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Squashed 'external/sdl/SDL/' changes from 0d7df16812c..fb5307c1b3f fb5307c1b3f Vulkan Renderer - fix synchronization validation issues with testrendertarget and testcopyex. When a texture is destroyed, VULKAN_IssueBatch is called to make sure the texture isn't referenced in any outstanding command work. This path did not wait on the semaphore from vkAcquireNextImageKHR, which would create a hazard. 0d007bbb014 psp: Fixed building with pspdev when not using CMake. ad92c9e3009 README-main-functions.md: Added notes about the new `appstate` parameter. 7a9f99cff34 Corrected migration documentation for SDL_GetDisplayDPI() d00ccc1546c audio: Fix audio stream incorrectly not unlocking during unbind. 38e3c6a4aa3 main: Add an optional `appstate` param to main callback entry points. a9dbdb19475 Removed SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale() renaming note cde2dcd0d49 Note that SDL_EVENT_SYSWM has been removed 05b3605a41d Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 5abcfad3524 video: Document that renderer lifetimes are tied to their associated windows 02c63667c7b Only clear the raw input queue status if we don't call GetRawInputBuffer() d6fc629b5b1 Fixed Windows rawinput crash a7df28201be Revert "testautomation: fix renderer leak in video tests" 8f14fa1113b video: Destroy the associated renderer when a window is destroyed f0cd3ed3303 x11: don't send raw mouse motion when the application doesn't have focus c47f9b9b547 x11: fixed mouse and keyboard input when XInput2 isn't available fed5f3a81b2 We no longer automatically set up a logical presentation mode 823ab13b9cf SDL_CreateTexture() takes a SDL_PixelFormatEnum format parameter 35785d13544 SDL_CreateWindowTexture() shouldn't use 10-bit or float textures 696ecca499f Fixed SDL_MapRGB(), SDL_MapRGBA(), SDL_GetRGB() and SDL_GetRGBA() when used with 10-bit pixel formats 3eb8f35f3bd windows: handle the Pause key sequence for raw keyboard input 4562b41a4d1 VisualC-GDK: Add missing dialog sources, fix Xbox builds 693c75e36eb SDL_x11events.c: fix build if Xinput2 is not available after 3dfc3b4c8 0556362c381 SDL_windowsevents.c: comment out unused local mouse var after 70b5cd44 70b5cd44ec3 windows: explicitly check whether raw_mouse_enabled is true before handling Windows mouse messages 3dfc3b4c8da x11: added hotplug support for XInput2 devices f1f24b173c4 Added support for multiple distinct keyboards 78c7834f90a Added SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_RAW_KEYBOARD to control whether raw keyboard is enabled on Windows 9095cb64c41 linux/SDL_system_theme.c: fix an include path a65982e15dc testevdev: include SDL_internal.h first, and fixup SDL_main.h ffc3f71aa24 wayland: Use the floating width/height for initial window creation b9a88bbecba Removed SDL_TextInputShown() 6443c75edaa Removed SDL_TEXTINPUTEVENT_TEXT_SIZE fa236f169ba Only do work to process text events if text input is active 658f3cdcf1a x11: use XInput2 for lower level access to keyboard events 012fc1e32b4 windows: enable raw keyboard input when raw mouse input is enabled 35d335e61f6 Fixed warning C4267: 'function': conversion from 'size_t' to 'DWORD', possible loss of data 43b8e9f6814 Fixed spacing 5e8486bb29a Don't fail joystick initialization if udev isn't available 5a1c48be5c2 remove non-existent vulkan.hpp and vulkan_mir.h from Xcode project 58f2e102a93 visualc: filters also contained 2 wrong include headers c7d32ff64bd visualc: rename/remove 2 include paths 977285ef6a4 Send joystick added events on portable handheld platforms b391e6477e2 The joystick instance ID is already set in the open call 07c49d1a678 Fixed text input being active after SDL_StopTextInput() (thanks @AntTheAlchemist!) 53ade194306 udev: Fix O(n^2) device walking issue (closes #9092) 2b4c75690c2 Add Yawman Arrow flightstick controller f14fb979c10 Remove legacy SDL2 input grab API cf3cf0e1066 dmg: fix SDL_version.h issue in sdl3-config-version.cmake fc053fb4996 Fix OpenFolder dialog behavior on Windows 13933222eef Fixed string comparison (thanks @meyraud705!) 8f33f5cc331 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header beb52ed54a9 pen: remove stray '#include <stdio.h>' 96fbd10de0c Added a script to trigger the release workflow 36e73bdda44 Updated to version 3.1.0 for the preview release a20eec14155 Tweaking documentation for the SDL 3.0 preview release 9e460ce6a6a wayland: Pass the keyboard ID through to repeat events 0df0462d0a9 Removed all tabs in testautomation_pen.c 615c7efd98e Fix #9279: Memory leak in pen name handling 675c9f01ff3 Renamed releaser.py to build-release.py c83d0d87c29 Revert "Added virtual keyboard support for Xbox (thanks @ts-13512)" f030533580f SDL_blit: remove SDL_BLIT_CPU_FEATURES override 1aa9ef72134 cpuinfo: reset cpu features on SDL_Quit 64465653b44 audio: always build fallback scalar converters 89b135e570e cmake: add automation and platform test without simd 1d0e5286aa2 Limit CPU features through a hint b5d4206b303 Added virtual keyboard support for Xbox (thanks @ts-13512) 675216e81b2 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 1855ce68af2 Fix bug #9331 - SDL3 Android crash getVibrator() == null 208cd434b55 Show the names of mice and keyboards when they connect 7852a6c307f Added device name for evdev mice and keyboards 87714ce5b9e wayland: Set the keyboard and mouse names to match XWayland 72fc6f86e5d Text input is no longer automatically enabled when initializing video. 6604d423fde Added a test program for multiple mice 361b7190df2 Track unique button states between different mice 35756593d67 Use the correct device ID (global or default or specific) based on context 9eb87ca3255 Note that many things are considered mice and keyboards that you might not expect c0f45655528 Added SDL_GetKeyboardName() and SDL_GetMouseName() 20a860c8765 Use the specific pointer device ID for X11 button and motion events 476245564cf Use the real device IDs for the X11 master keyboard and pointer d1eb4adb161 Be explicit about the event mouse and keyboard ID 1c544553533 wayland: Send keyboard and mouse added/removed events 2fe1a6a2796 Initial support for hotplugging mice and keyboards c33e4c998db Clear the subsystem ref count when shutting down subsystems in the main quit 171ff041d04 Removed invalid ascii from headers e19b6c0b958 Add releaser script + workflow c81d11fae4a mingw: add pkg-support files (INSTALL.txt and Makefile) 4defea47e17 dmg: fix sdl3-config.cmake 2ed01434253 visualc: fix sdl3-config.cmake 75a71bde4b4 cmake: build tests against installed SDL prefix 7f888f98f7d gles2: only build tests when building SDL3 or when the headers are available 297f8e41af3 wayland: Factor out the general SHM buffer allocation/free functions from the cursor code 3d96c2426f3 PSP: improve performance counter res to us granularity (thanks @rofl0r!) c493b40cc31 testffmpeg_vulkan: fix -Wincompatible-pointer-types warning 67e425bcf81 Add support for MadCatz Saitek Side Panel Control Deck 05b57f6c2cb Simplified SDL_SYS_RemovePath() 2521ba47fe2 jack: set error message when failing to open jack client dd4636e3fde SDL_sysmutex.c: fix void return compile error 917d683811d Moved SDL_JoyBallEvent together with the other joystick events 888cc29df66 add missing `reserved` field to struct SDL_JoyBallEvent, 70b0d33106e Poll for the initial controller state when using DirectInput 4a7e3beeb94 filesystem: Use high-res file times on more platforms 18feaa52dd9 Fixed comment at the top of testtime.c e0ef4dac854 Fixed int to float conversion warnings 3316587113d Fixed warning C4389: '==': signed/unsigned mismatch da027ec3eed Fixed signed/unsigned comparison warning 390fff4ae0f N3DS: Fix locale name and early return. 