/* Tests that we can add friends. */ #include #include #include #include #include "../toxcore/ccompat.h" #include "../toxcore/tox.h" #include "../toxcore/util.h" #include "../testing/misc_tools.h" #include "auto_test_support.h" #include "check_compat.h" #define FR_MESSAGE "Gentoo" static void accept_friend_request(const Tox_Event_Friend_Request *event, void *userdata) { Tox *state_tox = (Tox *)userdata; const uint8_t *public_key = tox_event_friend_request_get_public_key(event); const uint8_t *data = tox_event_friend_request_get_message(event); const size_t length = tox_event_friend_request_get_message_length(event); ck_assert_msg(length == sizeof(FR_MESSAGE) && memcmp(FR_MESSAGE, data, sizeof(FR_MESSAGE)) == 0, "unexpected friend request message"); tox_friend_add_norequest(state_tox, public_key, nullptr); } static void iterate2_wait(const Tox_Dispatch *dispatch, Tox *tox1, Tox *tox2) { Tox_Err_Events_Iterate err; Tox_Events *events; events = tox_events_iterate(tox1, true, &err); ck_assert(err == TOX_ERR_EVENTS_ITERATE_OK); tox_dispatch_invoke(dispatch, events, tox1); tox_events_free(events); events = tox_events_iterate(tox2, true, &err); ck_assert(err == TOX_ERR_EVENTS_ITERATE_OK); tox_dispatch_invoke(dispatch, events, tox2); tox_events_free(events); c_sleep(ITERATION_INTERVAL); } static void test_friend_request(void) { printf("Initialising 2 toxes.\n"); uint32_t index[] = { 1, 2 }; const time_t cur_time = time(nullptr); Tox *const tox1 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, &index[0]); Tox *const tox2 = tox_new_log(nullptr, nullptr, &index[1]); ck_assert_msg(tox1 && tox2, "failed to create 2 tox instances"); tox_events_init(tox1); tox_events_init(tox2); printf("Bootstrapping tox2 off tox1.\n"); uint8_t dht_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE]; tox_self_get_dht_id(tox1, dht_key); const uint16_t dht_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, nullptr); tox_bootstrap(tox2, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr); Tox_Dispatch *dispatch = tox_dispatch_new(nullptr); ck_assert(dispatch != nullptr); do { iterate2_wait(dispatch, tox1, tox2); } while (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE || tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2) == TOX_CONNECTION_NONE); printf("Toxes are online, took %lu seconds.\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - cur_time)); const time_t con_time = time(nullptr); printf("Tox1 adds tox2 as friend, tox2 accepts.\n"); tox_events_callback_friend_request(dispatch, accept_friend_request); uint8_t address[TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE]; tox_self_get_address(tox2, address); const uint32_t test = tox_friend_add(tox1, address, (const uint8_t *)FR_MESSAGE, sizeof(FR_MESSAGE), nullptr); ck_assert_msg(test == 0, "failed to add friend error code: %u", test); do { iterate2_wait(dispatch, tox1, tox2); } while (tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox1, 0, nullptr) != TOX_CONNECTION_UDP || tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, nullptr) != TOX_CONNECTION_UDP); printf("Tox clients connected took %lu seconds.\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - con_time)); printf("friend_request_test succeeded, took %lu seconds.\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - cur_time)); tox_dispatch_free(dispatch); tox_kill(tox1); tox_kill(tox2); } int main(void) { setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0); test_friend_request(); return 0; }