#include #include #include #include "../toxcore/tox.h" #include "../toxcore/announce.h" #include "../testing/misc_tools.h" #include "../toxcore/mono_time.h" #include "../toxcore/forwarding.h" #include "../toxcore/net_crypto.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #include "auto_test_support.h" #include "check_compat.h" #ifndef USE_IPV6 #define USE_IPV6 1 #endif static inline IP get_loopback(void) { IP ip; #if USE_IPV6 ip.family = net_family_ipv6(); ip.ip.v6 = get_ip6_loopback(); #else ip.family = net_family_ipv4(); ip.ip.v4 = get_ip4_loopback(); #endif return ip; } #define NUM_FORWARDER 20 #define NUM_FORWARDER_TCP 5 #define NUM_FORWARDER_DHT (NUM_FORWARDER - NUM_FORWARDER_TCP) #define NUM_FORWARDING_ITERATIONS 1 #define FORWARD_SEND_INTERVAL 2 #define FORWARDING_BASE_PORT 36571 typedef struct Test_Data { Networking_Core *net; uint32_t send_back; uint64_t sent; bool returned; } Test_Data; static void test_forwarded_request_cb(void *object, const IP_Port *forwarder, const uint8_t *sendback, uint16_t sendback_length, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata) { const Test_Data *test_data = (const Test_Data *)object; const uint8_t *index = (const uint8_t *)userdata; if (length != 12 || memcmp("hello: ", data, 8) != 0) { printf("[%u] got unexpected data of length %d\n", *index, length); return; } uint8_t reply[12]; memcpy(reply, "reply: ", 8); memcpy(reply + 8, data + 8, 4); ck_assert_msg(forward_reply(test_data->net, forwarder, sendback, sendback_length, reply, 12), "[%u] forward_reply failed", *index); } static void test_forwarded_response_cb(void *object, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata) { Test_Data *test_data = (Test_Data *)object; const uint8_t *index = (const uint8_t *)userdata; if (length != 12 || memcmp("reply: ", data, 8) != 0) { printf("[%u] got unexpected data of length %d\n", *index, length); return; } uint32_t send_back; net_unpack_u32(data + 8, &send_back); if (test_data->send_back == send_back) { test_data->returned = true; } } static bool all_returned(Test_Data *test_data) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_FORWARDER; ++i) { if (!test_data[i].returned) { return false; } } return true; } typedef struct Forwarding_Subtox { Logger *log; Mono_Time *mono_time; Networking_Core *net; DHT *dht; Net_Crypto *c; Forwarding *forwarding; Announcements *announce; } Forwarding_Subtox; static Forwarding_Subtox *new_forwarding_subtox(const Memory *mem, bool no_udp, uint32_t *index, uint16_t port) { const Random *rng = os_random(); ck_assert(rng != nullptr); const Network *ns = os_network(); ck_assert(ns != nullptr); Forwarding_Subtox *subtox = (Forwarding_Subtox *)calloc(1, sizeof(Forwarding_Subtox)); ck_assert(subtox != nullptr); subtox->log = logger_new(mem); ck_assert(subtox->log != nullptr); logger_callback_log(subtox->log, print_debug_logger, nullptr, index); subtox->mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr); if (no_udp) { subtox->net = new_networking_no_udp(subtox->log, mem, ns); } else { const IP ip = get_loopback(); subtox->net = new_networking_ex(subtox->log, mem, ns, &ip, port, port, nullptr); } subtox->dht = new_dht(subtox->log, mem, rng, ns, subtox->mono_time, subtox->net, true, true); const TCP_Proxy_Info inf = {{{{0}}}}; subtox->c = new_net_crypto(subtox->log, mem, rng, ns, subtox->mono_time, subtox->dht, &inf); subtox->forwarding = new_forwarding(subtox->log, mem, rng, subtox->mono_time, subtox->dht); ck_assert(subtox->forwarding != nullptr); subtox->announce = new_announcements(subtox->log, mem, rng, subtox->mono_time, subtox->forwarding); ck_assert(subtox->announce != nullptr); return subtox; } static void kill_forwarding_subtox(const Memory *mem, Forwarding_Subtox *subtox) { kill_announcements(subtox->announce); kill_forwarding(subtox->forwarding); kill_net_crypto(subtox->c); kill_dht(subtox->dht); kill_networking(subtox->net); mono_time_free(mem, subtox->mono_time); logger_kill(subtox->log); free(subtox); } static void test_forwarding(void) { const Memory *mem = os_memory(); ck_assert(mem != nullptr); const Random *rng = os_random(); ck_assert(rng != nullptr); const Network *ns = os_network(); ck_assert(ns != nullptr); uint32_t index[NUM_FORWARDER]; Forwarding_Subtox *subtoxes[NUM_FORWARDER]; Test_Data test_data[NUM_FORWARDER]; const IP ip = get_loopback(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_FORWARDER; ++i) { index[i] = i + 1; subtoxes[i] = new_forwarding_subtox(mem, i < NUM_FORWARDER_TCP, &index[i], FORWARDING_BASE_PORT + i); test_data[i].net = subtoxes[i]->net; test_data[i].send_back = 0; test_data[i].sent = 0; test_data[i].returned = false; set_callback_forwarded_request(subtoxes[i]->forwarding, test_forwarded_request_cb, &test_data[i]); set_callback_forwarded_response(subtoxes[i]->forwarding, test_forwarded_response_cb, &test_data[i]); set_forwarding_packet_tcp_connection_callback(nc_get_tcp_c(subtoxes[i]->c), test_forwarded_response_cb, &test_data[i]); } printf("testing forwarding via tcp relays and dht\n"); struct Tox_Options *opts = tox_options_new(nullptr); uint16_t forwarder_tcp_relay_port = 36570; Tox *relay = nullptr; // Try a few different ports. for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { tox_options_set_tcp_port(opts, forwarder_tcp_relay_port); relay = tox_new_log(opts, nullptr, nullptr); if (relay != nullptr) { break; } ++forwarder_tcp_relay_port; } tox_options_free(opts); ck_assert_msg(relay != nullptr, "Failed to create TCP relay"); IP_Port relay_ipport_tcp = {ip, net_htons(forwarder_tcp_relay_port)}; uint8_t dpk[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(relay, dpk); printf("1-%d connected only to TCP server; %d-%d connected only to DHT\n", NUM_FORWARDER_TCP, NUM_FORWARDER_TCP + 1, NUM_FORWARDER); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_FORWARDER_TCP; ++i) { set_tcp_onion_status(nc_get_tcp_c(subtoxes[i]->c), 1); ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay(subtoxes[i]->c, &relay_ipport_tcp, dpk) == 0, "Failed to add TCP relay"); } IP_Port relay_ipport_udp = {ip, net_htons(tox_self_get_udp_port(relay, nullptr))}; for (uint32_t i = NUM_FORWARDER_TCP; i < NUM_FORWARDER; ++i) { dht_bootstrap(subtoxes[i]->dht, &relay_ipport_udp, dpk); } printf("allowing DHT to populate\n"); uint16_t dht_establish_iterations = NUM_FORWARDER * 5; for (uint32_t n = 0; n < NUM_FORWARDING_ITERATIONS; ++n) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_FORWARDER; ++i) { test_data[i].sent = 0; test_data[i].returned = false; } do { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_FORWARDER; ++i) { Forwarding_Subtox *const subtox = subtoxes[i]; mono_time_update(subtox->mono_time); networking_poll(subtox->net, &index[i]); do_net_crypto(subtox->c, &index[i]); do_dht(subtox->dht); if (dht_establish_iterations || test_data[i].returned || !mono_time_is_timeout(subtox->mono_time, test_data[i].sent, FORWARD_SEND_INTERVAL)) { continue; } printf("%u", i + 1); if (i < NUM_FORWARDER_TCP) { printf(" --> TCPRelay"); } const uint16_t chain_length = i < NUM_FORWARDER_TCP ? i % 5 : i % 4 + 1; uint8_t chain_keys[4 * CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; uint32_t chain_i = NUM_FORWARDER_TCP + (random_u32(rng) % NUM_FORWARDER_DHT); const IP_Port first_ipp = {ip, net_htons(FORWARDING_BASE_PORT + chain_i)}; printf(" --> %u", chain_i + 1); for (uint16_t j = 0; j < chain_length; ++j) { // pick random different dht node: chain_i += 1 + random_u32(rng) % (NUM_FORWARDER_DHT - 1); chain_i = NUM_FORWARDER_TCP + (chain_i - NUM_FORWARDER_TCP) % NUM_FORWARDER_DHT; const uint8_t *dest_pubkey = dht_get_self_public_key(subtoxes[chain_i]->dht); memcpy(chain_keys + j * CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, dest_pubkey, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE); printf(" --> %u", chain_i + 1); } printf("\n"); const uint16_t length = 12; uint8_t data[12]; memcpy(data, "hello: ", 8); test_data[i].send_back = random_u32(rng); net_pack_u32(data + 8, test_data[i].send_back); if (i < NUM_FORWARDER_TCP) { IP_Port tcp_forwarder; if (!get_random_tcp_conn_ip_port(subtox->c, &tcp_forwarder)) { continue; } if (send_tcp_forward_request(subtox->log, subtox->c, &tcp_forwarder, &first_ipp, chain_keys, chain_length, data, length) == 0) { test_data[i].sent = mono_time_get(subtox->mono_time); } } else { if (send_forward_request(subtox->net, &first_ipp, chain_keys, chain_length, data, length)) { test_data[i].sent = mono_time_get(subtox->mono_time); } } } tox_iterate(relay, nullptr); if (dht_establish_iterations) { --dht_establish_iterations; if (!dht_establish_iterations) { printf("making forward requests and expecting replies\n"); } } c_sleep(50); } while (!all_returned(test_data)); // This doesn't really belong in this test. // It can be removed once the full announce client test is in place. printf("checking that nodes are marked as announce nodes\n"); Node_format nodes[MAX_SENT_NODES]; ck_assert(NUM_FORWARDER - NUM_FORWARDER_TCP > 1); for (uint32_t i = NUM_FORWARDER_TCP; i < NUM_FORWARDER; ++i) { ck_assert_msg(get_close_nodes(subtoxes[i]->dht, dht_get_self_public_key(subtoxes[i]->dht), nodes, net_family_unspec(), true, true) > 0, "node %u has no nodes marked as announce nodes", i); } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < NUM_FORWARDER; ++i) { kill_forwarding_subtox(mem, subtoxes[i]); } tox_kill(relay); } int main(void) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); test_forwarding(); return 0; }