8f529d9d16e N3DS: Implement SDL_GetSystemTimeLocalePreferences ed5d2bdda5c Fixed adding duplicate fsops files to CMakeLists.txt 478b965e6cc Fixed warning C4702: unreachable code b1215272adc Fixed warning C4244: '=': conversion from '__int64' to 'int', possible loss of data 2265d22f759 Updated Xcode project for time APIs c582a89f78b Fixed build warning b90fed094f0 Standardise header includes 2e45568338d PSVita: fix SDL_GetSystemTimeLocalePreferences ba0417db407 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header a6fbf0488c6 Add time and realtime clock functions b6c9a727403 Add SDL_storage files to Xcode project b2682da035f Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 24ec1c09b90 Renamed SDL_PROP_IOSTREAM_STDIO_HANDLE_POINTER to SDL_PROP_IOSTREAM_STDIO_FILE_POINTER d3a785e521d Improve event processing latency when gamepad/sensor is open 1eb7b79986a video: Prepend global video property with "SDL" 784311c20ee Fixed duplicate SDL_Version change 009318c5a9d Fix warnings when building with -DSDL_LIBC=OFF on Linux f59dbf6a120 cmake: add -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning 086a7a46873 Fixed signed/unsigned comparison warning 491f18eea39 Fixed uninitialized signal_id 90e2551c4ff Sort the SDL API symbols 0d0aaa2d752 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 92d01ef12a9 You can pass NULL to SDL_GetPathInfo() and SDL_GetStoragePathInfo() to test for the existence of a file. ebb6582534d wayland: Handle the toplevel export property as a string 9072b994f7a src/filesystem/unix/SDL_sysfilesystem.c add <stdio.h> inclusion 6af979975f2 Add missing break fc26d5d3285 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header a1a01567563 Renamed SDL_SizeIO() SDL_GetIOSize() df0f5deddfd Added SDL_IOFromDynamicMem() 12245e4c756 PSP/Joystick: fix formatting 7169db1e62a PSP: don't block on joystick event query 747300b3562 SDL file times are 64-bit integers representing nanoseconds since the Unix epoch 9153287fa03 Added storage filesystem operations to the exported function list e7b9f75e624 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header d65ae710a13 Renamed SDL_LogGetOutputFunction() and SDL_LogSetOutputFunction() to match SDL 3.0 naming convention d8a54cd4f81 Updated "see also" references to be more consistent d972244d3ad Added a mapping for the Defender Joystick Cobra R4 (thanks @kotenok2000!) 4697153d1e2 Use the CRC as part of the unique key for mappings 9d83c0a65d9 filesystem: Rename some internal symbols to remove "FSops" terminology. 4ecea42fb03 testautomation_math.c: use isinf(V) instead of fpclassify(V) == FP_INFINITE cb39740cfdc wayland: Remove additional instance of setting the viewport source rect a206e1e3c04 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 2f78e5f321b All storage interface functions are optional f460f42e707 Added filesystem operations to SDL_Storage 7a088527c19 Removed the reserved parameter from SDL_EnumerateDirectoryCallback ec3ba387d1f Added SDL_OpenFileStorage() for local file storage ee0a23c7ab8 The storage ready callback is optional db0c1d7aeb5 Added portable file and directory operations (thanks @icculus!) fe5c34d4bdc Renamed storage functions to match SDL 3.0 naming convention 1bab87399fd wayland: Always use the entire buffer for the viewport source e5812a9fd2c testpen: don't include math.h 2f13f66c71d testautomation: fix renderer leak in video tests 9ccde0def40 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 744227e6abe Add SDL_storage 4fc749443fd Added dialog files to the Xcode build 25c64a954d6 Removed UIKit_SetWindowMouseGrab(), mouse grab isn't supported on iOS 41e187be4f9 Adjust Steam button names to match SDL 572e088b8f5 SDL_IOFromMem/SDL_IOFromConstMem: free userdata on close ea60c2079bd dialog: Pass the Wayland or X11 parent window handle to the file dialog portal d523cd069fd dialog: Detect if the file chooser portal is available 19764ffcc81 wayland: Add the xdg-foreign-unstable-v2 protocol db31367999e testffmpeg: use SDL_free instead of free f8c2ec54621 testffmpeg: use Uint64 instead of __u64 2b45452dd53 Adding comments to init-flags SDL_INIT_AUDIO and SDL_INIT_SENSOR that they imply SDL_INIT_EVENTS fa7ec59ecd0 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header ec6de7017ce Merge pull request #9254 from icculus/sdl3-rwops-hidden-interface b7cda16613d iostream: Final fixes before merging. c175eb488cb iostream: Note that the new name has nothing to do with C++'s iostream class. 5a21d87e692 rwops: Changed filenames that reference "rwops" to "iostream". 6776b6108a5 iostream: "free*" params should be "closeio". 5440fd7d12f README-migration.md: Fixed some RWops mistakes. 3a344cf877c rwops: Fixed some SDL2 symbols that got missed. 5f64cc511e4 rwops: Fixed build on Android. fc7afa9cbf4 rwops: Renamed SDL_RWops to SDL_IOStream, and other related symbols. fe33b2a81bb rwops: Give implementations access to status value. 447c29e65c4 include: Added missing RWops documentation. cc58da4c63c rwops: Add SDL_GetRWStatus, make the statuses into an enum. e35c304022c rwops: Add properties for some of the internal implementation details. 7d4d8ccde09 rwops: Rename everything from SDL_RWxxx to SDL_XxxRW. 655ceb3b315 rwops: Renamed SDL_CreateRW and SDL_DestroyRW to SDL_OpenRW and SDL_CloseRW. 525919b3151 rwops: Reworked RWops for SDL3. 495e432fb97 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 70c2e15615d Add file dialogs 30e93b40c2a If a mapping specifies a crc, don't match for controllers that don't have that CRC 6c11449cd44 Added a note for the SDL_CommonEvent type 209a87bf248 Added missing default case (thanks @sezero!) 442073f379e Added missing reserved field in SDL_CameraDeviceEvent (thanks @Saalvage!) 9bef331dc8a Note that SDL_UserEvent and SDL_Event type are intentionally Uint32 717f2978493 Add 'wl_list_for_each_safe' to the clang-format macro list 3875ef45524 Removed duplicated line (thanks @sechshelme!) 4686a737a94 wayland: Minor cursor code cleanup 1973edb9b7a WIN_UpdateKeymap: cleanup code a bit 0a86f8eb6eb Move some code blocks inside `SDL_VIDEO_RENDER_SW`, where it belongs (#9259) c2e9693de55 wayland: Add cursor-shape-v1 protocol support 9bdb992925e wayland: Allocate the cursor shared memory buffer entirely in memory, if possible. 41b7036f372 testffmpeg: added support for EGL OES frame formats d79f8652510 Removed incorrect mapping for a HORI controller d78a24a5ced testffmpeg: added verbose logging of ffmpeg messages 7c5f79e7ea8 testffmpeg: removed redundant enumeration of hardware device types bee8a955714 Fix SDL_LEAN_AND_MEAN build d4794cc714d Fix crash in SDL_UpdateFullscreenMode calling SetWindowFullscreen with a null display ab5351f5d65 Fixed leaving the cursor clip set when changing window focus b322d27f629 Missed SDL_NumJoystickBalls() rename in SDL_migration.cocci efbbafb3f15 Re-added balls to the SDL joystick API 53e86be22f3 Minor cleanup with the new PS3 driver for windows 65340296910 Add DualShock 3 HIDAPI support on Windows (#9144) feadbffb67d Destroy properties after applying them to avoid memory leakage b5eb704fa8d cmake: we only need a C++ compiler for Android, Haiku and UWP fde420a6453 Revert "Added SDL_FLIP_DIAGONAL" e3cf2e47949 Turn HIDAPI joystick support off by default on mobile platforms ed463b41e15 Unified the software renderer creation path b9ab3269823 Added SDL_FLIP_DIAGONAL 7341d5f3616 cmake: allow hidapi to use libusb on Windows 3bc27d38568 hidapi_libusb: use SDL_wcscmp and SDL_wcslcpy from SDL 0e6fcf947a7 cmake: find libusb through LibUSB cmake module 2a775cad6fc Named typedef-ed structs Gave name to structs that were defined like anonymous struct with name given by typedef. Example 'typedef struct {...