(...) __LOG_WARN( "OpenGL", __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_INFO(...) __LOG_INFO( "OpenGL", __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_DEBUG(...) __LOG_DEBUG("OpenGL", __VA_ARGS__) #define LOG_TRACE(...) __LOG_TRACE("OpenGL", __VA_ARGS__) //#include namespace MM::OpenGL { Shader::Shader(uint32_t rendererID) : _rendererID(rendererID) { } Shader::~Shader(void) { glDeleteProgram(_rendererID); } void Shader::bind(void) const { glUseProgram(_rendererID); } void Shader::unbind(void) const { glUseProgram(0); } void Shader::setUniform1i(const std::string& name, int32_t v0) { glUniform1i(getUniformLocation(name), v0); } void Shader::setUniform1ui(const std::string& name, uint32_t v0) { glUniform1ui(getUniformLocation(name), v0); } void Shader::setUniform2ui(const std::string& name, uint32_t v0, uint32_t v1) { glUniform2ui(getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1); } void Shader::setUniform1f(const std::string& name, float v0) { glUniform1f(getUniformLocation(name), v0); } void Shader::setUniform3f(const std::string& name, float v0, float v1, float v2) { glUniform3f(getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2); } void Shader::setUniform3f(const std::string& name, const glm::vec3& vec) { setUniform3f(name, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); } void Shader::setUniform4f(const std::string& name, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) { glUniform4f(getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1, v2, v3); } void Shader::setUniform4f(const std::string& name, const glm::vec4& vec) { setUniform4f(name, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, vec.w); } void Shader::setUniformMat4f(const std::string& name, const glm::mat4& matrix) { glUniformMatrix4fv(getUniformLocation(name), 1, GL_FALSE, &matrix[0][0]); } void Shader::setUniform2f(const std::string& name, float v0, float v1) { glUniform2f(getUniformLocation(name), v0, v1); } void Shader::setUniform2f(const std::string& name, const glm::vec2& vec) { glUniform2f(getUniformLocation(name), vec.x, vec.y); } void Shader::setUniformMat3f(const std::string& name, const glm::mat3& matrix) { glUniformMatrix3fv(getUniformLocation(name), 1, GL_FALSE, &matrix[0][0]); } // TODO: refactor this whole thing out std::string Shader::parse(Engine& engine, const std::string& filePath) { auto& fs = engine.getService(); auto handle = fs.open(filePath.c_str()); if (!handle) { // TODO: log error return ""; } std::string in_file; { auto read_count = fs.readString(handle, in_file); fs.close(handle); if (read_count == 0) { LOG_WARN("empty file"); return ""; } } // preprocessor, without the preprocessing, only does uncontitional include // actual "parsing" here: // ... #include is all we need tho std::string out_file; std::string_view in_file_view = in_file; // for each line while (true) { // view empty, end loop if (in_file_view.empty() || in_file_view.front() == '\0') { // fix random \0 break; } auto next_nl_pos = in_file_view.find_first_of('\n'); std::string_view line; if (next_nl_pos == 0) { // empty line, skip in_file_view = in_file_view.substr(1); //std::cout << "!!! empty line\n"; out_file += '\n'; continue; } else { // works for npos too line = in_file_view.substr(0, next_nl_pos); } // do line parsing auto original_line = line; // trim front // there should be no \n line.remove_prefix(std::min(line.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n"), line.size())); // trim back // WRONG!!, but idc, idn //line.remove_suffix(std::min(line.find_last_not_of(" \t\r\n"), line.size())); //std::cout << "tline: " << line << "\n"; if (line.empty()) { out_file += '\n'; continue; // line was empty after trim } // TODO: refactor // TODO: add support for spaces in include paths // are we a preprocessor token if (line.at(0) == '#' && line.size() > 1) { // this trims, if all whitespace are delims auto tokens = MM::std_utils::split(line.substr(1), " \t\r\n"); // rn only include if (tokens.empty()) { // TODO: warn out_file += original_line; out_file += '\n'; } else if (tokens.front() == "include") { if (tokens.size() <= 1) { // error include missing path //continue; break; } std::string_view include_path = tokens[1]; if (include_path.size() > 2 && include_path.front() == '"' && include_path.back() == '"') { include_path = include_path.substr(1, include_path.size()-2); //std::cout << "include path: " << include_path << "\n"; std::string path; // try relative/absolut path if (include_path.front() == '/') { // absolut path = include_path; } else { // relative path = MM::base_path(filePath); assert(path.back() == '/'); // lel path += include_path; } if (!MM::path_shorten(path)) { LOG_ERROR("too many '..' in '{}'", path); break; } if (!fs.isFile(path.c_str())) { LOG_ERROR("unknown file '{}' ('{}')", include_path, path); break; } // prevent recursion if (filePath == path) { LOG_WARN("skipping direct recursion of '{}'", filePath); } std::string tmp_include_file = parse(engine, path); //std::cout << "#####in_file:\n"; //for (const char c : tmp_include_file) { //std::cout << (int)c << "(" << std::hex << (int)c << std::dec << ") "; //} //std::cout << "\n"; out_file += "// INCLUDED FILE START ("; out_file += path; out_file += ")\n"; out_file += tmp_include_file; out_file += "\n// INCLUDED FILE END ("; out_file += path; out_file += ")\n"; LOG_INFO("#included file '{}'", path); // otherwise use library path } else if (include_path.size() > 2 && include_path.front() == '<' && include_path.back() == '>') { include_path = include_path.substr(1, include_path.size()-2); //std::cout << "include path: " << include_path << "\n"; // handle library path } else { LOG_ERROR("include path missing delimiters ('\"\"', '<>'): '{}'", include_path); //continue; break; } } else { // if not include out_file += original_line; out_file += '\n'; } } else { out_file += original_line; out_file += '\n'; } // was last line if (next_nl_pos == std::string_view::npos) { break; } in_file_view = in_file_view.substr(next_nl_pos+1); } //std::cout << "file after parsing:\n" << out_file; return out_file; } uint32_t Shader::compile(uint32_t type, const std::string& source) { uint32_t id = glCreateShader(type); const char* src = source.c_str(); glShaderSource(id, 1, &src, nullptr); glCompileShader(id); int32_t res; glGetShaderiv(id, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &res); if (res == GL_FALSE) { int length; glGetShaderiv(id, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &length); char* msg = (char*) alloca(length * sizeof(char)); glGetShaderInfoLog(id, length, &length, msg); LOG_ERROR("failed to compile {} Shader: {}\n source: {}", type == GL_VERTEX_SHADER ? "vertex" : "fragment", msg, source); return 0; } return id; } std::shared_ptr Shader::createF(Engine& engine, const char* vertexShaderPath, const char* fragmentShaderPath) { std::string vs = parse(engine, vertexShaderPath); std::string fs = parse(engine, fragmentShaderPath); return create(vs, fs); } std::shared_ptr Shader::create(const std::string& vertexShader, const std::string& fragmentShader) { uint32_t vs = compile(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, vertexShader); if (vs == 0) { return nullptr; } uint32_t fs = compile(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, fragmentShader); if (fs == 0) { glDeleteShader(vs); return nullptr; } uint32_t program = glCreateProgram(); glAttachShader(program, vs); glAttachShader(program, fs); glLinkProgram(program); glDeleteShader(vs); glDeleteShader(fs); GLint isLinked = 0; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &isLinked); if (isLinked == GL_FALSE) { GLint maxLength = 0; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength); // The maxLength includes the NULL character std::vector infoLog(maxLength); glGetProgramInfoLog(program, maxLength, &maxLength, &infoLog[0]); LOG_ERROR("Linking Shader Programs: {}", &infoLog[0]); // The program is useless now. So delete it. glDeleteProgram(program); return nullptr; } glValidateProgram(program); GLint isValid = 0; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &isValid); if (isValid == GL_FALSE) { GLint maxLength = 0; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &maxLength); // The maxLength includes the NULL character std::vector infoLog(maxLength); glGetProgramInfoLog(program, maxLength, &maxLength, &infoLog[0]); LOG_ERROR("Validating Shader Programs: {}", &infoLog[0]); // The program is useless now. So delete it. glDeleteProgram(program); return nullptr; } //todo: make some check if linking and validating actually worked return std::shared_ptr(new Shader(program)); } int32_t Shader::getUniformLocation(const std::string& name) { if (_uniformLocationCache.find(name) != _uniformLocationCache.end()) { return _uniformLocationCache[name]; } int32_t location = glGetUniformLocation(_rendererID, name.c_str()); if (location == -1) { LOG_WARN("uniform '{}' doesn't exist! (hint: the compiler removes unused variables)", name); } _uniformLocationCache[name] = location; return location; } int32_t Shader::getAttribLocation(const std::string& name) { int32_t location = glGetAttribLocation(_rendererID, name.c_str()); if (location == -1) { LOG_WARN("attrib '{}' doesn't exist! (hint: the compiler removes unused variables)", name); } return location; } } // MM::OpenGL