# Crash Course: entity-component system
# Table of Contents
* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Design decisions](#design-decisions)
* [Type-less and bitset-free](#type-less-and-bitset-free)
* [Build your own](#build-your-own)
* [Pay per use](#pay-per-use)
* [All or nothing](#all-or-nothing)
* [Vademecum](#vademecum)
* [The Registry, the Entity and the Component](#the-registry-the-entity-and-the-component)
* [Observe changes](#observe-changes)
* [Entity lifecycle](#entity-lifecycle)
* [Listeners disconnection](#listeners-disconnection)
* [They call me Reactive System](#they-call-me-reactive-system)
* [Sorting: is it possible?](#sorting-is-it-possible)
* [Helpers](#helpers)
* [Null entity](#null-entity)
* [Tombstone](#tombstone)
* [To entity](#to-entity)
* [Dependencies](#dependencies)
* [Invoke](#invoke)
* [Connection helper](#connection-helper)
* [Handle](#handle)
* [Organizer](#organizer)
* [Context variables](#context-variables)
* [Aliased properties](#aliased-properties)
* [Snapshot: complete vs continuous](#snapshot-complete-vs-continuous)
* [Snapshot loader](#snapshot-loader)
* [Continuous loader](#continuous-loader)
* [Archives](#archives)
* [One example to rule them all](#one-example-to-rule-them-all)
* [Storage](#storage)
* [Component traits](#component-traits)
* [Empty type optimization](#empty-type-optimization)
* [Void storage](#void-storage)
* [Entity storage](#entity-storage)
* [One of a kind to the registry](#one-of-a-kind-to-the-registry)
* [Pointer stability](#pointer-stability)
* [In-place delete](#in-place-delete)
* [Hierarchies and the like](#hierarchies-and-the-like)
* [Meet the runtime](#meet-the-runtime)
* [A base class to rule them all](#a-base-class-to-rule-them-all)
* [Beam me up, registry](#beam-me-up-registry)
* [Views and Groups](#views-and-groups)
* [Views](#views)
* [Create once, reuse many times](#create-once-reuse-many-times)
* [Exclude-only](#exclude-only)
* [View pack](#view-pack)
* [Iteration order](#iteration-order)
* [Runtime views](#runtime-views)
* [Groups](#groups)
* [Full-owning groups](#full-owning-groups)
* [Partial-owning groups](#partial-owning-groups)
* [Non-owning groups](#non-owning-groups)
* [Types: const, non-const and all in between](#types-const-non-const-and-all-in-between)
* [Give me everything](#give-me-everything)
* [What is allowed and what is not](#what-is-allowed-and-what-is-not)
* [More performance, more constraints](#more-performance-more-constraints)
* [Multithreading](#multithreading)
* [Iterators](#iterators)
* [Const registry](#const-registry)
* [Beyond this document](#beyond-this-document)
# Introduction
`EnTT` offers a header-only, tiny and easy to use entity-component system module
written in modern C++.
The entity-component-system (also known as _ECS_) is an architectural pattern
used mostly in game development.
# Design decisions
## Type-less and bitset-free
The library implements a sparse set based model that doesn't require users to
specify the set of components neither at compile-time nor at runtime.
This is why users can instantiate the core class simply like:
entt::registry registry;
In place of its more annoying and error-prone counterpart:
entt::registry registry;
Furthermore, it isn't necessary to announce the existence of a component type.
When the time comes, just use it and that's all.
## Build your own
The ECS module (as well as the rest of the library) is designed as a set of
containers that are used as needed, just like a vector or any other container.
It doesn't attempt in any way to take over on the user codebase, nor to control
its main loop or process scheduling.
Unlike other more or less well known models, it also makes use of independent
pools that are extended via _static mixins_. The built-in signal support is an
example of this flexible design: defined as a mixin, it's easily disabled if not
needed. Similarly, the storage class has a specialization that shows how
everything is customizable down to the smallest detail.
## Pay per use
Everything is designed around the principle that users only have to pay for what
they want.
When it comes to using an entity-component system, the tradeoff is usually
between performance and memory usage. The faster it is, the more memory it uses.
Even worse, some approaches tend to heavily affect other functionalities like
the construction and destruction of components to favor iterations, even when it
isn't strictly required. In fact, slightly worse performance along non-critical
paths are the right price to pay to reduce memory usage and have overall better
`EnTT` follows a completely different approach. It gets the best out from the
basic data structures and gives users the possibility to pay more for higher
performance where needed.