} Foo;' -> 'typedef struct Foo {...} Foo;' 37d066b99b5 Clarify what pitch means (thanks @zlago!) f9d018c8081 Add flag to registerReceiver on Android 4de30a26a2c x11: workaround issues with primary selection and clipboard temporal ignorance 76defc5c822 joystick: Remove redundant CHECK_JOYSTICK_MAGIC in SDL_GetJoystickName 41baf23e447 cmake: fix empty framework prefix on MacOS b6c5ad00754 Update hardcoded value of pi to use SDL constant SDL_PI_F for improved consistency and readability. fcb132b8e83 Allow building testffmpeg without Vulkan support 16e0806ced5 Note that the cursor clip has been cleared even if we didn't do it 19b3ddac2f3 Fix TOCTOU race condition cde793b0f5c Added support for the 6-button SEGA Mega Drive Control Pad for Nintendo Online d86ff6c6c07 remove stale / wrong information from SDL_RWread() documentation 9e89f093d97 remove stale / wrong information from SDL_RWread() documentation 790cd395f54 Make sure the type in the SDL_Event aligns properly across the union e9ab2d46ded Revert "Change `SDL_Keycode` type to an enum" 33eaddc5653 Cleaned up various type conversion issues f53bdc95315 The pixel format in SDL_DisplayMode uses SDL_PixelFormatEnum 57a160c9ab9 Fixed mapping for the Sanwa Supply JY-P76USV controller 5643fd683f2 Added migration notes for enum type changes 3cc4705dd20 cmake: build OBJC sources with warning & error flags, ignoring deprecated declarations 59ab5c08246 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header c70710cde8a SDL_GetPixelFormatEnumForMasks() returns SDL_PixelFormatEnum 01248a99c8e Add `default: break;` to switches on SDL_Event::type 722f4104bf0 Use enums as types in SDL_*Event structures 641b911d383 Update some internal files to use `SDL_WindowFlags` ce44eff3d21 Use `SDL_WindowFlags` in public headers 4f58d183732 Typedef `SDL_WindowFlags` 424616e032c Use SDL_PixelFormatEnum as type 38c54b8e0e9 More null checks for SDL window operations 6664a089d82 Add missing null check for displaydata during window creation 610e798406f Fix clicking on the titlebar causing mouse input to freeze until esc is pressed 65a718f8c66 Disable warning C4113 in SDL_windows_gaming_input.c 53896c9e449 cocoa: Make keyboard grab function return an int f8cb3c742d0 Change `SDL_Keycode` type to an enum f8844d387c2 Use specific types in SDL_touch.h 26b9178e5c9 Fixed whitespace c07b39fa066 Fixed build 2d0cd901711 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 860155680d2 SDL_RegisterEvents() now returns 0 if it couldn't allocate any user events. 4d20b828504 SDL_RWFromFile, stdio: allow named pipes along with regular files. ee871323850 Make sure fast path RGB <-> YUV conversions are using the same color primaries 4545c77c9ef Updated Vita renderer with colorspace clarification 95fbbc6f074 Fixed accidental use of tabs e268cdbec67 Use specific types in public headers (#9205) db245603873 Additional colorspace clarification b3858ec5f7f BT2020_CL is very different from BT2020_NCL, and not currently supported 4c0601b93fa video: Return a failure code if the video driver fails to grab the mouse or keyboard ae0caeef8d6 Fixed build 9db68f97f9d Reverted SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions() API change edbcef11ffd Keep track of whether the Android on-screen keyboard was opened by the application c36f773eb47 Fixed "${folder^}Activity: bad substitution" with bash 3.2 on macOS 0b4a195f4ba Sync SDL3 wiki -> header cea717e5d31 Removed some uneeded 'unsigned': renderer.num_texture_format and SDL_Vulkan_GetInstanceExtensions() prototype 1e0bac288bc Use the hlsli extension for shader includes 4898505f23f cmake: add winres to the list of potential name rc compilers d4f4aa745a9 Use C++ style comments in new code 98bec6749f2 hidapi, windows: sync with mainstream: change MAX_STRING_WCHARS to 126. 26e3ca7387e hidapi: minor sync with mainstream (for sake of symmetry, only.) fb87f8f15c1 testffmpeg: fixed mismatch between frame size and frame texture size 180dd0bb39e testffmpeg: don't free the instance extensions, we hold onto them in the context 2d4105ba8b2 testffmpeg: only enable AV_PIX_FMT_VULKAN if we have a Vulkan renderer 759ade8c90e vulkan: enable samplerYcbcrConversion when creating the device ffef13e1e17 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 97f97109d1b testffmpeg: fixed Vulkan validation errors dbec2150d0e testffmpeg: added support for Vulkan rendering 48471f7dbd9 Added SDL_AddVulkanRenderSemaphores() for external synchronization with SDL rendering 504d8c2fc00 Fixed potential memory leak if vkCreateInstance() fails 1e790b20c9b video: Don't overwrite all the pending flags in the OnWindowHidden handler 4189edaeb7c Uppercase the first letter of the class name to match Java conventions a4d7ff67510 testffmpeg: Use EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers extension ae4484f4e5d video: Save pending window events when a window is hidden by the window manager 9be35d46036 Convert mappings using labeled buttons to positional buttons ccd309c4332 Added a mapping for the Sanwa Supply JY-P76USV controller 8d8076263e7 Removed the mapping for the G-Shark GS-GP702 1b86a1c6843 SDL_GetGamepadAppleSFSymbolsNameForAxis() returns NULL if the symbol isn't found 5f372426072 Don't clear the clipboard on quit 6e03914375e Fixed signed/unsigned comparison warning 2c850529665 Removed unused headers from SDL_rect.h e54001b0280 Updating the mouse capture should use the mouse focus window c1da39a2457 SDL_GetGamepadAppleSFSymbolsNameForButton() returns NULL if the symbol isn't found 74f46142891 Save the native texture parent and return that in SDL_GetRenderTarget() 86d36a2dc2a Add missing include eb5a2e7e7f8 Fixed building with SDL_LEAN_AND_MEAN 107e06a92a7 Use a valid finger ID when generating touch events from mouse events c6ec9998692 Set udev class for accelerometer e524e545f2b Add vulkan to SDL_HINT_RENDER_DRIVER 88dcf74588c testyuv: we no longer need to override the HDR headroom for the BT.2020 test 27389716aca Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 7f9ff6277c7 Don't assume HDR headroom for HDR10 surfaces c74f273848b d3d12: Move root sigs to D3D12_Shader_Common.hlsli, fix mismatch e2a82092638 GDK: Use WIN_IsRectEmpty (IsRectEmpty is desktop-only) 290f64b86c5 GDK: Windows shape is desktop-only 794f0f1b423 GDK: Fix SDL_pixels.c/_c.h linking error caused by C / C++ mismatch 23ace600fcf GDK: Remove old shader sources, unify shader compilation .bats bcbede31ce5 GDK: SDL_video_capture.c is now SDL_camera.c, thus remove from proj e1e5d33420f GDK: Partially revert 2670eb44afec9311ee8fbec447703c427db1e1c8 8c015cd3b68 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 8d023f98698 Updated documentation for new property parameters 2bc2840de50 vulkan: VK_FORMAT_G10X6_B10X6R10X6_2PLANE_420_UNORM_3PACK16 is a 2-plane format 2bedd7f02ec Fixed pitch alignment when updating SDL_PIXELFORMAT_P010 textures f2cd361e255 testyuv: added validation of P010 YUV format 47be24d2254 testyuv: added --monochrome and --luminance options for interactive mode 991ad27de8a testyuv: added GetColorspaceForYUVConversionMode() 812e04fb11d Vulkan Renderer - fix validation error with