forked from Green-Sky/tomato
11ab1d2a723 fix: reduce memory usage in group chats by 75% Significantly reduced the memory usage of groups since all message slots are preallocated for every peer for send and receive buffers of buffer size (hundreds of MiB peak when save contained alot of peers to try to connect to) 4f09f4e147c chore: Fix tsan build by moving it to GitHub CI. 6460c25c9e0 refactor: Use `merge_sort` instead of `qsort` for sorting. c660bbe8c95 test: Fix crypto_test to initialise its plain text buffer. 0204db6184b cleanup: Fix layering check warnings. df2211e1548 refactor: Use tox memory allocator for temporary buffers in crypto. ac812871a2e feat: implement the last 2 missing network struct functions and make use of them 29d1043be0b test: friend request test now tests min/max message sizes 93aafd78c1f fix: friend requests with very long messages are no longer dropped 819aa2b2618 feat: Add option to disable DNS lookups in toxcore. 0ac23cee035 fix: windows use of REUSEADDR 7d2811d302d chore(ci): make bazel server shutdown faster 1dc399ba20d chore: Use vcpkg instead of conan in the MSVC build. 14d823165d9 chore: Migrate to conan 2. bdd17c16787 cleanup: Allocate logger using tox memory allocator. b396c061515 chore(deps): bump third_party/cmp from `2ac6bca` to `52bfcfa` 2e94da60d09 feat(net): add missing connect to network struct 41fb1839c7b chore: Add check to ensure version numbers agree. 934a8301113 chore: Release 0.2.20 3acef4bf044 fix: Add missing free in dht_get_nodes_response event. git-subtree-dir: external/toxcore/c-toxcore git-subtree-split: 11ab1d2a7232eee19b51ce126ccce267d6578903
930 lines
38 KiB
930 lines
38 KiB
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../testing/misc_tools.h"
#include "../toxcore/TCP_client.h"
#include "../toxcore/TCP_common.h"
#include "../toxcore/TCP_server.h"
#include "../toxcore/crypto_core.h"
#include "../toxcore/mono_time.h"
#include "../toxcore/util.h"
#include "auto_test_support.h"
#define NUM_PORTS 3
#ifndef USE_IPV6
#define USE_IPV6 1
#if !USE_IPV6
#define net_family_ipv6 net_family_ipv4
static IP get_loopback(void)
IP ip;
#if USE_IPV6
| = net_family_ipv6();
ip.ip.v6 = get_ip6_loopback();
| = net_family_ipv4();
ip.ip.v4 = get_ip4_loopback();
return ip;
static void do_tcp_server_delay(TCP_Server *tcp_s, Mono_Time *mono_time, int delay)
do_tcp_server(tcp_s, mono_time);
static uint16_t ports[NUM_PORTS] = {13215, 33445, 25643};
static void test_basic(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
logger_callback_log(logger, print_debug_logger, nullptr, nullptr);
// Attempt to create a new TCP_Server instance.
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_s != nullptr, "Failed to create a TCP relay server.");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_server_listen_count(tcp_s) == NUM_PORTS,
"Failed to bind a TCP relay server to all %d attempted ports.", NUM_PORTS);
Socket sock = {0};
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = 0;
// Check all opened ports for connectivity.
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_PORTS; i++) {
sock = net_socket(ns, net_family_ipv6(), TOX_SOCK_STREAM, TOX_PROTO_TCP);
localhost.port = net_htons(ports[i]);
bool ret = net_connect(ns, mem, logger, sock, &localhost);
ck_assert_msg(ret, "Failed to connect to created TCP relay server on port %d (%d).", ports[i], errno);
// Leave open one connection for the next test.
if (i + 1 < NUM_PORTS) {
kill_sock(ns, sock);
// Key creation.
uint8_t f_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_nonce[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f_public_key, f_secret_key);
random_nonce(rng, f_nonce);
// Generation of the initial handshake.
