/* game_life.c * * * Copyright (C) 2021 Toxic All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of Toxic. * * Toxic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Toxic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Toxic. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include "game_life.h" #define LIFE_DEFAULT_CELL_CHAR 'o' #define LIFE_CELL_DEFAULT_COLOUR CYAN #define LIFE_DEFAULT_SPEED 25 #define LIFE_MAX_SPEED 40 /* Determines the additional size of the grid beyond the visible boundaries. * * This buffer allows cells to continue growing off-screen giving the illusion of an * infinite grid to a certain point. */ #define LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER 50 typedef struct Cell { Coords coords; bool alive; bool marked; // true if cell should invert alive status at end of current cycle int display_char; size_t age; } Cell; typedef struct LifeState { TIME_MS time_last_cycle; size_t speed; size_t generation; bool paused; Cell **cells; int num_columns; int num_rows; int curs_x; int curs_y; int x_left_bound; int x_right_bound; int y_top_bound; int y_bottom_bound; short display_candy; } LifeState; static void life_increase_speed(LifeState *state) { if (state->speed < LIFE_MAX_SPEED) { ++state->speed; } } static void life_decrease_speed(LifeState *state) { if (state->speed > 1) { --state->speed; } } static int life_get_display_char(const LifeState *state, const Cell *cell) { if (state->display_candy == 1) { if (cell->age == 1) { return '.'; } return '+'; } if (state->display_candy == 2) { if (cell->age == 1) { return '.'; } if (cell->age == 2) { return '-'; } if (cell->age == 3) { return 'o'; } return 'O'; } return 'o'; } static void life_toggle_display_candy(LifeState *state) { state->display_candy = (state->display_candy + 1) % 3; // magic number depends on life_get_display_char() } static Cell *life_get_cell_at_coords(const LifeState *state, const int x, const int y) { const int i = y - (state->y_top_bound - (LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2)); const int j = x - (state->x_left_bound - (LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2)); if (i >= 0 && j >= 0) { return &state->cells[i][j]; } return NULL; } static void life_draw_cells(const GameData *game, WINDOW *win, LifeState *state) { for (int i = LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2; i < state->num_rows - (LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2); ++i) { for (int j = LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2; j < state->num_columns + 1 - (LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2); ++j) { Cell *cell = &state->cells[i][j]; if (cell->alive) { Coords coords = cell->coords; wattron(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(LIFE_CELL_DEFAULT_COLOUR)); mvwaddch(win, coords.y, coords.x, cell->display_char); wattroff(win, A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(LIFE_CELL_DEFAULT_COLOUR)); } } } } static void life_toggle_cell(LifeState *state) { Cell *cell = life_get_cell_at_coords(state, state->curs_x, state->curs_y); if (cell == NULL) { return; } cell->alive ^= 1; } /* * Returns the number of live neighbours of `idx` cell. */ static int life_get_live_neighbours(const LifeState *state, const int i, const int j) { Cell *n[8] = {0}; if (i > 0 && j > 0) { n[0] = &state->cells[i - 1][j - 1]; } if (i > 0) { n[1] = &state->cells[i - 1][j]; } if (i > 0 && j < state->num_columns - 1) { n[2] = &state->cells[i - 1][j + 1]; } if (j > 0) { n[3] = &state->cells[i][j - 1]; } if (j < state->num_columns - 1) { n[4] = &state->cells[i][j + 1]; } if (i < state->num_rows - 1 && j > 0) { n[5] = &state->cells[i + 1][j - 1]; } if (i < state->num_rows - 1) { n[6] = &state->cells[i + 1][j]; } if (i < state->num_rows - 1 && j < state->num_columns - 1) { n[7] = &state->cells[i + 1][j + 1]; } int count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (n[i] == NULL) { return 0; // If we're at a boundary kill cell } if (n[i]->alive) { ++count; } } return count; } static void life_restart(GameData *game, LifeState *state) { for (int i = 0; i < state->num_rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < state->num_columns; ++j) { Cell *cell = &state->cells[i][j]; cell->alive = false; cell->marked = false; cell->display_char = LIFE_DEFAULT_CELL_CHAR; cell->age = 0; } } game_set_score(game, 0); state->generation = 0; } static void life_do_cells(LifeState *state) { for (int i = 0; i < state->num_rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < state->num_columns; ++j) { Cell *cell = &state->cells[i][j]; if (cell->marked) { cell->marked = false; cell->alive ^= 1; cell->age = cell->alive; cell->display_char = life_get_display_char(state, cell); } else if (cell->alive) { ++cell->age; cell->display_char = life_get_display_char(state, cell); } } } } static void life_cycle(GameData *game, LifeState *state) { if (state->generation == 0) { return; } TIME_MS cur_time = get_time_millis(); if (!game_do_object_state_update(game, cur_time, state->time_last_cycle, state->speed)) { return; } state->time_last_cycle = get_time_millis(); ++state->generation; size_t live_cells = 0; for (int i = 0; i < state->num_rows; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < state->num_columns; ++j) { Cell *cell = &state->cells[i][j]; int live_neighbours = life_get_live_neighbours(state, i, j); if (cell->alive) { if (!