name: run-docker-compose-workflow on: [push, workflow_dispatch] jobs: single-instance-test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Build the stack run: cd uam && PBKEY=${{ secrets.PBKEY }} docker-compose up -d - name: Sleep until uam is running run: sleep 100s shell: bash - name: Test if uam mining port is open run: nc -z -w30 4156 - name: Test if uam http statistics port is open run: nc -z -w30 17099 swarm-test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Build the stack run: cd uam-swarm && PBKEY=${{ secrets.PBKEY }} docker-compose up -d - name: Sleep until uam is running run: sleep 280s shell: bash - name: Test if uam_1 mining port is open run: nc -z -w30 4160 - name: Test if uam_1 http statistics port is open run: nc -z -w30 17100 - name: Test if uam_2 mining port is open run: nc -z -w30 4161 - name: Test if uam_2 http statistics port is open run: nc -z -w30 17101 - name: Test if uam_3 mining port is open run: nc -z -w30 4162 - name: Test if uam_3 http statistics port is open run: nc -z -w30 17102