Green Sky 61accfe184 Squashed 'external/toxcore/c-toxcore/' changes from 73d9b845a3..e2c01e457b
e2c01e457b refactor: Use enum-specific pack functions for enum values.
afc472402b refactor: Factor out union pack switch from event packer.
6caa7ce4b1 cleanup: Move the 2-element array pack out of individual events.
687af81f20 cleanup: Remove empty test doing nothing.
fcf5882428 test: Add printf log statement to group_moderation_test.
b4d8826228 cleanup: Remove old type-ordered event getters.
8c35e0fefb feat: add ngc events
97bdd83937 refactor: Make event dispatch ordered by receive time.
001d00ab30 fix: dont resolve to ipv6 addresses when its disabled
d3b935f63f fix(test): tests use ipv6 by default, even with USE_IPV6 set to 0
29fc5ea1f7 chore: add clangd files to .gitignore
d30c81acbc refactor: Move file streaming test to its own file.
acdc67387b fix(ci): window builds now build in parallel
REVERT: 73d9b845a3 cleanup: Remove old type-ordered event getters.
REVERT: b0840cc02d feat: add ngc events
REVERT: 7df9a51349 refactor: Make event dispatch ordered by receive time.

git-subtree-dir: external/toxcore/c-toxcore
git-subtree-split: e2c01e457bfb8a59537175c8fe17ca9ab1c9e3e1
2024-01-15 23:32:23 +01:00