uint8_t t_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t *handshake_plain = (uint8_t *)malloc(TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE);
ck_assert(handshake_plain != nullptr);
crypto_new_keypair(rng, handshake_plain, t_secret_key);
memcpy(handshake_plain + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, f_nonce, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
uint8_t *handshake = (uint8_t *)malloc(TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE);
ck_assert(handshake != nullptr);
memcpy(handshake, f_public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
random_nonce(rng, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
// Encrypting handshake
int ret = encrypt_data(mem, self_public_key, f_secret_key, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, handshake_plain,
"encrypt_data() call failed.");
// Sending the handshake
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake, TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
&localhost) == TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
"An attempt to send the initial handshake minus last byte failed.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake + (TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1), 1, &localhost) == 1,
"The attempt to send the last byte of handshake failed.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
// Receiving server response and decrypting it
uint8_t response[TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
uint8_t response_plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE];
ck_assert_msg(net_recv(ns, logger, sock, response, TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE, &localhost) == TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE,
"Could/did not receive a server response to the initial handshake.");
ret = decrypt_data(mem, self_public_key, f_secret_key, response, response + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE,
ck_assert_msg(ret == TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE, "Failed to decrypt handshake response.");
uint8_t f_nonce_r[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
uint8_t f_shared_key[CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE];
encrypt_precompute(response_plain, t_secret_key, f_shared_key);
memcpy(f_nonce_r, response_plain + CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
// Building a request
uint8_t r_req_p[1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
memcpy(r_req_p + 1, f_public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
uint8_t r_req[2 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE];
size = net_htons(size);
encrypt_data_symmetric(mem, f_shared_key, f_nonce, r_req_p, 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, r_req + 2);
memcpy(r_req, &size, 2);
// Sending the request at random intervals in random pieces.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sizeof(r_req);) {
uint8_t msg_length = rand() % 5 + 1; // msg_length = 1 to 5
if (i + msg_length >= sizeof(r_req)) {
msg_length = sizeof(r_req) - i;
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, r_req + i, msg_length, &localhost) == msg_length,
"Failed to send request after completing the handshake.");
i += msg_length;
do_tcp_server(tcp_s, mono_time);
// Receiving the second response and verifying its validity
uint8_t packet_resp[4096];
int recv_data_len = net_recv(ns, logger, sock, packet_resp, 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE, &localhost);
ck_assert_msg(recv_data_len == 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE,
"Failed to receive server response to request. %d", recv_data_len);
memcpy(&size, packet_resp, 2);
ck_assert_msg(net_ntohs(size) == 2 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE,
"Wrong packet size for request response.");
uint8_t packet_resp_plain[4096];
ret = decrypt_data_symmetric(mem, f_shared_key, f_nonce_r, packet_resp + 2, recv_data_len - 2, packet_resp_plain);
ck_assert_msg(ret != -1, "Failed to decrypt the TCP server's response.");
ck_assert_msg(packet_resp_plain[0] == TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_RESPONSE, "Server sent the wrong packet id: %u",
ck_assert_msg(packet_resp_plain[1] == 0, "Server did not refuse the connection.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(packet_resp_plain + 2, f_public_key), "Server sent the wrong public key.");
// Closing connections.
