199 lines
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199 lines
8.2 KiB
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import Foundation
import MobileCoreServices
private enum Gender {
case male
case female
class OCTManagerMock: NSObject, OCTManager {
var bootstrap: OCTSubmanagerBootstrap
var calls: OCTSubmanagerCalls
var chats: OCTSubmanagerChats
var files: OCTSubmanagerFiles
var friends: OCTSubmanagerFriends
var objects: OCTSubmanagerObjects
var user: OCTSubmanagerUser
var realm: RLMRealm
override init() {
let configuration = RLMRealmConfiguration.default()
configuration.inMemoryIdentifier = "test realm"
realm = try! RLMRealm(configuration: configuration)
bootstrap = OCTSubmanagerBootstrapMock()
calls = OCTSubmanagerCallsMock()
chats = OCTSubmanagerChatsMock()
files = OCTSubmanagerFilesMock()
friends = OCTSubmanagerFriendsMock()
objects = OCTSubmanagerObjectsMock(realm: realm)
user = OCTSubmanagerUserMock()
func configuration() -> OCTManagerConfiguration {
return OCTManagerConfiguration()
func exportToxSaveFile() throws -> String {
return "123"
func changeEncryptPassword(_ newPassword: String, oldPassword: String) -> Bool {
return true
func isManagerEncrypted(withPassword password: String) -> Bool {
return true
private extension OCTManagerMock {
func populateRealm() {
let f1 = addFriend(gender: .female, number: 1, connectionStatus: .TCP, status: .none)
let f2 = addFriend(gender: .male, number: 1, connectionStatus: .TCP, status: .busy)
let f3 = addFriend(gender: .female, number: 2, connectionStatus: .none, status: .none)
let f4 = addFriend(gender: .male, number: 2, connectionStatus: .TCP, status: .away)
let f5 = addFriend(gender: .male, number: 3, connectionStatus: .TCP, status: .none)
let f6 = addFriend(gender: .female, number: 3, connectionStatus: .TCP, status: .away)
let f7 = addFriend(gender: .male, number: 4, connectionStatus: .TCP, status: .away)
let f8 = addFriend(gender: .female, number: 4, connectionStatus: .none, status: .none)
let f9 = addFriend(gender: .female, number: 5, connectionStatus: .TCP, status: .none)
let f10 = addFriend(gender: .male, number: 5, connectionStatus: .none, status: .none)
let c1 = addChat(friend: f1)
let c2 = addChat(friend: f2)
let c3 = addChat(friend: f3)
let c4 = addChat(friend: f4)
let c5 = addChat(friend: f5)
let c6 = addChat(friend: f6)
let c7 = addChat(friend: f7)
let c8 = addChat(friend: f8)
let c9 = addChat(friend: f9)
let c10 = addChat(friend: f10)
addCallMessage(chat: c2, outgoing: false, answered: false, duration: 0.0)
addTextMessage(chat: c3, outgoing: false, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_chat_message_1"))
addCallMessage(chat: c4, outgoing: true, answered: true, duration: 1473.0)
addTextMessage(chat: c5, outgoing: false, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_chat_message_2"))
addFileMessage(chat: c6, outgoing: false, fileName: "party.png")
addTextMessage(chat: c7, outgoing: true, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_chat_message_3"))
addTextMessage(chat: c8, outgoing: true, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_chat_message_4"))
addFileMessage(chat: c9, outgoing: true, fileName: "presentation_2016.pdf")
addTextMessage(chat: c10, outgoing: false, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_chat_message_5"))
c1.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
// unread message
// c2.lastReadDateInterval = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970
c3.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
c4.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
c5.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
c6.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
c7.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
c8.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
c9.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
c10.lastReadDateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
try! realm.commitWriteTransaction()
func addFriend(gender: Gender,
number: Int,
connectionStatus: OCTToxConnectionStatus,
status: OCTToxUserStatus) -> OCTFriend {
let friend = OCTFriend()
friend.publicKey = "123"
friend.connectionStatus = connectionStatus
friend.isConnected = connectionStatus != .none
friend.status = status
switch gender {
case .male:
friend.nickname = String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_friend_male_\(number)")
friend.avatarData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(UIImage(named: "male-\(number)")!)
case .female:
friend.nickname = String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_friend_female_\(number)")
friend.avatarData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(UIImage(named: "female-\(number)")!)
return friend
func addChat(friend: OCTFriend) -> OCTChat {
let chat = OCTChat()
return chat
func addDemoConversationToChat(_ chat: OCTChat) {
addFileMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: false, fileName: "party.png")
addTextMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: true, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_conversation_1"))
addTextMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: false, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_conversation_2"))
addTextMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: true, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_conversation_3"))
addTextMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: false, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_conversation_4"))
addTextMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: false, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_conversation_5"))
addTextMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: true, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_conversation_6"))
addTextMessage(chat: chat, outgoing: true, text: String(localized: "app_store_screenshot_conversation_7"))
func addTextMessage(chat: OCTChat, outgoing: Bool, text: String) {
let messageText = OCTMessageText()
messageText.text = text
messageText.isDelivered = outgoing
let message = addMessageAbstract(chat: chat, outgoing: outgoing)
message.messageText = messageText
func addFileMessage(chat: OCTChat, outgoing: Bool, fileName: String) {
let messageFile = OCTMessageFile()
messageFile.fileName = fileName
messageFile.internalFilePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "dummy-photo", ofType: "jpg")
messageFile.fileType = .ready
messageFile.fileUTI = kUTTypeImage as String
let message = addMessageAbstract(chat: chat, outgoing: outgoing)
message.messageFile = messageFile
func addCallMessage(chat: OCTChat, outgoing: Bool, answered: Bool, duration: TimeInterval) {
let messageCall = OCTMessageCall()
messageCall.callDuration = duration
messageCall.callEvent = answered ? .answered : .unanswered
let message = addMessageAbstract(chat: chat, outgoing: outgoing)
message.messageCall = messageCall
func addMessageAbstract(chat: OCTChat, outgoing: Bool) -> OCTMessageAbstract {
let message = OCTMessageAbstract()
if !outgoing {
let friend = chat.friends.firstObject() as! OCTFriend
message.senderUniqueIdentifier = friend.uniqueIdentifier
message.chatUniqueIdentifier = chat.uniqueIdentifier
message.dateInterval = Date().timeIntervalSince1970
chat.lastMessage = message
return message