## All or nothing
As a rule of thumb, a `T **` pointer (or whatever a custom pool returns) is
always available to directly access all the instances of a given component type
This is one of the corner stones of the library. Many of the tools offered are
designed around this need and give the possibility to get this information.
# Vademecum
The `entt::entity` type implements the concept of _entity identifier_. An entity
(the _E_ of an _ECS_) is an opaque element to use as-is. Inspecting it isn't
recommended since its format can change in future.
Components (the _C_ of an _ECS_) are of any type, without any constraints, not
even that of being movable. No need to register them nor their types.
Systems (the _S_ of an _ECS_) are plain functions, functors, lambdas and so on.
It's not required to announce them in any case and have no requirements.
The next sections go into detail on how to use the entity-component system part
of the `EnTT` library.
This module is likely larger than what is described below. For more details,
please refer to the inline documentation.
# The Registry, the Entity and the Component
A registry stores and manages entities (or _identifiers_) and components.
The class template `basic_registry` lets users decide what the preferred type to
represent an entity is. Because `std::uint32_t` is large enough for almost any
case, there also exists the enum class `entt::entity` that _wraps_ it and the
alias `entt::registry` for `entt::basic_registry`.
Entities are represented by _entity identifiers_. An entity identifier contains
information about the entity itself and its version.
User defined identifiers are allowed as enum classes and class types that define
an `entity_type` member of type `std::uint32_t` or `std::uint64_t`.
A registry is used both to construct and to destroy entities:
// constructs a naked entity with no components and returns its identifier
auto entity = registry.create();
// destroys an entity and all its components
The `create` member function also accepts a hint. Moreover, it has an overload
that gets two iterators to use to generate many entities at once efficiently.
Similarly, the `destroy` member function also works with a range of entities:
// destroys all the entities in a range
auto view = registry.view();
registry.destroy(view.begin(), view.end());
In addition to offering an overload to force the version upon destruction.
This function removes all components from an entity before releasing it. There
also exists a _lighter_ alternative that doesn't query component pools, for use
with orphaned entities:
// releases an orphaned identifier
As with the `destroy` function, also in this case entity ranges are supported
and it's possible to force a _version_.
In both cases, when an identifier is released, the registry can freely reuse it
internally. In particular, the version of an entity is increased (unless the
overload that forces a version is used instead of the default one).
Users can then _test_ identifiers by means of a registry:
// returns true if the entity is still valid, false otherwise
bool b = registry.valid(entity);
// gets the actual version for the given entity
auto curr = registry.current(entity);
Or _inspect_ them using some functions meant for parsing an identifier as-is,
such as:
// gets the version contained in the entity identifier
auto version = entt::to_version(entity);
Components are assigned to or removed from entities at any time.
The `emplace` member function template creates, initializes and assigns to an
entity the given component. It accepts a variable number of arguments to use to
construct the component itself:
registry.emplace(entity, 0., 0.);
// ...
auto &vel = registry.emplace(entity);
vel.dx = 0.;
vel.dy = 0.;
The default storage _detects_ aggregate types internally and exploits aggregate
initialization when possible.
Therefore, it's not strictly necessary to define a constructor for each type.