(live_neighbours == 2 || live_neighbours == 3)) { cell->marked = true; } else { ++live_cells; } } else { if (live_neighbours == 3) { cell->marked = true; ++live_cells; } } } } if (live_cells == 0) { life_restart(game, state); return; } life_do_cells(state); game_update_score(game, 1); } static void life_start(GameData *game, LifeState *state) { state->generation = 1; } void life_cb_update_game_state(GameData *game, void *cb_data) { if (!cb_data) { return; } LifeState *state = (LifeState *)cb_data; life_cycle(game, state); } void life_cb_render_window(GameData *game, WINDOW *win, void *cb_data) { if (!cb_data) { return; } LifeState *state = (LifeState *)cb_data; move(state->curs_y, state->curs_x); if (state->generation == 0 || state->paused) { curs_set(1); } life_draw_cells(game, win, state); } static void life_move_curs_left(LifeState *state) { int new_x = state->curs_x - 1; if (new_x < state->x_left_bound) { return; } state->curs_x = new_x; } static void life_move_curs_right(LifeState *state) { int new_x = state->curs_x + 1; if (new_x > state->x_right_bound) { return; } state->curs_x = new_x; } static void life_move_curs_up(LifeState *state) { int new_y = state->curs_y - 1; if (new_y < state->y_top_bound) { return; } state->curs_y = new_y; } static void life_move_curs_down(LifeState *state) { int new_y = state->curs_y + 1; if (new_y >= state->y_bottom_bound) { return; } state->curs_y = new_y; } static void life_move_curs_up_left(LifeState *state) { life_move_curs_up(state); life_move_curs_left(state); } static void life_move_curs_up_right(LifeState *state) { life_move_curs_up(state); life_move_curs_right(state); } static void life_move_curs_down_right(LifeState *state) { life_move_curs_down(state); life_move_curs_right(state); } static void life_move_curs_down_left(LifeState *state) { life_move_curs_down(state); life_move_curs_left(state); } void life_cb_on_keypress(GameData *game, int key, void *cb_data) { if (!cb_data) { return; } LifeState *state = (LifeState *)cb_data; switch (key) { case KEY_LEFT: { life_move_curs_left(state); break; } case KEY_RIGHT: { life_move_curs_right(state); break; } case KEY_DOWN: { life_move_curs_down(state); break; } case KEY_UP: { life_move_curs_up(state); break; } case KEY_HOME: { life_move_curs_up_left(state); break; } case KEY_END: { life_move_curs_down_left(state); break; } case KEY_PPAGE: { life_move_curs_up_right(state); break; } case KEY_NPAGE: { life_move_curs_down_right(state); break; } case '\r': { if (state->generation > 0) { life_restart(game, state); } else { life_start(game, state); } break; } case ' ': { life_toggle_cell(state); break; } case '=': /* intentional fallthrough */ case '+': { life_increase_speed(state); break; } case '-': /* intentional fallthrough */ case '_': { life_decrease_speed(state); break; } case '\t': { life_toggle_display_candy(state); break; } default: { return; } } } static void life_free_cells(LifeState *state) { if (state->cells == NULL) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < state->num_rows; ++i) { if (state->cells[i]) { free(state->cells[i]); } } free(state->cells); } void life_cb_pause(GameData *game, bool is_paused, void *cb_data) { if (!cb_data) { return; } LifeState *state = (LifeState *)cb_data; state->paused = is_paused; } void life_cb_kill(GameData *game, void *cb_data) { if (!cb_data) { return; } LifeState *state = (LifeState *)cb_data; life_free_cells(state); free(state); game_set_cb_update_state(game, NULL, NULL); game_set_cb_render_window(game, NULL, NULL); game_set_cb_kill(game, NULL, NULL); game_set_cb_on_keypress(game, NULL, NULL); } static int life_init_state(GameData *game, LifeState *state) { const int x_left = game_x_left_bound(game) ; const int x_right = game_x_right_bound(game); const int y_top = game_y_top_bound(game); const int y_bottom = game_y_bottom_bound(game) + 1; state->x_left_bound = x_left; state->x_right_bound = x_right; state->y_top_bound = y_top; state->y_bottom_bound = y_bottom; const int x_mid = x_left + ((x_right - x_left) / 2); const int y_mid = y_top + ((y_bottom - y_top) / 2); state->curs_x = x_mid; state->curs_y = y_mid; const int num_rows = (y_bottom - y_top) + LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER; const int num_columns = (x_right - x_left) + LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER; if (num_rows <= 0 || num_columns <= 0) { return -1; } state->num_columns = num_columns; state->num_rows = num_rows; state->cells = calloc(1, num_rows * sizeof(Cell *)); if (state->cells == NULL) { return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) { state->cells[i] = calloc(1, num_columns * sizeof(Cell)); if (state->cells[i] == NULL) { return -1; } for (int j = 0; j < num_columns; ++j) { state->cells[i][j].coords.y = i + (state->y_top_bound - (LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2)); state->cells[i][j].coords.x = j + (state->x_left_bound - (LIFE_BOUNDARY_BUFFER / 2)); } } state->speed = LIFE_DEFAULT_SPEED; life_restart(game, state); return 0; } int life_initialize(GameData *game) { // Try best fit from largest to smallest before giving up if (game_set_window_shape(game, GW_ShapeRectangleLarge) == -1) { if (game_set_window_shape(game, GW_ShapeSquareLarge) == -1) { if (game_set_window_shape(game, GW_ShapeRectangle) == -1) { if (game_set_window_shape(game, GW_ShapeSquare) == -1) { return -1; } } } } LifeState *state = calloc(1, sizeof(LifeState)); if (state == NULL) { return -1; } if (life_init_state(game, state) == -1) { life_free_cells(state); free(state); return -1; } game_set_update_interval(game, 40); game_show_score(game, true); game_set_cb_update_state(game, life_cb_update_game_state, state); game_set_cb_render_window(game, life_cb_render_window, state); game_set_cb_on_keypress(game, life_cb_on_keypress, state); game_set_cb_on_pause(game, life_cb_pause, state); game_set_cb_kill(game, life_cb_kill, state); return 0; }