/* global_commands.c * * * Copyright (C) 2014 Toxic All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of Toxic. * * Toxic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Toxic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Toxic. If not, see . * */ #include #include #include #include "toxic.h" #include "windows.h" #include "misc_tools.h" #include "friendlist.h" #include "log.h" #include "line_info.h" #include "dns.h" #include "groupchat.h" #include "prompt.h" extern char *DATA_FILE; extern ToxWindow *prompt; extern ToxicFriend friends[MAX_FRIENDS_NUM]; extern uint8_t pending_frnd_requests[MAX_FRIENDS_NUM][TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE]; extern uint8_t num_frnd_requests; /* command functions */ void cmd_accept(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *msg; if (argc != 1) { msg = "Invalid syntax."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } int req = atoi(argv[1]); if ((req == 0 && strcmp(argv[1], "0")) || req >= MAX_FRIENDS_NUM) { msg = "No pending friend request with that number."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } if (!strlen(pending_frnd_requests[req])) { msg = "No pending friend request with that number."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } int32_t friendnum = tox_add_friend_norequest(m, pending_frnd_requests[req]); if (friendnum == -1) msg = "Failed to add friend."; else { msg = "Friend request accepted."; on_friendadded(m, friendnum, true); } memset(&pending_frnd_requests[req], 0, TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE); int i; for (i = num_frnd_requests; i > 0; --i) { if (!strlen(pending_frnd_requests[i - 1])) break; } num_frnd_requests = i; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); } void cmd_add_helper(ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, uint8_t *id_bin, uint8_t *msg) { uint8_t *errmsg; int32_t f_num = tox_add_friend(m, id_bin, msg, strlen(msg)); switch (f_num) { case TOX_FAERR_TOOLONG: errmsg = "Message is too long."; break; case TOX_FAERR_NOMESSAGE: errmsg = "Please add a message to your request."; break; case TOX_FAERR_OWNKEY: errmsg = "That appears to be your own ID."; break; case TOX_FAERR_ALREADYSENT: errmsg = "Friend request has already been sent."; break; case TOX_FAERR_UNKNOWN: errmsg = "Undefined error when adding friend."; break; case TOX_FAERR_BADCHECKSUM: errmsg = "Bad checksum in address."; break; case TOX_FAERR_SETNEWNOSPAM: errmsg = "Nospam was different."; break; default: errmsg = "Friend request sent."; on_friendadded(m, f_num, true); break; } line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); } void cmd_add(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *errmsg; if (argc < 1) { errmsg = "Invalid syntax."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } char *id = argv[1]; uint8_t msg[MAX_STR_SIZE]; if (argc > 1) { uint8_t *temp = argv[2]; if (temp[0] != '\"') { errmsg = "Message must be enclosed in quotes."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } temp[strlen(++temp) - 1] = L'\0'; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", temp); } else { uint8_t selfname[TOX_MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; uint16_t n_len = tox_get_self_name(m, selfname); selfname[n_len] = '\0'; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Hello, my name is %s. Care to Tox?", selfname); } uint8_t id_bin[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE] = {0}; uint16_t id_len = strlen(id); /* try to add tox ID */ if (id_len == 2 * TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE) { size_t i; char xx[3]; uint32_t x; for (i = 0; i < TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; ++i) { xx[0] = id[2 * i]; xx[1] = id[2 * i + 1]; xx[2] = '\0'; if (sscanf(xx, "%02x", &x) != 1) { errmsg = "Invalid ID."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } id_bin[i] = x; } cmd_add_helper(self, m, id_bin, msg); } else { /* assume id is a username@domain address and do DNS lookup */ dns3_lookup(self, m, id_bin, id, msg); } } void cmd_clear(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { line_info_clear(self->chatwin->hst); wclear(window); } void cmd_connect(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *errmsg; /* check arguments */ if (argc != 3) { errmsg = "Invalid syntax."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } char *ip = argv[1]; char *port = argv[2]; char *key = argv[3]; if (atoi(port) == 0) { errmsg = "Invalid syntax."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } uint8_t *binary_string = hex_string_to_bin(key); tox_bootstrap_from_address(m, ip, TOX_ENABLE_IPV6_DEFAULT, htons(atoi(port)), binary_string); free(binary_string); } void cmd_groupchat(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *errmsg; if (get_num_active_windows() >= MAX_WINDOWS_NUM) { errmsg = " * Warning: Too many windows are open."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, RED); return; } int groupnum = tox_add_groupchat(m); if (groupnum == -1) { errmsg = "Group chat instance failed to initialize."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } if (init_groupchat_win(prompt, m, groupnum) == -1) { errmsg = "Group chat window failed to initialize."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); tox_del_groupchat(m, groupnum); return; } uint8_t msg[MAX_STR_SIZE]; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "Group chat created as %d.", groupnum); line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); } void cmd_log(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *msg; struct chatlog *log = self->chatwin->log; if (argc == 0) { if (log->log_on) msg = "Logging for this window is ON. Type \"/log off\" to disable."; else msg = "Logging for this window is OFF. Type \"/log on\" to enable."