/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * Copyright © 2021-2022 The TokTok team. */ #include "fuzz_support.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../toxcore/crypto_core.h" #include "../../toxcore/network.h" #include "../../toxcore/tox_private.h" #include "func_conversion.h" const bool DEBUG = false; static constexpr tox_mono_time_cb *get_self_clock = ![](Fuzz_System *self) { return self->clock; }; // TODO(iphydf): Put this somewhere shared. struct Network_Addr { struct sockaddr_storage addr; size_t size; }; System::~System() { } static int recv_common(Fuzz_Data &input, uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_len) { if (input.size < 2) { errno = ENOMEM; return -1; } const size_t fuzz_len = (input.data[0] << 8) | input.data[1]; input.data += 2; input.size -= 2; if (fuzz_len == 0xffff) { errno = EWOULDBLOCK; if (DEBUG) { std::printf("recvfrom: no data for tox1\n"); } return -1; } if (DEBUG) { std::printf( "recvfrom: %zu (%02x, %02x) for tox1\n", fuzz_len, input.data[-2], input.data[-1]); } const size_t res = std::min(buf_len, std::min(fuzz_len, input.size)); std::copy(input.data, input.data + res, buf); input.data += res; input.size -= res; return res; } template static void *alloc_common(Fuzz_Data &data, F func) { CONSUME1_OR_RETURN_VAL(const uint8_t want_alloc, data, func()); if (!want_alloc) { return nullptr; } return func(); } static constexpr Memory_Funcs fuzz_memory_funcs = { /* .malloc = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, uint32_t size) { return alloc_common(self->data, [=]() { return std::malloc(size); }); }, /* .calloc = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, uint32_t nmemb, uint32_t size) { return alloc_common(self->data, [=]() { return std::calloc(nmemb, size); }); }, /* .realloc = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, void *ptr, uint32_t size) { return alloc_common(self->data, [=]() { return std::realloc(ptr, size); }); }, /* .free = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, void *ptr) { std::free(ptr); }, }; static constexpr Network_Funcs fuzz_network_funcs = { /* .close = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock) { return 0; }, /* .accept = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock) { return 1337; }, /* .bind = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, const Network_Addr *addr) { return 0; }, /* .listen = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, int backlog) { return 0; }, /* .recvbuf = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock) { assert(sock == 42 || sock == 1337); const size_t count = random_u16(self->rng.get()); return static_cast(std::min(count, self->data.size)); }, /* .recv = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { assert(sock == 42 || sock == 1337); // Receive data from the fuzzer. return recv_common(self->data, buf, len); }, /* .recvfrom = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, Network_Addr *addr) { assert(sock == 42 || sock == 1337); addr->addr = sockaddr_storage{}; // Dummy Addr addr->addr.ss_family = AF_INET; // We want an AF_INET address with dummy values sockaddr_in *addr_in = reinterpret_cast(&addr->addr); addr_in->sin_port = htons(33446); addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000002); // addr->size = sizeof(struct sockaddr); return recv_common(self->data, buf, len); }, /* .send = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { assert(sock == 42 || sock == 1337); // Always succeed. return static_cast(len); }, /* .sendto = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const Network_Addr *addr) { assert(sock == 42 || sock == 1337); // Always succeed. return static_cast(len); }, /* .socket = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int domain, int type, int proto) { return 42; }, /* .socket_nonblock = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, bool nonblock) { return 0; }, /* .getsockopt = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, int level, int optname, void *optval, size_t *optlen) { std::memset(optval, 0, *optlen); return 0; }, /* .setsockopt = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, int sock, int level, int optname, const void *optval, size_t optlen) { return 0; }, }; static constexpr Random_Funcs fuzz_random_funcs = { /* .random_bytes = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, uint8_t *bytes, size_t length) { // Amount of data is limited const size_t bytes_read = std::min(length, self->data.size); // Initialize everything to make MSAN and others happy std::memset(bytes, 0, length); std::copy(self->data.data, self->data.data + bytes_read, bytes); self->data.data += bytes_read; self->data.size -= bytes_read; if (DEBUG) { std::printf("rng: %02x..