The `insert` member function works with _ranges_ and is used to:
* Assign the same component to all entities at once when a type is specified as
a template parameter or an instance is passed as an argument:
// default initialized type assigned by copy to all entities
registry.insert(first, last);
// user-defined instance assigned by copy to all entities
registry.insert(from, to, position{0., 0.});
* Assign a set of components to the entities when a range is provided (the
length of the range of components **must** be the same of that of entities):
// first and last specify the range of entities, instances points to the first element of the range of components
registry.insert(first, last, instances);
If an entity already has the given component, the `replace` and `patch` member
function templates are used to update it:
// replaces the component in-place
registry.patch(entity, [](auto &pos) { pos.x = pos.y = 0.; });
// constructs a new instance from a list of arguments and replaces the component
registry.replace(entity, 0., 0.);
When it's unknown whether an entity already owns an instance of a component,
`emplace_or_replace` is the function to use instead:
registry.emplace_or_replace(entity, 0., 0.);
This is a slightly faster alternative to the following snippet:
if(registry.all_of(entity)) {
registry.replace(entity, 0., 0.);
} else {
registry.emplace(entity, 0., 0.);
The `all_of` and `any_of` member functions may also be useful if in doubt about
whether or not an entity has all the components in a set or any of them:
// true if entity has all the given components
bool all = registry.all_of(entity);
// true if entity has at least one of the given components
bool any = registry.any_of(entity);
If the goal is to delete a component from an entity that owns it, the `erase`
member function template is the way to go:
When in doubt whether the entity owns the component, use the `remove` member
function instead. It behaves similarly to `erase` but it drops the component if
and only if it exists, otherwise it returns safely to the caller:
The `clear` member function works similarly and is used to either:
* Erases all instances of the given components from the entities that own them:
* Or destroy all entities in a registry at once:
Finally, references to components are obtained simply as:
const auto &cregistry = registry;
// const and non-const reference
const auto &crenderable = cregistry.get(entity);
auto &renderable = registry.get(entity);
// const and non-const references
const auto [cpos, cvel] = cregistry.get(entity);
auto [pos, vel] = registry.get(entity);
If the existence of the component isn't certain, `try_get` is the more suitable
function instead.
## Observe changes
By default, each storage comes with a mixin that adds signal support to it.
This allows for fancy things like dependencies and reactive systems.
The `on_construct` member function returns a _sink_ (which is an object for
connecting and disconnecting listeners) for those interested in notifications
when a new instance of a given component type is created:
// connects a free function
// connects a member function
// disconnects a free function
// disconnects a member function
Similarly, `on_destroy` and `on_update` are used to receive notifications about
the destruction and update of an instance, respectively.
Because of how C++ works, listeners attached to `on_update` are only invoked
following a call to `replace`, `emplace_or_replace` or `patch`.
Runtime pools are also supported by providing an identifier to the functions
Refer to the following sections for more information about runtime pools.
In all cases, the function type of a listener is equivalent to the following:
void(entt::registry &, entt::entity);
In all cases, listeners are provided with the registry that triggered the
notification and the involved entity.
Note also that:
* Listeners for the construction signals are invoked **after** components have
been assigned to entities.
* Listeners designed to observe changes are invoked **after** components have
been updated.
* Listeners for the destruction signals are invoked **before** components have
been removed from entities.
There are also some limitations on what a listener can and cannot do:
* Connecting and disconnecting other functions from within the body of a
listener should be avoided. It can lead to undefined behavior in some cases.
* Removing the component from within the body of a listener that observes the
construction or update of instances of a given type isn't allowed.
* Assigning and removing components from within the body of a listener that
observes the destruction of instances of a given type should be avoided. It
can lead to undefined behavior in some cases. This type of listeners is
intended to provide users with an easy way to perform cleanup and nothing
Please, refer to the documentation of the signal class to know about all the
features it offers.
There are many useful but less known functionalities that aren't described here,
such as the connection objects or the possibility to attach listeners with a
list of parameters that is shorter than that of the signal itself.
### Entity lifecycle
Observing entities is also possible. In this case, the user must use the entity
type instead of the component type:
Since entity storage is unique within a registry, if a _name_ is provided it's
ignored and therefore discarded.
As for the function signature, this is exactly the same as the components.
Entities support all types of signals: construct, destroy and update. The latter
is perhaps ambiguous as an entity is not truly _updated_. Rather, its identifier
is created and finally released.
Indeed, the update signal is meant to send _general notifications_ regarding an
entity. It can be triggered via the `patch` function, as is the case with
Destroying an entity and then updating the version of an identifier **does not**
give rise to these types of signals under any circumstances instead.
### Listeners disconnection
The destruction order of the storage classes and therefore the disconnection of
the listeners is completely random.
There are no guarantees today and while a logic is easily discerned, it's not
guaranteed that it will remain so in the future.
For example, a listener getting disconnected after a component is discarded as a
result of pool destruction is most likely a recipe for problems.
Rather, it's advisable to invoke the `clear` function of the registry before
destroying it. This forces the deletion of all components and entities without
ever discarding the pools.
As a result, a listener that wants to access components, entities, or pools can
safely do so against a still valid registry, while checking for the existence of
the various elements as appropriate.
### They call me Reactive System
Signals are the basic tools to construct reactive systems, even if they aren't
enough on their own. `EnTT` tries to take another step in that direction with
the `observer` class template.