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } uint8_t *swch = argv[1]; if (!strcmp(swch, "1") || !strcmp(swch, "on")) { if (self->is_chat) { friends[self->num].logging_on = true; log_enable(self->name, friends[self->num].pub_key, log); } else if (self->is_prompt) { uint8_t myid[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; tox_get_address(m, myid); log_enable(self->name, myid, log); } else if (self->is_groupchat) { log_enable(self->name, NULL, log); } msg = "Logging enabled"; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } else if (!strcmp(swch, "0") || !strcmp(swch, "off")) { if (self->is_chat) friends[self->num].logging_on = false; log_disable(log); msg = "Logging disabled"; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } msg = "Invalid option. Use \"/log on\" and \"/log off\" to toggle logging."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); } void cmd_myid(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { char id[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE * 2 + 1] = {0}; uint8_t address[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE]; tox_get_address(m, address); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; ++i) { char xx[3]; snprintf(xx, sizeof(xx), "%02X", address[i] & 0xff); strcat(id, xx); } line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, id, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); } void cmd_nick(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *errmsg; /* check arguments */ if (argc < 1) { errmsg = "Invalid name."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } uint8_t *nick = argv[1]; int len = strlen(nick); if (nick[0] == '\"') { ++nick; len -= 2; nick[len] = L'\0'; } if (!valid_nick(nick)) { errmsg = "Invalid name."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } len = MIN(len, TOXIC_MAX_NAME_LENGTH - 1); nick[len] = L'\0'; tox_set_name(m, nick, len); prompt_update_nick(prompt, nick, len); store_data(m, DATA_FILE); } void cmd_note(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *errmsg; if (argc < 1) { errmsg = "Wrong number of arguments."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } uint8_t *msg = argv[1]; if (msg[0] != '\"') { errmsg = "Note must be enclosed in quotes."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } msg[strlen(++msg) - 1] = L'\0'; uint16_t len = strlen(msg); tox_set_status_message(m, msg, len); prompt_update_statusmessage(prompt, msg, len); } void cmd_prompt_help(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { struct history *hst = self->chatwin->hst; line_info_clear(hst); struct line_info *start = hst->line_start; uint8_t *msg = "Global commands:"; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 1, CYAN); #ifdef _SUPPORT_AUDIO #define NUMLINES 14 #else #define NUMLINES 12 #endif uint8_t lines[NUMLINES][MAX_STR_SIZE] = { { " /add : Add friend with optional message" }, { " /accept : Accept friend request" }, { " /connect : Manually connect to a DHT node" }, { " /status : Set status with optional note" }, { " /note : Set a personal note" }, { " /nick : Set your nickname" }, { " /log or : Enable/disable logging" }, { " /groupchat : Create a group chat" }, { " /myid : Print your ID" }, { " /help : Print this message again" }, { " /clear : Clear window history" }, { " /quit or /exit : Exit Toxic" }, #ifdef _SUPPORT_AUDIO { " /lsdev : List devices where type: in|out" }, { " /sdev : Set active device" }, #endif /* _SUPPORT_AUDIO */ }; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUMLINES; ++i) line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, lines[i], SYS_MSG, 0, 0); msg = " * Argument messages must be enclosed in quotation marks."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 1, CYAN); msg = " * Use ctrl-o and ctrl-p to navigate through the tabs."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, msg, SYS_MSG, 1, CYAN); line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, "", SYS_MSG, 0, 0); hst->line_start = start; } void cmd_quit(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { exit_toxic_success(m); } void cmd_status(WINDOW *window, ToxWindow *self, Tox *m, int argc, char (*argv)[MAX_STR_SIZE]) { uint8_t *msg = NULL; uint8_t *errmsg; if (argc >= 2) { msg = argv[2]; if (msg[0] != '\"') { errmsg = "Note must be enclosed in quotes."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } } else if (argc != 1) { errmsg = "Wrong number of arguments."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } char *status = argv[1]; str_to_lower(status); int len = strlen(status); TOX_USERSTATUS status_kind; if (!strcmp(status, "online")) status_kind = TOX_USERSTATUS_NONE; else if (!strcmp(status, "away")) status_kind = TOX_USERSTATUS_AWAY; else if (!strcmp(status, "busy")) status_kind = TOX_USERSTATUS_BUSY; else { errmsg = "Invalid status. Valid statuses are: online, busy and away."; line_info_add(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, errmsg, SYS_MSG, 0, 0); return; } tox_set_user_status(m, status_kind); prompt_update_status(prompt, status_kind); if (msg != NULL) { msg[strlen(++msg) - 1] = L'\0'; /* remove opening and closing quotes */ uint16_t len = strlen(msg); tox_set_status_message(m, msg, len); prompt_update_statusmessage(prompt, msg, len); } }