import sys from loginscreen import LoginScreen import profile from settings import * from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from bootstrap import node_generator from mainscreen import MainWindow from callbacks import init_callbacks, stop, start from util import curr_directory, program_version, remove import import platform import toxes from passwordscreen import PasswordScreen, UnlockAppScreen, SetProfilePasswordScreen from plugin_support import PluginLoader import updater class Toxygen: def __init__(self, path_or_uri=None): super(Toxygen, self).__init__() self.tox = = self.init = = self.tray = self.mainloop = self.avloop = None if path_or_uri is None: self.uri = self.path = None elif path_or_uri.startswith('tox:'): self.path = None self.uri = path_or_uri[4:] else: self.path = path_or_uri self.uri = None def enter_pass(self, data): """ Show password screen """ tmp = [data] p = PasswordScreen(toxes.ToxES.get_instance(), tmp) if tmp[0] == data: raise SystemExit() else: return tmp[0] def main(self): """ Main function of app. loads login screen if needed and starts main screen """ app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) app.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(curr_directory() + '/images/icon.png')) = app if platform.system() == 'Linux': QtCore.QCoreApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_X11InitThreads) with open(curr_directory() + '/styles/dark_style.qss') as fl: style = app.setStyleSheet(style) encrypt_save = toxes.ToxES() if self.path is not None: path = os.path.dirname(self.path) + '/' name = os.path.basename(self.path)[:-4] data = ProfileHelper(path, name).open_profile() if encrypt_save.is_data_encrypted(data): data = self.enter_pass(data) settings = Settings(name) self.tox = profile.tox_factory(data, settings) else: auto_profile = Settings.get_auto_profile() if not auto_profile[0]: # show login screen if default profile not found current_locale = QtCore.QLocale() curr_lang = current_locale.languageToString(current_locale.language()) langs = Settings.supported_languages() if curr_lang in langs: lang_path = langs[curr_lang] translator = QtCore.QTranslator() translator.load(curr_directory() + '/translations/' + lang_path) app.installTranslator(translator) app.translator = translator ls = LoginScreen() ls.setWindowIconText("Toxygen") profiles = ProfileHelper.find_profiles() ls.update_select(map(lambda x: x[1], profiles)) _login = self.Login(profiles) ls.update_on_close(_login.login_screen_close) app.exec_() if not _login.t: return elif _login.t == 1: # create new profile = name = if else 'toxygen_user' pr = map(lambda x: x[1], ProfileHelper.find_profiles()) if name in list(pr): msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle( QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", "Error")) text = (QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("MainWindow", 'Profile with this name already exists')) msgBox.setText(text) msgBox.exec_() return self.tox = profile.tox_factory() self.tox.self_set_name(bytes(, 'utf-8') if else b'Toxygen User') self.tox.self_set_status_message(b'Toxing on Toxygen') reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, 'Profile {}'.format(name), QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("login", 'Do you want to set profile password?'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: set_pass = SetProfilePasswordScreen(encrypt_save) reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, 'Profile {}'.format(name), QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("login", 'Do you want to save profile in default folder? If no, profile will be saved in program folder'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: path = Settings.get_default_path() else: path = curr_directory() + '/' try: ProfileHelper(path, name).save_profile(self.tox.get_savedata()) except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) log('Profile creation exception: ' + str(ex)) msgBox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgBox.setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("login", 'Profile saving error! Does Toxygen have permission to write to this directory?')) msgBox.exec_() return path = Settings.get_default_path() settings = Settings(name) if curr_lang in langs: settings['language'] = curr_lang else: # load existing profile path, name = _login.get_data() if _login.default: Settings.set_auto_profile(path, name) data = ProfileHelper(path, name).open_profile() if encrypt_save.is_data_encrypted(data): data = self.enter_pass(data) settings = Settings(name) self.tox = profile.tox_factory(data, settings) else: path, name = auto_profile data = ProfileHelper(path, name).open_profile() if encrypt_save.is_data_encrypted(data): data = self.enter_pass(data) settings = Settings(name) self.tox = profile.tox_factory(data, settings) if Settings.is_active_profile(path, name): # profile is in use reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, 'Profile {}'.format(name), QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("login", 'Other instance of Toxygen uses this profile or profile was not properly closed. Continue?'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply != QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: return else: settings.set_active_profile() # application color scheme for theme in settings.built_in_themes().keys(): if settings['theme'] == theme: with open(curr_directory() + settings.built_in_themes()[theme]) as fl: style = app.setStyleSheet(style) lang = Settings.supported_languages()[settings['language']] translator = QtCore.QTranslator() translator.load(curr_directory() + '/translations/' + lang) app.installTranslator(translator) app.translator = translator # tray icon self.tray = QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon(QtGui.QIcon(curr_directory() + '/images/icon.png')) self.tray.setObjectName('tray') = MainWindow(self.tox, self.reset, self.tray) app.aboutToQuit.connect( class Menu(QtWidgets.QMenu): def newStatus(self, status): if not Settings.get_instance().locked: profile.Profile.get_instance().set_status(status) self.aboutToShowHandler() self.hide() def aboutToShowHandler(self): status = profile.Profile.get_instance().status act = self.act if status is None or Settings.get_instance().locked: self.actions()[1].setVisible(False) else: self.actions()[1].setVisible(True) act.actions()[0].setChecked(False) act.actions()[1].setChecked(False) act.actions()[2].setChecked(False) act.actions()[status].setChecked(True) self.actions()[2].setVisible(not Settings.get_instance().locked) def