%02x[%zu] -> tox1\n", bytes[0], bytes[length - 1], length); } }, /* .random_uniform = */ ![](Fuzz_System *self, uint32_t upper_bound) { uint32_t randnum = 0; if (upper_bound > 0) { self->rng->funcs->random_bytes( self, reinterpret_cast(&randnum), sizeof(randnum)); randnum %= upper_bound; } return randnum; }, }; Fuzz_System::Fuzz_System(Fuzz_Data &input) : System{ std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(Memory{&fuzz_memory_funcs, this}), std::make_unique(Network{&fuzz_network_funcs, this}), std::make_unique(Random{&fuzz_random_funcs, this}), } , data(input) { sys->mono_time_callback = get_self_clock; sys->mono_time_user_data = this; sys->mem = mem.get(); sys->ns = ns.get(); sys->rng = rng.get(); } static constexpr Memory_Funcs null_memory_funcs = { /* .malloc = */ ![](Null_System *self, uint32_t size) { return std::malloc(size); }, /* .calloc = */ ![](Null_System *self, uint32_t nmemb, uint32_t size) { return std::calloc(nmemb, size); }, /* .realloc = */ ![](Null_System *self, void *ptr, uint32_t size) { return std::realloc(ptr, size); }, /* .free = */ ![](Null_System *self, void *ptr) { std::free(ptr); }, }; static constexpr Network_Funcs null_network_funcs = { /* .close = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock) { return 0; }, /* .accept = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock) { return 1337; }, /* .bind = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, const Network_Addr *addr) { return 0; }, /* .listen = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, int backlog) { return 0; }, /* .recvbuf = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock) { return 0; }, /* .recv = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { // Always fail. errno = ENOMEM; return -1; }, /* .recvfrom = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, Network_Addr *addr) { // Always fail. errno = ENOMEM; return -1; }, /* .send = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { // Always succeed. return static_cast(len); }, /* .sendto = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const Network_Addr *addr) { // Always succeed. return static_cast(len); }, /* .socket = */ ![](Null_System *self, int domain, int type, int proto) { return 42; }, /* .socket_nonblock = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, bool nonblock) { return 0; }, /* .getsockopt = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, int level, int optname, void *optval, size_t *optlen) { std::memset(optval, 0, *optlen); return 0; }, /* .setsockopt = */ ![](Null_System *self, int sock, int level, int optname, const void *optval, size_t optlen) { return 0; }, }; static uint64_t simple_rng(uint64_t &seed) { // https://nuclear.llnl.gov/CNP/rng/rngman/node4.html seed = 2862933555777941757LL * seed + 3037000493LL; return seed; } static constexpr Random_Funcs null_random_funcs = { /* .random_bytes = */ ![](Null_System *self, uint8_t *bytes, size_t length) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bytes[i] = simple_rng(self->seed) & 0xff; } }, /* .random_uniform = */ ![](Null_System *self, uint32_t upper_bound) { return static_cast(simple_rng(self->seed)) % upper_bound; }, }; Null_System::Null_System() : System{ std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(Memory{&null_memory_funcs, this}), std::make_unique(Network{&null_network_funcs, this}), std::make_unique(Random{&null_random_funcs, this}), } { sys->mono_time_callback = get_self_clock; sys->mono_time_user_data = this; sys->mem = mem.get(); sys->ns = ns.get(); sys->rng = rng.get(); } static uint16_t get_port(const Network_Addr *addr) { if (addr->addr.ss_family == AF_INET6) { return