forked from Green-Sky/tomato
1036 lines
32 KiB
1036 lines
32 KiB
#include "./message_fragment_store.hpp"
#include "../json/message_components.hpp"
#include <solanaceae/util/utils.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/contact/components.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/message3/components.hpp>
#include <solanaceae/message3/contact_components.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
// everything assumes a single fragment registry
namespace Message::Components {
// ctx
struct OpenFragments {
//struct OpenFrag final {
////std::vector<uint8_t> uid;
//FragmentID id;
// only contains fragments with <1024 messages and <28h tsrage (or whatever)
entt::dense_set<FragmentID> fid_open;
// all message fragments of this contact
struct ContactFragments final {
// kept up-to-date by events
struct InternalEntry {
// indecies into the sorted arrays
size_t i_b;
size_t i_e;
entt::dense_map<FragmentID, InternalEntry> frags;
// add 2 sorted contact lists for both range begin and end
// TODO: adding and removing becomes expensive with enough frags, consider splitting or heap
std::vector<FragmentID> sorted_begin;
std::vector<FragmentID> sorted_end;
// api
// return true if it was actually inserted
bool insert(FragmentHandle frag);
bool erase(FragmentID frag);
// update? (just erase() + insert())
// uses range begin to go back in time
FragmentID prev(FragmentID frag) const;
// uses range end to go forward in time
FragmentID next(FragmentID frag) const;
// all LOADED message fragments
// TODO: merge into ContactFragments (and pull in openfrags)
struct LoadedContactFragments final {
// kept up-to-date by events
entt::dense_set<FragmentID> frags;
} // Message::Components
namespace ObjectStore::Components {
namespace Ephemeral {
// does not contain any messges
// (recheck on frag update)
struct MessagesEmptyTag {};
// cache the contact for faster lookups
struct MessagesContactEntity {
Contact3 e {entt::null};
} // ObjectStore::Component
void MessageFragmentStore::handleMessage(const Message3Handle& m) {
if (_fs_ignore_event) {
// message event because of us loading a fragment, ignore
// TODO: this barely makes a difference
if (!static_cast<bool>(m)) {
return; // huh?
if (!m.all_of<Message::Components::Timestamp>()) {
return; // we only handle msg with ts
_potentially_dirty_contacts.emplace(m.registry()->ctx().get<Contact3>()); // always mark dirty here
if (m.any_of<Message::Components::ViewCurserBegin, Message::Components::ViewCurserEnd>()) {
// not an actual message, but we probalby need to check and see if we need to load fragments
//std::cout << "MFS: new or updated curser\n";
// TODO: this is bad, we need a non persistence tag instead
if (!m.any_of<Message::Components::MessageText>()) {
// skip everything else for now
// TODO: use fid, seving full fuid for every message consumes alot of memory (and heap frag)
if (!m.all_of<Message::Components::FID>()) {
std::cout << "MFS: new msg missing FID\n";
if (!m.registry()->ctx().contains<Message::Components::OpenFragments>()) {
auto& fid_open = m.registry()->ctx().get<Message::Components::OpenFragments>().fid_open;
const auto msg_ts = m.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>().ts;
// missing fuid
// find closesed non-sealed off fragment
FragmentID fragment_id{entt::null};
// first search for fragment where the ts falls into the range
for (const auto& fid : fid_open) {
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(fid);
// assuming ts range exists
auto& fts_comp = fh.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>();
if (fts_comp.begin <= msg_ts && fts_comp.end >= msg_ts) {
fragment_id = fid;
// TODO: check conditions for open here
// TODO: mark msg (and frag?) dirty
// if it did not fit into an existing fragment, we next look for fragments that could be extended