VkSemaphore reused before signaling. Have one semaphore per-submit rather than using the same one. 1e8b006d431 stdlib: qsort and bsearch changes. af58ed978e9 Fixed the documentation for SDL_GetGamepadMappings() 7ff9be73982 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 0454e1fdb42 Vulkan: added support for wrapping existing textures 2adbcce864c Vulkan: wait for all queues to be idle before destroying the device 01150271160 Vulkan Renderer - fix validation errors: * Make sure to always write pointSize in VS (fixes validation error in testsprite) * Fix validation error from acquiring swapchain semaphore more than once * Fix validation error from using incorrect framebuffer size in testautomation 0c6a1b636e4 Vulkan: added handling for SDL_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_UNSPECIFIED 4017e1370d2 Vulkan: cleaned up error handling 59bbfc1fddb Vulkan: only advertise YUV formats if the VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion extension is available bf853823a24 Removed unused YCbCr_matrix from Vulkan shaders 039144350c4 Be more precise about what we're testing in testyuv b30ba1c5d45 Updated RGBtoYUV() to use the full YCbCr conversion formula 4513c32bb39 The ycbcrModel should be based on the transfer matrix, not the color primaries a241cca9e63 Fixed warning C4090: 'function': different 'const' qualifiers 7117d545a3a Fixed crash if the controller product name is NULL 353e76b40b1 Use the correct colorspace for yuv conversion tests fc94c3634e4 Fixed signed/unsigned comparison warning ba340254231 Use direct3d11 as the default renderer on Windows ad036d43e97 Vulkan Renderer - implement YcBcCr using VK_KHR_sampler_ycbcr_conversion. (#9169) fb3bf1dcbdb Fixed device queue initialization when render and present queue families are different 945162c6d90 wayland: Small optimization for output removal function 68588b232c8 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header e142bb1b0ce The extension strings are const and don't need to be duplicated 0997bdd292d Fixed SDL_calloc() calls (should be count, size) 614630df69c Allow using an external Vulkan device with the vulkan renderer e03746b25f4 cmake: add -Wl,-rpath,${libdir} to Libs section of pc file for Apple platforms c8372e20d6c SDLTest_CommonEvent: only set done when it is finished 220340e9443 Remove SDL_PIXELFORMAT_P010 c259a20f967 wayland: Remove all references to destroyed outputs from windows 84aaf63bd31 Fix typo in SDL_filesystem.h 0a961915dc2 cmake: testffmpeg requires link to EGL library for EGL feature 24e021c67ec testffmpeg: refactored texture creation properties into a single function ff18d7cfa06 testffmpeg: added pixel format mapping for NV12 and NV21 81608ad077f Vulkan: fixed creating SDL_PIXELFORMAT_P010 textures f99143f4374 Don't quit testffmpeg when alt-tabbing away 80d2ef7384b Fixed uploading Vulkan texture with w*bpp != pitch 3a796c97227 Allow specifying the render driver in the environment for testffmpeg dc9a3c83e25 Use the mastering display metadata to do proper tone mapping for HDR content 98b1a59a959 Document the HDR tone mapping algorithm 1f536a1e779 cmake: fix SDL_RENDER_VULKAN reporting 935c197059e Fix testautomation failures (including clip rect) - closes #9145. During merging for prep'ing the final PR for the Vulkan Renderer, I misordered a memcpy that regressed several of the testautomation test. From now on, I will make sure to run testautomation on any future PRs before submitting. e61dfe405f3 android: Fixed dead URL in comment. 35026cdcba9 Vulkan Renderer - robustly handle running out of descriptor sets or constant buffer memory. Closes #9131. My previous implementation of descriptor set handling was naive - it attempted to do VULKAN_IssueBatch when running out of descriptor sets or constant buffer space. For one thing, this had a bug and wasn't working (causing the crash), but moreover it would have resulted in having to flush the GPU. Instead, make the descriptor pools and constant buffer mapped buffers be resizeable so that if we need more it will grow to the size that is needed. f9768816515 Vulkan: Don't invalidate internal state in InvalidateCachedState c172fb59724 Vulkan: Support 'desired' vs 'required' memory flags (Fix #9310) 1558d52a0a9 Vulkan: Only return memory types which are a superset of what we need fbe7301aba5 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header e223e1d498e Added SDL_camera.h to the public Framework headers be51b7aceaf Use the maximum potential headroom if EDR content isn't currently being displayed. e0dadba6f5e Sync SDL3 wiki -> header e6d9251ecb7 docs: improve CMake documentation for Apple 7a9c6c7ce96 Include SDL_PIXELFORMAT_P010 as a supported format for the metal renderer d211da75ac6 Fixed crash if app delegate method is called when SDL isn't initialized 9dbbf0a2f7a Implemented clip rect functionality for the Vulkan renderer 141497b14f1 Added an automated test to verify clip rect functionality d0af01e7d4f If the viewport changes the cliprect should be updated 1cae52bbacc Added JNI native methods to proguard-rules.pro (thanks @AntTheAlchemist!) b8a52c12377 Vulkan: Make sure validation layer name is in-scope 276566235c4 Removed SDL_ClearHints() from the public API a1ea706215e Added names for the newly supported pixel formats f6c42406cd1 SDL_COLORSPACE_HDR10 is the default colorspace for SDL_PIXELFORMAT_P010 surfaces 4c5584174b7 Fixed error: declaration shadows a local variable [-Werror,-Wshadow] 2b0e7c40ef7 Verify that we can create pipeline state objects for the D3D12 renderer 5593ddb6a75 cmake: X11 is for Video, not Audio 38d24778ed5 ci: update deprecated node.js 16 actions cbe330befd5 ci: bump cross-platform-actions/action version to v0.23.0 97372b56e80 Vulkan Renderer - handle dynamic resetting of vsync, requires swapchain recreation. b1431e6702b Vulkan Renderer - implement support for vsync disabled. Closes #9116. b9a00aa88e6 Fixed building the Vulkan renderer on Windows with Visual Studio dfd8073a8fb Sync SDL3 wiki -> header cab20117e61 Vulkan Renderer (#9114) 2f1f55aeb16 Updated default SDR white point and HDR headroom to better match game content 1fb5b9672e8 Keep SDR white point and HDR headroom defaults in one place aeae202207b Make sure we actually have an HDR10 texture in the HDR10 shader f4dd0dbbdeb Added colorspace conversion from SDL_COLOR_PRIMARIES_SMPTE431 and SDL_COLOR_PRIMARIES_SMPTE432 to SDL_COLOR_PRIMARIES_BT2020 d3930893aa9 KMSDRM is now a dependent option 7b1127d1fed cmake: Apple did not test SDL_CAMERA before adding camera support e176626bac4 cmake: only enable SDL drivers when its subsystem is enabled 99cef7e13be cmake: check SDL subsystem dependencies (and include Camera) 9a44d44ceeb cmake: build Windows mediafoundation SDL_camera support 279a650fae9 mediafoundation: fix SDL_camera_mediafoundation MinGW compile warnings 78ac14124c4 Fixed warning C4245: 'function': conversion from 'int' to 'DWORD', signed/unsigned mismatch 2132ba8985c Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 0f973f3eb4c Removed SDL_RENDERCMD_SETCOLORSCALE, which ended up being a noop on all renderers 54c2ba6afd7 Added the Chrome HDR tonemap operator 4ba6aeee9d6 A second take on HDR support with an SDR white point and HDR headroom 3b7533f4a29 SDL_camera_v4l2: allow building against older kernel headers 58e6eacf970 docs: SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING does not exist anymore 7eca84d57ed cmake: don't use target_compile_features when the CMake thinks the compiler does not support it cbf0b1ce81b testcamera: create window and renderer through test library ecfbb6719f4 SDL_test: support SDL_INIT_CAMERA for SDL_CommonInit and SDL_CommonQuit 26ffbe43c24 camera: turn OFF `DEBUG_CAMERA` debug logging. 