/* * Toxic -- Tox Curses Client */ #include #include #include #include #include "../../core/Messenger.h" #include "../../core/network.h" #include "windows.h" uint8_t pending_requests[MAX_STR_SIZE][CLIENT_ID_SIZE]; // XXX uint8_t num_requests=0; // XXX extern void on_friendadded(int friendnumber); static char prompt_buf[MAX_STR_SIZE] = {0}; static int prompt_buf_pos = 0; /* commands */ void cmd_accept(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_add(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_clear(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_connect(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_help(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_msg(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_myid(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_nick(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_quit(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_status(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); void cmd_statusmsg(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); #define NUM_COMMANDS 13 static struct { char *name; int numargs; void (*func)(ToxWindow *, Messenger *m, char **); } commands[] = { { "accept", 1, cmd_accept }, { "add", 1, cmd_add }, { "clear", 0, cmd_clear }, { "connect", 3, cmd_connect }, { "exit", 0, cmd_quit }, { "help", 0, cmd_help }, { "msg", 2, cmd_msg }, { "myid", 0, cmd_myid }, { "nick", 1, cmd_nick }, { "q", 0, cmd_quit }, { "quit", 0, cmd_quit }, { "status", 2, cmd_status }, { "statusmsg", 1, cmd_statusmsg }, }; // XXX: int add_req(uint8_t *public_key) { memcpy(pending_requests[num_requests], public_key, CLIENT_ID_SIZE); ++num_requests; return num_requests-1; } // XXX: FIX unsigned char *hex_string_to_bin(char hex_string[]) { size_t len = strlen(hex_string); unsigned char *val = malloc(len); char *pos = hex_string; int i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i, pos+=2) sscanf(pos,"%2hhx",&val[i]); return val; } void cmd_accept(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { int num = atoi(args[1]); if (num >= num_requests) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid syntax.\n"); return; } num = m_addfriend_norequest(m, pending_requests[num]); if (num == -1) wprintw(self->window, "Failed to add friend.\n"); else { wprintw(self->window, "Friend accepted as: %d.\n", num); on_friendadded(num); } } void cmd_add(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { uint8_t id_bin[FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; char xx[3]; uint32_t x; char *id = args[1]; char *msg = args[2]; if (!id) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid command: add expected at least one argument.\n"); return; } if (!msg) msg = ""; if (strlen(id) != 2*FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid ID length.\n"); return; } int i; for (i = 0; i < FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; ++i) { xx[0] = id[2*i]; xx[1] = id[2*i+1]; xx[2] = '\0'; if (sscanf(xx, "%02x", &x) != 1) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid ID.\n"); return; } id_bin[i] = x; } for (i = 0; i < FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; i++) { id[i] = toupper(id[i]); } int num = m_addfriend(m, id_bin, (uint8_t*) msg, strlen(msg)+1); switch (num) { case FAERR_TOOLONG: wprintw(self->window, "Message is too long.\n"); break; case FAERR_NOMESSAGE: wprintw(self->window, "Please add a message to your request.\n"); break; case FAERR_OWNKEY: wprintw(self->window, "That appears to be your own ID.\n"); break; case FAERR_ALREADYSENT: wprintw(self->window, "Friend request already sent.\n"); break; case FAERR_UNKNOWN: wprintw(self->window, "Undefined error when adding friend.\n"); break; default: wprintw(self->window, "Friend added as %d.\n", num); on_friendadded(num); break; } } void cmd_clear(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { wclear(self->window); } void cmd_connect(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { IP_Port dht; char *ip = args[1]; char *port = args[2]; char *key = args[3]; if (atoi(port) == 0) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid syntax.\n"); return; } dht.port = htons(atoi(port)); uint32_t resolved_address = resolve_addr(ip); if (resolved_address == 0) { return; } dht.ip.i = resolved_address; unsigned char *binary_string = hex_string_to_bin(key); DHT_bootstrap(dht, binary_string); free(binary_string); } void cmd_quit(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { endwin(); exit(0); } void cmd_help(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { wclear(self->window); wattron(self->window, COLOR_PAIR(2) | A_BOLD); wprintw(self->window, "Commands:\n"); wattroff(self->window, A_BOLD); wprintw(self->window, " connect : Connect to DHT server\n"); wprintw(self->window, " add : Add friend\n"); wprintw(self->window, " status : Set your status\n"); wprintw(self->window, " statusmsg : Set your status\n"); wprintw(self->window, " nick : Set your nickname\n"); wprintw(self->window, " accept : Accept friend request\n"); wprintw(self->window, " myid : Print your ID\n"); wprintw(self->window, " quit/exit : Exit program\n"); wprintw(self->window, " help : Print this message again\n"); wprintw(self->window, " clear : Clear this window\n"); wattron(self->window, A_BOLD); wprintw(self->window, "TIP: Use the TAB key to navigate through the tabs.\n\n"); wattroff(self->window, A_BOLD); wattroff(self->window, COLOR_PAIR(2)); } void cmd_msg(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { char *id = args[1]; char *msg = args[2]; if (m_sendmessage(m, atoi(id), (uint8_t*) msg, strlen(msg)+1) == 0) wprintw(self->window, "Error occurred while sending message.