kill_sock(ns, sock);
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
struct sec_TCP_con {
Socket sock;
const Network *ns;
const Memory *mem;
uint8_t public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t recv_nonce[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
uint8_t sent_nonce[CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE];
uint8_t shared_key[CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE];
static struct sec_TCP_con *new_tcp_con(const Logger *logger, const Memory *mem, const Random *rng, const Network *ns, TCP_Server *tcp_s, Mono_Time *mono_time)
struct sec_TCP_con *sec_c = (struct sec_TCP_con *)malloc(sizeof(struct sec_TCP_con));
ck_assert(sec_c != nullptr);
sec_c->ns = ns;
sec_c->mem = mem;
Socket sock = net_socket(ns, net_family_ipv6(), TOX_SOCK_STREAM, TOX_PROTO_TCP);
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
bool ok = net_connect(ns, mem, logger, sock, &localhost);
ck_assert_msg(ok, "Failed to connect to the test TCP relay server.");
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, sec_c->public_key, f_secret_key);
random_nonce(rng, sec_c->sent_nonce);
uint8_t t_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t handshake_plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, handshake_plain, t_secret_key);
memcpy(handshake_plain + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, sec_c->sent_nonce, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
uint8_t handshake[TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
memcpy(handshake, sec_c->public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
random_nonce(rng, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
int ret = encrypt_data(mem, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), f_secret_key, handshake + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, handshake_plain,
"Failed to encrypt the outgoing handshake.");
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake, TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
&localhost) == TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1,
"Failed to send the first portion of the handshake to the TCP relay server.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
ck_assert_msg(net_send(ns, logger, sock, handshake + (TCP_CLIENT_HANDSHAKE_SIZE - 1), 1, &localhost) == 1,
"Failed to send last byte of handshake.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
uint8_t response[TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE];
uint8_t response_plain[TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE];
ck_assert_msg(net_recv(sec_c->ns, logger, sock, response, TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE, &localhost) == TCP_SERVER_HANDSHAKE_SIZE,
"Failed to receive server handshake response.");
ret = decrypt_data(mem, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), f_secret_key, response, response + CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE,
ck_assert_msg(ret == TCP_HANDSHAKE_PLAIN_SIZE, "Failed to decrypt server handshake response.");
encrypt_precompute(response_plain, t_secret_key, sec_c->shared_key);
memcpy(sec_c->recv_nonce, response_plain + CRYPTO_SHARED_KEY_SIZE, CRYPTO_NONCE_SIZE);
sec_c->sock = sock;
return sec_c;
static void kill_tcp_con(struct sec_TCP_con *con)
kill_sock(con->ns, con->sock);
static int write_packet_tcp_test_connection(const Logger *logger, struct sec_TCP_con *con, const uint8_t *data,
uint16_t length)
const uint16_t packet_size = sizeof(uint16_t) + length + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE;
VLA(uint8_t, packet, packet_size);
uint16_t c_length = net_htons(length + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
memcpy(packet, &c_length, sizeof(uint16_t));
int len = encrypt_data_symmetric(con->mem, con->shared_key, con->sent_nonce, data, length, packet + sizeof(uint16_t));
if ((unsigned int)len != (packet_size - sizeof(uint16_t))) {
return -1;
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = 0;
ck_assert_msg(net_send(con->ns, logger, con->sock, packet, packet_size, &localhost) == packet_size,
"Failed to send a packet.");
return 0;
static int read_packet_sec_tcp(const Logger *logger, struct sec_TCP_con *con, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
IP_Port localhost;
localhost.ip = get_loopback();
localhost.port = 0;
int rlen = net_recv(con->ns, logger, con->sock, data, length, &localhost);
ck_assert_msg(rlen == length, "Did not receive packet of correct length. Wanted %i, instead got %i", length, rlen);
rlen = decrypt_data_symmetric(con->mem, con->shared_key, con->recv_nonce, data + 2, length - 2, data);
ck_assert_msg(rlen != -1, "Failed to decrypt a received packet from the Relay server.");
return rlen;
static void test_some(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_s != nullptr, "Failed to create TCP relay server");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_server_listen_count(tcp_s) == NUM_PORTS, "Failed to bind to all ports.");
struct sec_TCP_con *con1 = new_tcp_con(logger, mem, rng, ns, tcp_s, mono_time);
struct sec_TCP_con *con2 = new_tcp_con(logger, mem, rng, ns, tcp_s, mono_time);
struct sec_TCP_con *con3 = new_tcp_con(logger, mem, rng, ns, tcp_s, mono_time);
uint8_t requ_p[1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
// Sending wrong public keys to test server response.
memcpy(requ_p + 1, con3->public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con1, requ_p, sizeof(requ_p));
memcpy(requ_p + 1, con1->public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con3, requ_p, sizeof(requ_p));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
// Testing response from connection 1
uint8_t data[2048];
int len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, "Wrong response packet length of %d.", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_RESPONSE, "Wrong response packet id of %d.", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "Server didn't refuse connection using wrong public key.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(data + 2, con3->public_key), "Key in response packet wrong.");
// Connection 3
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 1 + 1 + CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, "Wrong response packet length of %d.", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_ROUTING_RESPONSE, "Wrong response packet id of %d.", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "Server didn't refuse connection using wrong public key.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(data + 2, con1->public_key), "Key in response packet wrong.");
uint8_t test_packet[512] = {16, 17, 16, 86, 99, 127, 255, 189, 78}; // What is this packet????
