/* Public key cracker. * * Can be used to find public keys starting with specific hex (ABCD) for example. * * NOTE: There's probably a way to make this faster. * * Usage: ./cracker ABCDEF * * Will try to find a public key starting with: ABCDEF */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Sodium includes*/ #include #include /* NULL compatibility macro */ #include "../../toxcore/ccompat.h" #define KEY_LEN 32 // Maximum number of bytes this program can crack in one run #define MAX_CRACK_BYTES 8 // Maximum length of hex encoded prefix #define MAX_HEX_PREFIX_LEN (MAX_CRACK_BYTES * 2) #if defined(_OPENMP) #include #define NUM_THREADS() ((unsigned) omp_get_max_threads()) #else #define NUM_THREADS() (1U) #endif static void print_key(const uint8_t *client_id) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 32; ++j) { printf("%02X", client_id[j]); } } /// bytes needs to be at least (hex_len+1)/2 long static size_t hex_string_to_bin(const char *hex_string, size_t hex_len, uint8_t *bytes) { size_t i; const char *pos = hex_string; // make even for (i = 0; i < hex_len / 2; ++i, pos += 2) { uint8_t val; if (sscanf(pos, "%02hhx", &val) != 1) { return 0; } bytes[i] = val; } if (i * 2 < hex_len) { uint8_t val; if (sscanf(pos, "%hhx", &val) != 1) { return 0; } bytes[i] = (uint8_t)(val << 4); ++i; } return i; } static size_t match_hex_prefix(const uint8_t *key, const uint8_t *prefix, size_t prefix_len) { size_t same = 0; uint8_t diff = 0; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < prefix_len / 2; ++i) { diff = key[i] ^ prefix[i]; // First check high nibble if ((diff & 0xF0) == 0) { ++same; } // Then low nibble if (diff == 0) { ++same; } else { break; } } // check last high nibble if ((prefix_len % 2) && diff == 0) { diff = key[i] ^ prefix[i]; // First check high nibble if ((diff & 0xF0) == 0) { ++same; } } return same; } static void cracker_core(uint64_t range_start, uint64_t range_end, uint64_t range_offs, uint64_t priv_key_shadow[4], uint32_t *longest_match, uint8_t hex_prefix[MAX_CRACK_BYTES], size_t prefix_chars_len) { #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(priv_key_shadow) shared(longest_match, range_start, range_end, range_offs, hex_prefix, prefix_chars_len) schedule(static) default(none) for (uint64_t batch = range_start; batch < range_end; ++batch) { uint8_t *priv_key = (uint8_t *) priv_key_shadow; /* * We can't use the first and last bytes because they are masked in * curve25519. Offset by 16 bytes to get better alignment. */ uint64_t *counter = priv_key_shadow + 2; /* * Add to `counter` instead of assign here, to preservere more randomness on short runs * There can be an intentional overflow in `batch + range_offs` */ *counter += batch + range_offs; uint8_t pub_key[KEY_LEN] = {0}; crypto_scalarmult_curve25519_base(pub_key, priv_key); const unsigned matching = (unsigned) match_hex_prefix(pub_key, hex_prefix, prefix_chars_len); // Global compare and update uint32_t l_longest_match; #pragma omp atomic read l_longest_match = *longest_match; if (matching > l_longest_match) { #pragma omp atomic write *longest_match = matching; #pragma omp critical { printf("%u chars matching: \n", matching); printf("Public key: "); print_key(pub_key); printf("\nSecret key: "); print_key(priv_key); printf("\n"); } } } } static void print_stats(double seconds_passed, double keys_tried) { printf("Runtime: %10lus, Keys tried %e/%e, Calculating %e keys/s\n", (unsigned long) seconds_passed, keys_tried, (double) UINT64_MAX, keys_tried / seconds_passed); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: ./cracker public_key(or beginning of one in hex format)\n"); return 0; } const size_t prefix_chars_len = strlen(argv[1]); /* * If you can afford the hardware to crack longer prefixes, you can probably * afford to rewrite this program. */ if (prefix_chars_len > MAX_HEX_PREFIX_LEN) { printf("Finding a key with more than 16 hex chars as prefix is not supported\n"); return 1; } uint8_t hex_prefix[MAX_CRACK_BYTES] = {0}; const size_t prefix_len = hex_string_to_bin(argv[1], prefix_chars_len, hex_prefix); if (prefix_len == 0) { printf("Invalid hex key specified\n"); return 1; } printf("Searching for key with prefix: %s\n", argv[1]); time_t start_time = time(nullptr); // Declare private key bytes as uint64_t[4] so we can lower the alignment without problems uint64_t priv_key_shadow[KEY_LEN / 8]; uint8_t *priv_key = (uint8_t *) priv_key_shadow; // Put randomness into the key randombytes(priv_key, KEY_LEN); uint32_t longest_match = 0; // Finishes a batch every ~10s on my PC const uint64_t batch_size = (UINT64_C(1) << 18) * NUM_THREADS(); // calculate remaining batch that doesn't fit the main loop const uint64_t rem_batch_size = UINT64_MAX % batch_size; const uint64_t rem_start = UINT64_MAX - rem_batch_size - 1; cracker_core(rem_start, UINT64_MAX, 1, priv_key_shadow, &longest_match, hex_prefix, prefix_chars_len); double seconds_passed = difftime(time(nullptr), start_time); double old_seconds_passed = seconds_passed; // Reduce time to first stats output print_stats(seconds_passed, rem_batch_size + 1); if (longest_match >= prefix_chars_len) { printf("Found matching prefix, exiting...\n"); return 0; } for (uint64_t tries = 0; tries < rem_start; tries += batch_size) { cracker_core(tries, tries + batch_size, 0, priv_key_shadow, &longest_match, hex_prefix, prefix_chars_len); seconds_passed = difftime(time(nullptr), start_time); // Use double type to avoid overflow in addition, we don't need precision here anyway double keys_tried = ((double) tries) + rem_batch_size + 1; if (longest_match >= prefix_chars_len) { print_stats(seconds_passed, keys_tried); printf("Found matching prefix, exiting...\n"); return 0; } // Rate limit output if (seconds_passed - old_seconds_passed > 5.0) { old_seconds_passed = seconds_passed; print_stats(seconds_passed, keys_tried); fflush(stdout); } } printf("Congrats future person who successfully searched a key space of 2^64\n"); uint64_t *counter = priv_key_shadow + 2; *counter = 0; printf("Didn't find anything from:\n"); print_key(priv_key); printf("\nto:\n"); *counter = UINT64_MAX; print_key(priv_key); printf("\n"); return 2; }