31fe061ab57 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header f59c66a97f9 testcamera: Allow app to flip between a front and back camera. 6296677bc93 camera: Fixed Android hotplug. 6c080717f28 camera: Reset permissions to undecided when closing camera. db8caa029ba camera: Added new function with gendynapi.py. 70b89ab70d0 camera: Added SDL_GetCameraDevicePosition. b1ed49772cb camera: Replace testcamera.c with testcameraminimal.c bdcddf48107 camera: Disconnected cameras become zombies that feed blank frames. 2613e3da24a camera: Rewrote Android support. 848dcf8a5fd main: Fixed compiler warning on Android. 47313bba321 camera: SDL_GetCameraDevices should not report "no devices" like an error. f3485a47b3b android: Add src/main/ files to Android.mk 8db2a3b27a9 camera: Add an optional property that reports if a camera is back or front. 0b8617f71df test: Fixed CMake to build testcameraminimal correctly on WinRT. 99d1337de21 camera: Reenabled macOS/iOS support, with rewritten CoreMedia implementation. f8fa08d2b1a camera: Fix compiler warnings on some platforms. 22dbc0f32f9 camera: Patched to compile after rebasing to latest in main. 7191a97fe3b camera: Windows support, through the Media Foundation API! 3dca8a03da5 camera: Removed some debug logging. 67708f91100 camera: Emscripten support! 182f7072847 include: Fixed doxygen comments on new camera APIs. 2cdff93578c v4l2: Corrected SDL_UDEV_AddCallback return check after #8694. 0b5875825e4 camera: framerate support. 9ae39d52de8 camera: Add sources to Xcode and Visual Studio projects. 87e7046fcaa camera: Public API functions should say "Format" not "Spec" to match audio. f87d5362291 camera: Added more accurate timestamps. d3e6ef3cc6e camera: Massive code reworking. 3d2d5d18f3b pixels: Packed-pixel YUV formats can legit report bits-per-pixel. 8e1758260cc surface: Fixed a typo in a comment. cb10c80aafb camera: Reworked to operate with a driver interface, like other subsystems. 2ad44bd1621 camera: Made a pass over all the sources, cleaning up for SDL3 style, etc. 7ae955ce683 camera: Renamed everything from "video capture" to "camera", wired to CMake. f49ce4a15d0 camera: Renamed "video_capture" files to "camera" and moved to own subdir. 4d000ae3bd5 audio: Change references to `streams[i]` to previously-calculated `stream`. 751917cb6fe Fix null pointer dereference in SDL_BindAudioStreams() 8b6eae2d4fa cmake: Split and store the libdecor version as individual parts 8073f4aa1d2 Pass the real error from D3D12_CreatePipelineState() back to the application 376ef4e418d Fixed the WGI driver picking up Xbox controllers handled by RAWINPUT cb3a1a82d53 SDL_memcpy.c, SDL_memmove.c, SDL_memset.c: don't use gcc builtins if !HAVE_LIBC bb4ec5250f5 Added support for non-gamepad controllers to the GameInput driver f63f99bd2de Setup to handle the guide button once we get an updated GameInput SDK ae8a9107813 Added infrastructure for reporting GameInput touchpads ae4aa250828 Get the real GameInput device name if possible 419aebebda9 Added infrastructure for reporting GameInput sensors 85ac0381b7a IGameInputDevice::GetDeviceInfo() can never return a null pointer fbe4153214f The HIDAPI driver takes precedence over the GameInput driver 4a59b17de2a Added infrastructure for querying battery status for GameInput fd9a4eff9f9 Updated GameInput device info to match other joystick drivers 8f0f14c3122 Added automatic gamepad mapping for the GameInput driver eb9a7d97f98 The GameInput driver handles Xbox controllers 698b7deaa26 Removed GAMEINPUT_JoystickEffectDataType_HapticFeedback f35ede72810 Generalized the idea of joystick driver priority 7f33464bedd opengles2: Call glClearColor() with r,g,b,a, not r,g,g,a fee140bdfeb Added the option for GameInput support to the Win32 SDL build 534f753e202 GameInput backend for SDL (Gamepad-only for now) 7ed1f3554d5 Define HAVE_LIBC for the platforms with a C library ed615e92b79 Updated automated test now that getting an invalid property isn't an error dc7baa415eb Show the window after creating the renderer ff01d0b5685 Fixed building without HAVE_LIBC on Windows 8ce786d2b6c Property query functions don't set an error if they return the default value 202886f8739 Make use of the HDR light range when playing HDR video 317099b01fb Sync SDL3 wiki -> header cb386494905 Added SDL_PROP_DISPLAY_HDR_WHITE_LEVEL_FLOAT 631b05b211e Drop stray trailing whitespace for android-project 6472e362648 x11: Minor cleanup in new mouse cursor selection code. b986bc8be92 emscripten, wayland, x11: Share the table of CSS cursor names 7dbd6669c36 wayland: Move calls to WAYLAND_wl_cursor_theme_get_cursor out of the switch 40a6c1c0a70 wayland: Use CSS/freedesktop cursor name "default" as a fallback 791646535a5 wayland: Reference CSS cursor name vocabulary cb9565354c5 x11: Use XcursorLibraryLoadCursor to load system cursors when available. d451fcd7a7d Fixed HDR video content being too bright on Apple platforms c09daf83888 Removed unused variables 6efe5f30ed5 don't let SDL_render.c:render_drivers[] have an empty initializer list. aae2d228529 Check the SDL_VIDEO_RENDER_??? macros with #if instead of #ifdef 8ddddd36cd2 audio: Deal with race conditions against default device changes. 4eae38580f0 cocoa: Remove resize hack when changing the window backing scale Zeroing the window width and height was necessary in SDL2 to short-circuit the resize event deduplication code when the window backing scale changed, but not the logical size. This is no longer necessary in SDL3, as it will explicitly check for scale changes on resize events and dispatch pixel size/scale changed events as appropriate, even if the window's logical size hasn't changed. f9ba0e1dbdf wayland: Don't store wl_output pointers in mode driver data 5e1d9d19a44 audio: Don't use SDL_BindAudioStream inside SDL_OpenAudioDeviceStream(). 5e6ae85b631 Update the draggable state when the hit test callback changes 4d4c24acdd7 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header bc984f78bf4 android: Remove blocking permission request code. Async only in SDL3! af61cfd5e04 android: Added SDL_AndroidRequestPermissionAsync. 310f21bf84a video: Ensure that all references to a destroyed fullscreen window are removed f2695856d6c Use SDL string functions 725c79f3ac0 Fixed building with SDL_LEAN_AND_MEAN 734d6fa1f31 Fixed documentation of SDL_PROP_WINDOW_CREATE_EXTERNAL_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT_BOOLEAN ead3cbafd7a Fixed documentation for SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_CLOSE_ON_ALT_F4 (thanks @AntTheAlchemist!) 