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con3, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con3, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con3, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 2, "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION, "wrong packet id %u", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "wrong peer id %u", data[1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + 2 + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == 2, "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION, "wrong packet id %u", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(data[1] == 16, "wrong peer id %u", data[1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con1, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con1, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con1, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con3, data, 2 + sizeof(test_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(test_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(data, test_packet, sizeof(test_packet)) == 0, "packet is wrong %u %u %u %u", data[0], data[1],
data[sizeof(test_packet) - 2], data[sizeof(test_packet) - 1]);
uint8_t ping_packet[1 + sizeof(uint64_t)] = {TCP_PACKET_PING, 8, 6, 9, 67};
write_packet_tcp_test_connection(logger, con1, ping_packet, sizeof(ping_packet));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
len = read_packet_sec_tcp(logger, con1, data, 2 + sizeof(ping_packet) + CRYPTO_MAC_SIZE);
ck_assert_msg(len == sizeof(ping_packet), "wrong len %d", len);
ck_assert_msg(data[0] == TCP_PACKET_PONG, "wrong packet id %u", data[0]);
ck_assert_msg(memcmp(ping_packet + 1, data + 1, sizeof(uint64_t)) == 0, "wrong packet data");
// Kill off the connections
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
static int response_callback_good;
static uint8_t response_callback_connection_id;
static uint8_t response_callback_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
static int response_callback(void *object, uint8_t connection_id, const uint8_t *public_key)
if (set_tcp_connection_number((TCP_Client_Connection *)(void *)((char *)object - 2), connection_id, 7) != 0) {
return 1;
response_callback_connection_id = connection_id;
memcpy(response_callback_public_key, public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
return 0;
static int status_callback_good;
static uint8_t status_callback_connection_id;
static uint8_t status_callback_status;
static int status_callback(void *object, uint32_t number, uint8_t connection_id, uint8_t status)
if (object != (void *)2) {
return 1;
if (number != 7) {
return 1;
status_callback_connection_id = connection_id;
status_callback_status = status;
return 0;
static int data_callback_good;
static int data_callback(void *object, uint32_t number, uint8_t connection_id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length,
void *userdata)
if (object != (void *)3) {
return 1;
if (number != 7) {
return 1;
if (length != 5) {
return 1;
if (data[0] == 1 && data[1] == 2 && data[2] == 3 && data[3] == 4 && data[4] == 5) {
return 0;
return 1;
static int oob_data_callback_good;
static uint8_t oob_pubkey[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
static int oob_data_callback(void *object, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length,
void *userdata)
if (object != (void *)4) {
return 1;
if (length != 5) {
return 1;
if (!pk_equal(public_key, oob_pubkey)) {
return 1;
if (data[0] == 1 && data[1] == 2 && data[2] == 3 && data[3] == 4 && data[4] == 5) {
return 0;
return 1;
static void test_client(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_s != nullptr, "Failed to create a TCP relay server.");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_server_listen_count(tcp_s) == NUM_PORTS, "Failed to bind the relay server to all ports.");
uint8_t f_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f_public_key, f_secret_key);
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
TCP_Client_Connection *conn = new_tcp_connection(logger, mem, mono_time, rng, ns, &ip_port_tcp_s, self_public_key, f_public_key, f_secret_key, nullptr);
// TCP sockets might need a moment before they can be written to.
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
// The connection status should be unconfirmed here because we have finished
// sending our data and are awaiting a response.
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_UNCONFIRMED, "Wrong connection status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_UNCONFIRMED, tcp_con_status(conn));
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50); // Now let the server handle requests...
const uint8_t loop_size = 3;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < loop_size; i++) {
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr); // Run the connection loop.
