
45 lines
956 B

#pragma once
#include "./screen.hpp"
#include "./chat_gui/theme.hpp"
#include "./chat_gui/file_selector.hpp"
#include <solanaceae/util/simple_config_model.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
// fwd
extern "C" {
struct SDL_Renderer;
} // C
struct StartScreen final : public Screen {
SDL_Renderer* _renderer;
Theme& _theme;
SimpleConfigModel _conf;
FileSelector _fss;
bool _new_save {false};
std::string _user_name {"unnamed-tomato"};
bool _show_password {false};
std::string _password;
std::string _tox_profile_path {"unnamed-tomato.tox"};
std::vector<std::string> queued_plugin_paths;
StartScreen(void) = delete;
StartScreen(const std::vector<std::string_view>& args, SDL_Renderer* renderer, Theme& theme);
~StartScreen(void) = default;
// return nullptr if not next
// sets bool quit to true if exit
Screen* render(float, bool&) override;
Screen* tick(float, bool&) override;
// use default nextRender and nextTick