814a94c3498 Fixed error: unused variable 'axes' [-Werror,-Wunused-variable] b39246936b3 Added SDL_cocoashape* to Xcode project f4d97bdb14a Update mouse transparency when the window shape changes 42cdbf6b214 Explicitly retain and release NSObjects in C structures 87c07a79c0b Changed property name from '-' to '_' 59f1e66adc4 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header dca2721b919 Removed SDL_HINT_VIDEO_EXTERNAL_CONTEXT 2f7c24e4be9 Removed SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY 20051f805f3 Removed SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_NO_CLOSE_ON_ALT_F4 7cb1ca60ecf Removed SDL_HINT_RENDER_OPENGL_SHADERS 9920e062d5d Removed SDL_HINT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 9e505252c0c Renamed SDL_HINT_PS2_DYNAMIC_VSYNC SDL_HINT_RENDER_PS2_DYNAMIC_VSYNC a5389368218 Renamed SDL_HINT_LINUX_JOYSTICK_DEADZONES to SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_DEADZONES 980c379a0be Renamed SDL_HINT_LINUX_JOYSTICK_CLASSIC to SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_CLASSIC 1f7936d545e Renamed SDL_HINT_LINUX_HAT_DEADZONES to SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_HAT_DEADZONES 39cfb437ed4 Renamed SDL_HINT_LINUX_DIGITAL_HATS to SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_LINUX_DIGITAL_HATS b557c15bcf3 Renamed SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_GAMECUBE_RUMBLE_BRAKE to SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_HIDAPI_GAMECUBE_RUMBLE_BRAKE 4f628b5b62c Renamed SDL_HINT_GDK_TEXTINPUT_DEFAULT to SDL_HINT_GDK_TEXTINPUT_DEFAULT_TEXT fd5d761128c Renamed SDL_HINT_DIRECTINPUT_ENABLED to SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_DIRECTINPUT a5da7d0dd5b Renamed SDL_HINT_ALLOW_TOPMOST to SDL_HINT_WINDOW_ALLOW_TOPMOST ef8791cba84 Cleaned up and organized hint documentation 9ce7fe2848a Removed SDL_HINT_ACCELEROMETER_AS_JOYSTICK 5af71138421 Rename property define names to have a type suffix cacac6cc341 Updated structure and field names for consistency 6f87973b9c7 Added a reserved field to the SDL_Event structure 97d6e58a190 mark SDL_CleanupWindowTextureData as SDLCALL. ee5289ef09f mark SDL_ClipboardTextCallback as SDLCALL 168322f3588 SDL_properties.c: mark CleanupFreeableProperty and CleanupSurface as SDLCALL bba2a5d360b Added SDL_SetFreeableProperty() for internal use 432ce3f1679 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 416803b03b7 Clarify the lifetime of the shape surface in SDL_SetWindowShape() 69f2bd151ec Fix broken use of MsgWaitForMultipleObjects. 0f81598e9f5 Wayland: Avoid SEGV if a modifier notification comes before the keymap f95b7ee4da8 Renamed SDL_HasWindowSurface to SDL_WindowHasSurface 1ec0e22bcd7 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 11620971358 Added SDL_RenderViewportSet() to tell whether the viewport was previously set to a specific rectangle. 3ebbf0f409d Guarded ElementAlreadyHandled with #ifdef ENABLE_PHYSICAL_INPUT_PROFILE (thanks @Donione!) 9ff8df932a5 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header f6b92c9b88b Re-added a simplified version of SDL_SetWindowShape() 1143bdc3513 Greatly simplified the shape example b7c61569f89 Redefine XINPUT_CAPABILITIES_EX as an SDL typedef bfcca2a36e0 Use saturate() instead of clamp() for slightly faster shader operation 1684032c17b Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 4ce7ae31d44 Document that SDL_UpdateJoysticks() needs to be called to handle rumble processing d777becd9da Fixed spacing 91639d855f2 Don't use the direct3d12 renderer with transparent windows 26e947f8eaa Added VIDPID for OpenFFBoard wheel (thanks @groybe!) c951bbe3def Look at all available usages when determining whether to ignore a device dd726cb0976 Moved rgb24_yuv420_std() to the correct header 1673d52351e Fixed building with an older macOS SDK 4ec5aef028f Disable warning C4214: nonstandard extension used: bit field types other than int faeb2b1f225 Fixed warning C4204: nonstandard extension used: non-constant aggregate initializer when built with Visual Studio 2019 1269590dfc2 Clarified that SDL scancodes are unaffected by keyboard layout 1c4c29b7adc Fixed a swap chain leak and a double-free in testffmpeg.c 3158342441a Use SDL_Color for SDL_RenderGeometryRaw() and add SDL_RenderGeometryRawFloat() 9e194c1a1d6 Added BT.601/SMPTE240 to the color primaries conversion matrices fb823fbe95e Make sure we're actually using the HDR10 colorspace before using that shader 7b74e2eeb8f Emscripten_SetWindowFullscreen: Fix crash due to uninitialized EmscriptenFullscreenStrategy members ed86cec07f9 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 985da79d73e Use a more concise representation of YUV -> RGB conversion 8afba41aef4 Added support for HDR10 video on Apple platforms 2039c46d2ca Added support for creating an SDL texture from a CVPixelBufferRef c79462dc50f Fixed Xcode build warnings ba074acad43 Implemented scRGB colorspace and HDR support on macOS 451dc414278 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 30e176d6ba5 Added HDR display properties and related event d4caef5b892 Generalize SDR white level handling into a color scale 82d89ff4fb1 Fix memory leak in SDL_UpdateSteamVirtualGamepadInfo() b05ea8e04e1 Updated direct3d12 renderer with HDR10 and SDR whitelevel support c3e4481d56a Use a reasonable default for unspecified YUV colorspace 240158f3e80 Scale SDR content to SDR whitelevel when HDR is enabled e97b2061b4b Converted shader headers to UNIX line endings e98e5abd2a2 Added batch file to create D3D12 shaders 809f02e89e7 SDL_ReadSurfacePixel() now supports large pixel formats 9755e490c03 Workaround for crash at shutdown in testffmpeg e74171b1ae9 Added support for HDR10 video playback on direct3d11 f85535b4b60 Use functions from SDL instead of libc a6374123c77 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 548b382fd98 Fixed slow startup time when using the direct3d12 renderer dab77fe29b1 Added support for SDL_COLORSPACE_BT709_FULL to the hardware renderers ec322bee1c0 Fixed testyuv help message 327b976bc46 SDL_COLORSPACE_JPEG is the default YUV colorspace 5b8e5f8b9f0 Fixed accidental changing of All to Allu in previous commit (thanks @zturtleman!) 67bbf20addc Null check SDL_DBusContext pointer 2ad4646a248 Don't release currentOffscreenRenderTargetView, we don't have a reference to it 9005512c180 Fixed build 7271a2040b6 Don't force on the D3D11 debug flag b4d0af9cf3b Removed unused variables 200f87ea0b5 Only set the colorspace if it's not the default c0b27ccef99 Fixed warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'drawnTextRect' used 8eba5b75ca9 Fixed warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'rndctx' used 445cb42acd0 Fixed warning C4244: 'function': conversion from 'int' to 'Uint16', possible loss of data 45f936c7881 Fixed warning C4245: 'initializing': conversion from '__int64' to 'unsigned __int64', signed/unsigned mismatch 74e85e3a517 Fixed warning C4706: assignment within conditional expression c3e3ad61400 Fixed build warnings c02aaebccc0 Fixed warning C4245: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'Uint32', signed/unsigned mismatch ff5fdf9f53e Fixed warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'const Uint8', possible loss of data 9989f92eeee Fixed warning C4245: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'SDL_AudioDeviceID', signed/unsigned mismatch cb811ba4638 Fixed warning C4366: The result of the unary '&' operator may be unaligned 62221b3003c Fixed warning C4245: 'return': conversion from 'int' to 'SDL_TimerID', signed/unsigned mismatch 4514aabb414 Fixed warning C4245: 'return': conversion from 'int' to 'Uint64', signed/unsigned mismatch f107393ed56 Fixed warning C4245: 'return': conversion from 'int' to 'unsigned int', signed/unsigned mismatch c3e821fa803 Optimized SDL_DuplicatePixels() 89b9d6cbdc7 SDL_RenderReadPixels() now returns a surface ab571633d12 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 50a805cdd1b Use YUV colorspaces instead of a global YUV conversion mode 9e76f23561c SDL_windowsopengl.c: WGL: Fixed null-pointer dereference crash e0158f68e45 Fix SDL_mfijoystick build issues 2819988f8bc Sync SDL3 wiki -> header a2c45f61bb6 Updated scRGB render colorspace documentation e67e0c5d558 vulkan_metal.h: