#include "./main_screen.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include MainScreen::MainScreen(SimpleConfigModel&& conf_, SDL_Renderer* renderer_, Theme& theme_, std::string save_path, std::string save_password, std::string new_username, std::vector plugins) : renderer(renderer_), conf(std::move(conf_)), rmm(cr), msnj{cr, {}, {}}, mts(rmm), tc(save_path, save_password), tpi(tc.getTox()), ad(tc), #if TOMATO_TOX_AV tav(tc.getTox()), #endif tcm(cr, tc, tc), tmm(rmm, cr, tcm, tc, tc), ttm(rmm, cr, tcm, tc, tc), tffom(cr, rmm, tcm, tc, tc), theme(theme_), mmil(rmm), tam(rmm, cr, conf), sdlrtu(renderer_), tal(cr), contact_tc(tal, sdlrtu), mil(), msg_tc(mil, sdlrtu), cg(conf, rmm, cr, sdlrtu, contact_tc, msg_tc, theme), sw(conf), osui(os), tuiu(tc, conf), tdch(tpi) { tel.subscribeAll(tc); registerMessageComponents(msnj); registerToxMessageComponents(msnj); conf.set("tox", "save_file_path", save_path); { // name stuff // a new profile will not have this set auto name = tc.toxSelfGetName(); if (name.empty()) { name = new_username; } conf.set("tox", "name", name); tc.setSelfName(name); // TODO: this is ugly } // TODO: remove std::cout << "own address: " << tc.toxSelfGetAddressStr() << "\n"; { // setup plugin instances g_provideInstance("ObjectStore2", "host", &os); g_provideInstance("ConfigModelI", "host", &conf); g_provideInstance("Contact3Registry", "1", "host", &cr); g_provideInstance("RegistryMessageModel", "host", &rmm); g_provideInstance("MessageSerializerNJ", "host", &msnj); g_provideInstance("ToxI", "host", &tc); g_provideInstance("ToxPrivateI", "host", &tpi); g_provideInstance("ToxEventProviderI", "host", &tc); #if TOMATO_TOX_AV g_provideInstance("ToxAV", "host", &tav); #endif g_provideInstance("ToxContactModel2", "host", &tcm); // TODO: pm? // graphics g_provideInstance("ImGuiContext", ImGui::GetVersion(), "host", ImGui::GetCurrentContext()); { ImGuiMemAllocFunc alloc_func = nullptr; ImGuiMemFreeFunc free_func = nullptr; void* user_data = nullptr; ImGui::GetAllocatorFunctions(&alloc_func, &free_func, &user_data); // function pointers are funky g_provideInstance("ImGuiMemAllocFunc", ImGui::GetVersion(), "host", reinterpret_cast(alloc_func)); g_provideInstance("ImGuiMemFreeFunc", ImGui::GetVersion(), "host", reinterpret_cast(free_func)); if (user_data != nullptr) { // dont register nullptrs (can be valid, we rely on the other 2 pointers to indicate) g_provideInstance("ImGuiMemUserData", ImGui::GetVersion(), "host", user_data); } } g_provideInstance("TextureUploaderI", "host", &sdlrtu); } for (const auto& ppath : plugins) { if (!pm.add(ppath)) { std::cerr << "MS error: loading plugin '" << ppath << "' failed!\n"; // thow? //assert(false && "failed to load plugin"); SDL_MessageBoxData mb; mb.flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR; mb.window = nullptr; mb.title = "Tomato failed to load a plugin!"; std::string message {"Failed to load plugin '"}; message += ppath; message += "' !"; mb.message = message.c_str(); mb.numbuttons = 2; SDL_MessageBoxButtonData mb_buttons[2] {}; mb_buttons[0].buttonID = 1; mb_buttons[0].flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_ESCAPEKEY_DEFAULT; mb_buttons[0].text = "Abort"; mb_buttons[1].buttonID = 2; mb_buttons[1].flags = SDL_MESSAGEBOX_BUTTON_RETURNKEY_DEFAULT; mb_buttons[1].text = "Continue Anyway"; mb.buttons = mb_buttons; mb.colorScheme = nullptr; int button_id = 0; SDL_ShowMessageBox(&mb, &button_id); if (button_id == 1) { exit(1); } } } conf.dump(); } MainScreen::~MainScreen(void) { } bool MainScreen::handleEvent(SDL_Event& e) { if (e.type == SDL_EVENT_DROP_FILE) { std::cout << "DROP FILE: " << e.drop.data << "\n"; cg.sendFilePath(e.drop.data); _render_interval = 1.f/60.f; // TODO: magic _time_since_event = 0.f; return true; // TODO: forward return succ from sendFilePath() } if ( e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_MINIMIZED || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_HIDDEN || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_OCCLUDED // does this trigger on partial occlusion? ) { auto* window = SDL_GetWindowFromID(e.window.windowID); auto* event_renderer = SDL_GetRenderer(window); if (event_renderer != nullptr && event_renderer == renderer) { // our window is now obstructed if (_window_hidden_ts < e.window.timestamp) { _window_hidden_ts = e.window.timestamp; _window_hidden = true; //std::cout << "TOMAT: window hidden " << e.window.timestamp << "\n"; } } return true; // forward? } if ( e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_SHOWN || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_RESTORED || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_EXPOSED ) { auto* window = SDL_GetWindowFromID(e.window.windowID); auto* event_renderer = SDL_GetRenderer(window); if (event_renderer != nullptr && event_renderer == renderer) { if (_window_hidden_ts <= e.window.timestamp) { _window_hidden_ts = e.window.timestamp; if (_window_hidden) { // if window was previously hidden, we shorten the wait for the next frame _render_interval = 1.f/60.f; } _window_hidden = false; //std::cout << "TOMAT: window shown " << e.window.timestamp << "\n"; } } _render_interval = 1.f/60.f; // TODO: magic _time_since_event = 0.f; return true; // forward? } if ( _fps_perf_mode <= 1 && ( // those are all the events imgui polls e.type == SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_MOTION || e.type == SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_WHEEL || e.type == SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN || e.type == SDL_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP || e.type == SDL_EVENT_FINGER_DOWN || e.type == SDL_EVENT_FINGER_UP || e.type == SDL_EVENT_TEXT_INPUT || e.type == SDL_EVENT_TEXT_EDITING || e.type == SDL_EVENT_KEY_DOWN || e.type == SDL_EVENT_KEY_UP || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_MOUSE_ENTER || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_MOUSE_LEAVE || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_FOCUS_GAINED || e.type == SDL_EVENT_WINDOW_FOCUS_LOST ) ) { _render_interval = 1.f/60.f; // TODO: magic _time_since_event = 0.f; } return false; } Screen* MainScreen::render(float time_delta, bool&) { // HACK: render the tomato main window first, with proper flags set. // flags need to be set the first time begin() is called. // and plugins are run before the main cg is run. { // TODO: maybe render cg earlier? or move the main window out of cg? constexpr auto bg_window_flags = ImGuiWindowFlags_NoDecoration | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings | ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus; ImGui::Begin("tomato", nullptr, bg_window_flags); ImGui::End(); } const float pm_interval = pm.render(time_delta); // render // TODO: move this somewhere else!!! // needs both tal and tc <.< if (!cr.storage().empty()) { // handle force-reloads for avatars std::vector to_purge; cr.view().each([&to_purge](const Contact3 c) { to_purge.push_back(c); }); cr.remove(to_purge.cbegin(), to_purge.cend()); contact_tc.invalidate(to_purge); } // ACTUALLY NOT IF RENDERED, MOVED LOGIC TO ABOVE // it might unload textures, so it needs to be done before rendering const float ctc_interval = contact_tc.update(); const float msgtc_interval = msg_tc.update(); const float cg_interval = cg.render(time_delta); // render sw.render(); // render osui.render(); tuiu.render(); // render tdch.render(); // render { // main window menubar injection if (ImGui::Begin("tomato")) { if (ImGui::BeginMenuBar()) { // ImGui::Separator(); // why do we not need this???? if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Performance")) { { // fps const auto targets = "normal\0reduced\0powersave\0"; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize()*10); ImGui::Combo("fps mode", &_fps_perf_mode, targets, 4); } { // compute const auto targets = "normal\0powersave\0extreme powersave\0"; ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::GetFontSize()*10); ImGui::Combo("compute mode", &_compute_perf_mode, targets, 4); ImGui::SetItemTooltip("Limiting compute can slow down things like filetransfers!"); } ImGui::EndMenu(); } if (ImGui::BeginMenu("Settings")) { ImGui::SeparatorText("ImGui"); if (ImGui::MenuItem("Style Editor")) { _show_tool_style_editor = true; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Metrics")) { _show_tool_metrics = true; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("Debug Log")) { _show_tool_debug_log = true; } if (ImGui::MenuItem("ID Stack Tool")) { _show_tool_id_stack = true; } ImGui::EndMenu(); } ImGui::EndMenuBar(); } } ImGui::End(); } if (_show_tool_style_editor) { if (ImGui::Begin("Dear ImGui Style Editor", &_show_tool_style_editor)) { ImGui::ShowStyleEditor(); } ImGui::End(); } if (_show_tool_metrics) { ImGui::ShowMetricsWindow(&_show_tool_metrics); } if (_show_tool_debug_log) { ImGui::ShowDebugLogWindow(&_show_tool_debug_log); } if (_show_tool_id_stack) { ImGui::ShowIDStackToolWindow(&_show_tool_id_stack); } if constexpr (false) { ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(); } float tc_unfinished_queue_interval; { // load rendered but not