if (!_fs._reg.valid(fragment_id)) {
for (const auto& fid : fid_open) {
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(fid);
// assuming ts range exists
auto& fts_comp = fh.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>();
const int64_t frag_range = int64_t(fts_comp.end) - int64_t(fts_comp.begin);
constexpr static int64_t max_frag_ts_extent {1000*60*60};
//constexpr static int64_t max_frag_ts_extent {1000*60*3}; // 3min for testing
const int64_t possible_extention = max_frag_ts_extent - frag_range;
// which direction
if ((fts_comp.begin - possible_extention) <= msg_ts && fts_comp.begin > msg_ts) {
fragment_id = fid;
std::cout << "MFS: extended begin from " << fts_comp.begin << " to " << msg_ts << "\n";
// assuming ts range exists
fts_comp.begin = msg_ts; // extend into the past
if (m.registry()->ctx().contains<Message::Components::ContactFragments>()) {
// should be the case
// TODO: check conditions for open here
// TODO: mark msg (and frag?) dirty
} else if ((fts_comp.end + possible_extention) >= msg_ts && fts_comp.end < msg_ts) {
fragment_id = fid;
std::cout << "MFS: extended end from " << fts_comp.end << " to " << msg_ts << "\n";
// assuming ts range exists
fts_comp.end = msg_ts; // extend into the future
if (m.registry()->ctx().contains<Message::Components::ContactFragments>()) {
// should be the case
// TODO: check conditions for open here
// TODO: mark msg (and frag?) dirty
// if its still not found, we need a new fragment
if (!_fs._reg.valid(fragment_id)) {
const auto new_fid = _fs.newFragmentFile("test_message_store/", MetaFileType::BINARY_MSGPACK);
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(new_fid);
if (!static_cast<bool>(fh)) {
std::cout << "MFS error: failed to create new fragment for message\n";
fragment_id = fh;
fh.emplace_or_replace<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MetaCompressionType>().comp = Compression::ZSTD;
fh.emplace_or_replace<ObjComp::DataCompressionType>().comp = Compression::ZSTD;
auto& new_ts_range = fh.emplace_or_replace<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>();
new_ts_range.begin = msg_ts;
new_ts_range.end = msg_ts;
const auto msg_reg_contact = m.registry()->ctx().get<Contact3>();
if (_cr.all_of<Contact::Components::ID>(msg_reg_contact)) {
} else {
// ? rage quit?
// contact frag
if (!m.registry()->ctx().contains<Message::Components::ContactFragments>()) {
// loaded contact frag
if (!m.registry()->ctx().contains<Message::Components::LoadedContactFragments>()) {
std::cout << "MFS: created new fragment " << bin2hex(fh.get<ObjComp::ID>().v) << "\n";
_fs_ignore_event = true;
_fs_ignore_event = false;
// if this is still empty, something is very wrong and we exit here
if (!_fs._reg.valid(fragment_id)) {
std::cout << "MFS error: failed to find/create fragment for message\n";
// in this case we know the fragment needs an update
for (const auto& it : _fuid_save_queue) {
if ( == fragment_id) {
// already in queue
return; // done
_fuid_save_queue.push_back({Message::getTimeMS(), fragment_id, m.registry()});
return; // done
const auto msg_fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(m.get<Message::Components::FID>().fid);
if (!static_cast<bool>(msg_fh)) {
std::cerr << "MFS error: fid in message is invalid\n";
return; // TODO: properly handle this case
if (!m.registry()->ctx().contains<Message::Components::OpenFragments>()) {
auto& fid_open = m.registry()->ctx().get<Message::Components::OpenFragments>().fid_open;
if (fid_open.contains(msg_fh)) {
// TODO: dedup events
// TODO: cooldown per fragsave
_fuid_save_queue.push_back({Message::getTimeMS(), msg_fh, m.registry()});
// TODO: save updates to old fragments, but writing them to a new fragment that would overwrite on merge
// new fragment?, since we dont write to others fragments?
