# -*- mode: yaml; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; coding: utf-8 -*- --- - hosts: "{{ BOX_HOST }}" # |default('localhost') #?? become: "{{ 'false' if ansible_connection|default('') == 'chroot' else 'true'}}" # become_method: "'' if ansible_connection|default('') == 'chroot' else 'sudo'" gather_facts: true vars: PLAY_CHROOT_CONNECTIONS: ['chroot', 'lxc', 'lxd', 'local'] #? PLAY_NOSERVICE_CONNECTIONS: ['chroot', 'lxc', 'lxd', 'local'] #? PLAY_NORSYNC_CONNECTIONS: ['chroot', 'lxc', 'lxd', 'local', 'libvirt_qemu'] PLAY_CA_CERT: "/usr/local/etc/ssl/cacert-curl.haxx.se.pem" # proxy? # These now come from the inventory except for connection = local,chroot in base_proxy.yml proxy_env: # hostvars[inventory_hostname]['http_proxy'] http_proxy: "{{ http_proxy }}" https_proxy: "{{ https_proxy }}" socks_proxy: '{{ socks_proxy }}' ftp_proxy: '{{ ftp_proxy }}' no_proxy: '{{ no_proxy }}' SSL_CERT_FILE: "{{ SSL_CERT_FILE }}" RSYNC_PROXY: "{{ RSYNC_PROXY }}" # pass this in the -e extravars to the playbook command line - but you need the user and password too... CORP_NTLM_PROXY: "" # ...so put CORP_NTLM_PROXY with the username and password in the QeRcUser file # of the person running this playbook - not on the box - we use the RUN_ prefix. # If you dont want this, pass in RUN_QERC_USERFILE="" in the -e extra_vars on the command line # This is intened for credentials and could be vaulted - as opposed to runtime variables # stored in ~/.config/testforge/facts.d/testforge.yml RUN_QERC_USERFILE: "{{ lookup('env', 'HOME') }}/QeRcUser.yaml" # this should be set on the command line ROLES: [] # pip uses /usr/local USR_LOCAL: "/usr/local" # we are installing into the prefix /var/local to not interfere with # other things that use /usr/local, including some things from other OSes. VAR_LOCAL: "/var/local" VAR_LOG: "{{VAR_LOCAL}}/var/log/testforge" PIP_CACHE: "/root/.cache/pip" # lynx uses SSL_CERT_DIR/SSL_CERT_FILE PIP_CA_CERT: "{{USR_LOCAL}}/etc/ssl/cacert-testserver.pem" PIP_INSTALL_ARGS: "--disable-pip-version-check --user --no-deps " # for localhost host operations with hostvms - eg hosts.yml PLAY_ANSIBLE_SRC: "{{ lookup('env', 'PWD')|default('') }}" PLAY_GI_DATA : /a/tmp/GentooImgr # lynis objects to . on the PATH and I cant find whos adding it # FixMe: does this change the PATH? environment: # NOT lookup('env', 'PATH') PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH +':' +VAR_LOCAL +'/bin'|replace('.:', '')}}" pre_tasks: - name: "Suspicious location (.) in PATH discovered" shell: | echo $PATH | grep '\.:' && echo "WARN: dot is on the PATH" && exit 1 exit 0 register: dot_on_path_fact # warning not an error - I cant see who is putting it on the PATH - a tailing : ignore_errors: true - name: lookup env PATH debug: msg="{{ ansible_env.PATH }}" when: - dot_on_path_fact is defined - dot_on_path_fact is failed - name: "set dates" set_fact: DOW: 0 # Day of week - unused DOM: "{{ ansible_date_time.day|int }}" # Day of month DATE: "{{ansible_date_time.day}}" # +%Y-%m-%d date_slash: "{{ ansible_date_time.date|replace('-','/') }}" # +%Y/%m/%d date_dash: "{{ ansible_date_time.date }}" # +%Y-%m-%d date_week_slash: "{{ ansible_date_time.year }}/{{ ansible_date_time.weeknumber }}" date_week_dash: "{{ ansible_date_time.year }}-{{ ansible_date_time.weeknumber }}" - debug: msg: "{{date_slash}} ansible_connection={{ansible_connection|default('') }} ROLES={{ROLES}}" - name: "hostvars[inventory_hostname]" debug: # |to_yaml msg: "hostvars[inventory_hostname] {{hostvars[inventory_hostname]}}" when: false - name: "ansible_lsb.id BOX_OS_FAMILY" assert: that: - "'{{ansible_lsb.id}}' == '{{BOX_OS_NAME}}'" success_msg: "BOX_OS_FAMILY={{BOX_OS_FAMILY}}" fail_msg: "ON tHE WRONG BOX {{ansible_lsb.id}} " when: - ansible_connection != 'local' - false # may not exist ignore_errors: true - name: "check BOX_ANSIBLE_CONNECTIONS" assert: that: - "{{ansible_connection in BOX_ANSIBLE_CONNECTIONS}}" - name: "we will use sudo and make it a prerequisite" shell: | which sudo - name: "check ansible_python_interpreter" shell: | "{{ansible_python_interpreter|default('python3')}}" --version - block: - name: check nbd mounts shell: | cat /proc/partitions | grep nbd | head -1 | sed -e 's/.