// The status of the connection should continue to be TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED after multiple subsequent do_tcp_connection() calls.
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED, "Wrong connection status. Expected: %d, is: %d",
TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED, tcp_con_status(conn));
c_sleep(i == loop_size - 1 ? 0 : 500); // Sleep for 500ms on all except third loop.
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
// And still after the server runs again.
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d", TCP_CLIENT_CONFIRMED,
uint8_t f2_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f2_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f2_public_key, f2_secret_key);
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
TCP_Client_Connection *conn2 = new_tcp_connection(logger, mem, mono_time, rng, ns, &ip_port_tcp_s, self_public_key, f2_public_key,
f2_secret_key, nullptr);
// The client should call this function (defined earlier) during the routing process.
routing_response_handler(conn, response_callback, (char *)conn + 2);
// The client should call this function when it receives a connection notification.
routing_status_handler(conn, status_callback, (void *)2);
// The client should call this function when
routing_data_handler(conn, data_callback, (void *)3);
// The client should call this function when sending out of band packets.
oob_data_handler(conn, oob_data_callback, (void *)4);
// These integers will increment per successful callback.
oob_data_callback_good = response_callback_good = status_callback_good = data_callback_good = 0;
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
const uint8_t data[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
memcpy(oob_pubkey, f2_public_key, CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE);
send_oob_packet(logger, conn2, f_public_key, data, 5);
send_routing_request(logger, conn, f2_public_key);
send_routing_request(logger, conn2, f_public_key);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
// All callback methods save data should have run during the above network prodding.
ck_assert_msg(oob_data_callback_good == 1, "OOB callback not called");
ck_assert_msg(response_callback_good == 1, "Response callback not called.");
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(response_callback_public_key, f2_public_key), "Wrong public key.");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_good == 1, "Status callback not called.");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_status == 2, "Wrong status callback status.");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_connection_id == response_callback_connection_id,
"Status and response callback connection IDs are not equal.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
ck_assert_msg(send_data(logger, conn2, 0, data, 5) == 1, "Failed a send_data() call.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(data_callback_good == 1, "Data callback was not called.");
status_callback_good = 0;
send_disconnect_request(logger, conn2, 0);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_good == 1, "Status callback not called");
ck_assert_msg(status_callback_status == 1, "Wrong status callback status.");
// Kill off all connections and servers.
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
// Test how the client handles servers that don't respond.
static void test_client_invalid(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
uint8_t f_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t f_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, f_public_key, f_secret_key);
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
TCP_Client_Connection *conn = new_tcp_connection(logger, mem, mono_time, rng, ns, &ip_port_tcp_s,
self_public_key, f_public_key, f_secret_key, nullptr);
// Run the client's main loop but not the server.
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
// After 50ms of no response...
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, tcp_con_status(conn));
// After 5s...
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_CONNECTING, tcp_con_status(conn));
// 11s... (Should wait for 10 before giving up.)