// on new message: assign fuid
// on new and update: mark as fragment dirty
// assumes not loaded frag
// need update from frag
void MessageFragmentStore::loadFragment(Message3Registry& reg, FragmentHandle fh) {
std::cout << "MFS: loadFragment\n";
const auto j = _fs.loadFromStorageNJ(fh);
if (!j.is_array()) {
// wrong data
if (j.size() == 0) {
// empty array
// TODO: this should probably never be the case, since we already know here that it is a msg frag
if (!reg.ctx().contains<Message::Components::ContactFragments>()) {
// mark loaded
if (!reg.ctx().contains<Message::Components::LoadedContactFragments>()) {
size_t messages_new_or_updated {0};
for (const auto& j_entry : j) {
auto new_real_msg = Message3Handle{reg, reg.create()};
// load into staging reg
for (const auto& [k, v] : j_entry.items()) {
//std::cout << "K:" << k << " V:" << v.dump() << "\n";
const auto type_id = entt::hashed_string(, k.size());
const auto deserl_fn_it = _sc._deserl_json.find(type_id);
if (deserl_fn_it != _sc._deserl_json.cend()) {
try {
if (!deserl_fn_it->second(_sc, new_real_msg, v)) {
std::cerr << "MFS error: failed deserializing '" << k << "'\n";
} catch(...) {
std::cerr << "MFS error: failed deserializing (threw) '" << k << "'\n";
} else {
std::cerr << "MFS warning: missing deserializer for meta key '" << k << "'\n";
// dup check (hacky, specific to protocols)
Message3 dup_msg {entt::null};
// get comparator from contact
if (reg.ctx().contains<Contact3>()) {
const auto c = reg.ctx().get<Contact3>();
if (_cr.all_of<Contact::Components::MessageIsSame>(c)) {
auto& comp = _cr.get<Contact::Components::MessageIsSame>(c).comp;
// walking EVERY existing message OOF
// this needs optimizing
for (const Message3 other_msg : reg.view<Message::Components::Timestamp, Message::Components::ContactFrom, Message::Components::ContactTo>()) {
if (other_msg == new_real_msg) {
continue; // skip self
if (comp({reg, other_msg}, new_real_msg)) {
// dup
dup_msg = other_msg;
if (reg.valid(dup_msg)) {
// -> merge with preexisting (needs to be order independent)
// -> throw update
//messages_new_or_updated++; // TODO: how do i know on merging, if data was useful
//_rmm.throwEventUpdate(reg, new_real_msg);
} else {
if (!new_real_msg.all_of<Message::Components::Timestamp, Message::Components::ContactFrom, Message::Components::ContactTo>()) {
// does not have needed components to be stand alone
std::cerr << "MFS warning: message with missing basic compoments\n";
// -> throw create
_rmm.throwEventConstruct(reg, new_real_msg);
if (messages_new_or_updated == 0) {
// useless frag
// TODO: unload?
bool MessageFragmentStore::syncFragToStorage(FragmentHandle fh, Message3Registry& reg) {
auto& ftsrange = fh.get_or_emplace<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>(Message::getTimeMS(), Message::getTimeMS());
auto j = nlohmann::json::array();
// TODO: does every message have ts?
