#!/usr/bin/python """ Generate a new (and empty) save file with predefined keys. Used to play with externally generated keys. (c) 2015 Alexandre Erwin Ittner Distributed under the GNU GPL v3 or later, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. See the file "LICENSE.md" for license information. Usage: ./make-funny-savefile.py The new user profile will be saved to . The keys must be an hex-encoded valid key pair generated by any means (eg. strkey.c); username may be anything. A random nospam value will be generated. Once the savefile is done, load it in your favorite client to get some DHT nodes, set status and status messages, add friends, etc. Example (of course, do not try using this key for anything real): ./make-funny-savefile.py 123411DC8B1A4760B648E0C7243B65F01069E4858F45C612CE1A6F673B603830 CC39440CFC063E4A95B7F2FB2580210558BE5C073AFC1C9604D431CCA3132238 "Test user" test.tox """ import os import struct import sys PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH = 32 PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH = 32 # Constants taken from messenger.c MESSENGER_STATE_COOKIE_GLOBAL = 0x15ED1B1F MESSENGER_STATE_COOKIE_TYPE = 0x01CE MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_NOSPAMKEYS = 1 MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_DHT = 2 MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_FRIENDS = 3 MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_NAME = 4 MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_STATUSMESSAGE = 5 MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_STATUS = 6 MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_TCP_RELAY = 10 MESSENGER_STATE_TYPE_PATH_NODE = 11 STATUS_MESSAGE = "New user".encode("utf-8") def abort(msg: str) -> None: print(msg) exit(1) if len(sys.argv) != 5: abort("Usage: %s " % (sys.argv[0])) try: public_key = bytes.fromhex(sys.argv[1]) except: abort("Bad public key") try: private_key = bytes.fromhex(sys.argv[2]) except: abort("Bad private key") if len(public_key) != PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH: abort("Public key with wrong length") if len(private_key) != PRIVATE_KEY_LENGTH: abort("Private key with wrong length") user_name = sys.argv[3].encode("utf-8") if len(user_name) > 32: abort("User name too long (for this script, at least)") out_file_name = sys.argv[4] nospam = os.urandom(4) def make_subheader(h_type: int, h_length: int) -> bytes: return (struct.pack("