mirror of https://github.com/Tha14/toxic.git synced 2024-07-01 17:17:46 +02:00
Jfreegman 5e20e6b279
Switch to using json DHT nodes file
Parsing json manually like this is ugly, but this allows us to use the json formatted nodeslist file
at nodes.tox.chat instead of having to update the list by hand. We could also potentially
use curl to fetch the list and update it automatically.
2016-09-17 21:38:32 -04:00

165 lines
5.7 KiB

/* misc_tools.h
* Copyright (C) 2014 Toxic All Rights Reserved.
* This file is part of Toxic.
* Toxic is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Toxic is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Toxic. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef MISC_TOOLS_H
#define MISC_TOOLS_H
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "toxic.h"
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef net_to_host
#define net_to_host(x, y) hst_to_net(x, y)
void hst_to_net(uint8_t *num, uint16_t numbytes);
* Converts a hexidecimal string of length hex_len to binary format and puts the result in output.
* output_size must be exactly half of hex_len.
* Returns 0 on success.
* Returns -1 on failure.
int hex_string_to_bin(const char *hex_string, size_t hex_len, char *output, size_t output_size);
/* convert a hex string to bytes. returns 0 on success, -1 on failure */
int hex_string_to_bytes(char *buf, int size, const char *keystr);
/* Converts a binary representation of a Tox ID into a string.
* Returns 0 on success.
* Returns -1 on failure.
int bin_id_to_string(const char *bin_id, size_t bin_id_size, char *output, size_t output_size);
/* get the current unix time (not thread safe) */
uint64_t get_unix_time(void);
/* Puts the current time in buf in the format of [HH:mm:ss] (not thread safe) */
void get_time_str(char *buf, int bufsize);
/* Converts seconds to string in format HH:mm:ss; truncates hours and minutes when necessary */
void get_elapsed_time_str(char *buf, int bufsize, uint64_t secs);
/* get the current local time (not thread safe) */
struct tm *get_time(void);
/* updates current unix time (should be run once per do_toxic loop) */
void update_unix_time(void);
/* Returns 1 if the string is empty, 0 otherwise */
int string_is_empty(const char *string);
/* Same as above but for wide character strings */
int wstring_is_empty(const wchar_t *string);
/* convert a multibyte string to a wide character string (must provide buffer) */
int char_to_wcs_buf(wchar_t *buf, const char *string, size_t n);
/* converts wide character string into a multibyte string and puts in buf. */
int wcs_to_mbs_buf(char *buf, const wchar_t *string, size_t n);
/* convert a multibyte string to a wide character string and puts in buf) */
int mbs_to_wcs_buf(wchar_t *buf, const char *string, size_t n);
/* Returns 1 if connection has timed out, 0 otherwise */
int timed_out(uint64_t timestamp, uint64_t timeout);
/* Colours the window tab according to type. Beeps if is_beep is true */
void alert_window(ToxWindow *self, int type, bool is_beep);
/* case-insensitive string compare function for use with qsort */
int qsort_strcasecmp_hlpr(const void *str1, const void *str2);
/* Returns 1 if nick is valid, 0 if not. A valid toxic nick:
- cannot be empty
- cannot start with a space
- must not contain a forward slash (for logfile naming purposes)
- must not contain contiguous spaces
- must not contain a newline or tab seqeunce */
int valid_nick(const char *nick);
/* Converts all newline/tab chars to spaces (use for strings that should be contained to a single line) */
void filter_str(char *str, size_t len);
/* gets base file name from path or original file name if no path is supplied */
size_t get_file_name(char *namebuf, size_t bufsize, const char *pathname);
/* Gets the base directory of path and puts it in dir.
* dir must have at least as much space as path_len.
* Returns the length of the base directory on success.
* Returns -1 on failure.
size_t get_base_dir(const char *path, size_t path_len, char *dir);
/* converts str to all lowercase */
void str_to_lower(char *str);
/* puts friendnum's nick in buf, truncating at TOXIC_MAX_NAME_LENGTH if necessary.
Returns nick len on success, -1 on failure */
size_t get_nick_truncate(Tox *m, char *buf, uint32_t friendnum);
/* same as get_nick_truncate but for groupchats */
int get_group_nick_truncate(Tox *m, char *buf, int peernum, int groupnum);
/* copies data to msg buffer.
returns length of msg, which will be no larger than size-1 */
size_t copy_tox_str(char *msg, size_t size, const char *data, size_t length);
/* returns index of the first instance of ch in s starting at idx.
returns length of s if char not found or 0 if s is NULL. */
int char_find(int idx, const char *s, char ch);
/* returns index of the last instance of ch in s starting at len.
returns 0 if char not found or s is NULL (skips 0th index). */
int char_rfind(const char *s, char ch, int len);
/* Converts bytes to appropriate unit and puts in buf as a string */
void bytes_convert_str(char *buf, int size, uint64_t bytes);
/* checks if a file exists. Returns true or false */
bool file_exists(const char *path);
/* returns file size. If file doesn't exist returns 0. */
off_t file_size(const char *path);
/* compares the first size bytes of fp and signature.
Returns 0 if they are the same, 1 if they differ, and -1 on error.
On success this function will seek back to the beginning of fp */
int check_file_signature(const char *signature, size_t size, FILE *fp);
/* sets window title in tab bar. */
void set_window_title(ToxWindow *self, const char *title, int len);
#endif /* #define MISC_TOOLS_H */