#Tox-Sync A bot that sync messages between IRC and Tox group chat. ## Hard forked Hard forked to use https://git.macaw.me/emdee/toxygen_wrapper Just clone that repo and put the resulting directory on your ```PYTHONPATH```. Run: ```tox-irc-sync.py --help`` for command line arguments. For the ```#tox``` group on ```libera.chat```: For example```irc.libera.net#tox```: ``` python3 tox-irc-sync.py \ --nodes_json $HOME/.config/tox/DHTnodes.json \ --irc_chan "#tor" --irc_host irc.libera.net --irc_port 6667 \ ``` Libera will not work over Tor, but ```irc.oftc.net#tor``` will: ``` python3 tox-irc-sync.py \ --nodes_json $HOME/.config/tox/DHTnodes.json \ --irc_chan "#tor" --irc_host irc.oftc.net --irc_port 6667 \ --proxy_type 2 --proxy_host --proxy_port 9050 ```