auto msg_view = reg.view<Message::Components::Timestamp>();
// we also assume all messages have fid
for (auto it = msg_view.rbegin(), it_end = msg_view.rend(); it != it_end; it++) {
const Message3 m = *it;
if (!reg.all_of<Message::Components::FID, Message::Components::ContactFrom, Message::Components::ContactTo>(m)) {
// require msg for now
if (!reg.any_of<Message::Components::MessageText/*, Message::Components::Transfer::FileInfo*/>(m)) {
if (_fuid_save_queue.front().id != reg.get<Message::Components::FID>(m).fid) {
continue; // not ours
{ // potentially adjust tsrange (some external processes can change timestamps)
const auto msg_ts = msg_view.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>(m).ts;
if (ftsrange.begin > msg_ts) {
ftsrange.begin = msg_ts;
} else if (ftsrange.end < msg_ts) {
ftsrange.end = msg_ts;
auto& j_entry = j.emplace_back(nlohmann::json::object());
for (const auto& [type_id, storage] : {
if (!storage.contains(m)) {
//std::cout << "storage type: type_id:" << type_id << " name:" << storage.type().name() << "\n";
// use type_id to find serializer
auto s_cb_it = _sc._serl_json.find(type_id);
if (s_cb_it == _sc._serl_json.end()) {
// could not find serializer, not saving
//std::cout << "missing " << storage.type().name() << "(" << type_id << ")\n";
s_cb_it->second(_sc, {reg, m}, j_entry[storage.type().name()]);
// we cant skip if array is empty (in theory it will not be empty later on)
// if save as binary
auto j_dump = j.dump(2, ' ', true);
if (_fs.syncToStorage(fh, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, j_dump.size())) {
// TODO: make this better, should this be called on fail? should this be called before sync? (prob not)
_fs_ignore_event = true;
_fs_ignore_event = false;
//std::cout << "MFS: dumped " << j_dump << "\n";
// succ
return true;
// TODO: error
return false;
Contact3Registry& cr,
RegistryMessageModel& rmm,
FragmentStore& fs
) : _cr(cr), _rmm(rmm), _fs(fs), _sc{_cr, {}, {}} {
_rmm.subscribe(this, RegistryMessageModel_Event::message_construct);
_rmm.subscribe(this, RegistryMessageModel_Event::message_updated);
_rmm.subscribe(this, RegistryMessageModel_Event::message_destroy);
// old
_fs.subscribe(this, FragmentStore_Event::fragment_construct);
_fs.subscribe(this, FragmentStore_Event::fragment_updated);
MessageFragmentStore::~MessageFragmentStore(void) {
while (!_fuid_save_queue.empty()) {
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(_fuid_save_queue.front().id);
auto* reg = _fuid_save_queue.front().reg;
assert(reg != nullptr);
syncFragToStorage(fh, *reg);
_fuid_save_queue.pop_front(); // pop unconditionally
MessageSerializerCallbacks& MessageFragmentStore::getMSC(void) {
return _sc;
// checks range against all cursers in msgreg
static bool rangeVisible(uint64_t range_begin, uint64_t range_end, const Message3Registry& msg_reg) {
// 1D collision checks:
// - for range vs range:
// r1 rhs >= r0 lhs AND r1 lhs <= r0 rhs
// - for range vs point:
// p >= r0 lhs AND p <= r0 rhs
// NOTE: directions for us are reversed (begin has larger values as end)
auto c_b_view = msg_reg.view<Message::Components::Timestamp, Message::Components::ViewCurserBegin>();
for (const auto& [m, ts_begin_comp, vcb] : c_b_view.each()) {
// p and r1 rhs can be seen as the same
// but first we need to know if a curser begin is a point or a range
// TODO: margin?
auto ts_begin = ts_begin_comp.ts;
auto ts_end = ts_begin_comp.ts; // simplyfy code by making a single begin curser act as an infinitly small range
if (msg_reg.valid(vcb.curser_end) && msg_reg.all_of<Message::Components::ViewCurserEnd>(vcb.curser_end)) {
// TODO: respect curser end's begin?