do_tcp_connection(logger, mono_time, conn, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_con_status(conn) == TCP_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, "Wrong status. Expected: %d, is: %d.",
TCP_CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, tcp_con_status(conn));
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
#include "../toxcore/TCP_connection.h"
static bool tcp_data_callback_called;
static int tcp_data_callback(void *object, int id, const uint8_t *data, uint16_t length, void *userdata)
if (object != (void *)120397) {
return -1;
if (id != 123) {
return -1;
if (length != 6) {
return -1;
if (memcmp(data, "Gentoo", length) != 0) {
return -1;
tcp_data_callback_called = 1;
return 0;
static void test_tcp_connection(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
tcp_data_callback_called = 0;
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
TCP_Proxy_Info proxy_info;
proxy_info.proxy_type = TCP_PROXY_NONE;
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_1 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_2 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
int connection = new_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), 123);
ck_assert_msg(connection == 0, "Connection id wrong");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_connection(tc_1, connection, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add tcp relay to connection\n");
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
connection = new_tcp_connection_to(tc_2, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), 123);
ck_assert_msg(connection == 0, "Connection id wrong");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_connection(tc_2, connection, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add tcp relay to connection\n");
ck_assert_msg(new_tcp_connection_to(tc_2, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), 123) == -1,
"Managed to read same connection\n");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
int ret = send_packet_tcp_connection(tc_1, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 6);
ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "could not send packet.");
set_packet_tcp_connection_callback(tc_2, &tcp_data_callback, (void *) 120397);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_data_callback_called, "could not recv packet.");
ck_assert_msg(tcp_connection_to_online_tcp_relays(tc_1, 0) == 1, "Wrong number of connected relays");
ck_assert_msg(kill_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, 0) == 0, "could not kill connection to\n");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(send_packet_tcp_connection(tc_1, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 6) == -1, "could send packet.");
ck_assert_msg(kill_tcp_connection_to(tc_2, 0) == 0, "could not kill connection to\n");
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
static bool tcp_oobdata_callback_called;
static int tcp_oobdata_callback(void *object, const uint8_t *public_key, unsigned int id, const uint8_t *data,
uint16_t length, void *userdata)
const TCP_Connections *tcp_c = (const TCP_Connections *)object;
if (length != 6) {
return -1;
if (memcmp(data, "Gentoo", length) != 0) {
return -1;
if (tcp_send_oob_packet(tcp_c, id, public_key, data, length) == 0) {
tcp_oobdata_callback_called = 1;
return 0;
static void test_tcp_connection2(void)
const Random *rng = os_random();
ck_assert(rng != nullptr);
const Network *ns = os_network();
ck_assert(ns != nullptr);
const Memory *mem = os_memory();
ck_assert(mem != nullptr);
Mono_Time *mono_time = mono_time_new(mem, nullptr, nullptr);
Logger *logger = logger_new(mem);
tcp_oobdata_callback_called = 0;
tcp_data_callback_called = 0;
uint8_t self_public_key[CRYPTO_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
uint8_t self_secret_key[CRYPTO_SECRET_KEY_SIZE];
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Server *tcp_s = new_tcp_server(logger, mem, rng, ns, USE_IPV6, NUM_PORTS, ports, self_secret_key, nullptr, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
TCP_Proxy_Info proxy_info;
proxy_info.proxy_type = TCP_PROXY_NONE;
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_1 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_1), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
crypto_new_keypair(rng, self_public_key, self_secret_key);
TCP_Connections *tc_2 = new_tcp_connections(logger, mem, rng, ns, mono_time, self_secret_key, &proxy_info);
ck_assert_msg(pk_equal(tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), self_public_key), "Wrong public key");
IP_Port ip_port_tcp_s;
ip_port_tcp_s.port = net_htons(ports[random_u32(rng) % NUM_PORTS]);
ip_port_tcp_s.ip = get_loopback();
int connection = new_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, tcp_connections_public_key(tc_2), 123);
ck_assert_msg(connection == 0, "Connection id wrong");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_connection(tc_1, connection, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add tcp relay to connection\n");
ck_assert_msg(add_tcp_relay_global(tc_2, &ip_port_tcp_s, tcp_server_public_key(tcp_s)) == 0,
"Could not add global relay");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
int ret = send_packet_tcp_connection(tc_1, 0, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 6);
ck_assert_msg(ret == 0, "could not send packet.");
set_oob_packet_tcp_connection_callback(tc_2, &tcp_oobdata_callback, tc_2);
set_packet_tcp_connection_callback(tc_1, &tcp_data_callback, (void *) 120397);
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_oobdata_callback_called, "could not recv packet.");
do_tcp_server_delay(tcp_s, mono_time, 50);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_1, nullptr);
do_tcp_connections(logger, tc_2, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(tcp_data_callback_called, "could not recv packet.");
ck_assert_msg(kill_tcp_connection_to(tc_1, 0) == 0, "could not kill connection to\n");
mono_time_free(mem, mono_time);
static void tcp_suite(void)
int main(void)
setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);
return 0;