In order to explain what reactive systems are, this is a slightly revised quote
from the documentation of the library that first introduced this tool,
> Imagine you have 100 fighting units on the battlefield but only 10 of them
> changed their positions. Instead of using a normal system and updating all 100
> entities depending on the position, you can use a reactive system which will
> only update the 10 changed units. So efficient.
In `EnTT`, this means iterating over a reduced set of entities and components
than what would otherwise be returned from a view or group.
On these words, however, the similarities with the proposal of `Entitas` also
end. The rules of the language and the design of the library obviously impose
and allow different things.
An `observer` is initialized with an instance of a registry and a set of _rules_
that describes what are the entities to intercept. As an example:
entt::observer observer{registry, entt::collector.update()};
The class is default constructible and is reconfigured at any time by means of
the `connect` member function. Moreover, an observer is disconnected from the
underlying registry through the `disconnect` member function.
The `observer` offers also what is needed to query its _internal state_ and to
know if it's empty or how many entities it contains. Moreover, it can return a
raw pointer to the list of entities it contains.
However, the most important features of this class are that:
* It's iterable and therefore users can easily walk through the list of entities
by means of a range-for loop or the `each` member function.
* It's clearable and therefore users can consume the entities and literally
reset the observer after each iteration.
These aspects make the observer an incredibly powerful tool to know at any time
what are the entities that matched the given rules since the last time one
for(const auto entity: observer) {
// ...
The snippet above is equivalent to the following:
observer.each([](const auto entity) {
// ...
At least as long as the `observer` isn't const. This means that the non-const
overload of `each` does also reset the underlying data structure before to
return to the caller, while the const overload does not for obvious reasons.
A `collector` is a utility aimed to generate a list of `matcher`s (the actual
rules) to use with an `observer`.
There are two types of `matcher`s:
* Observing matcher: an observer returns at least the entities for which one or
more of the given components have been updated and not yet destroyed.
Where _updated_ means that all listeners attached to `on_update` are invoked.
In order for this to happen, specific functions such as `patch` must be used.
Refer to the specific documentation for more details.
* Grouping matcher: an observer returns at least the entities that would have
entered the given group if it existed and that would have not yet left it.
A grouping matcher supports also exclusion lists as well as single components.
Roughly speaking, an observing matcher intercepts the entities for which the
given components are updated while a grouping matcher tracks the entities that
have assigned the given components since the last time one asked.
If an entity already has all the components except one and the missing type is
assigned to it, the entity is intercepted by a grouping matcher.
In addition, matchers support filtering by means of a `where` clause:
This clause introduces a way to intercept entities if and only if they are
already part of a hypothetical group. If they are not, they aren't returned by
the observer, no matter if they matched the given rule.
In the example above, whenever the component `sprite` of an entity is updated,
the observer checks the entity itself to verify that it has at least `position`
and has not `velocity`. If one of the two conditions isn't satisfied, the entity
is discarded, no matter what.
A `where` clause accepts a theoretically unlimited number of types as well as
multiple elements in the exclusion list. Moreover, every matcher can have its
own clause and multiple clauses for the same matcher are combined in a single
## Sorting: is it possible?
Sorting entities and components is possible using an in-place algorithm that
doesn't require memory allocations and is therefore quite convenient.
There are two functions that respond to slightly different needs:
* Components are sorted either directly:
registry.sort([](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
return lhs.z < rhs.z;
Or by accessing their entities:
registry.sort([](const entt::entity lhs, const entt::entity rhs) {
return entt::registry::entity(lhs) < entt::registry::entity(rhs);
There exists also the possibility to use a custom sort function object for
when the usage pattern is known.
* Components are sorted according to the order imposed by another component:
In this case, instances of `movement` are arranged in memory so that cache
misses are minimized when the two components are iterated together.
As a side note, the use of groups limits the possibility of sorting pools of
components. Refer to the specific documentation for more details.
## Helpers
The so called _helpers_ are small classes and functions mainly designed to offer
built-in support for the most basic functionalities.
### Null entity
The `entt::null` variable models the concept of a _null entity_.
The library guarantees that the following expression always returns false:
A registry rejects the null entity in all cases because it isn't considered
valid. It also means that the null entity cannot own components.