languageChange(self, *args, **kwargs): self.actions()[0].setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Open Toxygen')) self.actions()[1].setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Set status')) self.actions()[2].setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Exit')) self.act.actions()[0].setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Online')) self.act.actions()[1].setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Away')) self.act.actions()[2].setText(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Busy')) m = Menu() show = m.addAction(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Open Toxygen')) sub = m.addMenu(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Set status')) onl = sub.addAction(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Online')) away = sub.addAction(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Away')) busy = sub.addAction(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Busy')) onl.setCheckable(True) away.setCheckable(True) busy.setCheckable(True) m.act = sub exit = m.addAction(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate('tray', 'Exit')) def show_window(): s = Settings.get_instance() def show(): if not & ~QtCore.Qt.WindowMinimized | QtCore.Qt.WindowActive) if not s.locked: show() else: def correct_pass(): show() s.locked = False s.unlockScreen = False if not s.unlockScreen: s.unlockScreen = True self.p = UnlockAppScreen(toxes.ToxES.get_instance(), correct_pass) def tray_activated(reason): if reason == QtWidgets.QSystemTrayIcon.DoubleClick: show_window() def close_app(): if not Settings.get_instance().locked: settings.closing = True show.triggered.connect(show_window) exit.triggered.connect(close_app) m.aboutToShow.connect(lambda: m.aboutToShowHandler()) onl.triggered.connect(lambda: m.newStatus(0)) away.triggered.connect(lambda: m.newStatus(1)) busy.triggered.connect(lambda: m.newStatus(2)) self.tray.setContextMenu(m) self.tray.activated.connect(tray_activated) updating = False if settings['update'] and updater.updater_available() and updater.connection_available(): # auto update version = updater.check_for_updates() if version is not None: if settings['update'] == 2: updating = True else: reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(None, 'Toxygen', QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("login", 'Update for Toxygen was found. Download and install it?'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No) if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: updating = True if updating: data = self.tox.get_savedata() ProfileHelper.get_instance().save_profile(data) settings.close() del self.tox return plugin_helper = PluginLoader(self.tox, settings) # plugin support plugin_helper.load() start() # init thread self.init = self.InitThread(self.tox,, self.tray) self.init.start() # starting threads for tox iterate and toxav iterate self.mainloop = self.ToxIterateThread(self.tox) self.mainloop.start() self.avloop = self.ToxAVIterateThread(self.tox.AV) self.avloop.start() if self.uri is not None: app.lastWindowClosed.connect(app.quit) app.exec_() self.init.stop = True self.mainloop.stop = True self.avloop.stop = True plugin_helper.stop() stop() self.mainloop.wait() self.init.wait() self.avloop.wait() data = self.tox.get_savedata() ProfileHelper.get_instance().save_profile(data) settings.close() del self.tox def reset(self): """ Create new tox instance (new network settings) :return: tox instance """ self.mainloop.stop = True self.init.stop = True self.avloop.stop = True self.mainloop.wait() self.init.wait() self.avloop.wait() data = self.tox.get_savedata() ProfileHelper.get_instance().save_profile(data) del self.tox # create new tox instance self.tox = profile.tox_factory(data, Settings.get_instance()) # init thread self.init = self.InitThread(self.tox,, self.tray) self.init.start() # starting threads for tox iterate and toxav iterate self.mainloop = self.ToxIterateThread(self.tox) self.mainloop.start() self.avloop = self.ToxAVIterateThread(self.tox.AV) self.avloop.start() plugin_helper = PluginLoader.get_instance() plugin_helper.set_tox(self.tox) return self.tox # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Inner classes # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class InitThread(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, tox, ms, tray): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.tox,, self.tray = tox, ms, tray self.stop = False def run(self): # initializing callbacks init_callbacks(self.tox,, self.tray) # bootstrap try: for data in node_generator(): if self.stop: return self.tox.bootstrap(*data) self.tox.add_tcp_relay(*data) except: pass for _ in range(10): if self.stop: return self.msleep(1000) while not self.tox.self_get_connection_status(): try: for data in node_generator(): if self.stop: return self.tox.bootstrap(*data) self.tox.add_tcp_relay(*data) except: pass finally: self.msleep(5000) class ToxIterateThread(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, tox): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.tox = tox self.stop = False def run(self): while not self.stop: self.tox.iterate() self.msleep(self.tox.iteration_interval()) class ToxAVIterateThread(QtCore.QThread): def __init__(self, toxav): QtCore.QThread.__init__(self) self.toxav = toxav self.stop = False def run(self): while not self.stop: self.toxav.iterate() self.msleep(self.toxav.iteration_interval()) class Login: def __init__(self, arr): self.arr = arr def login_screen_close(self, t, number=-1, default=False, name=None): """ Function which processes data from login screen :param t: 0 - window was closed, 1 - new profile was created, 2 - profile loaded :param number: num of chosen profile in list (-1 by default) :param default: was or not chosen profile marked as default :param name: name of new profile """ self.t = t self.num = number self.default = default = name def get_data(self): return self.arr[self.num] def clean(): """Removes all windows libs from libs folder""" d = curr_directory() + '/libs/' remove(d) def reset(): Settings.reset_auto_profile() def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: toxygen = Toxygen() else: # started with argument(s) arg = sys.argv[1] if arg == '--version': print('Toxygen v' + program_version) return elif arg == '--help': print('Usage:\ntoxygen path_to_profile\ntoxygen tox_id\ntoxygen --version\ntoxygen --reset') return elif arg == '--clean': clean() return elif arg == '--reset': reset() return else: toxygen = Toxygen(arg) toxygen.main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()