* //' changed_when: false register: nbd_out ignore_errors: true - name: nbd state debug: verbosity: 1 msg: 'var={{nbd_out}} BOX_NBD_DEV={{BOX_NBD_DEV}}' ignore_errors: true - name: nbd fact no set_fact: nbd_disk: "" - name: nbd fact yes set_fact: nbd_dev: "{{nbd_out.stdout}}" nbd_disk: "/dev/{{nbd_out.stdout}}" when: - nbd_out.rc|default(1) == 0 - nbd_out.stdout|default('') != '' # required tags: always check_mode: false when: ansible_connection == 'local' or ansible_connection == 'chroot' - block: - name: "spinup libvirt hosts" shell: | sudo virsh net-list | grep -q default || \ sudo virsh net-start default sudo virsh list | grep -q "{{ inventory_hostname }}" || \ sudo virsh start "{{ inventory_hostname }}" delegate_to: localhost become: yes - name: "spinup libvirt hosts" # pip3.sh install ovirt-engine-sdk-python --break-system-packages ovirt: url: "qemu:///system" instance_name: ubuntu18.04 instance_cpus: "1" state: started # instance_rootpw user: "{{ BOX_USER_NAME }}" # password: "{{ BOX_USER_NAME }}" # "{{ ansible_ssh_user }} become: yes # msg: ovirtsdk required for this module ignore_errors: true when: ansible_connection == 'libvirt_qemu' # # required? # tags: always # check_mode: false # handlers: roles: # Always run the base prerequsite role. - role: base # When you use always: it breaks using daily/monthly/weekly tags - OK as base doesnt use them tags: always - role: proxy # You should run the proxy role even if you are not behind a proxy. tags: always when: - "'proxy' in ROLES" - role: ansible-gentoo_install when: # BOX_OS_FAMILY == 'Gentoo' or BOX_GENTOO_FROM_MP != '' ? - ( ansible_connection == 'local' and nbd_disk|default('') != '' ) or (ansible_connection == 'chroot' ) - role: toxcore tags: always when: - "'toxcore' in ROLES" post_tasks: # queue up these at the end to leave a summary of what happened - block: - name: "ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG" shell: | ls -l "{{ ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG }}" exit 0 register: grep_run_log ignore_errors: true - block: - name: last summary of WARN or ERROR in the logfile #debug: msg="{{ grep_run_log.stdout }}" #when: "grep_run_log is defined and grep_run_log.stdout_lines|length > 0" shell: | ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG="{{ ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG }}" [ -s "$ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG" ] || { echo "ERROR: empty $ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG" ; exit 2 ; } echo DEBUG: Summary for ROLES $roles echo DEBUG: WARN grep -h -e '^[ msg:-]*[W]ARN:' -e '^[ ]*.WARNING.:' \ -e "^[' stderroumsg:-]*WARN:" $ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG echo DEBUG: ERROR grep -h -e '^[ msg:-]*[E]RROR:' -e 'Input/output error' \ -e 'No such file or directory' -e '^[ ]*.ImportError:' \ -e "^[' stderroumsg:-]*ERROR:" $ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG echo DEBUG: FAILED grep -h -e 'fatal: \|^failed: ' -B 1 $ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG exit 0 when: - grep_run_log is success # required tags: always check_mode: false when: - ANSIBLE_RUN_LOG|default('') != '' delegate_to: localhost # required tags: always # Force a task to run in normal mode, even when the playbook is called with --check check_mode: false # if .yamlint exists in this directory is ansible silently reading it? # if it's garbage does it kill ansible with a no-descripted # ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.