// TODO: remember which ends we checked and check remaining
ts_end = msg_reg.get<Message::Components::Timestamp>(vcb.curser_end).ts;
// sanity check curser order
if (ts_end > ts_begin) {
std::cerr << "MFS warning: begin curser and end curser of view swapped!!\n";
std::swap(ts_begin, ts_end);
// perform both checks here
if (ts_begin < range_end || ts_end > range_begin) {
// range hits a view
return true;
return false;
static bool isLess(const std::vector<uint8_t>& lhs, const std::vector<uint8_t>& rhs) {
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < lhs.size() && i < rhs.size(); i++) {
if (lhs[i] < rhs[i]) {
return true;
} else if (lhs[i] > rhs[i]) {
return false;
// else continue
// here we have equality of common lenths
// we define smaller arrays to be less
return lhs.size() < rhs.size();
float MessageFragmentStore::tick(float) {
const auto ts_now = Message::getTimeMS();
// sync dirty fragments here
if (!_fuid_save_queue.empty()) {
// wait 10sec before saving
if (_fuid_save_queue.front().ts_since_dirty + 10*1000 <= ts_now) {
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(_fuid_save_queue.front().id);
auto* reg = _fuid_save_queue.front().reg;
assert(reg != nullptr);
if (syncFragToStorage(fh, *reg)) {
// load needed fragments here
// last check event frags
// only checks if it collides with ranges, not adjacent
// bc ~range~ msgreg will be marked dirty and checked next tick
const bool had_events = !_event_check_queue.empty();
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10 && !_event_check_queue.empty(); i++) {
std::cout << "MFS: event check\n";
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(_event_check_queue.front().fid);
auto c = _event_check_queue.front().c;
if (!static_cast<bool>(fh)) {
return 0.05f;
if (!fh.all_of<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>()) {
return 0.05f;
// get ts range of frag and collide with all curser(s/ranges)
const auto& frag_range = fh.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>();
auto* msg_reg = _rmm.get(c);
if (msg_reg == nullptr) {
return 0.05f;
if (rangeVisible(frag_range.begin, frag_range.end, !msg_reg)) {
loadFragment(*msg_reg, fh);
return 0.05f; // only one but soon again
if (had_events) {
std::cout << "MFS: event check none\n";
return 0.05f; // only check events, even if non where hit
if (!_potentially_dirty_contacts.empty()) {
//std::cout << "MFS: pdc\n";
// here we check if any view of said contact needs frag loading
// only once per tick tho
// TODO: this makes order depend on internal order and is not fair
auto it = _potentially_dirty_contacts.cbegin();
auto* msg_reg = _rmm.get(*it);
// first do collision check agains every contact associated fragment
// that is not already loaded !!
if (msg_reg->ctx().contains<Message::Components::ContactFragments>()) {
const auto& cf = msg_reg->ctx().get<Message::Components::ContactFragments>();
if (!cf.frags.empty()) {
if (!msg_reg->ctx().contains<Message::Components::LoadedContactFragments>()) {
const auto& loaded_frags = msg_reg->ctx().get<Message::Components::LoadedContactFragments>().frags;
for (const auto& [fid, si] : msg_reg->ctx().get<Message::Components::ContactFragments>().frags) {
if (loaded_frags.contains(fid)) {
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(fid);
if (!static_cast<bool>(fh)) {
std::cerr << "MFS error: frag is invalid\n";
return 0.05f;
if (!fh.all_of<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>()) {
std::cerr << "MFS error: frag has no range\n";
// ????
return 0.05f;
if (fh.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MessagesEmptyTag>()) {
continue; // skip known empty
// get ts range of frag and collide with all curser(s/ranges)
const auto& [range_begin, range_end] = fh.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>();
if (rangeVisible(range_begin, range_end, *msg_reg)) {
std::cout << "MFS: frag hit by vis range\n";
loadFragment(*msg_reg, fh);
return 0.05f;
// no new visible fragment
//std::cout << "MFS: no new frag directly visible\n";
// now, finally, check for adjecent fragments that need to be loaded
// we do this by finding the outermost fragment in a rage, and extend it by one
// TODO: rewrite using some bounding range tree to perform collision checks !!!