275 lines
8.9 KiB

/* Tests that we can save and load Tox data.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "../testing/misc_tools.h"
#include "../toxcore/ccompat.h"
#include "../toxcore/tox.h"
#include "../toxcore/tox_struct.h"
#include "../toxcore/util.h"
#include "auto_test_support.h"
#include "check_compat.h"
#ifndef USE_IPV6
#define USE_IPV6 1
#if USE_IPV6
#define TOX_LOCALHOST "::1"
#define TOX_LOCALHOST ""
#define TCP_RELAY_PORT 33431
static void accept_friend_request(Tox *m, const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *data, size_t length, void *userdata)
if (length == 7 && memcmp("Gentoo", data, 7) == 0) {
tox_friend_add_norequest(m, public_key, nullptr);
static unsigned int connected_t1;
static void tox_connection_status(Tox *tox, Tox_Connection connection_status, void *user_data)
if (connected_t1 && !connection_status) {
ck_abort_msg("Tox went offline");
ck_assert_msg(connection_status != TOX_CONNECTION_NONE, "wrong status %d", connection_status);
connected_t1 = connection_status;
/* validate that:
* a) saving stays within the confined space
* b) a saved state can be loaded back successfully
* c) a second save is of equal size
* d) the second save is of equal content */
static void reload_tox(Tox **tox, struct Tox_Options *const in_opts, void *user_data)
const size_t extra = 64;
const size_t save_size1 = tox_get_savedata_size(*tox);
ck_assert_msg(save_size1 != 0, "save is invalid size %u", (unsigned)save_size1);
printf("%u\n", (unsigned)save_size1);
uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(save_size1 + 2 * extra);
ck_assert_msg(buffer != nullptr, "malloc failed");
memset(buffer, 0xCD, extra);
memset(buffer + extra + save_size1, 0xCD, extra);
tox_get_savedata(*tox, buffer + extra);
for (size_t i = 0; i < extra; ++i) {
ck_assert_msg(buffer[i] == 0xCD, "Buffer underwritten from tox_get_savedata() @%u", (unsigned)i);
ck_assert_msg(buffer[extra + save_size1 + i] == 0xCD, "Buffer overwritten from tox_get_savedata() @%u", (unsigned)i);
struct Tox_Options *const options = (in_opts == nullptr) ? tox_options_new(nullptr) : in_opts;
tox_options_set_ipv6_enabled(options, USE_IPV6);
tox_options_set_savedata_type(options, TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE_TOX_SAVE);
tox_options_set_savedata_data(options, buffer + extra, save_size1);
*tox = tox_new_log(options, nullptr, user_data);
if (in_opts == nullptr) {
ck_assert_msg(*tox != nullptr, "Failed to load back stored buffer");
const size_t save_size2 = tox_get_savedata_size(*tox);
ck_assert_msg(save_size1 == save_size2, "Tox save data changed in size from a store/load cycle: %u -> %u",
(unsigned)save_size1, (unsigned)save_size2);
uint8_t *buffer2 = (uint8_t *)malloc(save_size2);
ck_assert_msg(buffer2 != nullptr, "malloc failed");
tox_get_savedata(*tox, buffer2);
ck_assert_msg(!memcmp(buffer + extra, buffer2, save_size2), "Tox state changed by store/load/store cycle");
typedef struct Time_Data {
pthread_mutex_t lock;
uint64_t clock;
} Time_Data;
static uint64_t get_state_clock_callback(void *user_data)
Time_Data *time_data = (Time_Data *)user_data;
uint64_t clock = time_data->clock;
return clock;
static void increment_clock(Time_Data *time_data, uint64_t count)
time_data->clock += count;
static void set_current_time_callback(Tox *tox, Time_Data *time_data)
Mono_Time *mono_time = tox->mono_time;
mono_time_set_current_time_callback(mono_time, get_state_clock_callback, time_data);
static void test_few_clients(void)
uint32_t index[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
time_t con_time = 0, cur_time = time(nullptr);
struct Tox_Options *opts1 = tox_options_new(nullptr);
tox_options_set_ipv6_enabled(opts1, USE_IPV6);
tox_options_set_tcp_port(opts1, TCP_RELAY_PORT);
Tox_Err_New t_n_error;
Tox *tox1 = tox_new_log(opts1, &t_n_error, &index[0]);
ck_assert_msg(t_n_error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK, "Failed to create tox instance: %d", t_n_error);
struct Tox_Options *opts2 = tox_options_new(nullptr);
tox_options_set_ipv6_enabled(opts2, USE_IPV6);
tox_options_set_udp_enabled(opts2, false);
tox_options_set_local_discovery_enabled(opts2, false);
Tox *tox2 = tox_new_log(opts2, &t_n_error, &index[1]);
ck_assert_msg(t_n_error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK, "Failed to create tox instance: %d", t_n_error);
struct Tox_Options *opts3 = tox_options_new(nullptr);
tox_options_set_ipv6_enabled(opts3, USE_IPV6);
tox_options_set_local_discovery_enabled(opts3, false);
Tox *tox3 = tox_new_log(opts3, &t_n_error, &index[2]);
ck_assert_msg(t_n_error == TOX_ERR_NEW_OK, "Failed to create tox instance: %d", t_n_error);
ck_assert_msg(tox1 && tox2 && tox3, "Failed to create 3 tox instances");
Time_Data time_data;
ck_assert_msg(pthread_mutex_init(&time_data.lock, nullptr) == 0, "Failed to init time_data mutex");
time_data.clock = current_time_monotonic(tox1->mono_time);
set_current_time_callback(tox1, &time_data);
set_current_time_callback(tox2, &time_data);
set_current_time_callback(tox3, &time_data);
uint8_t dht_key[TOX_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE];
tox_self_get_dht_id(tox1, dht_key);
const uint16_t dht_port = tox_self_get_udp_port(tox1, nullptr);
printf("using tox1 as tcp relay for tox2\n");
tox_add_tcp_relay(tox2, TOX_LOCALHOST, TCP_RELAY_PORT, dht_key, nullptr);
printf("bootstrapping toxes off tox1\n");
tox_bootstrap(tox2, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr);
tox_bootstrap(tox3, "localhost", dht_port, dht_key, nullptr);
connected_t1 = 0;
tox_callback_self_connection_status(tox1, tox_connection_status);
tox_callback_friend_request(tox2, accept_friend_request);
uint8_t address[TOX_ADDRESS_SIZE];
tox_self_get_address(tox2, address);
uint32_t test = tox_friend_add(tox3, address, (const uint8_t *)"Gentoo", 7, nullptr);
ck_assert_msg(test == 0, "Failed to add friend error code: %u", test);
uint8_t off = 1;
while (true) {
tox_iterate(tox1, nullptr);
tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr);
tox_iterate(tox3, nullptr);
if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2)
&& tox_self_get_connection_status(tox3)) {
if (off) {
printf("Toxes are online, took %lu seconds\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - cur_time));
con_time = time(nullptr);
off = 0;
if (tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_TCP
&& tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox3, 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_TCP) {
increment_clock(&time_data, 200);
ck_assert_msg(connected_t1, "Tox1 isn't connected. %u", connected_t1);
printf("tox clients connected took %lu seconds\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - con_time));
// We're done with this callback, so unset it to ensure we don't fail the
// test if tox1 goes offline while tox2 and 3 are reloaded.
tox_callback_self_connection_status(tox1, nullptr);
reload_tox(&tox2, opts2, &index[1]);
reload_tox(&tox3, opts3, &index[2]);
cur_time = time(nullptr);
off = 1;
while (true) {
tox_iterate(tox1, nullptr);
tox_iterate(tox2, nullptr);
tox_iterate(tox3, nullptr);
if (tox_self_get_connection_status(tox1) && tox_self_get_connection_status(tox2)
&& tox_self_get_connection_status(tox3)) {
if (off) {
printf("Toxes are online again after reloading, took %lu seconds\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - cur_time));
con_time = time(nullptr);
off = 0;
if (tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox2, 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_TCP
&& tox_friend_get_connection_status(tox3, 0, nullptr) == TOX_CONNECTION_TCP) {
increment_clock(&time_data, 100);
printf("tox clients connected took %lu seconds\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - con_time));
printf("test_few_clients succeeded, took %lu seconds\n", (unsigned long)(time(nullptr) - cur_time));
int main(void)
setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);
return 0;