#include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include <emscripten/emscripten.h> #endif #include <SDL3/SDL_test.h> #include <SDL3/SDL_test_common.h> #include <SDL3/SDL_main.h> #include "testutils.h" #define POOF_LIFETIME 250 #define VISUALIZER_WIDTH 100 #define VISUALIZER_HEIGHT 50 typedef struct Texture { SDL_Texture *texture; float w; float h; } Texture; typedef enum ThingType { THING_NULL, THING_PHYSDEV, THING_PHYSDEV_CAPTURE, THING_LOGDEV, THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE, THING_TRASHCAN, THING_STREAM, THING_POOF, THING_WAV } ThingType; typedef struct Thing Thing; struct Thing { ThingType what; union { struct { SDL_AudioDeviceID devid; SDL_bool iscapture; SDL_AudioSpec spec; char *name; } physdev; struct { SDL_AudioDeviceID devid; SDL_bool iscapture; SDL_AudioSpec spec; Thing *physdev; SDL_bool visualizer_enabled; SDL_bool visualizer_updated; SDL_Texture *visualizer; SDL_Mutex *postmix_lock; float *postmix_buffer; int postmix_buflen; int postmix_allocated; SDL_AudioSpec postmix_spec; SDL_AtomicInt postmix_updated; } logdev; struct { SDL_AudioSpec spec; Uint8 *buf; Uint32 buflen; } wav; struct { float startw; float starth; float centerx; float centery; } poof; struct { SDL_AudioStream *stream; int total_ticks; Uint64 next_level_update; Uint8 levels[5]; } stream; } data; Thing *line_connected_to; char *titlebar; SDL_FRect rect; float z; Uint8 r, g, b, a; float progress; float scale; Uint64 createticks; Texture *texture; const ThingType *can_be_dropped_onto; void (*ontick)(Thing *thing, Uint64 now); void (*ondrag)(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y); void (*ondrop)(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y); void (*ondraw)(Thing *thing, SDL_Renderer *renderer); Thing *prev; Thing *next; }; static Uint64 app_ready_ticks = 0; static int done = 0; static SDLTest_CommonState *state = NULL; static Thing *things = NULL; static char *current_titlebar = NULL; static Thing *mouseover_thing = NULL; static Thing *droppable_highlighted_thing = NULL; static Thing *dragging_thing = NULL; static int dragging_button = -1; static Texture *physdev_texture = NULL; static Texture *logdev_texture = NULL; static Texture *audio_texture = NULL; static Texture *trashcan_texture = NULL; static Texture *soundboard_texture = NULL; static Texture *soundboard_levels_texture = NULL; static void DestroyTexture(Texture *tex); static void DestroyThing(Thing *thing); /* Call this instead of exit(), so we can clean up SDL: atexit() is evil. */ static void Quit(int rc) { while (things != NULL) { DestroyThing(things); /* make sure all the audio devices are closed, etc. */ } DestroyTexture(physdev_texture); DestroyTexture(logdev_texture); DestroyTexture(audio_texture); DestroyTexture(trashcan_texture); DestroyTexture(soundboard_texture); DestroyTexture(soundboard_levels_texture); SDLTest_CommonQuit(state); /* Let 'main()' return normally */ if (rc != 0) { exit(rc); } } static char *xstrdup(const char *str) { char *ptr = SDL_strdup(str); if (!ptr) { SDL_Log("Out of memory!"); Quit(1); } return ptr; } static void *xalloc(const size_t len) { void *ptr = SDL_calloc(1, len); if (!ptr) { SDL_Log("Out of memory!"); Quit(1); } return ptr; } static void SetTitleBar(const char *fmt, ...) { char *newstr = NULL; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); SDL_vasprintf(&newstr, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (newstr && (!current_titlebar || (SDL_strcmp(current_titlebar, newstr) != 0))) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(state->windows[0], newstr); SDL_free(current_titlebar); current_titlebar = newstr; } else { SDL_free(newstr); } } static void SetDefaultTitleBar(void) { SetTitleBar("testaudio: %s", SDL_GetCurrentAudioDriver()); } static Thing *FindThingAtPoint(const float x, const float y) { const SDL_FPoint pt = { x, y }; Thing *retval = NULL; Thing *i; for (i = things; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if ((i != dragging_thing) && SDL_PointInRectFloat(&pt, &i->rect)) { retval = i; /* keep going, though, because things drawn on top are later in the list. */ } } return retval; } static Thing *UpdateMouseOver(const float x, const float y) { Thing *thing; if (dragging_thing) { thing = dragging_thing; } else { thing = FindThingAtPoint(x, y); } mouseover_thing = thing; if (!thing) { SetDefaultTitleBar(); } else if (thing->titlebar) { SetTitleBar("%s", thing->titlebar); } return thing; } static Thing *CreateThing(ThingType what, float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, Texture *texture, const char *titlebar) { Thing *last = NULL; Thing *i; Thing *thing; thing = (Thing *) xalloc(sizeof (Thing)); if ((w < 0) || (h < 0)) { SDL_assert(texture != NULL); if (w < 0) { w = texture->w; } if (h < 0) { h = texture->h; } } thing->what = what; thing->rect.x = x; thing->rect.y = y; thing->rect.w = w; thing->rect.h = h; thing->z = z; thing->r = 255; thing->g = 255; thing->b = 255; thing->a = 255; thing->scale = 1.0f; thing->createticks = SDL_GetTicks(); thing->texture = texture; thing->titlebar = titlebar ? xstrdup(titlebar) : NULL; /* insert in list by Z order (furthest from the "camera" first, so they get drawn over; negative Z is not drawn at all). */ if (things == NULL) { things = thing; return thing; } for (i = things; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (z > i->z) { /* insert here. */ thing->next = i; thing->prev = i->prev; SDL_assert(i->prev == last); if (i->prev) { i->prev->next = thing; } else { SDL_assert(i == things); things = thing; } i->prev = thing; return thing; } last = i; } if (last) { last->next = thing; thing->prev = last; } return thing; } static void DestroyThing(Thing *thing) { if (!thing) { return; } if (mouseover_thing == thing) { mouseover_thing = NULL; } if (droppable_highlighted_thing == thing) { droppable_highlighted_thing = NULL; } if (dragging_thing == thing) { dragging_thing = NULL; } switch (thing->what) { case THING_POOF: break; case THING_NULL: break; case THING_TRASHCAN: break; case THING_LOGDEV: case THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE: SDL_CloseAudioDevice(thing->data.logdev.devid); SDL_DestroyTexture(thing->data.logdev.visualizer); SDL_DestroyMutex(thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock); SDL_free(thing->data.logdev.postmix_buffer); break; case THING_PHYSDEV: case THING_PHYSDEV_CAPTURE: SDL_free(thing->data.physdev.name); break; case THING_WAV: SDL_free(thing->data.wav.buf); break; case THING_STREAM: SDL_DestroyAudioStream(thing->data.stream.stream); break; } if (thing->prev) { thing->prev->next = thing->next; } else { SDL_assert(thing == things); things = thing->next; } if (thing->next) { thing->next->prev = thing->prev; } SDL_free(thing->titlebar); SDL_free(thing); } static void DrawOneThing(SDL_Renderer *renderer, Thing *thing) { SDL_FRect dst; SDL_memcpy(&dst, &thing->rect, sizeof (SDL_FRect)); if (thing->scale != 1.0f) { const float centerx = thing->rect.x + (thing->rect.w / 2); const float centery = thing->rect.y + (thing->rect.h / 2); SDL_assert(thing->texture != NULL); dst.w = thing->texture->w * thing->scale; dst.h = thing->texture->h * thing->scale; dst.x = centerx - (dst.w / 2); dst.y = centery - (dst.h / 2); } if (thing->texture) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing == thing) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 255, 100); SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &dst); } SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, thing->r, thing->g, thing->b, thing->a); SDL_RenderTexture(renderer, thing->texture->texture, NULL, &dst); } else { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, thing->r, thing->g, thing->b, thing->a); SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &dst); } if (thing->ondraw) { thing->ondraw(thing, renderer); } if (thing->progress > 0.0f) { SDL_FRect r = { thing->rect.x, thing->rect.y + (thing->rect.h + 2.0f), 0.0f, 10.0f }; r.w = thing->rect.w * ((thing->progress > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : thing->progress); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 128); SDL_RenderFillRect(renderer, &r); } } static void DrawThings(SDL_Renderer *renderer) { Thing *i; /* draw connecting lines first, so they're behind everything else. */ for (i = things; i && (i->z >= 0.0f); i = i->next) { Thing *dst = i->line_connected_to; if (dst) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderLine(renderer, i->rect.x + (i->rect.w / 2), i->rect.y + (i->rect.h / 2), dst->rect.x + (dst->rect.w / 2), dst->rect.y + (dst->rect.h / 2)); } } /* Draw the actual things. */ for (i = things; i && (i->z >= 0.0f); i = i->next) { if (i != dragging_thing) { DrawOneThing(renderer, i); } } if (dragging_thing) { DrawOneThing(renderer, dragging_thing); /* draw last so it's always on top. */ } } static void Draw(void) { SDL_Renderer *renderer = state->renderers[0]; SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode(renderer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 64, 0, 64, 255); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); DrawThings(renderer); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } static void RepositionRowOfThings(const ThingType what, const float y) { int total_things = 0; float texw = 0.0f; float texh = 0.0f; Thing *i; for (i = things; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (i->what == what) { texw = i->rect.w; texh = i->rect.h; total_things++; } } if (total_things > 0) { int w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(state->windows[0], &w, &h); const float spacing = w / ((float) total_things); float x = (spacing - texw) / 2.0f; for (i = things; i != NULL; i = i->next) { if (i->what == what) { i->rect.x = x; i->rect.y = (y >= 0.0f) ? y : ((h + y) - texh); x += spacing; } } } } static const char *AudioFmtToString(const SDL_AudioFormat fmt) { switch (fmt) { #define FMTCASE(x) case SDL_AUDIO_##x: return #x FMTCASE(U8); FMTCASE(S8); FMTCASE(S16LE); FMTCASE(S16BE); FMTCASE(S32LE); FMTCASE(S32BE); FMTCASE(F32LE); FMTCASE(F32BE); #undef FMTCASE } return "?"; } static const char *AudioChansToStr(const int channels) { switch (channels) { case 1: return "mono"; case 2: return "stereo"; case 3: return "2.1"; case 4: return "quad"; case 5: return "4.1"; case 6: return "5.1"; case 7: return "6.1"; case 8: return "7.1"; default: break; } return "?"; } static void PoofThing_ondrag(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { dragging_thing = NULL; /* refuse to be dragged. */ } static void PoofThing_ontick(Thing *thing, Uint64 now) { const int lifetime = POOF_LIFETIME; const int elasped = (int) (now - thing->createticks); if (elasped > lifetime) { DestroyThing(thing); } else { const float pct = ((float) elasped) / ((float) lifetime); thing->a = (Uint8) (int) (255.0f - (pct * 255.0f)); thing->scale = 1.0f - pct; /* shrink to nothing! */ } } static Thing *CreatePoofThing(Thing *poofing_thing) { const float centerx = poofing_thing->rect.x + (poofing_thing->rect.w / 2); const float centery = poofing_thing->rect.y + (poofing_thing->rect.h / 2); const float z = poofing_thing->z; Thing *thing = CreateThing(THING_POOF, poofing_thing->rect.x, poofing_thing->rect.y, z, poofing_thing->rect.w, poofing_thing->rect.h, poofing_thing->texture, NULL); thing->data.poof.startw = poofing_thing->rect.w; thing->data.poof.starth = poofing_thing->rect.h; thing->data.poof.centerx = centerx; thing->data.poof.centery = centery; thing->ontick = PoofThing_ontick; thing->ondrag = PoofThing_ondrag; return thing; } static void DestroyThingInPoof(Thing *thing) { if (thing) { if (thing->what != THING_POOF) { CreatePoofThing(thing); } DestroyThing(thing); } } /* this poofs a thing and additionally poofs all things connected to the thing. */ static void TrashThing(Thing *thing) { Thing *i, *next; for (i = things; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; if (i->line_connected_to == thing) { TrashThing(i); next = things; /* start over in case this blew up the list. */ } } DestroyThingInPoof(thing); } static void StreamThing_ontick(Thing *thing, Uint64 now) { if (!thing->line_connected_to) { return; } /* are we playing? See if we're done, or update state. */ if (thing->line_connected_to->what == THING_LOGDEV) { const int available = SDL_GetAudioStreamAvailable(thing->data.stream.stream); SDL_AudioSpec spec; if (!available || (SDL_GetAudioStreamFormat(thing->data.stream.stream, NULL, &spec) < 0)) { DestroyThingInPoof(thing); } else { const int ticksleft = (int) ((((Uint64) (available / SDL_AUDIO_FRAMESIZE(spec))) * 1000) / spec.freq); const float pct = thing->data.stream.total_ticks ? (((float) (ticksleft)) / ((float) thing->data.stream.total_ticks)) : 0.0f; thing->progress = 1.0f - pct; } } if (thing->data.stream.next_level_update <= now) { Uint64 perf = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); int i; for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(thing->data.stream.levels); i++) { thing->data.stream.levels[i] = (Uint8) (perf % 6); perf >>= 3; } thing->data.stream.next_level_update += 150; } } static void StreamThing_ondrag(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { if (button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { /* this is kinda hacky, but use this to disconnect from a playing source. */ if (thing->line_connected_to) { SDL_UnbindAudioStream(thing->data.stream.stream); /* unbind from current device */ thing->line_connected_to = NULL; } } } static void StreamThing_ondrop(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing->what == THING_TRASHCAN) { TrashThing(thing); } else if (((droppable_highlighted_thing->what == THING_LOGDEV) || (droppable_highlighted_thing->what == THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE)) && (droppable_highlighted_thing != thing->line_connected_to)) { /* connect to a logical device! */ SDL_Log("Binding audio stream ('%s') to logical device %u", thing->titlebar, (unsigned int) droppable_highlighted_thing->data.logdev.devid); if (thing->line_connected_to) { const SDL_AudioSpec *spec = &droppable_highlighted_thing->data.logdev.spec; SDL_UnbindAudioStream(thing->data.stream.stream); /* unbind from current device */ if (thing->line_connected_to->what == THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE) { SDL_FlushAudioStream(thing->data.stream.stream); thing->data.stream.total_ticks = (int) ((((Uint64) (SDL_GetAudioStreamAvailable(thing->data.stream.stream) / SDL_AUDIO_FRAMESIZE(*spec))) * 1000) / spec->freq); } } SDL_BindAudioStream(droppable_highlighted_thing->data.logdev.devid, thing->data.stream.stream); /* bind to new device! */ thing->progress = 0.0f; /* ontick will adjust this if we're on an output device.*/ thing->data.stream.next_level_update = SDL_GetTicks() + 100; thing->line_connected_to = droppable_highlighted_thing; } } } static void StreamThing_ondraw(Thing *thing, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { if (thing->line_connected_to) { /* are we playing? Update progress bar, and bounce the levels a little. */ static const float xlocs[5] = { 18, 39, 59, 79, 99 }; static const float ylocs[5] = { 49, 39, 29, 19, 10 }; const float blockw = soundboard_levels_texture->w; const float blockh = soundboard_levels_texture->h / 5.0f; int i, j; SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, thing->r, thing->g, thing->b, thing->a); for (i = 0; i < SDL_arraysize(thing->data.stream.levels); i++) { const int level = (int) thing->data.stream.levels[i]; const float x = xlocs[i]; for (j = 0; j < level; j++) { const SDL_FRect src = { 0, soundboard_levels_texture->h - ((j+1) * blockh), blockw, blockh }; const SDL_FRect dst = { thing->rect.x + x, thing->rect.y + ylocs[j], blockw, blockh }; SDL_RenderTexture(renderer, soundboard_levels_texture->texture, &src, &dst); } } } } static Thing *CreateStreamThing(const SDL_AudioSpec *spec, const Uint8 *buf, const Uint32 buflen, const char *fname, const float x, const float y) { static const ThingType can_be_dropped_onto[] = { THING_TRASHCAN, THING_LOGDEV, THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE, THING_NULL }; Thing *thing = CreateThing(THING_STREAM, x, y, 0, -1, -1, soundboard_texture, fname); SDL_Log("Adding audio stream for %s", fname ? fname : "(null)"); thing->data.stream.stream = SDL_CreateAudioStream(spec, spec); if (buf && buflen) { SDL_PutAudioStreamData(thing->data.stream.stream, buf, (int) buflen); SDL_FlushAudioStream(thing->data.stream.stream); thing->data.stream.total_ticks = (int) ((((Uint64) (SDL_GetAudioStreamAvailable(thing->data.stream.stream) / SDL_AUDIO_FRAMESIZE(*spec))) * 1000) / spec->freq); } thing->ontick = StreamThing_ontick; thing->ondrag = StreamThing_ondrag; thing->ondrop = StreamThing_ondrop; thing->ondraw = StreamThing_ondraw; thing->can_be_dropped_onto = can_be_dropped_onto; return thing; } static void WavThing_ondrag(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { if (button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { /* drag out a new audio stream. */ dragging_thing = CreateStreamThing(&thing->data.wav.spec, thing->data.wav.buf, thing->data.wav.buflen, thing->titlebar, x - (thing->rect.w / 2), y - (thing->rect.h / 2)); } } static void WavThing_ondrop(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing->what == THING_TRASHCAN) { TrashThing(thing); } } } static Thing *LoadWavThing(const char *fname, float x, float y) { Thing *thing = NULL; char *path; SDL_AudioSpec spec; Uint8 *buf = NULL; Uint32 buflen = 0; path = GetNearbyFilename(fname); if (path) { fname = path; } if (SDL_LoadWAV(fname, &spec, &buf, &buflen) == 0) { static const ThingType can_be_dropped_onto[] = { THING_TRASHCAN, THING_NULL }; char *titlebar = NULL; const char *nodirs = SDL_strrchr(fname, '/'); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ const char *nodirs2 = SDL_strrchr(nodirs ? nodirs : fname, '\\'); if (nodirs2) { nodirs = nodirs2; } #endif SDL_Log("Adding WAV file '%s'", fname); if (nodirs) { nodirs++; } else { nodirs = fname; } SDL_asprintf(&titlebar, "WAV file (\"%s\", %s, %s, %uHz)", nodirs, AudioFmtToString(spec.format), AudioChansToStr(spec.channels), (unsigned int) spec.freq); thing = CreateThing(THING_WAV, x - (audio_texture->w / 2), y - (audio_texture->h / 2), 5, -1, -1, audio_texture, titlebar); SDL_free(titlebar); SDL_memcpy(&thing->data.wav.spec, &spec, sizeof (SDL_AudioSpec)); thing->data.wav.buf = buf; thing->data.wav.buflen = buflen; thing->can_be_dropped_onto = can_be_dropped_onto; thing->ondrag = WavThing_ondrag; thing->ondrop = WavThing_ondrop; } SDL_free(path); return thing; } static Thing *LoadStockWavThing(const char *fname) { char *path = GetNearbyFilename(fname); Thing *thing = LoadWavThing(path ? path : fname, 0.0f, 0.0f); /* will reposition in a moment. */ SDL_free(path); return thing; } static void LoadStockWavThings(void) { LoadStockWavThing("sample.wav"); RepositionRowOfThings(THING_WAV, -10.0f); } static void DestroyTexture(Texture *tex) { if (tex) { SDL_DestroyTexture(tex->texture); SDL_free(tex); } } static Texture *CreateTexture(const char *fname) { Texture *tex = (Texture *) xalloc(sizeof (Texture)); int texw, texh; tex->texture = LoadTexture(state->renderers[0], fname, SDL_TRUE, &texw, &texh); if (!tex->texture) { SDL_Log("Failed to load '%s': %s", fname, SDL_GetError()); SDL_free(tex); Quit(1); } SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(tex->texture, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); tex->w = (float) texw; tex->h = (float) texh; return tex; } static Thing *CreateLogicalDeviceThing(Thing *parent, const SDL_AudioDeviceID which, const float x, const float y); static void DeviceThing_ondrag(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { if ((button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) && (thing->what == THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE)) { /* drag out a new stream. This is a UX mess. :/ */ dragging_thing = CreateStreamThing(&thing->data.logdev.spec, NULL, 0, NULL, x, y); dragging_thing->data.stream.next_level_update = SDL_GetTicks() + 100; SDL_BindAudioStream(thing->data.logdev.devid, dragging_thing->data.stream.stream); /* bind to new device! */ dragging_thing->line_connected_to = thing; } else if (button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { /* drag out a new logical device. */ const SDL_AudioDeviceID which = ((thing->what == THING_LOGDEV) || (thing->what == THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE)) ? thing->data.logdev.devid : thing->data.physdev.devid; const SDL_AudioDeviceID devid = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(which, NULL); dragging_thing = devid ? CreateLogicalDeviceThing(thing, devid, x - (thing->rect.w / 2), y - (thing->rect.h / 2)) : NULL; } } static void SetLogicalDeviceTitlebar(Thing *thing) { SDL_AudioSpec *spec = &thing->data.logdev.spec; int frames = 0; SDL_GetAudioDeviceFormat(thing->data.logdev.devid, spec, &frames); SDL_free(thing->titlebar); SDL_asprintf(&thing->titlebar, "Logical device #%u (%s, %s, %s, %uHz, %d frames)", (unsigned int) thing->data.logdev.devid, thing->data.logdev.iscapture ? "CAPTURE" : "OUTPUT", AudioFmtToString(spec->format), AudioChansToStr(spec->channels), (unsigned int) spec->freq, frames); } static void LogicalDeviceThing_ondrop(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing->what == THING_TRASHCAN) { TrashThing(thing); } } } static void SDLCALL PostmixCallback(void *userdata, const SDL_AudioSpec *spec, float *buffer, int buflen) { Thing *thing = (Thing *) userdata; SDL_LockMutex(thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock); if (thing->data.logdev.postmix_allocated < buflen) { void *ptr = SDL_realloc(thing->data.logdev.postmix_buffer, buflen); if (!ptr) { SDL_UnlockMutex(thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock); return; /* oh well. */ } thing->data.logdev.postmix_buffer = (float *) ptr; thing->data.logdev.postmix_allocated = buflen; } SDL_copyp(&thing->data.logdev.postmix_spec, spec); SDL_memcpy(thing->data.logdev.postmix_buffer, buffer, buflen); thing->data.logdev.postmix_buflen = buflen; SDL_AtomicSet(&thing->data.logdev.postmix_updated, 1); SDL_UnlockMutex(thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock); } static void UpdateVisualizer(SDL_Renderer *renderer, SDL_Texture *visualizer, const int channels, const float *buffer, const int buflen) { static const SDL_Color channel_colors[8] = { { 255, 255, 255, 255 }, { 255, 0, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 0, 255, 255 }, { 255, 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 255, 255, 255 }, { 255, 0, 255, 255 }, { 127, 127, 127, 255 } }; SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, visualizer); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); if (buffer && buflen) { const int frames = (buflen / sizeof (float)) / channels; const int skip = frames / (VISUALIZER_WIDTH * 2); int i, j; for (i = channels - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const SDL_Color *color = &channel_colors[i % SDL_arraysize(channel_colors)]; SDL_FPoint points[VISUALIZER_WIDTH + 2]; float prevx = 0.0f; int pointidx = 1; points[0].x = 0.0f; points[0].y = VISUALIZER_HEIGHT * 0.5f; for (j = 0; j < (SDL_arraysize(points)-1); j++) { const float val = buffer[((j * skip) * channels) + i]; const float x = prevx + 2; const float y = (VISUALIZER_HEIGHT * 0.5f) - (VISUALIZER_HEIGHT * (val * 0.5f)); SDL_assert(pointidx < SDL_arraysize(points)); points[pointidx].x = x; points[pointidx].y = y; pointidx++; prevx = x; } SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, color->r, color->g, color->b, 255); SDL_RenderLines(renderer, points, pointidx); } } SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, NULL); } static void LogicalDeviceThing_ontick(Thing *thing, Uint64 now) { const SDL_bool ismousedover = (thing == mouseover_thing) ? SDL_TRUE : SDL_FALSE; if (!thing->data.logdev.visualizer || !thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock) { /* need these to work, skip if they failed. */ return; } if (thing->data.logdev.visualizer_enabled != ismousedover) { thing->data.logdev.visualizer_enabled = ismousedover; if (!ismousedover) { SDL_SetAudioPostmixCallback(thing->data.logdev.devid, NULL, NULL); } else { if (thing->data.logdev.postmix_buffer) { SDL_memset(thing->data.logdev.postmix_buffer, '\0', thing->data.logdev.postmix_buflen); } SDL_AtomicSet(&thing->data.logdev.postmix_updated, 1); /* so this will at least clear the texture later. */ SDL_SetAudioPostmixCallback(thing->data.logdev.devid, PostmixCallback, thing); } } } static void LogicalDeviceThing_ondraw(Thing *thing, SDL_Renderer *renderer) { if (thing->data.logdev.visualizer_enabled) { SDL_FRect dst; dst.w = thing->rect.w; dst.h = thing->rect.h; dst.x = thing->rect.x + ((thing->rect.w - dst.w) / 2); dst.y = thing->rect.y + ((thing->rect.h - dst.h) / 2); if (SDL_AtomicGet(&thing->data.logdev.postmix_updated)) { float *buffer; int channels; int buflen; SDL_LockMutex(thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock); channels = thing->data.logdev.postmix_spec.channels; buflen = thing->data.logdev.postmix_buflen; buffer = (float *) SDL_malloc(thing->data.logdev.postmix_buflen); if (buffer) { SDL_memcpy(buffer, thing->data.logdev.postmix_buffer, thing->data.logdev.postmix_buflen); SDL_AtomicSet(&thing->data.logdev.postmix_updated, 0); } SDL_UnlockMutex(thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock); UpdateVisualizer(renderer, thing->data.logdev.visualizer, channels, buffer, buflen); SDL_free(buffer); } SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 255, 255, 255, 30); SDL_RenderTexture(renderer, thing->data.logdev.visualizer, NULL, &dst); } } static Thing *CreateLogicalDeviceThing(Thing *parent, const SDL_AudioDeviceID which, const float x, const float y) { static const ThingType can_be_dropped_onto[] = { THING_TRASHCAN, THING_NULL }; Thing *physthing = ((parent->what == THING_LOGDEV) || (parent->what == THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE)) ? parent->data.logdev.physdev : parent; const SDL_bool iscapture = physthing->data.physdev.iscapture; Thing *thing; SDL_Log("Adding logical audio device %u", (unsigned int) which); thing = CreateThing(iscapture ? THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE : THING_LOGDEV, x, y, 5, -1, -1, logdev_texture, NULL); thing->data.logdev.devid = which; thing->data.logdev.iscapture = iscapture; thing->data.logdev.physdev = physthing; thing->data.logdev.visualizer = SDL_CreateTexture(state->renderers[0], SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, VISUALIZER_WIDTH, VISUALIZER_HEIGHT); thing->data.logdev.postmix_lock = SDL_CreateMutex(); if (thing->data.logdev.visualizer) { SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(thing->data.logdev.visualizer, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); } thing->line_connected_to = physthing; thing->ontick = LogicalDeviceThing_ontick; thing->ondrag = DeviceThing_ondrag; thing->ondrop = LogicalDeviceThing_ondrop; thing->ondraw = LogicalDeviceThing_ondraw; thing->can_be_dropped_onto = can_be_dropped_onto; SetLogicalDeviceTitlebar(thing); return thing; } static void SetPhysicalDeviceTitlebar(Thing *thing) { int frames = 0; SDL_AudioSpec *spec = &thing->data.physdev.spec; SDL_GetAudioDeviceFormat(thing->data.physdev.devid, spec, &frames); SDL_free(thing->titlebar); if (thing->data.physdev.devid == SDL_AUDIO_DEVICE_DEFAULT_CAPTURE) { SDL_asprintf(&thing->titlebar, "Default system device (CAPTURE, %s, %s, %uHz, %d frames)", AudioFmtToString(spec->format), AudioChansToStr(spec->channels), (unsigned int) spec->freq, frames); } else if (thing->data.physdev.devid == SDL_AUDIO_DEVICE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT) { SDL_asprintf(&thing->titlebar, "Default system device (OUTPUT, %s, %s, %uHz, %d frames)", AudioFmtToString(spec->format), AudioChansToStr(spec->channels), (unsigned int) spec->freq, frames); } else { SDL_asprintf(&thing->titlebar, "Physical device #%u (%s, \"%s\", %s, %s, %uHz, %d frames)", (unsigned int) thing->data.physdev.devid, thing->data.physdev.iscapture ? "CAPTURE" : "OUTPUT", thing->data.physdev.name, AudioFmtToString(spec->format), AudioChansToStr(spec->channels), (unsigned int) spec->freq, frames); } } static void PhysicalDeviceThing_ondrop(Thing *thing, int button, float x, float y) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing) { if (droppable_highlighted_thing->what == THING_TRASHCAN) { TrashThing(thing); } } } static void PhysicalDeviceThing_ontick(Thing *thing, Uint64 now) { const int lifetime = POOF_LIFETIME; const int elasped = (int) (now - thing->createticks); if (elasped > lifetime) { thing->scale = 1.0f; thing->a = 255; thing->ontick = NULL; /* no more ticking. */ } else { const float pct = ((float) elasped) / ((float) lifetime); thing->a = (Uint8) (int) (pct * 255.0f); thing->scale = pct; /* grow to normal size */ } } static Thing *CreatePhysicalDeviceThing(const SDL_AudioDeviceID which, const SDL_bool iscapture) { static const ThingType can_be_dropped_onto[] = { THING_TRASHCAN, THING_NULL }; static float next_physdev_x = 0; Thing *thing; int winw, winh; SDL_GetWindowSize(state->windows[0], &winw, &winh); if (next_physdev_x > (winw-physdev_texture->w)) { next_physdev_x = 0; } SDL_Log("Adding physical audio device %u", (unsigned int) which); thing = CreateThing(iscapture ? THING_PHYSDEV_CAPTURE : THING_PHYSDEV, next_physdev_x, 170, 5, -1, -1, physdev_texture, NULL); thing->data.physdev.devid = which; thing->data.physdev.iscapture = iscapture; thing->data.physdev.name = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(which); thing->ondrag = DeviceThing_ondrag; thing->ondrop = PhysicalDeviceThing_ondrop; thing->ontick = PhysicalDeviceThing_ontick; thing->can_be_dropped_onto = can_be_dropped_onto; SetPhysicalDeviceTitlebar(thing); if (SDL_GetTicks() <= (app_ready_ticks + 2000)) { /* assume this is the initial batch if it happens in the first two seconds. */ RepositionRowOfThings(THING_PHYSDEV, 10.0f); /* don't rearrange them after the initial add. */ RepositionRowOfThings(THING_PHYSDEV_CAPTURE, 170.0f); /* don't rearrange them after the initial add. */ next_physdev_x = 0.0f; } else { next_physdev_x += physdev_texture->w * 1.5f; } return thing; } static Thing *CreateTrashcanThing(void) { int winw, winh; SDL_GetWindowSize(state->windows[0], &winw, &winh); return CreateThing(THING_TRASHCAN, winw - trashcan_texture->w, winh - trashcan_texture->h, 10, -1, -1, trashcan_texture, "Drag things here to remove them."); } static Thing *CreateDefaultPhysicalDevice(const SDL_bool iscapture) { return CreatePhysicalDeviceThing(iscapture ? SDL_AUDIO_DEVICE_DEFAULT_CAPTURE : SDL_AUDIO_DEVICE_DEFAULT_OUTPUT, iscapture); } static void TickThings(void) { Thing *i; Thing *next; const Uint64 now = SDL_GetTicks(); for (i = things; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; /* in case this deletes itself. */ if (i->ontick) { i->ontick(i, now); } } } static void WindowResized(const int newwinw, const int newwinh) { Thing *i; const float neww = (float) newwinw; const float newh = (float) newwinh; const float oldw = (float) state->window_w; const float oldh = (float) state->window_h; for (i = things; i != NULL; i = i->next) { const float halfw = i->rect.w / 2.0f; const float halfh = i->rect.h / 2.0f; const float x = (i->rect.x + halfw) / oldw; const float y = (i->rect.y + halfh) / oldh; i->rect.x = (x * neww) - halfw; i->rect.y = (y * newh) - halfh; } state->window_w = newwinw; state->window_h = newwinh; } static void Loop(void) { SDL_Event event; SDL_bool saw_event = SDL_FALSE; if (app_ready_ticks == 0) { app_ready_ticks = SDL_GetTicks(); } while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { Thing *thing = NULL; saw_event = SDL_TRUE; switch (event.type) { case SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION: thing = UpdateMouseOver(event.motion.x, event.motion.y); if ((dragging_button == -1) && event.motion.state) { if (event.motion.state & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK) { dragging_button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT; } else if (event.motion.state & SDL_BUTTON_RMASK) { dragging_button = SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT; } else if (event.motion.state & SDL_BUTTON_MMASK) { dragging_button = SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE; } if (dragging_button != -1) { dragging_thing = thing; if (thing && thing->ondrag) { thing->ondrag(thing, dragging_button, event.motion.x, event.motion.y); } } } droppable_highlighted_thing = NULL; if (dragging_thing) { dragging_thing->rect.x = event.motion.x - (dragging_thing->rect.w / 2); dragging_thing->rect.y = event.motion.y - (dragging_thing->rect.h / 2); if (dragging_thing->can_be_dropped_onto) { thing = FindThingAtPoint(event.motion.x, event.motion.y); if (thing) { int i; for (i = 0; dragging_thing->can_be_dropped_onto[i]; i++) { if (dragging_thing->can_be_dropped_onto[i] == thing->what) { droppable_highlighted_thing = thing; break; } } } } } break; case SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN: thing = UpdateMouseOver(event.button.x, event.button.y); break; case SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP: if (dragging_button == event.button.button) { Thing *dropped_thing = dragging_thing; dragging_thing = NULL; dragging_button = -1; if (dropped_thing && dropped_thing->ondrop) { dropped_thing->ondrop(dropped_thing, event.button.button, event.button.x, event.button.y); } droppable_highlighted_thing = NULL; } thing = UpdateMouseOver(event.button.x, event.button.y); break; case SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL: UpdateMouseOver(event.wheel.mouseX, event.wheel.mouseY); break; case SDL_EVENT_DROP_FILE: SDL_Log("Drop file! '%s'", event.drop.file); LoadWavThing(event.drop.file, event.drop.x, event.drop.y); /* SDLTest_CommonEvent will free the string, below. */ break; case SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_RESIZED: WindowResized(event.window.data1, event.window.data2); break; case SDL_EVENT_AUDIO_DEVICE_ADDED: CreatePhysicalDeviceThing(event.adevice.which, event.adevice.iscapture); break; case SDL_EVENT_AUDIO_DEVICE_REMOVED: { const SDL_AudioDeviceID which = event.adevice.which; Thing *i, *next; SDL_Log("Removing audio device %u", (unsigned int) which); for (i = things; i != NULL; i = next) { next = i->next; if (((i->what == THING_PHYSDEV) || (i->what == THING_PHYSDEV_CAPTURE)) && (i->data.physdev.devid == which)) { TrashThing(i); next = things; /* in case we mangled the list. */ } else if (((i->what == THING_LOGDEV) || (i->what == THING_LOGDEV_CAPTURE)) && (i->data.logdev.devid == which)) { TrashThing(i); next = things; /* in case we mangled the list. */ } } break; } default: break; } SDLTest_CommonEvent(state, &event, &done); } TickThings(); Draw(); if (!saw_event) { SDL_Delay(10); } #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ if (done) { emscripten_cancel_main_loop(); } #endif } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; state = SDLTest_CommonCreateState(argv, SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO); if (state == NULL) { Quit(1); } state->window_flags |= SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; for (i = 1; i < argc;) { int consumed = SDLTest_CommonArg(state, i); if (consumed == 0) { consumed = -1; /* add our own command lines here. */ } if (consumed < 0) { static const char *options[] = { /* add our own command lines here. */ /*"[--blend none|blend|add|mod|mul|sub]",*/ NULL }; SDLTest_CommonLogUsage(state, argv[0], options); Quit(1); } i += consumed; } if (!SDLTest_CommonInit(state)) { Quit(2); } if (state->audio_id) { SDL_CloseAudioDevice(state->audio_id); state->audio_id = 0; } SetDefaultTitleBar(); physdev_texture = CreateTexture("physaudiodev.bmp"); logdev_texture = CreateTexture("logaudiodev.bmp"); audio_texture = CreateTexture("audiofile.bmp"); trashcan_texture = CreateTexture("trashcan.bmp"); soundboard_texture = CreateTexture("soundboard.bmp"); soundboard_levels_texture = CreateTexture("soundboard_levels.bmp"); LoadStockWavThings(); CreateTrashcanThing(); CreateDefaultPhysicalDevice(SDL_FALSE); CreateDefaultPhysicalDevice(SDL_TRUE); #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_set_main_loop(Loop, 0, 1); #else while (!done) { Loop(); } #endif Quit(0); return 0; }