// (this is now performing better, but still)
// for each view
auto c_b_view = msg_reg->view<Message::Components::Timestamp, Message::Components::ViewCurserBegin>();
for (const auto& [_, ts_begin_comp, vcb] : c_b_view.each()) {
// aka "scroll down"
{ // find newest(-ish) frag in range
// or in reverse frag end <= range begin
// lower bound of frag end and range begin
const auto right = std::lower_bound(
[&](const FragmentID element, const auto& value) -> bool {
return _fs._reg.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>(element).end >= value;
FragmentID next_frag{entt::null};
if (right != cf.sorted_end.crend()) {
next_frag =*right);
// we checked earlier that cf is not empty
if (!_fs._reg.valid(next_frag)) {
// fall back to closest, cf is not empty
next_frag = cf.sorted_end.front();
// a single adjacent frag is often not enough
// only ok bc next is cheap
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5 && _fs._reg.valid(next_frag); next_frag = {
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(next_frag);
if (fh.any_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MessagesEmptyTag>()) {
continue; // skip known empty
if (!loaded_frags.contains(next_frag)) {
std::cout << "MFS: next frag of range\n";
loadFragment(*msg_reg, fh);
return 0.05f;
// curser end
if (!msg_reg->valid(vcb.curser_end) || !msg_reg->all_of<Message::Components::Timestamp>(vcb.curser_end)) {
const auto ts_end = msg_reg->get<Message::Components::Timestamp>(vcb.curser_end).ts;
// aka "scroll up"
{ // find oldest(-ish) frag in range
// frag begin >= range end
// lower bound of frag begin and range end
const auto left = std::lower_bound(
[&](const FragmentID element, const auto& value) -> bool {
return _fs._reg.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>(element).begin < value;
FragmentID prev_frag{entt::null};
if (left != cf.sorted_begin.cend()) {
prev_frag = cf.prev(*left);
// we checked earlier that cf is not empty
if (!_fs._reg.valid(prev_frag)) {
// fall back to closest, cf is not empty
prev_frag = cf.sorted_begin.back();
// a single adjacent frag is often not enough
// only ok bc next is cheap
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5 && _fs._reg.valid(prev_frag); prev_frag = cf.prev(prev_frag)) {
auto fh = _fs.fragmentHandle(prev_frag);
if (fh.any_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MessagesEmptyTag>()) {
continue; // skip known empty
if (!loaded_frags.contains(prev_frag)) {
std::cout << "MFS: prev frag of range\n";
loadFragment(*msg_reg, fh);
return 0.05f;
} else {
// contact has no fragments, skip
return 0.05f;
return 1000.f*60.f*60.f;
void MessageFragmentStore::triggerScan(void) {
bool MessageFragmentStore::onEvent(const Message::Events::MessageConstruct& e) {
return false;
bool MessageFragmentStore::onEvent(const Message::Events::MessageUpdated& e) {
return false;
// TODO: handle deletes? diff between unload?
bool MessageFragmentStore::onEvent(const Fragment::Events::FragmentConstruct& e) {
if (_fs_ignore_event) {
return false; // skip self
if (!e.e.all_of<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange, ObjComp::MessagesContact>()) {
return false; // not for us
// TODO: are we sure it is a *new* fragment?
Contact3 frag_contact = entt::null;
{ // get contact
const auto& frag_contact_id = e.e.get<ObjComp::MessagesContact>().id;
// TODO: id lookup table, this is very inefficent
for (const auto& [c_it, id_it] : _cr.view<Contact::Components::ID>().each()) {
if (frag_contact_id == {
frag_contact = c_it;
if (!_cr.valid(frag_contact)) {
// unkown contact
return false;
// create if not exist
auto* msg_reg = _rmm.get(frag_contact);
if (msg_reg == nullptr) {
// msg reg not created yet
// TODO: this is an erroious path
return false;
if (!msg_reg->ctx().contains<Message::Components::ContactFragments>()) {
msg_reg->ctx().get<Message::Components::ContactFragments>().erase(e.e); // TODO: can this happen? update
_event_check_queue.push_back(ECQueueEntry{e.e, frag_contact});
return false;
bool MessageFragmentStore::onEvent(const Fragment::Events::FragmentUpdated& e) {
if (_fs_ignore_event) {
return false; // skip self
if (!e.e.all_of<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange, ObjComp::MessagesContact>()) {