loaded textures bool unfinished_work_queue = contact_tc.workLoadQueue(); unfinished_work_queue = unfinished_work_queue || msg_tc.workLoadQueue(); if (unfinished_work_queue) { tc_unfinished_queue_interval = 0.1f; // so we can get images loaded faster } else { tc_unfinished_queue_interval = 1.f; // TODO: higher min fps? } } // calculate interval for next frame // normal: // - if < 1.5sec since last event // - min all and clamp(1/60, 1/1) // - if < 30sec since last event // - min all (anim + everything else) clamp(1/60, 1/1) (maybe less?) // - else // - min without anim and clamp(1/60, 1/1) (maybe more?) // reduced: // - if < 1sec since last event // - min all and clamp(1/60, 1/1) // - if < 10sec since last event // - min all (anim + everything else) clamp(1/10, 1/1) // - else // - min without anim and max clamp(1/10, 1/1) // powersave: // - if < 0sec since last event // - (ignored) // - if < 1sec since last event // - min all (anim + everything else) clamp(1/8, 1/1) // - else // - min without anim and clamp(1/1, 1/1) struct PerfProfileRender { float low_delay_window {1.5f}; float low_delay_min {1.f/60.f}; float low_delay_max {1.f/60.f}; float mid_delay_window {30.f}; float mid_delay_min {1.f/60.f}; float mid_delay_max {1.f/2.f}; // also when main window hidden float else_delay_min {1.f/60.f}; float else_delay_max {1.f/2.f}; }; const static PerfProfileRender normalPerfProfile{ //1.5f, // low_delay_window //1.f/60.f, // low_delay_min //1.f/60.f, // low_delay_max //30.f, // mid_delay_window //1.f/60.f, // mid_delay_min //1.f/2.f, // mid_delay_max //1.f/60.f, // else_delay_min //1.f/2.f, // else_delay_max }; const static PerfProfileRender reducedPerfProfile{ 1.f, // low_delay_window 1.f/60.f, // low_delay_min 1.f/30.f, // low_delay_max 10.f, // mid_delay_window 1.f/10.f, // mid_delay_min 1.f/4.f, // mid_delay_max 1.f/10.f, // else_delay_min 1.f, // else_delay_max }; // TODO: fix powersave by adjusting it in the events handler (make ppr member) const static PerfProfileRender powersavePerfProfile{ // no window -> ignore first case 0.f, // low_delay_window 1.f, // low_delay_min 1.f, // low_delay_max 1.f, // mid_delay_window 1.f/8.f, // mid_delay_min 1.f/4.f, // mid_delay_max 1.f, // else_delay_min 1.f, // else_delay_max }; const PerfProfileRender& curr_profile = // TODO: magic _fps_perf_mode > 1 ? powersavePerfProfile : ( _fps_perf_mode == 1 ? reducedPerfProfile : normalPerfProfile ) ; // min over non animations in all cases _render_interval = std::min(pm_interval, cg_interval); _render_interval = std::min(_render_interval, tc_unfinished_queue_interval); // low delay time window if (!_window_hidden && _time_since_event < curr_profile.low_delay_window) { _render_interval = std::min(_render_interval, ctc_interval); _render_interval = std::min(_render_interval, msgtc_interval); _render_interval = std::clamp( _render_interval, curr_profile.low_delay_min, curr_profile.low_delay_max ); // mid delay time window } else if (!_window_hidden && _time_since_event < curr_profile.mid_delay_window) { _render_interval = std::min(_render_interval, ctc_interval); _render_interval = std::min(_render_interval, msgtc_interval); _render_interval = std::clamp( _render_interval, curr_profile.mid_delay_min, curr_profile.mid_delay_max ); // timed out or window hidden } else { // no animation timing here _render_interval = std::clamp( _render_interval, curr_profile.else_delay_min, curr_profile.else_delay_max ); } _time_since_event += time_delta; return nullptr; } Screen* MainScreen::tick(float time_delta, bool& quit) { quit = !tc.iterate(time_delta); // compute tcm.iterate(time_delta); // compute const float fo_interval = tffom.tick(time_delta); tam.iterate(); // compute const float pm_interval = pm.tick(time_delta); // compute tdch.tick(time_delta); // compute mts.iterate(); // compute (after mfs) _min_tick_interval = std::min( // HACK: pow by 1.6 to increase 50 -> ~500 (~522) // and it does not change 1 std::pow(tc.toxIterationInterval(), 1.6f)/1000.f, pm_interval ); _min_tick_interval = std::min( _min_tick_interval, fo_interval ); //std::cout << "MS: min tick interval: " << _min_tick_interval << "\n"; switch (_compute_perf_mode) { // normal 1ms lower bound case 0: _min_tick_interval = std::max(_min_tick_interval, 0.001f); break; // in powersave fix the lowerbound to 100ms case 1: _min_tick_interval = std::max(_min_tick_interval, 0.1f); break; // extreme 2s case 2: _min_tick_interval = std::max(_min_tick_interval, 2.f); break; default: std::cerr << "unknown compute perf mode\n"; std::exit(-1); } return nullptr; }