Make compatible with ObjC ARC (thanks @jmroot!) f9c57e16b0b Don't test 10-bit pixel format conversion b8fe96fa81c Fixed build warning ba86d9f235e When changing surface format, use the default colorspace for the new format 25fd5da1a75 Removed maxCLL and maxFALL properties, moved them to SDL_image for HDR image loading 943ab983cb8 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 5d48f9a63a0 Added SDL_CopyProperties() c007c7ed55a Sync SDL3 wiki -> header aa8f609ff3a Clamp HDR colors to the SDR range for SDR renderers 9591b2cfb44 Finalized the SDL render API colorspaces 7c089f4e570 testautomation_math: Fix misleading log output b66dba2a9d0 test: Don't accept results that are much less than expected f1f9e271288 testautomation_math: do relative comparison + more precise correct trigonometric values babca704e0b testautomation: Don't expect exp to yield exact floating point results f6f9468d840 Fixed warning C4701: potentially uninitialized local variable 'srcpixel' used d383299779b Fixed build on older Windows SDK d04fea8b877 Even more miscellaneous gamepad buttons! cb70e972e3e Added miscellaneous gamepad buttons for additional macro buttons on some controllers d6a48e4958e Don't use the system iconv on Apple mobile platforms ea0853d23dc Added an HDR gradient test to testcolorspace dc607c666bf Fixed creating HDR textures with SDL_CreateTexture() dcfb069c756 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 7561116873d Added support for floating point texture formats 90597aeaef8 HDR10 colorspace isn't currently supported 19dde63e7c4 Added a simple linear scale for tonemapped HDR to SDR surface conversion fc35b7e121e Convert to sRGB if trying to create a texture from an HDR surface c1f3c810033 Make the color primary conversion code reusable 496ed01bdb5 Detect blending in HDR10 colorspace dd28ab04894 Added SDL_SetRenderDrawColorspace() and SDL_GetRenderDrawColorspace() 9c8b47b726f Cache the draw color state in the software and PSP renderers dacfaa91b42 Make sure to round color values when converting to Uint8 c00b6a8e205 SDL_kmsdrmvideo.c: clean-up includes, add clarifying note after 5ab879f a4969e393e3 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 6f443e2acaf Added support for the scRGB colorspace on D3D11 and D3D12 12c31898c1d Update colors in SDL_RenderGeometryRaw() if we're doing interpolation in linear space 77549dc91ea Fixed some places using SDL_SetRenderDrawColor() instead of SDL_SetRenderDrawColorFloat() 4b3c530dd17 Fixed out of bounds access 3c45544a146 Added a slow blit function to handle large pixel formats and colorspace conversion 49cc4c14e9a Use the default colorspace if we have to convert texture pixels c1f97c8e07d Fixed testgeometry after color format change (thanks @sezero!) 482a27bc00c wayland: Throttle to 20hz if the frame callback never fires 4a759b340ff Fixes in SDL_ColorSpace (SDL_pixels.h) 9462eec57be pipewire: Don't assert if the default capture device is a sink or vice versa d15fb9e063a Sync SDL3 wiki -> header f257eb44816 Added the concept of colorspace to the SDL renderer 554f0625d34 Renderer colors now have floating point precision da8fc70a83c Fixing viewport 851c1a5e9c9 Fix scissor usage dc35ee9d540 Fix color 61a3a163dbc Fixed typo (thanks @Akaricchi!) 7fbd85ad5cf Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 61b5c38e6e4 Added the initial concept of colorspace to SDL a3bfd5329c5 Fix broken mingw i686 buildscript 59d7dd36155 Fix broken mingw x86_64 buildscript fbf10afb316 wayland: Consolidate window creation logic 2e96307b275 wayland: Always create a viewport for the surface, if possible 94240c197de docs: Hint envvars needs to use the hint string, not the macro name 00a8ca403e2 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header fbebbab90d8 wayland: Only set the explicit logical window size when using display scaling 879ba46adef wayland: Make sure the logical window size can't go to zero. b97cda226fb wayland: Refactor internal variable names for better readability 344ec60f8f5 tests: Fix window centering test with Wayland display scaling mode 5b8ca05f1a7 wayland: Add a forced screen space scaling mode 9f7eb6c4c11 Fixed testautomation log callback calling convention 12bdb2b4d04 Added the environment variable SDL_LOGGING to control default log output dcd26a80e5a windows: Minor tweaks that makes Windows XP vidmodes work again. 6ca596cfc1e windows: Manage MapVirtualKey vs Windows XP. 1c5bc537385 windows: Manage WideCharToMultiByte vs Windows XP. 2144c2ac713 windows: Added WIN_IsWindowsXP, for extreme runtime compatibility checks. 56fa22c63bf windows: OS version checks now cache results. 4fba6633687 Simplified the default log category logic a7a98d8bbb8 Document that the default log priority is error, not critical fd14a20a4be Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 17768c51fcb Revert "Sync SDL3 wiki -> header" 2a4db8c4156 SDL_rwops.c (SDL_IsRegularFile): fix WinRT build failure due to S_ISREG 5ae2ffc1277 document that text input is on by default 5e96e410d63 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header f66fe7e2210 Replaced SDL_GetJoystickCaps() with joystick properties 019dc53764d SDL_RWFromFile, stdio: reject if the file is not a regular file. aba3038353e Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 3b55c7d1f4c Shortened SDL property names 1885e6b2e0b Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 8a4284b7df2 Clarified the use of SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE when creating a renderer 2d94b4f4908 Make sure we set datasize on error in SDL_LoadFile_RW() dff76bf2956 Enable text input on video initialization without popping up an on-screen keyboard b9ea2dde443 Added VisionOS as a supported target to the Xcode project 7a7875c904b wasapi: A few tweaks to buffer management. e71e16950a5 wayland: Use the preferred order of displays exposed by KDE e0c2cca629e Fixed fullscreen windows having rounded corners and 1px transparent borders on Windows 11. a1a4948fdae Fixed the size and position of minimized windows on Windows 5ba839e83b6 fix XRandR refresh rate calculation 44a2c4d5126 Only retain SDL_* + platform macro's in rename_macros.py c5794cd9116 ci: bump actions version tag 33f86d81fce Add all macros from SDL2's SDL_config.h to rename_macros.py aeac8774f79 Missed one d0dd60c8baa Updated new pixel format names to be more consistent with the others 0f78aa7c30c Add some high bit-depth pixel formats 5ab879f89aa SDL_kmsdrmvideo.c: move SDL_kmsdrmvulkan.h include to before all others ecbbef8b8df blendmode: Corrected docs for `SDL_BLENDOPERATION_[REV_]SUBTRACT`. 8814095aa82 main: Indented SDL_main headers for readability, removed SDL2 compat macros. 22ea59425d0 wayland: Fix whitespace c202893fbb0 wayland: Make sure the primary display is always first under GNOME b8081e8e357 video: lowercase some video backend names. 02f59f3ae69 Note that SDL_GetHaptics() is useful in combination with SDL_OpenHaptic() 594eef99eca Added a migration note about SDL_TouchID and SDL_FingerID 2670eb44afe Improved timing accuracy of SDL_WaitEventTimeout() on Windows 5ddd97062e7 Added test code to validate SDL_WaitEventTimeout() d6ebbc2fa4a mayflash adapter PS4 support b8c4ea3cd12 Don't add the FIXME for converted macros 006edcab604 Switch to using SDL_powf() instead of pow() 95a67278d1e Updated documentation after 2654c52d0e03578ea002dc62603a3f48e1353829 205c417f740 testgles2.c, testgles2_sdf.c: adjust for new SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS meaning. 