return false; // not for us
// since its an update, we might have it associated, or not
// its also possible it was tagged as empty
Contact3 frag_contact = entt::null;
{ // get contact
// probably cached already
if (e.e.all_of<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MessagesContactEntity>()) {
frag_contact = e.e.get<ObjComp::Ephemeral::MessagesContactEntity>().e;
if (!_cr.valid(frag_contact)) {
const auto& frag_contact_id = e.e.get<ObjComp::MessagesContact>().id;
// TODO: id lookup table, this is very inefficent
for (const auto& [c_it, id_it] : _cr.view<Contact::Components::ID>().each()) {
if (frag_contact_id == {
frag_contact = c_it;
if (!_cr.valid(frag_contact)) {
// unkown contact
return false;
// create if not exist
auto* msg_reg = _rmm.get(frag_contact);
if (msg_reg == nullptr) {
// msg reg not created yet
// TODO: this is an erroious path
return false;
if (!msg_reg->ctx().contains<Message::Components::ContactFragments>()) {
msg_reg->ctx().get<Message::Components::ContactFragments>().erase(e.e); // TODO: check/update/fragment update
// TODO: actually load it
//_event_check_queue.push_back(ECQueueEntry{e.e, frag_contact});
return false;
bool Message::Components::ContactFragments::insert(FragmentHandle frag) {
if (frags.contains(frag)) {
return false;
// both sorted arrays are sorted ascending
// so for insertion we search for the last index that is <= and insert after it
// or we search for the first > (or end) and insert before it <---
// since equal fragments are UB, we can assume they are only > or <
size_t begin_index {0};
{ // begin
const auto pos = std::find_if(
[frag](const FragmentID a) -> bool {
const auto begin_a = frag.registry()->get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>(a).begin;
const auto begin_frag = frag.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>().begin;
if (begin_a > begin_frag) {
return true;
} else if (begin_a < begin_frag) {
return false;
} else {
// equal ts, we need to fall back to id (id can not be equal)
return isLess(frag.get<ObjComp::ID>().v, frag.registry()->get<ObjComp::ID>(a).v);
begin_index = std::distance(sorted_begin.cbegin(), pos);
// we need to insert before pos (end is valid here)
sorted_begin.insert(pos, frag);
size_t end_index {0};
{ // end
const auto pos = std::find_if_not(
[frag](const FragmentID a) -> bool {
const auto end_a = frag.registry()->get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>(a).end;
const auto end_frag = frag.get<ObjComp::MessagesTSRange>().end;
if (end_a > end_frag) {
return true;
} else if (end_a < end_frag) {
return false;
} else {
// equal ts, we need to fall back to id (id can not be equal)
return isLess(frag.get<ObjComp::ID>().v, frag.registry()->get<ObjComp::ID>(a).v);
end_index = std::distance(sorted_end.cbegin(), pos);
// we need to insert before pos (end is valid here)
sorted_end.insert(pos, frag);
frags.emplace(frag, InternalEntry{begin_index, end_index});
// now adjust all indicies of fragments coming after the insert position
for (size_t i = begin_index + 1; i < sorted_begin.size(); i++) {
|[i]).i_b = i;
for (size_t i = end_index + 1; i < sorted_end.size(); i++) {
|[i]).i_e = i;
return true;
bool Message::Components::ContactFragments::erase(FragmentID frag) {
auto frags_it = frags.find(frag);
if (frags_it == frags.end()) {
return false;
assert(sorted_begin.size() == sorted_end.size());
assert(sorted_begin.size() > frags_it->second.i_b);
sorted_begin.erase(sorted_begin.begin() + frags_it->second.i_b);
sorted_end.erase(sorted_end.begin() + frags_it->second.i_e);
return true;
FragmentID Message::Components::ContactFragments::prev(FragmentID frag) const {
// uses range begin to go back in time
auto it = frags.find(frag);
if (it == frags.end()) {
return entt::null;
const auto src_i = it->second.i_b;
if (src_i > 0) {
return sorted_begin[src_i-1];
return entt::null;
FragmentID Message::Components::ContactFragments::next(FragmentID frag) const {
// uses range end to go forward in time
auto it = frags.find(frag);
if (it == frags.end()) {
return entt::null;
const auto src_i = it->second.i_e;
if (src_i+1 < sorted_end.size()) {
return sorted_end[src_i+1];
return entt::null;