TOXIC_VERSION = 0.4.5 REV = $(shell git rev-list HEAD --count) VERSION = $(TOXIC_VERSION)_r$(REV) CFG_DIR = ../cfg SRC_DIR = ../src MISC_DIR = ../misc DOC_DIR = ../doc SND_DIR = ../sounds PREFIX = /usr/local BINDIR = $(PREFIX)/bin DATADIR = $(PREFIX)/share/toxic MANDIR = $(PREFIX)/man DATAFILES = DHTnodes toxic.conf.example MANFILES = toxic.1 toxic.conf.5 SNDFILES = ContactLogsIn.wav ContactLogsOut.wav Error.wav IncomingCall.wav SNDFILES += LogIn.wav LogOut.wav NewMessage.wav OutgoingCall.wav SNDFILES += TransferComplete.wav TransferPending.wav LIBS = libtoxcore ncursesw libconfig CFLAGS = -std=gnu99 -pthread -Wall -g CFLAGS += -DTOXICVER="\"$(VERSION)\"" -DHAVE_WIDECHAR -D_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED CFLAGS += -DPACKAGE_DATADIR="\"$(abspath $(DATADIR))\"" CFLAGS += $(USER_CFLAGS) LDFLAGS = $(USER_LDFLAGS) OBJ = chat.o chat_commands.o configdir.o dns.o execute.o file_senders.o notify.o OBJ += friendlist.o global_commands.o groupchat.o line_info.o input.o help.o autocomplete.o OBJ += log.o misc_tools.o prompt.o settings.o toxic.o toxic_strings.o windows.o # Variables for audio call support AUDIO_LIBS = libtoxav openal AUDIO_CFLAGS = -D_AUDIO AUDIO_OBJ = audio_call.o # Variables for sound notify support SND_NOTIFY_LIBS = openal freealut SND_NOTIFY_CFLAGS = -D_SOUND_NOTIFY # Check on wich system we are running UNAME_S = $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Linux) -include $(CFG_DIR)/ endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S), FreeBSD) -include $(CFG_DIR)/ endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Darwin) -include $(CFG_DIR)/ endif ifeq ($(UNAME_S), Solaris) -include $(CFG_DIR)/ endif # Check on which platform we are running UNAME_M = $(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(UNAME_M), x86_64) -include $(CFG_DIR)/ endif ifneq ($(filter %86, $(UNAME_M)),) -include $(CFG_DIR)/ endif ifneq ($(filter arm%, $(UNAME_M)),) -include $(CFG_DIR)/ endif # Check if we can use X11 CHECK_X11_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config x11 || echo -n "error") ifneq ($(CHECK_X11_LIBS), error) LIBS += x11 CFLAGS += -D_X11 endif # Check if we want/can build audio ifneq ($(DISABLE_AV), 1) CHECK_AUDIO_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config $(AUDIO_LIBS) || echo -n "error") ifneq ($(CHECK_AUDIO_LIBS), error) LIBS += $(AUDIO_LIBS) CFLAGS += $(AUDIO_CFLAGS) OBJ += $(AUDIO_OBJ) NEED_AV = 1 else ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean) MISSING_AUDIO_LIBS = $(shell for lib in $(AUDIO_LIBS) ; do if ! pkg-config $$lib ; then echo $$lib ; fi ; done) $(warning WARNING -- Toxic will be compiled without audio support) $(warning WARNING -- You need these libraries for audio support) $(warning WARNING -- $(MISSING_AUDIO_LIBS)) endif endif endif # Check if we want/can build sound notify support ifneq ($(DISABLE_NOTIFY), 1) CHECK_NOTIFY_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config $(SND_NOTIFY_LIBS) || echo -n "error") ifneq ($(CHECK_NOTIFY_LIBS), error) LIBS += $(SND_NOTIFY_LIBS) CFLAGS += $(SND_NOTIFY_CFLAGS) NEED_AV = 1 else ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean) MISSING_NOTIFY_LIBS = $(shell for lib in $(SND_NOTIFY_LIBS) ; do if ! pkg-config $$lib ; then echo $$lib ; fi ; done) $(warning WARNING -- Toxic will be compiled without sound notify support) $(warning WARNING -- You need these libraries for sound notify support) $(warning WARNING -- $(MISSING_NOTIFY_LIBS)) endif endif endif # device.o is needed for both audio calls and notifications but should only be loaded once ifeq ($(NEED_AV), 1) OBJ += device.o endif # Check if we can build Toxic CHECK_LIBS = $(shell pkg-config $(LIBS) || echo -n "error") ifneq ($(CHECK_LIBS), error) CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags $(LIBS)) LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --libs $(LIBS)) else ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean) MISSING_LIBS = $(shell for lib in $(LIBS) ; do if ! pkg-config $$lib ; then echo $$lib ; fi ; done) $(warning ERROR -- Cannot compile Toxic) $(warning ERROR -- You need these libraries) $(warning ERROR -- $(MISSING_LIBS)) $(error ERROR) endif endif # Targets all: toxic toxic: $(OBJ) @echo " LD $@" @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o toxic $(OBJ) $(LDFLAGS) install: toxic mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR)) mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(DATADIR)) mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(DATADIR))/sounds mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(MANDIR)) @echo "Installing toxic executable" @install -m 0755 toxic $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(BINDIR)) @echo "Installing data files" @for f in $(DATAFILES) ; do \ install -m 0644 $(MISC_DIR)/$$f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(DATADIR)) ;\ file=$(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(DATADIR))/$$f ;\ sed -i'' -e 's:__DATADIR__:'$(abspath $(DATADIR))':g' $$file ;\ done @for f in $(SNDFILES) ; do \ install -m 0644 $(SND_DIR)/$$f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(DATADIR))/sounds ;\ done @echo "Installing man pages" @for f in $(MANFILES) ; do \ section=$(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(MANDIR))/man`echo $$f | rev | cut -d "." -f 1` ;\ file=$$section/$$f ;\ mkdir -p $$section ;\ install -m 0644 $(DOC_DIR)/$$f $$file ;\ sed -i'' -e 's:__VERSION__:'$(VERSION)':g' $$file ;\ sed -i'' -e 's:__DATADIR__:'$(abspath $(DATADIR))':g' $$file ;\ gzip -f -9 $$file ;\ done %.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c @echo " CC $@" @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $*.o -c $(SRC_DIR)/$*.c @$(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) $(SRC_DIR)/$*.c > $*.d clean: rm -rf *.d *.o toxic -include $(CFG_DIR)/ -include $(OBJ:.o=.d) .PHONY: clean all install