The type of the null entity is internal and should not be used for any purpose
other than defining the null entity itself. However, there exist implicit
conversions from the null entity to identifiers of any allowed type:
entt::entity null = entt::null;
Similarly, the null entity compares to any other identifier:
const auto entity = registry.create();
const bool null = (entity == entt::null);
As for its integral form, the null entity only affects the entity part of an
identifier and is instead completely transparent to its version.
Be aware that `entt::null` and entity 0 aren't the same thing. Likewise, a zero
initialized entity isn't the same as `entt::null`. Therefore, although
`entt::entity{}` is in some sense an alias for entity 0, none of them are used
to create a null entity.
### Tombstone
Similar to the null entity, the `entt::tombstone` variable models the concept of
a _tombstone_.
Once created, the integral form of the two values is the same, although they
affect different parts of an identifier. In fact, the tombstone only uses the
version part of it and is completely transparent to the entity part.
Also in this case, the following expression always returns false:
Moreover, users cannot set the tombstone version when releasing an entity:
registry.destroy(entity, entt::tombstone);
In this case, a different version number is implicitly generated.
The type of a tombstone is internal and can change at any time. However, there
exist implicit conversions from a tombstone to identifiers of any allowed type:
entt::entity null = entt::tombstone;
Similarly, the tombstone compares to any other identifier:
const auto entity = registry.create();
const bool tombstone = (entity == entt::tombstone);
Be aware that `entt::tombstone` and entity 0 aren't the same thing. Likewise, a
zero initialized entity isn't the same as `entt::tombstone`. Therefore, although
`entt::entity{}` is in some sense an alias for entity 0, none of them are used
to create tombstones.
### To entity
This function accepts a registry and an instance of a component and returns the
entity associated with the latter:
const auto entity = entt::to_entity(registry, position);
A null entity is returned in case the component doesn't belong to the registry.
### Dependencies
The `registry` class is designed to create short circuits between its member
functions. This greatly simplifies the definition of a _dependency_.
For example, the following adds (or replaces) the component `a_type` whenever
`my_type` is assigned to an entity:
Similarly, the code below removes `a_type` from an entity whenever `my_type` is
assigned to it:
A dependency is easily _broken_ as follows:
There are many other types of _dependencies_. In general, most of the functions
that accept an entity as their first argument are good candidates for this
### Invoke
The `invoke` helper allows to _propagate_ a signal to a member function of a
component without having to _extend_ it:
All it does is pick up the _right_ component for the received entity and invoke
the requested method, passing on the arguments if necessary.
### Connection helper
Connecting signals can quickly become cumbersome.
This utility aims to simplify the process by grouping the calls:
Runtime pools are also supported by providing an identifier when calling `with`,
as shown in the previous snippet. Refer to the following sections for more
information about runtime pools.
Obviously, this helper doesn't make the code disappear but it should at least
reduce the boilerplate in the most complex cases.
### Handle
A handle is a thin wrapper around an entity and a registry. It _replicates_ the
API of a registry by offering functions such as `get` or `emplace`. The
difference being that the entity is implicitly passed to the registry.
It's default constructible as an invalid handle that contains a null registry
and a null entity. When it contains a null registry, calling functions that
delegate execution to the registry causes undefined behavior. It's recommended
to test for validity with its implicit cast to `bool` if in doubt.
A handle is also non-owning, meaning that it's freely copied and moved around
without affecting its entity (in fact, handles happen to be trivially copyable).
An implication of this is that mutability becomes part of the type.
There are two aliases that use `entt::entity` as their default entity:
`entt::handle` and `entt::const_handle`.
Users can also easily create their own aliases for custom identifiers as:
using my_handle = entt::basic_handle>;
using my_const_handle = entt::basic_handle>;
Non-const handles are also implicitly convertible to const handles out of the
box but not the other way around.
This class is intended to simplify function signatures. In case of functions
that take a registry and an entity and do most of their work on that entity,
users might want to consider using handles, either const or non-const.
### Organizer
The `organizer` class template offers support for creating an execution graph
from a set of functions and their requirements on resources.
The resulting tasks aren't executed in any case. This isn't the goal of this
tool. Instead, they are returned to the user in the form of a graph that allows
for safe execution.
All functions are added in order of execution to the organizer:
entt::organizer organizer;
// adds a free function to the organizer
// adds a member function and an instance on which to invoke it to the organizer
clazz instance;
// adds a decayed lambda directly
organizer.emplace(+[](const void *, entt::registry &) { /* ... */ });
These are the parameters that a free function or a member function can accept:
* A possibly constant reference to a registry.