\n"); else wprintw(self->window, "Message successfully sent.\n"); } void cmd_myid(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { char id[FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE*2 + 1] = {0}; size_t i; uint8_t address[FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; getaddress(m, address); for (i = 0; i < FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; ++i) { char xx[3]; snprintf(xx, sizeof(xx), "%02X", address[i] & 0xff); strcat(id, xx); } wprintw(self->window, "Your ID: %s\n", id); } void cmd_nick(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { char *nick = args[1]; setname(m, (uint8_t*) nick, strlen(nick)+1); wprintw(self->window, "Nickname set to: %s\n", nick); } void cmd_status(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { char *status = args[1]; char *status_text; USERSTATUS status_kind; if (!strncmp(status, "online", strlen("online"))) { status_kind = USERSTATUS_NONE; status_text = "ONLINE"; } else if (!strncmp(status, "away", strlen("away"))) { status_kind = USERSTATUS_AWAY; status_text = "AWAY"; } else if (!strncmp(status, "busy", strlen("busy"))) { status_kind = USERSTATUS_BUSY; status_text = "BUSY"; } else { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid status.\n"); return; } char *msg = args[2]; if (msg == NULL) { m_set_userstatus(m, status_kind); wprintw(self->window, "Status set to: %s\n", status_text); } else { m_set_userstatus(m, status_kind); m_set_statusmessage(m, (uint8_t*) msg, strlen(msg)+1); wprintw(self->window, "Status set to: %s, %s\n", status_text, msg); } } void cmd_statusmsg(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char **args) { char *msg = args[1]; m_set_statusmessage(m, (uint8_t*) msg, strlen(msg)+1); wprintw(self->window, "Status set to: %s\n", msg); } static void execute(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, char *u_cmd) { int newlines = 0; char cmd[MAX_STR_SIZE] = {0}; int i; for (i = 0; i < strlen(prompt_buf); ++i) { if (u_cmd[i] == '\n') ++newlines; else cmd[i - newlines] = u_cmd[i]; } int leading_spc = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STR_SIZE && isspace(cmd[i]); ++i) leading_spc++; memmove(cmd, cmd + leading_spc, MAX_STR_SIZE - leading_spc); int cmd_end = strlen(cmd); while (cmd_end > 0 && cmd_end--) if (!isspace(cmd[cmd_end])) break; cmd[cmd_end + 1] = '\0'; /* insert \0 at argument boundaries */ int numargs = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_STR_SIZE; i++) { if (cmd[i] == '\"') while (cmd[++i] != '\"'); /* skip over strings */ if (cmd[i] == ' ') { cmd[i] = '\0'; numargs++; } } /* excessive arguments */ if (numargs > 3) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid command: too many arguments.\n"); return; } /* read arguments into array */ char *cmdargs[5]; int pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cmdargs[i] = cmd + pos; pos += strlen(cmdargs[i]) + 1; } /* no input */ if (strlen(cmdargs[0]) == 0) return; /* match input to command list */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_COMMANDS; i++) { if (!strcmp(cmdargs[0], commands[i].name)) { /* check for missing arguments */ int j; for (j = 0; j <= commands[i].numargs; j++) { if (strlen(cmdargs[j]) == 0) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid command: %s expected %d arguments, got %d.\n", commands[i].name, commands[i].numargs, j - 1); return; } } /* check for excess arguments */ if (strcmp(cmdargs[0], "add") && strlen(cmdargs[j]) != 0) { wprintw(self->window, "Invalid command: too many arguments to %s.\n", commands[i].name); return; } /* pass arguments to command function */ (commands[i].func)(self, m, cmdargs); return; } } /* no match */ wprintw(self->window, "Invalid command.\n"); } static void prompt_onKey(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m, int key) { /* Add printable characters to line */ if (isprint(key)) { if (prompt_buf_pos == (sizeof(prompt_buf) - 1)) { wprintw(self->window, "\nToo Long.\n"); prompt_buf_pos = 0; prompt_buf[0] = 0; } else if (!(prompt_buf_pos == 0) && (prompt_buf_pos < COLS) && (prompt_buf_pos % (COLS - 3) == 0)) { prompt_buf[prompt_buf_pos++] = '\n'; } else if (!(prompt_buf_pos == 0) && (prompt_buf_pos > COLS) && ((prompt_buf_pos - (COLS - 3)) % (COLS) == 0)) { prompt_buf[prompt_buf_pos++] = '\n'; } prompt_buf[prompt_buf_pos++] = key; prompt_buf[prompt_buf_pos] = 0; } /* RETURN key: execute command */ else if (key == '\n') { wprintw(self->window, "\n"); execute(self, m, prompt_buf); prompt_buf_pos = 0; prompt_buf[0] = 0; } /* BACKSPACE key: Remove one character from line */ else if (key == 0x107 || key == 0x8 || key == 0x7f) { if (prompt_buf_pos != 0) { prompt_buf[--prompt_buf_pos] = 0; } } } static void prompt_onDraw(ToxWindow *self) { curs_set(1); int x, y; getyx(self->window, y, x); (void) x; int i; for (i = 0; i < (strlen(prompt_buf)); ++i) { if ((prompt_buf[i] == '\n') && (y != 0)) --y; } wattron(self->window, COLOR_PAIR(1)); mvwprintw(self->window, y, 0, "# "); wattroff(self->window, COLOR_PAIR(1)); mvwprintw(self->window, y, 2, "%s", prompt_buf); wclrtoeol(self->window); wrefresh(self->window); } static void prompt_onInit(ToxWindow *self, Messenger *m) { scrollok(self->window, 1); cmd_help(self, m, NULL); wclrtoeol(self->window); } ToxWindow new_prompt() { ToxWindow ret; memset(&ret, 0, sizeof(ret)); ret.onKey = &prompt_onKey; ret.onDraw = &prompt_onDraw; ret.onInit = &prompt_onInit; strcpy(ret.title, "[prompt]"); return ret; }