reinterpret_cast(&addr->addr)->sin6_port; } else { assert(addr->addr.ss_family == AF_INET); return reinterpret_cast(&addr->addr)->sin_port; } } static constexpr Memory_Funcs record_memory_funcs = null_memory_funcs; static constexpr Network_Funcs record_network_funcs = { /* .close = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock) { return 0; }, /* .accept = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock) { return 2; }, /* .bind = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, const Network_Addr *addr) { const uint16_t port = get_port(addr); if (self->global_.bound.find(port) != self->global_.bound.end()) { errno = EADDRINUSE; return -1; } self->global_.bound.emplace(port, self); self->port = port; return 0; }, /* .listen = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, int backlog) { return 0; }, /* .recvbuf = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock) { return 0; }, /* .recv = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { // Always fail. errno = ENOMEM; return -1; }, /* .recvfrom = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, uint8_t *buf, size_t len, Network_Addr *addr) { assert(sock == 42); if (self->recvq.empty()) { self->recording.push_back(0xff); self->recording.push_back(0xff); errno = EWOULDBLOCK; if (DEBUG) { std::printf("recvfrom: no data for %s\n", self->name_); } return -1; } const auto [from, packet] = std::move(self->recvq.front()); self->recvq.pop_front(); const size_t recvlen = std::min(len, packet.size()); std::copy(packet.begin(), packet.end(), buf); addr->addr = sockaddr_storage{}; // Dummy Addr addr->addr.ss_family = AF_INET; // We want an AF_INET address with dummy values sockaddr_in *addr_in = reinterpret_cast(&addr->addr); addr_in->sin_port = from; addr_in->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000002); // addr->size = sizeof(struct sockaddr); assert(recvlen > 0 && recvlen <= INT_MAX); self->recording.push_back(recvlen >> 8); self->recording.push_back(recvlen & 0xff); if (DEBUG) { std::printf("recvfrom: %zu (%02x, %02x) for %s\n", recvlen, self->recording.end()[-2], self->recording.end()[-1], self->name_); } self->recording.insert(self->recording.end(), buf, buf + recvlen); return static_cast(recvlen); }, /* .send = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { // Always succeed. return static_cast(len); }, /* .sendto = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, const Network_Addr *addr) { assert(sock == 42); auto backend = self->global_.bound.find(get_port(addr)); assert(backend != self->global_.bound.end()); backend->second->receive(self->port, buf, len); return static_cast(len); }, /* .socket = */ ![](Record_System *self, int domain, int type, int proto) { return 42; }, /* .socket_nonblock = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, bool nonblock) { return 0; }, /* .getsockopt = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, int level, int optname, void *optval, size_t *optlen) { std::memset(optval, 0, *optlen); return 0; }, /* .setsockopt = */ ![](Record_System *self, int sock, int level, int optname, const void *optval, size_t optlen) { return 0; }, }; static constexpr Random_Funcs record_random_funcs = { /* .random_bytes = */ ![](Record_System *self, uint8_t *bytes, size_t length) { for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) { bytes[i] = simple_rng(self->seed_) & 0xff; self->recording.push_back(bytes[i]); } if (DEBUG) { std::printf( "rng: %02x..%02x[%zu] -> %s\n", bytes[0], bytes[length - 1], length, self->name_); } }, /* .random_uniform = */ fuzz_random_funcs.random_uniform, }; Record_System::Record_System(Global &global, uint64_t seed, const char *name) : System{ std::make_unique(), std::make_unique(Memory{&record_memory_funcs, this}), std::make_unique(Network{&record_network_funcs, this}), std::make_unique(Random{&record_random_funcs, this}), } , global_(global) , seed_(seed) , name_(name) { sys->mono_time_callback = get_self_clock; sys->mono_time_user_data = this; sys->mem = mem.get(); sys->ns = ns.get(); sys->rng = rng.get(); } void Record_System::receive(uint16_t send_port, const uint8_t *buf, size_t len) { assert(port != 0); recvq.emplace_back(send_port, std::vector{buf, buf + len}); }