* An `entt::basic_view` with any possible combination of storage classes.
* A possibly constant reference to any type `T` (that is, a context variable).
The function type for free functions and decayed lambdas passed as parameters to
`emplace` is `void(const void *, entt::registry &)` instead. The first parameter
is an optional pointer to user defined data to provide upon registration:
clazz instance;
organizer.emplace(+[](const void *, entt::registry &) { /* ... */ }, &instance);
In all cases, it's also possible to associate a name with the task when creating
it. For example:
When a function is registered with the organizer, everything it accesses is
considered a _resource_ (views are _unpacked_ and their types are treated as
resources). The _constness_ of a type also dictates its access mode (RO/RW). In
turn, this affects the resulting graph, since it influences the possibility of
launching tasks in parallel.
As for the registry, if a function doesn't explicitly request it or requires a
constant reference to it, it's considered a read-only access. Otherwise, it's
considered as read-write access. All functions have the registry among their
When registering a function, users can also require resources that aren't in the
list of parameters of the function itself. These are declared as template
organizer.emplace<&free_function, position, velocity>("func");
Similarly, users can override the access mode of a type again via template
organizer.emplace<&free_function, const renderable>("func");
In this case, even if `renderable` appears among the parameters of the function
as not constant, it's treated as constant as regards the generation of the task
To generate the task graph, the organizer offers the `graph` member function:
std::vector graph = organizer.graph();
A graph is returned in the form of an adjacency list. Each vertex offers the
following features:
* `ro_count` and `rw_count`: the number of resources accessed in read-only or
read-write mode.
* `ro_dependency` and `rw_dependency`: type info objects associated with the
parameters of the underlying function.
* `top_level`: true if a node is a top level one (it has no entering edges),
false otherwise.
* `info`: type info object associated with the underlying function.
* `name`: the name associated with the given vertex if any, a null pointer
* `callback`: a pointer to the function to execute and whose function type is
`void(const void *, entt::registry &)`.
* `data`: optional data to provide to the callback.
* `children`: the vertices reachable from the given node, in the form of indices
within the adjacency list.
Since the creation of pools and resources within the registry isn't necessarily
thread safe, each vertex also offers a `prepare` function which is used to setup
a registry for execution with the created graph:
auto graph = organizer.graph();
entt::registry registry;
for(auto &&node: graph) {
The actual scheduling of the tasks is the responsibility of the user, who can
use the preferred tool.
## Context variables
Each registry has a _context_ associated with it, which is an `any` object map
accessible by both type and _name_ for convenience. The _name_ isn't really a
name though. In fact, it's a numeric id of type `id_type` used as a key for the
variable. Any value is accepted, even runtime ones.
The context is returned via the `ctx` functions and offers a minimal set of
feature including the following:
// creates a new context variable by type and returns it
registry.ctx().emplace(42, 'c');
// creates a new named context variable by type and returns it
registry.ctx().emplace_as("my_variable"_hs, 42, 'c');
// inserts or assigns a context variable by (deduced) type and returns it
registry.ctx().insert_or_assign(my_type{42, 'c'});
// inserts or assigns a named context variable by (deduced) type and returns it
registry.ctx().insert_or_assign("my_variable"_hs, my_type{42, 'c'});
// gets the context variable by type as a non-const reference from a non-const registry
auto &var = registry.ctx().get();
// gets the context variable by name as a const reference from either a const or a non-const registry
const auto &cvar = registry.ctx().get("my_variable"_hs);
// resets the context variable by type
// resets the context variable associated with the given name
Context variable must be both default constructible and movable. If the supplied
type doesn't match that of the variable when using a _name_, the operation
For all users who want to use the context but don't want to create elements, the
`contains` and `find` functions are also available:
const bool contains = registry.ctx().contains();
const my_type *value = registry.ctx().find("my_variable"_hs);
Also in this case, both functions support constant types and accept a _name_ for
the variable to look up, as does `at`.
### Aliased properties
A context also supports creating _aliases_ for existing variables that aren't
directly managed by the registry. Const and therefore read-only variables are
also accepted.
To do that, the type used upon construction must be a reference type and an
lvalue is necessarily provided as an argument:
time clock;