6b3b7c7d4b6 SDL_hidapi_ps3.c: adjust for new SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS meaning. 81314c4998c SDL_render_gl.c: adjust for new SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS meaning. 1c79edbe022 SDL_test_memory.c: adjust for new SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS meaning. 07a0c0e402c SDL_hidapi.c: adjust for new SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS meaning. 34f03207c4a SDL_cpuinfo.c: adjust for new SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS meaning. fd6ec3b9aa5 SDL_intrin.h: adjust for new SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS meaning. 2654c52d0e0 macro SDL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS now means Win32 api and Windows-based OS's. 1ac96029092 Make sure we include the matching copy of vk_video headers fc74bf8455f Update to the latest version of the Khronos headers 12b01ef674e rename_macros.py: fix typo for __WIN32__ a06ee5b98df Don't try to use SDL platform macros in configure-time checks f61870cfb45 Go back to using compiler built-in macros in ARM assembly code ed421f4fd8d Revert Khronos headers to upstream version 8fe257b5417 Added support for other HDR color primaries c5792cc0de9 SDL_thread.h: replace uses of __GDK__ and __WINRT__ (missed in #8875.) 31d133db40b Define SDL_PLATFORM_* macros instead of underscored ones (#8875) ceccf24519b Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 7cd914593f3 Added HDR surface properties and tone mapping from HDR to SDR a71f99c71f7 Fixed ambiguity between std::byte and byte in rpcndr.h 6fb188eb35f Sync SDL3 wiki -> header cd231a65f62 Added SDL_GetJoystickCaps() and SDL_GetGamepadCaps() to get the capabilities of controllers c88c12148d8 SDL_ShowMessageBox: Remove `#ifdef`s and respect SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER hint. 5f65fd360d0 wayland: Free the input struct in all initialization failure paths 84e47b4af59 wayland: Always create the backing input store, even if there is no seat 99ce8af4397 Fixed warning C4244: '=': conversion from 'Sint64' to 'int', possible loss of data a28a42cfc68 Fixed declaration of SDL_HapticRumbleSupported 052b958bf2f Made SDL_HapticEffect const in the API fa5bfe577ca Fixed warnings building for UWP 3e541eab229 Fixed error: 'fq' may be used uninitialized [-Werror=maybe-uninitialized] 8f20ef5b438 Re-enable C runtime with Mingw, and disable the problematic math test 1f177be1e45 Disable the Mingw C runtime by default 5e70ee29cc6 Build SDL with the static C runtime on Visual Studio e2f35a16c28 Added <string.h> for declaration of memset() and memcpy() 7a069cc4b0b Allow optimizing memcpy and memset where possible 8d25c2d2609 video: Fix window manager initiated fullscreen window moves 8c7f5b73e8d Fixed build 4d6e2d8b736 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 308906ba254 Added SDL_FlipSurface() to flip a surface vertically or horizontally 2cd583ee13e Prevent asan warning on qsort(): 'src/stdlib/SDL_qsort.c:27:5: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 1, which is declared to never be null` 5db543a66a5 Just use the khronos headers for the checks that need them 4b82bed2599 Fixed building with the steamrt/scout SDK 116c60c5b03 Run EGL/GLES cmake tests with the Khronos headers available b552f26e6a3 Fix building with the steamrt/scout SDK 7b02d328fa6 Fixed overflow in SDL_SoftStretch() (see #8878) 64972b41848 Fixed build 6a00ae7e58a Fixed rendering diagonal lines within a viewport 8d9c7d8ebe2 SDL_UpdateFullscreenMode: Only restore mouse position when exiting fullscreen if the fullscreen mode actually changed a73132177d3 Make sure the render target isn't bound as a resource 09ba55b462b Fixed crash scaling very large surfaces aa3fc6e904d Fixed D-pad on Xbox One controllers using the HIDAPI driver 3639743d890 Fixed bug #7614: Segmentation Fault in SDL_BlitSurface (#7808) bd5d4d61edc Fixed potential overflow in software triangle rendering b566bfce071 Fixed warning C4152: nonstandard extension, function/data pointer conversion in expression 9fc1135e3bb Fixed warning C4127: conditional expression is constant 1dbe54c4e65 Fixed warning C4244: 'function': conversion from 'SDL_ThreadID' to 'DWORD', possible loss of data f86b3ac6052 Fixed types used in documentation (thanks @Dragon-Baroque!) 129b459b2cf Fix compilation problems about yuv_rgb_lsx.c 81ac656b7c9 SDL_CalculateRGBSize, SDL_CalculateYUVSize: set the error indicator e9a0edc8476 testautomation_surface: Really make width * bpp overflow eb059538f87 testautomation_surface: Really make pitch + alignment overflow 4fdc291f5d6 Add spaces around SDL_PRI??? to avoid potential compiler warnings. 949b4fc3492 x11: XI_Motion should mark the global mouse position as changed. 87f559e0214 Updated Xcode projects after https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/commit/dbdc65fc955eeaf7100dbe2f10f325720225b850 49adb23ad90 Build yuv_rgb_lsx.c with -mlsx dbdc65fc955 video: move standard c, sse and lsx implementations of yuv2rgb to its own source a31dc6dfcb8 Switched SDL_TouchID and SDL_FingerID to be Uint64 with 0 being an invalid value b19d43a74d8 Add SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_DISABLE_THREAD_NAMING to migration readme b3849739364 Remove no longer needed hint 42d6cf9ce75 Update thread naming on windows cda2bffeeea Re-add SDL_HAPTIC_SQUARE for SDL 3.0 df4b855af5d Updated SDL_TLSID to use the same type as other IDs in SDL fc0c7749764 Renamed SDL_ThreadID() to SDL_GetCurrentThreadID() d6a41f8f311 Updated SDL_TimerID to use the same type as other IDs in SDL bc3a71d400c Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 464f4d19fe8 Removed obsolete XInput mapping hint f8dfee01bb4 Made SDL_ReadSurfacePixel a public function f7ba340999c remove several instances of unnecessary emptry str "" after SDL_PRI??? c540c77756e Removed SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING 26996e2c024 We've decided to keep separate functions for creating a thread with and without stack size specified. a2665f54c86 Updated the atomic API for SDL 3.0 naming conventions 4e60fc9b2b1 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header fb898d6df0b Clarify that desktop mode is the non-exclusive borderless fullscreen mode b5bcf45a65f Sync SDL3 wiki -> header 4fee6cb274f Added documentation for custom event cleanup in SDL_FlushEvent() fd34bc56f97 cocoa: Fix SDL_CocoaWindowData keyboard_focus being left pointing to a destroyed SDL window if input focus not previously reset for that window 0a99ad7a686 cocoa: Fix Cocoa_RaiseWindow not making child window key if SDL_HINT_WINDOW_ACTIVATE_WHEN_RAISED is true 20e8411b127 Sync SDL3 wiki -> header f4a0bc02d54 Re-added prototypes for stub API functions f224af5ac50 Updated Haptic API for SDL 3.0 conventions 8ca9134115d Removed unnecessary NULL assignment 75dd7e1658f Note that we only allow disabling major subsystems 130b361904e Removed SDL_MISC_DISABLED 20fa5e6ad0e Removed SDL_LOCALE_DISABLED 6efadfdb776 Removed SDL_FILESYSTEM_DISABLED 3d951134a3c Removed SDL_FILE_DISABLED ac367be171b Updated CMakeLists.txt now that timers and threads can't be disabled e2080f74fdf Fixed building with the joystick subsystem disabled a0967c017ff Fixed building with the video subsystem disabled 31f34e95042 Removed SDL_ATOMIC_DISABLED 6e1b11368d7 Removed SDL_CPUINFO_DISABLED 52d65870844 Removed SDL_EVENTS_DISABLED ba027227559 Removed SDL_LOADSO_DISABLED git-subtree-dir: external/sdl/SDL git-subtree-split: fb5307c1b3f46e70217ce43c0dbab4d3795bd91b
2024-03-28 16:26:21 +01:00