# Toxic [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Tox/toxic.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Tox/toxic) Toxic is a [Tox](https://tox.im)-based instant messenging client which formerly resided in the [Tox core repository](https://github.com/irungentoo/toxcore), and is now available as a standalone application. ![Toxic Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/ueK1Tdj.png "Home Screen"). ## Installation ### Dependencies ##### Base * [libtoxcore](https://github.com/irungentoo/toxcore) * [ncurses](https://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses) (for Debian based systems, 'libncursesw5-dev') * [libconfig](http://www.hyperrealm.com/libconfig) (for Debian based systems, 'libconfig-dev') ##### Audio * libtoxav (libtoxcore compiled with audio support) * [openal](http://openal.org) (for Debian based systems, 'libopenal-dev') ##### Sound notifications * [openal](http://openal.org) * [openalut](http://openal.org) (for Debian based systems, 'libalut-dev') ### Compiling 1. `cd build/` 2. `make PREFIX="/where/to/install"` 3. `sudo make install PREFIX="/where/to/install"` ### Compilation Notes * You can add specific flags to the Makefile with `USER_CFLAGS=""` and/or `USER_LDFLAGS=""` * You can pass your own flags to the Makefile with `CFLAGS=""` and/or `LDFLAGS=""` (this will supersede the default ones) * Audio call support is automatically enabled if all dependencies are found * If you want to build toxic without audio call support, you can use `make DISABLE_AV=1` * Sound notifications support is automatically enabled if all dependencies are found * If you want to build toxic without sound notifications support, you can use `make DISABLE_NOTIFY=1` ### Packaging * For packaging purpose, you can use `DESTDIR=""` to specify a directory where to store installed files * `DESTDIR=""` can be used in addition to `PREFIX=""`: * `DESTDIR=""` is meant to specify a directory where to store installed files (ex: "/tmp/build/pkg") * `PREFIX=""` is meant to specify a prefix directory for binaries and data files (ex: "/usr/local") ### Troubleshooting If your default prefix is "/usr/local" and you receive the following: ``` error while loading shared libraries: libtoxcore.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ``` you can attempt to correct it by running `sudo ldconfig`. If that doesn't work, run: ``` echo '/usr/local/lib/' | sudo tee -a /etc/ld.so.conf.d/locallib.conf sudo ldconfig ``` ## Settings Running Toxic for the first time creates an empty file called toxic.conf in your home configuration directory ("~/.config/tox" for Linux users). Adding options to this file allows you to enable auto-logging, change the time format (12/24 hour), and much more. You can view our example config file [here](misc/toxic.conf.example).